func get(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "GET" { w.Header().Add("Allow", "GET") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } // Cut out the prefix slash path := r.URL.Path[1:] log.Debugf("%[1]s requested long url of %[2]s", getIP(r), path) url, redirect, err := data.Query(path) if err != nil { // No short url found log.Warnf("Failed to find redirect from short url %[2]s: %[1]s", err, path) writeError(w, http.StatusNotFound, "notfound", "404: %[1]s is not a valid short url", path) return } if redirect == "http" { // Short URL with HTTP redirect found. w.Header().Add("Location", url) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusFound) } else if redirect == "html" { // Short URL with HTML redirect found. w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) templRedirect.Execute(w, struct{ URL interface{} }{url}) } }
func query(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "POST" { w.Header().Add("Allow", "POST") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } ip := getIP(r) decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) var req Request // Decode the payload. err := decoder.Decode(&req) if err != nil || len(req.Action) == 0 || len(req.URL) == 0 { log.Debugf("%[1]s sent an invalid insert request.", ip) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) return } if req.Action == "unshorten" { if !strings.HasPrefix(req.URL, config.URL) { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to unshorten an invalid URL.", ip) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "notshortened", "The URL you entered is not a mau\\Lu short URL.") return } shortID := req.URL[len(config.URL):] if len(shortID) > 20 { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to unshorten an impossibly long short URL", ip) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "toolong", "The URL you entered is too long.") return } longURL, _, err := data.Query(shortID) if err != nil { log.Warnf("%[1]s queried the target of the non-existent short URL %[2]s", ip, req.URL) writeError(w, http.StatusNotFound, "notfound", "The short url id %[1]s doesn't exist!", req.URL) return } log.Debugf("%[1]s queried the target of %[2]s.", ip, req.URL) writeSuccess(w, longURL) } else if req.Action == "shorten" || req.Action == "google" || req.Action == "duckduckgo" { if len(req.RequestShort) == 0 { req.RequestShort = randomShortURL() } if req.RedirectType == "js" { req.RedirectType = "html" } else if len(req.RedirectType) == 0 || (req.RedirectType != "http" && req.RedirectType != "html") { req.RedirectType = "http" } if !validShortURL(req.RequestShort) { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to use invalid characters in a short URL", ip) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "illegalchars", "The short URL contains illegal characters.") return } if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL, config.URL) { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to shorten the mau\\Lu url %[2]s", ip, req.URL) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "alreadyshortened", "The given URL is already a mau\\Lu URL") return } if req.Action == "google" { req.URL = "" + url.QueryEscape(req.URL) } else if req.Action == "duckduckgo" { req.URL = "" + strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(req.URL), "+", " ", -1) } else if !strings.HasPrefix(req.URL, "https://") && !strings.HasPrefix(req.URL, "http://") { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to shorten an URL with an unidentified protocol", ip) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalidprotocol", "Protocol couldn't be identified.") return } if len(req.URL) > 255 { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to shorten a very long URL", ip) writeError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "toolong", "The URL you entered is too long.") return } str, _, err := data.Query(req.RequestShort) if (err == nil || len(str) != 0) && str != req.URL { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to insert %[3]s into the short url %[2]s, but it is already in use.", ip, req.RequestShort, req.URL) writeError(w, http.StatusConflict, "alreadyinuse", "The short url %[1]s is already in use.", req.RequestShort) return } resultURL := config.URL + data.Insert(req.URL, req.RequestShort, req.RedirectType) log.Debugf("%[1]s shortened %[3]s into %[2]s", ip, req.URL, resultURL) writeSuccess(w, resultURL) } else { log.Warnf("%[1]s attempted to use an unidentified action: %[2]s", ip, req.Action) writeError(w, http.StatusNotFound, "action", "Invalid action \"%[1]s\"", req.Action) } }