예제 #1
파일: config.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func GetStringOpt(key string) string {
	cnode := configFile.Get(key)
	if cnode == nil {
		o.Assert("tried to get a configuration option that doesn't exist.")
	sopt, ok := cnode.(*configureit.StringOption)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("tried to get a non-string configuration option with GetStringOpt")
	return strings.TrimSpace(sopt.Value)
예제 #2
파일: config.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func GetIntOpt(key string) int {
	cnode := configFile.Get(key)
	if cnode == nil {
		o.Assert("tried to get a configuration option that doesn't exist.")
	sopt, ok := cnode.(*configureit.IntOption)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("tried to get a non-int configuration option with GetIntOpt")
	return sopt.Value
예제 #3
func handleRequest(c net.Conn, message interface{}) {
	o.Debug("Request Recieved.  Decoding!")
	ptr, ok := message.(*o.TaskRequest)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("CC stuffed up - handleRequest got something that wasn't a TaskRequest.")
	task := TaskFromProto(ptr)
	/* search the registry for the task */
	o.Debug("Request for Job.ID %d", task.Id)
	existing := TaskGet(task.Id)
	if nil != existing {
		if existing.MyResponse.IsFinished() {
			o.Debug("job%d: Resending Response", task.Id)
			sendResponse(c, existing.MyResponse)
	} else {
		// check to see if we have the score
		// add the Job to our Registry
		task.MyResponse = NewTaskResponse()
		task.MyResponse.id = task.Id
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_PENDING
		o.Info("Added New Task (Job ID %d) to our local registry", task.Id)
		// and then push it onto the pending job list so we know it needs actioning.
예제 #4
func RegisterInterface(ifname string, initfunc func(*TaskRequest) ScoreInterface) {
	_, exists := interfaces[ifname]
	if exists {
		o.Assert("Multiple attempts to register %s interface", ifname)
	interfaces[ifname] = initfunc
예제 #5
func handleRequest(c net.Conn, message interface{}) {
	o.Debug("Request Recieved.  Decoding!")
	ptr, ok := message.(*o.ProtoTaskRequest)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("CC stuffed up - handleRequest got something that wasn't a ProtoTaskRequest.")
	job := o.JobFromProto(ptr)
	/* search the registry for the job */
	o.Debug("Request for Job.ID %d", job.Id)
	existing := o.JobGet(job.Id)
	if nil != existing {
		if existing.MyResponse.IsFinished() {
			o.Debug("job%d: Resending Response", job.Id)
			sendResponse(c, existing.MyResponse)
	} else {
		// check to see if we have the score
		// add the Job to our Registry
		job.MyResponse = o.NewTaskResponse()
		job.MyResponse.Id = job.Id
		job.MyResponse.State = o.RESP_PENDING
		o.Info("Added New Job %d to our local registry", job.Id)
		// and then push it onto the pending job list so we know it needs actioning.
예제 #6
// Ugh.
func (job *JobRequest) updateState() {
	if job.Results == nil {
		o.Assert("job.Results nil for jobid %d", job.Id)
	was_finished := job.State.Finished()
	switch job.Scope {
		// look for a success (any success) in the responses
		var success bool
		for host, res := range job.Results {
			if res == nil {
				o.Debug("nil result for %s?", host)
			if res.State == RESP_FINISHED {
				success = true
		// update the job state based upon these findings
		if success {
			job.State = JOB_SUCCESSFUL
		} else {
			if len(job.Players) < 1 {
				job.State = JOB_FAILED
			} else {
				job.State = JOB_PENDING
		var success, failed int

		for pidx := range job.Players {
			p := job.Players[pidx]
			resp, exists := job.Results[p]
			if exists {
				if resp.DidFail() {
				} else if resp.State == RESP_FINISHED {
		if (success + failed) < len(job.Players) {
			job.State = JOB_PENDING
		} else if success == len(job.Players) {
			job.State = JOB_SUCCESSFUL
		} else if failed == len(job.Players) {
			job.State = JOB_FAILED
		} else {
	if !was_finished && job.State.Finished() {
		o.Debug("job%d: finished; setting expiry time", job.Id)
예제 #7
func handleAck(c net.Conn, message interface{}) {
	o.Debug("Ack Received")
	ack, ok := message.(*o.Acknowledgement)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("CC stuffed up - handleAck got something that wasn't a ProtoAcknowledgement.")
예제 #8
파일: config.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func GetCACertList() []string {
	cnode := configFile.Get("ca certificates")
	if cnode == nil {
		o.Assert("tried to get a configuration option that doesn't exist.")
	plopt, _ := cnode.(*configureit.PathListOption)
	return plopt.Values
예제 #9
파일: player.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func handleAck(c net.Conn, message interface{}) {
	ack, ok := message.(*o.ProtoAcknowledgement)
	if !ok {
		o.Assert("CC stuffed up - handleAck got something that wasn't a ProtoAcknowledgement.")
	if ack.Id != nil {
예제 #10
func regInternalExpireJob(jobid uint64) {
	job, exists := jobRegister[jobid]
	if exists {
		if job.State.Finished() {
			delete(jobRegister, jobid)
		} else {
			o.Assert("Tried to expire incomplete job.")
예제 #11
func regInternalFindNextExpiry() {
	if expiryChan != nil {
		o.Assert("Attempted to Find Next Expiry avenue with expiry timer active.")
	// if there's nothing to expire, do nothing.
	if expiryList.Len() == 0 {

	for expiryChan == nil && expiryList.Len() > 0 {
		jobif := expiryList.Remove(expiryList.Front())
		req, ok := jobif.(*JobRequest)
		if !ok {
			o.Assert("item in expiryList not a *JobRequest")
		if time.Now().Add(expiryLoopFudge).After(req.expirytime) {
		} else {
			expiryChan = time.After(req.expirytime.Sub(time.Now()))
			expiryJobid = req.Id
예제 #12
파일: client.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func handleResult(client *ClientInfo, message interface{}) {
	jr, _ := message.(*o.ProtoTaskResponse)
	r := ResponseFromProto(jr)
	// at this point in time, we only care about terminal
	// condition codes.  a Job that isn't finished is just
	// prodding us back to let us know it lives.
	if r.IsFinished() {
		job := JobGet(r.id)
		if nil == job {
			o.Warn("Client %s: NAKing job%d, couldn't find job data", client.Name(), r.id)
			nack := o.MakeNack(r.id)
		} else {
			job := JobGet(r.id)
			if job != nil {
				/* if the job exists, Ack it. */
				ack := o.MakeAck(r.id)
			// now, we only accept the results if we were
			// expecting the results (ie: it was pending)
			// and expunge the task information from the
			// pending list so we stop bugging the client for it.
			task, exists := client.pendingTasks[r.id]
			if exists {
				// store the result.
				if !JobAddResult(client.Player, r) {
					o.Assert("Couldn't add result for pending task")

				// next, work out if the job is a retryable failure or not
				var didretry bool

				if r.DidFail() {
					o.Info("Client %s: reported failure for job%d", client.Name(), r.id)
					if r.CanRetry() {
						job := JobGet(r.id)
						if job.Scope == SCOPE_ONEOF {
							// right, we're finally deep enough to work out what's going on!
							JobDisqualifyPlayer(r.id, client.Player)
							if len(job.Players) >= 1 {
								// still players left we can try?  then go for it!
								didretry = true
				if !didretry {
					// if we didn't retry, the task needs to be marked as finished.
					task.State = TASK_FINISHED
				// update the job state.

				delete(client.pendingTasks, r.id)
예제 #13
func GetSpoolDirectory() string {
	if spoolDirectory == "" {
		o.Assert("GetSpoolDirectory() called before set")
	return spoolDirectory
예제 #14
func doExecution(task *TaskRequest, completionChannel chan<- *TaskResponse) {
	// we must notify the parent when we exit.
	defer func(c chan<- *TaskResponse, task *TaskRequest) { c <- task.MyResponse }(completionChannel, task)

	// first of all, verify that the score exists at all.
	score, exists := Scores[task.Score]
	if !exists {
		o.Warn("job%d: request for unknown score: %s", task.Id, task.Score)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN_SCORE
	si := NewScoreInterface(task)
	if si == nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't initialise score interface", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	if !si.Prepare() {
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't prepare score interface", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	defer si.Cleanup()

	eenv := si.SetupProcess()
	task.MyResponse.State = RESP_RUNNING

	procenv := new(os.ProcAttr)
	// Build the default environment.
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "PATH", "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin")
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "IFS", " \t\n")
	pwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't resolve PWD: %s", task.Id, err)
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "PWD", pwd)
	// copy in the environment overrides
	for k, v := range eenv.Environment {
		procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, k, v)

	// attach FDs to procenv.
	procenv.Files = make([]*os.File, 3)

	// first off, attach /dev/null to stdin and stdout
	devNull, err := os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	o.MightFail(err, "couldn't open DevNull")
	defer devNull.Close()
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		procenv.Files[i] = devNull
	// attach STDERR to to our logger via pipe.
	lr, lw, err := os.Pipe()
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't create pipe")
	defer lw.Close()
	// lr will be closed by the logger.
	procenv.Files[2] = lw
	// check the environment's configuration and allow it to override stdin, stdout, and FDs 3+
	if nil != eenv.Files {
		for i := range eenv.Files {
			if i < 2 {
				procenv.Files[i] = eenv.Files[i]
			} else {
				procenv.Files = append(procenv.Files, eenv.Files[i])
	var args []string
	args = append(args, eenv.Arguments...)

	o.Info("job%d: executing %s...", task.Id, score.Executable)
	go batchLogger(task.Id, lr)
	proc, err := os.StartProcess(score.Executable, args, procenv)
	if err != nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: failed to start process", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	wm, err := proc.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: error waiting for process", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN
		// Worse of all, we don't even know if we succeeded.
	ws, _ := wm.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
	if !(ws.Signaled() || ws.Exited()) {
		o.Assert("Non Terminal notification received when not expected.")
	if ws.Signaled() {
		o.Warn("job%d: process got signalled", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN
	if ws.Exited() {
		if 0 == ws.ExitStatus() {
			o.Warn("job%d: process exited OK", task.Id)
			task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FINISHED
		} else {
			o.Warn("job%d: process exited with failure", task.Id)
			task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED
	o.Assert("Should never get here.")