예제 #1
func TestFilterDuplicates(t *testing.T) {
	// parse input
	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", input, 0)
	if err != nil {

	// create package
	files := map[string]*ast.File{"": file}
	pkg, err := ast.NewPackage(fset, files, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {

	// filter
	merged := ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg, ast.FilterFuncDuplicates)

	// pretty-print
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	if err := format.Node(&buf, fset, merged); err != nil {
	output := buf.String()

	if output != golden {
		t.Errorf("incorrect output:\n%s", output)
예제 #2
// getPageInfo returns the PageInfo for a package directory abspath. If the
// parameter genAST is set, an AST containing only the package exports is
// computed (PageInfo.PAst), otherwise package documentation (PageInfo.Doc)
// is extracted from the AST. If there is no corresponding package in the
// directory, PageInfo.PAst and PageInfo.PDoc are nil. If there are no sub-
// directories, PageInfo.Dirs is nil. If an error occurred, PageInfo.Err is
// set to the respective error but the error is not logged.
func (h *docServer) getPageInfo(abspath, relpath string, mode PageInfoMode) *PageInfo {
	info := &PageInfo{Dirname: abspath}

	// Restrict to the package files that would be used when building
	// the package on this system.  This makes sure that if there are
	// separate implementations for, say, Windows vs Unix, we don't
	// jumble them all together.
	// Note: Uses current binary's GOOS/GOARCH.
	// To use different pair, such as if we allowed the user to choose,
	// set ctxt.GOOS and ctxt.GOARCH before calling ctxt.ImportDir.
	ctxt := build.Default
	ctxt.IsAbsPath = pathpkg.IsAbs
	ctxt.ReadDir = fsReadDir
	ctxt.OpenFile = fsOpenFile
	pkginfo, err := ctxt.ImportDir(abspath, 0)
	// continue if there are no Go source files; we still want the directory info
	if _, nogo := err.(*build.NoGoError); err != nil && !nogo {
		info.Err = err
		return info

	// collect package files
	pkgname := pkginfo.Name
	pkgfiles := append(pkginfo.GoFiles, pkginfo.CgoFiles...)
	if len(pkgfiles) == 0 {
		// Commands written in C have no .go files in the build.
		// Instead, documentation may be found in an ignored file.
		// The file may be ignored via an explicit +build ignore
		// constraint (recommended), or by defining the package
		// documentation (historic).
		pkgname = "main" // assume package main since pkginfo.Name == ""
		pkgfiles = pkginfo.IgnoredGoFiles

	// get package information, if any
	if len(pkgfiles) > 0 {
		// build package AST
		fset := token.NewFileSet()
		files, err := parseFiles(fset, abspath, pkgfiles)
		if err != nil {
			info.Err = err
			return info

		// ignore any errors - they are due to unresolved identifiers
		pkg, _ := ast.NewPackage(fset, files, poorMansImporter, nil)

		// extract package documentation
		info.FSet = fset
		if mode&showSource == 0 {
			// show extracted documentation
			var m doc.Mode
			if mode&noFiltering != 0 {
				m = doc.AllDecls
			if mode&allMethods != 0 {
				m |= doc.AllMethods
			info.PDoc = doc.New(pkg, pathpkg.Clean(relpath), m) // no trailing '/' in importpath

			// collect examples
			testfiles := append(pkginfo.TestGoFiles, pkginfo.XTestGoFiles...)
			files, err = parseFiles(fset, abspath, testfiles)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("parsing examples:", err)
			info.Examples = collectExamples(pkg, files)

			// collect any notes that we want to show
			if info.PDoc.Notes != nil {
				// could regexp.Compile only once per godoc, but probably not worth it
				if rx, err := regexp.Compile(*notes); err == nil {
					for m, n := range info.PDoc.Notes {
						if rx.MatchString(m) {
							if info.Notes == nil {
								info.Notes = make(map[string][]*doc.Note)
							info.Notes[m] = n

		} else {
			// show source code
			// TODO(gri) Consider eliminating export filtering in this mode,
			//           or perhaps eliminating the mode altogether.
			if mode&noFiltering == 0 {
				packageExports(fset, pkg)
			info.PAst = ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg, 0)
		info.IsMain = pkgname == "main"

	// get directory information, if any
	var dir *Directory
	var timestamp time.Time
	if tree, ts := fsTree.get(); tree != nil && tree.(*Directory) != nil {
		// directory tree is present; lookup respective directory
		// (may still fail if the file system was updated and the
		// new directory tree has not yet been computed)
		dir = tree.(*Directory).lookup(abspath)
		timestamp = ts
	if dir == nil {
		// no directory tree present (too early after startup or
		// command-line mode); compute one level for this page
		// note: cannot use path filter here because in general
		//       it doesn't contain the fsTree path
		dir = newDirectory(abspath, 1)
		timestamp = time.Now()
	info.Dirs = dir.listing(true)
	info.DirTime = timestamp
	info.DirFlat = mode&flatDir != 0

	return info