예제 #1
// Taken and reworked from: https://gist.github.com/madmo/8548738
func websocketHTTPConnect(proxy, urlString string) (net.Conn, error) {
	p, err := net.Dial("tcp", proxy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	turl, err := url.Parse(urlString)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req := http.Request{
		Method: "CONNECT",
		URL:    &url.URL{},
		Host:   turl.Host,

	cc := httputil.NewProxyClientConn(p, nil)
	if err != nil && err != httputil.ErrPersistEOF {
		return nil, err

	rwc, _ := cc.Hijack()

	return rwc, nil
예제 #2
// dial dials the host specified by req, using TLS if appropriate, optionally
// using a proxy server if one is configured via environment variables.
func (s *SpdyRoundTripper) dial(req *http.Request) (net.Conn, error) {
	proxyURL, err := http.ProxyFromEnvironment(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if proxyURL == nil {
		return s.dialWithoutProxy(req.URL)

	// ensure we use a canonical host with proxyReq
	targetHost := netutil.CanonicalAddr(req.URL)

	// proxying logic adapted from http://blog.h6t.eu/post/74098062923/golang-websocket-with-http-proxy-support
	proxyReq := http.Request{
		Method: "CONNECT",
		URL:    &url.URL{},
		Host:   targetHost,

	proxyDialConn, err := s.dialWithoutProxy(proxyURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	proxyClientConn := httputil.NewProxyClientConn(proxyDialConn, nil)
	_, err = proxyClientConn.Do(&proxyReq)
	if err != nil && err != httputil.ErrPersistEOF {
		return nil, err

	rwc, _ := proxyClientConn.Hijack()

	if req.URL.Scheme != "https" {
		return rwc, nil

	host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.URL.Host)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(s.tlsConfig.ServerName) == 0 {
		s.tlsConfig.ServerName = host

	tlsConn := tls.Client(rwc, s.tlsConfig)

	// need to manually call Handshake() so we can call VerifyHostname() below
	if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := tlsConn.VerifyHostname(host); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return tlsConn, nil
예제 #3
// function to do the actual testing and output the necessary bits
// we don't really care about ordering here otherwise we'd need to do a better job of organizing the output
func (w *Worker) testHost(work *Work) {

	// more debug
	w.dbg(3, "Ok.. prepping to test %s\n", work.target)

	// pre-define myConn/tlsConn/client
	var myConn net.Conn
	var tlsConn *tls.Conn
	var client *httputil.ClientConn

	// need a couple of vars for holding ip addresses and default them to being empty
	var ip4 string = ""
	var ip6 string = ""

	// and a var to stash our full host:port combo in
	var address string = ""

	// create a buffer we'll use later for reading client body
	buffer := make([]byte, 1024)

	// build our request
	request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", work.url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		w.dbgError("Failed to build request for %s : %s\n", work.url, err)
	if config.ua == "" {
		request.Header.Set("User-Agent", version)
	} else {
		request.Header.Set("User-Agent", config.ua)

	// debug
	w.dbg(3, "Request: %+v\n", request)

	// set a timer for the connection
	timestart := time.Now()

	ipaddr, ierr := net.LookupHost(work.target)
	if ierr != nil {
		w.dbgError("Failed to lookup %s : %s", work.target, ierr)

	for _, x := range ipaddr {
		if len(x) > 16 {
			if ip6 == "" {
				ip6 = x
		} else if ip4 == "" {
			ip4 = x

	timestop := time.Now()
	iplookup := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	// build our address string
	if config.tcpfour {
		address = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip4, work.port)
	} else {
		address = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ip6, work.port)

	// debug
	w.dbg(1, "Attempting to connect to %s\n", address)

	// since we want some very low level access to bits and pieces, we're going to have to use tcp dial vs the native http client
	// create a net.conn
	w.dbg(1, "Connecting to %s\n", address)
	if config.tcpfour {
		myConn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp4", address, time.Duration(config.timeout)*time.Second)
	} else if config.tcpsix {
		myConn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp6", address, time.Duration(config.timeout)*time.Second)
	} else {
		myConn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, time.Duration(config.timeout)*time.Second)

	if err != nil {
		w.dbgError("Could not connect to %s : %s\n", address, err)
	w.dbg(2, "Connected to %s\n", address)

	// get a time reading on how long it took to connect to the socket
	timestop = time.Now()
	tcpConnect := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	// defer close
	defer myConn.Close()

	// need to add some deadlines so we don't sit around indefintely - 5s is more than sufficient
	myConn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(5 * time.Second)))

	// if we're an ssl connection, we need a few extra steps here
	if work.ssl {
		w.dbg(1, "Starting SSL procedures...\n")

		// default to allowing insecure ssl
		tlsConfig := tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}

		// create a real tls connection
		tlsConn = tls.Client(myConn, &tlsConfig)

		// do our SSL negotiation
		err = tlsConn.Handshake()
		if err != nil {
			w.dbgError("Could not negotiate tls handshake on %s : %s\n", address, err)

		// defer closing this connection as well
		defer tlsConn.Close()

	// get a time reading on how long it took to negotiate ssl
	timestop = time.Now()
	sslHandshake := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	// get our state
	if work.ssl {
		state := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
		w.dbg(2, "Handshake Complete: %t\n", state.HandshakeComplete)
		w.dbg(2, "Mutual: %t\n", state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual)

	// debug
	w.dbg(3, "Converting to an HTTP client connection...\n")

	// convert to an http connection
	if work.ssl {
		client = httputil.NewProxyClientConn(tlsConn, nil)
	} else {
		client = httputil.NewProxyClientConn(myConn, nil)

	// debug
	w.dbg(1, "Making GET request\n")

	// write our request to the socket
	err = client.Write(request)
	if err != nil {
		w.dbgError("Error writing request : %s\n", err)

	// read our response headers
	response, err := client.Read(request)
	if err != nil {
		// did we get a 400?
		if response.StatusCode == 400 {
			w.dbgError("400 response received.. \n")
		// did we get a 404?
		if response.StatusCode == 404 {
			w.dbgError("404 response received.. \n")
		// any other error, exit out
		w.dbgError("Error reading response : %s\n", err)

	w.dbg(1, "Status: %s\n", response.Status)

	// did we get a response?
	if len(response.Header) == 0 {
		w.dbgError("0 length response, something probably broke")

	// measure response header time
	timestop = time.Now()
	respTime := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	// defer close since we still want to read the body of the object
	defer response.Body.Close()

	// build a reader
	br := bufio.NewReader(response.Body)

	// now read the first byte
	c, err := br.ReadByte()
	if err != nil {
		w.dbgError("Could not read data: %s\n", err)

	// measure our first byte time, this is normally 0ms however longer periods could be indicative of a problem
	timestop = time.Now()
	byteTime := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	// ok, read the rest of the response
	n, err := br.Read(buffer)
	count := n
	for err != io.EOF {
		n, err = br.Read(buffer)
		count += n

	// did we fail to read everything?
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		w.dbgError("Error on data read, continuing with only %d bytes of %s read\n", count+1, response.Header.Get("Content-Length"))

	// measure our overall time to proccess the entire transaction
	timestop = time.Now()
	totalTime := (timestop.Sub(timestart))

	w.dbg(2, "Received %d bytes total\n", count+1)
	w.dbg(3, "Response: %s%s\n", string(c), string(buffer))

	// shut down the client

	// properly close out our other connections
	if work.ssl {

	if work.gph != nil {
		// Graphite selected
		w.dbg(2, "Graphite selected...\n")
		gname := strings.Replace(work.target, ".", "_", -1)
		prefix := ""
		if config.prefix != "" {
			prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", config.prefix)
		if work.ssl {
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/dns_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(iplookup/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/connect_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(tcpConnect/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/ssl_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(sslHandshake/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/response_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(respTime/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/byte_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(byteTime/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/ssl_port_%d/total_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(totalTime/1000000))
		} else {
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/http_port_%d/dns_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(iplookup/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/http_port_%d/connect_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(tcpConnect/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/http_port_%d/response_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(respTime/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/http_port_%d/byte_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(byteTime/1000000))
			work.gph.PostOne(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/http_port_%d/total_time", prefix, gname, work.port), float64(totalTime/1000000))

		// if we've defined multiple, output in all defined formats + stdout
		if !config.multiple {

	// PublishMetric(host string, instance string, key string, value int64) (error Error) {

	// add tsdb writing
	if config.tval != "" {
		w.dbg(2, "Writing to tsdb server...\n")
		var METRIC []interface{}
		var tags map[string]interface{}
		var metric map[string]interface{}

		tstamp := int64(time.Now().Unix())

		if work.ssl {
			tags = map[string]interface{}{"host": work.target, "port": work.port, "type": "ssl"}
			metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "handshake_time", "value": int64(sslHandshake / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
			METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)
		} else {
			tags = map[string]interface{}{"Host": work.target, "Port": work.port, "Type": "http"}
		metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "dns_lookup", "value": int64(iplookup / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
		METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)
		metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "connect_time", "value": int64(tcpConnect / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
		METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)
		metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "response_time", "value": int64(respTime / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
		METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)
		metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "firstbyte_time", "value": int64(byteTime / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
		METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)
		metric = map[string]interface{}{"metric": "total_time", "value": int64(totalTime / 1000000), "timestamp": tstamp, "tags": tags}
		METRIC = append(METRIC, metric)

		b, _ := json.Marshal(METRIC)
		err = writeTSDB(b)
		if err != nil {
			dbg(1, "Error writing to tsdb server: %s\n", err)

		// if we've defined multiple, output in all defined formats + stdout
		if !config.multiple {

	// add collectd style output
	if config.collectd {
		if work.ssl {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-dns_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, iplookup/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-connect_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, tcpConnect/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-ssl_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, sslHandshake/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-response_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, respTime/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-byte_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, byteTime/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/ssl_port_%d/milliseconds-total_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, totalTime/1000000)
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/http_port_%d/milliseconds-dns_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, iplookup/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/http_port_%d/milliseconds-connect_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, tcpConnect/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/http_port_%d/milliseconds-response_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, respTime/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/http_port_%d/milliseconds-byte_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, byteTime/1000000)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PUTVAL %s/http_port_%d/milliseconds-total_time interval=%d N:%d\n", work.target, work.port, config.interval, totalTime/1000000)

		// if we've defined multiple, output in all defined formats + stdout
		if !config.multiple {

	// add function for zabbix
	if config.zabbix {
		if work.ssl {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "https_host=%s, port=%d, dns_lookup=%dms, socket_connect=%dms, ssl_negotiation=%dms, response_time=%dms, first_byte=%dms, total_time=%dms ",
				work.target, work.port, iplookup/1000000, tcpConnect/1000000, sslHandshake/1000000, respTime/1000000, byteTime/1000000, totalTime/1000000)
			if config.expires {
				i := 0
				state := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
				for _, v := range state.PeerCertificates {
					if i == 0 {
						myT := time.Now()
						myExpires := v.NotAfter.Sub(myT)
						fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "expires=%dd\n", myExpires/8.64e13)
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "host=%s, port=%d, dns_lookup=%dms, socket_connect=%dms, response_time=%dms, first_byte=%dms, total_time=%dms\n",
				work.target, work.port, iplookup/1000000, tcpConnect/1000000, respTime/1000000, byteTime/1000000, totalTime/1000000)

		// if we've defined multiple, output in all defined formats + stdout
		if !config.multiple {

	// print out our values
	if (!config.multiple) || (config.verbose) {
		if work.ssl {
			log.Printf("Host: %s -> DNS Lookup: %dms, Socket Connect: %dms, SSL Negotiation: %dms, Response Time: %dms, 1st Byte: %dms, Total Time: %dms\n",
				work.target, iplookup/1000000, tcpConnect/1000000, sslHandshake/1000000, respTime/1000000, byteTime/1000000, totalTime/1000000)
		} else {
			log.Printf("Host: %s -> DNS Lookup: %dms, Socket Connect: %dms, Response Time: %dms, 1st Byte: %dms, Total Time: %dms\n",
				work.target, iplookup/1000000, tcpConnect/1000000, respTime/1000000, byteTime/1000000, totalTime/1000000)

		if work.ssl {
			if config.expires == true {
				i := 0
				state := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
				for _, v := range state.PeerCertificates {
					if i == 0 {
						myT := time.Now()
						myExpires := v.NotAfter.Sub(myT)
						fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Cert expires in: %d days\n", myExpires/8.64e13)

	if config.verbose {

		log.Printf("StatusCode: %d\n", response.StatusCode)
		log.Printf("ProtoCol: %s\n", response.Proto)
		for k, v := range response.Header {
			log.Printf("%s: %v\n", k, v)
		if work.ssl {
			if config.printcert == true {
				i := 0
				state := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
				for _, v := range state.PeerCertificates {
					if i == 0 {
						sslFrom := v.NotBefore
						sslTo := v.NotAfter
						log.Printf("Server key information:")
						log.Printf("\tCN:\t%v\n\tOU:\t%v\n\tOrg:\t%v\n", v.Subject.CommonName, v.Subject.OrganizationalUnit, v.Subject.Organization)
						log.Printf("\tCity:\t%v\n\tState:\t%v\n\tCountry:%v\n", v.Subject.Locality, v.Subject.Province, v.Subject.Country)
						log.Printf("SSL Certificate Valid:\n\tFrom: %v\n\tTo: %v\n", sslFrom, sslTo)
						log.Printf("Valid Certificate DNS:\n")
						if len(v.DNSNames) >= 1 {
							for dns := range v.DNSNames {
								log.Printf("\t%v\n", v.DNSNames[dns])
						} else {
							log.Printf("\t%v\n", v.Subject.CommonName)
					} else if i == 1 {
						log.Printf("Issued by:\n\t%v\n\t%v\n\t%v\n", v.Subject.CommonName, v.Subject.OrganizationalUnit, v.Subject.Organization)
					} else {
						// we're done here, lets move on

		// throw in a new line to pretty it up


예제 #4
파일: prox.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/jra-go
func (p *Proxy) ServeHTTP(cwr http.ResponseWriter, creq *http.Request) {
	// c = things towards the client of the proxy
	// o = things towards origin server

	if creq.Method == "CONNECT" {
		rc, err := net.Dial("tcp", creq.URL.Host)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(cwr, err.Error(), http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
			loghit(creq, http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
		remote := bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(rc),

		loghit(creq, http.StatusOK)

		hj, ok := cwr.(http.Hijacker)
		if !ok {
			panic("not hijackable")
		wc, client, err := hj.Hijack()

		done := make(chan int)

		f := func(from, to *bufio.ReadWriter) {
			var err error
			n := 0
			for err == nil {
				var c byte
				c, err = from.ReadByte()
				if err == nil {
					err = to.WriteByte(c)
			done <- n
		go f(remote, client)
		go f(client, remote)

		// wait for one side to finish and close both sides
		tot := <-done
		tot += <-done

		log.Print("CONNECT finished, ", tot, " bytes")

	oreq := new(http.Request)
	oreq.ProtoMajor = 1
	oreq.ProtoMinor = 1
	oreq.Close = true
	oreq.Header = creq.Header
	oreq.Method = creq.Method

	ourl, err := url.Parse(creq.RequestURI)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(cwr, fmt.Sprint("Malformed request", err),
		loghit(creq, http.StatusNotImplemented)
	oreq.URL = ourl

	if oreq.URL.Scheme != "http" {
		http.Error(cwr, "I only proxy http", http.StatusNotImplemented)
		loghit(creq, http.StatusNotImplemented)

	if oreq.Method != "GET" && oreq.Method != "POST" {
		log.Print("Cannot handle method ", creq.Method)
		http.Error(cwr, "I only handle GET and POST", http.StatusNotImplemented)

	if oreq.Method == "POST" {
		oreq.Method = "POST"
		if _, ok := oreq.Header["Content-Type"]; !ok {
			oreq.Header.Set("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data")
		oreq.ContentLength = creq.ContentLength
		oreq.Body = creq.Body

	addr := oreq.URL.Host
	if !hasPort(addr) {
		addr += ":" + oreq.URL.Scheme
	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(cwr, err.Error(), http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
		loghit(creq, http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
	c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(3 * time.Second))
	cc := httputil.NewProxyClientConn(c, nil)

	// debug
	//dbg, err := http.DumpRequest(oreq, true)
	//log.Print("Dump request to origin server:\n", string(dbg))

	err = cc.Write(oreq)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(cwr, err.Error(), http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
		loghit(creq, http.StatusGatewayTimeout)

	oresp, err := cc.Read(oreq)
	if err != nil && err != httputil.ErrPersistEOF {
		http.Error(cwr, err.Error(), http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
		loghit(creq, http.StatusGatewayTimeout)

	//dbg, err = http.DumpResponse(oresp, true)
	//log.Print("Dump response from origin server:\n", string(dbg))

	for hdr, val := range oresp.Header {
		if !doNotCopy[hdr] {
			h := cwr.Header()
			h[hdr] = val

	// simulate it coming in over gLink, a shared rate-limited link
	io.Copy(cwr, gLink.NewLinkReader(oresp.Body))

	loghit(creq, oresp.StatusCode)