예제 #1
func (mi *MfgImage) loadRawEntry(
	entryIdx int, rawEntry map[string]string) (MfgRawEntry, error) {

	raw := MfgRawEntry{}

	var err error

	deviceStr := rawEntry["device"]
	if deviceStr == "" {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"raw entry %d missing required \"device\" field", entryIdx)

	raw.device, err = util.AtoiNoOct(deviceStr)
	if err != nil {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"raw entry %d contains invalid offset: %s", entryIdx, deviceStr)

	offsetStr := rawEntry["offset"]
	if offsetStr == "" {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"raw entry %d missing required \"offset\" field", entryIdx)

	raw.offset, err = util.AtoiNoOct(offsetStr)
	if err != nil {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"raw entry %d contains invalid offset: %s", entryIdx, offsetStr)

	raw.filename = rawEntry["file"]
	if raw.filename == "" {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"raw entry %d missing required \"file\" field", entryIdx)

	if !strings.HasPrefix(raw.filename, "/") {
		raw.filename = mi.basePkg.BasePath() + "/" + raw.filename

	raw.data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(raw.filename)
	if err != nil {
		return raw, mi.loadError(
			"error loading file for raw entry %d; filename=%s: %s",
			entryIdx, raw.filename, err.Error())

	return raw, nil
예제 #2
func targetSyscfgKVFromStr(str string) (map[string]string, error) {
	vals := map[string]string{}

	if strings.TrimSpace(str) == "" {
		return vals, nil

	// Separate syscfg vals are delimited by ':'.
	fields := strings.Split(str, ":")

	// Key-value pairs are delimited by '='.  If no '=' is present, assume the
	// string is the key name and the value is 1.
	for _, f := range fields {
		if _, err := util.AtoiNoOct(f); err == nil {
			return nil, util.FmtNewtError(
				"Invalid setting name \"%s\"; must not be a number", f)

		kv := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2)
		switch len(kv) {
		case 1:
			vals[f] = "1"
		case 2:
			vals[kv[0]] = kv[1]

	return vals, nil
예제 #3
func ValueIsTrue(val string) bool {
	if val == "" {
		return false

	i, err := util.AtoiNoOct(val)
	if err == nil && i == 0 {
		return false

	return true
예제 #4
func parseSize(val string) (int, error) {
	lower := strings.ToLower(val)

	multiplier := 1
	if strings.HasSuffix(lower, "kb") {
		multiplier = 1024
		lower = strings.TrimSuffix(lower, "kb")

	num, err := util.AtoiNoOct(lower)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return num * multiplier, nil
예제 #5
func parseFlashArea(
	name string, ymlFields map[string]interface{}) (FlashArea, error) {

	area := FlashArea{
		Name: name,

	idPresent := false
	devicePresent := false
	offsetPresent := false
	sizePresent := false

	var isSystem bool
	area.Id, isSystem = SYSTEM_AREA_NAME_ID_MAP[name]

	var err error

	fields := cast.ToStringMapString(ymlFields)
	for k, v := range fields {
		switch k {
		case "user_id":
			if isSystem {
				return area, flashAreaErr(name,
					"system areas cannot specify a user ID")
			userId, err := util.AtoiNoOct(v)
			if err != nil {
				return area, flashAreaErr(name, "invalid user id: %s", v)
			area.Id = userId + AREA_USER_ID_MIN
			idPresent = true

		case "device":
			area.Device, err = util.AtoiNoOct(v)
			if err != nil {
				return area, flashAreaErr(name, "invalid device: %s", v)
			devicePresent = true

		case "offset":
			area.Offset, err = util.AtoiNoOct(v)
			if err != nil {
				return area, flashAreaErr(name, "invalid offset: %s", v)
			offsetPresent = true

		case "size":
			area.Size, err = parseSize(v)
			if err != nil {
				return area, flashAreaErr(name, err.Error())
			sizePresent = true

				"Warning: flash area \"%s\" contains unrecognized field: %s",
				name, k)

	if !isSystem && !idPresent {
		return area, flashAreaErr(name, "required field \"user_id\" missing")
	if !devicePresent {
		return area, flashAreaErr(name, "required field \"device\" missing")
	if !offsetPresent {
		return area, flashAreaErr(name, "required field \"offset\" missing")
	if !sizePresent {
		return area, flashAreaErr(name, "required field \"size\" missing")

	return area, nil
예제 #6
func calcPriorities(cfg Cfg, settingType CfgSettingType, max int,
	allowDups bool) error {

	// setting-name => entry
	anyEntries := map[string]CfgEntry{}

	// priority-value => entry
	valEntries := map[int]CfgEntry{}

	for name, entry := range cfg.Settings {
		if entry.SettingType == settingType {
			if entry.Value == SYSCFG_PRIO_ANY {
				anyEntries[name] = entry
			} else {
				prio, err := util.AtoiNoOct(entry.Value)
				if err != nil {
					return util.FmtNewtError(
						"invalid priority value: setting=%s value=%s pkg=%s",
						name, entry.Value, entry.History[0].Name())

				if prio > max {
					return util.FmtNewtError(
						"invalid priority value: value too great (> %d); "+
							"setting=%s value=%s pkg=%s",
						max, entry.Name, entry.Value,

				if !allowDups {
					if oldEntry, ok := valEntries[prio]; ok {
						return util.FmtNewtError(
							"duplicate priority value: setting1=%s "+
								"setting2=%s pkg1=%s pkg2=%s value=%s",
							oldEntry.Name, entry.Name, entry.Value,

				valEntries[prio] = entry

	greatest := 0
	for prio, _ := range valEntries {
		if prio > greatest {
			greatest = prio

	anyNames := make([]string, 0, len(anyEntries))
	for name, _ := range anyEntries {
		anyNames = append(anyNames, name)

	for _, name := range anyNames {
		entry := anyEntries[name]

		if greatest > max {
			return util.FmtNewtError("could not assign 'any' priority: "+
				"value too great (> %d); setting=%s value=%s pkg=%s",
				max, name, greatest,

		entry.Value = strconv.Itoa(greatest)
		cfg.Settings[name] = entry

	return nil