예제 #1
파일: GPQuery.go 프로젝트: kelixin/goProbe
// Message handling --------------------------------------------------------------
func throwMsg(msg string, external bool, fmtSpec string) {
	customer_text := "An error occurred while retrieving the requested information"
	out_level := os.Stderr
	status := "error"

	if msg == "Query returned no results" {
		out_level = os.Stdout
		status = "ok"

	// If called interactively, show full error message to user (otherwise show
	// customer friendly generic message)
	if !(msg != "Query returned no results" && external) {
		customer_text = msg

	if fmtSpec == "json" {
		// If called non-interactively, write full error message to message log
		if external {
			if goDB.InitDBLog() != nil {
		message := map[string]string{
			"status":        status,
			"statusMessage": customer_text,

		json_out, _ := json.Marshal(message)
		fmt.Fprintf(out_level, "%s", json_out)
	} else {
		fmt.Fprintf(out_level, "%s\n", customer_text)
예제 #2
func main() {

	// specify number of threads that can be used
	numCpu := runtime.NumCPU()

	// parse command line arguments
	var config Config

	// sanity check the input
	if config.FilePath == "" || config.SavePath == "" {
		fmt.Println("Empty path specified. Usage: ./goConvert -i <interface> -f <file path> -s <save path>")

	if config.Iface == "" {
		fmt.Println("No interface specified. Usage: ./goConvert -i <interface> -f <file path> -s <save path>")

	// get number of lines to read in the specified file
	cmd := exec.Command("wc", "-l", config.FilePath)
	out, cmderr := cmd.Output()
	if cmderr != nil {
		fmt.Println("Could not execute line count on file", config.FilePath)

	nlString := strings.Split(string(out), " ")
	nl_in_file, _ := strconv.ParseInt(nlString[0], 10, 32)
	if int(nl_in_file) < config.NumLines && nl_in_file > 0 {
		config.NumLines = int(nl_in_file)

	fmt.Printf("Converting %d rows in file %s\n", config.NumLines, config.FilePath)

	// create channel to pass to the storage writer
	dataChan := make(chan goDB.DBData)
	doneChan := make(chan bool)

	// init goprobe log

	// open file
	var (
		file                  *os.File
		err                   error
		br, bs, pr, ps        []byte
		dip, sip              []byte
		dport, l7proto, proto []byte

	if file, err = os.Open(config.FilePath); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("File open error: " + err.Error())

	// spawn database writer
	writer := goDB.NewDBStorageWrite(config.SavePath)
	writer.WriteFlowsToDatabase(int64(0), dataChan, doneChan)

	fmt.Print("Progress:   0% |")

	go func() {
		// scan file line by line
		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
		var lines_read int
		var active_block_stamp int64
		var perc_done, prev_perc int

		var prev_block_stamp int64

		for scanner.Scan() {
			if lines_read == config.NumLines {

			perc_done = int(float64(lines_read) / float64(config.NumLines) * 100)
			if perc_done != prev_perc {
				if perc_done%50 == 0 {
					fmt.Print(" 50% ")
				} else if perc_done%10 == 0 {
				} else if perc_done%2 == 0 {
			prev_perc = perc_done

			fields := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ",")

			// handle timestamp to find out when to ship the DBData to the channel
			time, _ := strconv.ParseInt(fields[9], 10, 64)

			// ignore all those lines which do not abide by the temporal ordering
			if time < prev_block_stamp {
				prev_block_stamp = time

			cur_block_stamp := time - (time % DB_WRITE_INTERVAL)

			// if the timestamp is in another interval, create a new DBData block
			if cur_block_stamp != active_block_stamp {
				if active_block_stamp != 0 {

					var tstampArr = []byte{uint8(active_block_stamp >> 56),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 48),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 40),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 32),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 24),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 16),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 8),
						uint8(active_block_stamp & 0xff)}

					// place the timestamp at the end of the arrays
					br = append(br, tstampArr...)
					bs = append(bs, tstampArr...)
					pr = append(pr, tstampArr...)
					ps = append(ps, tstampArr...)

					dip = append(dip, tstampArr...)
					sip = append(sip, tstampArr...)
					dport = append(dport, tstampArr...)
					l7proto = append(l7proto, tstampArr...)
					proto = append(proto, tstampArr...)

					// if the block was switched write out the current arrays
					dataChan <- goDB.NewDBData(br, bs, pr, ps, dip, sip, dport, l7proto, proto, active_block_stamp, config.Iface)

					// reset the arrays
					br, bs, pr, ps = []byte{}, []byte{}, []byte{}, []byte{}
					dip, sip = []byte{}, []byte{}
					dport, l7proto, proto = []byte{}, []byte{}, []byte{}

					// the new timestamp becomes the active timestamp
					active_block_stamp = cur_block_stamp

					var tstampArrNew = []byte{uint8(active_block_stamp >> 56),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 48),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 40),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 32),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 24),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 16),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 8),
						uint8(active_block_stamp & 0xff)}

					// place the new timestamp at the beginning of the arrays
					br = append(br, tstampArrNew...)
					bs = append(bs, tstampArrNew...)
					pr = append(pr, tstampArrNew...)
					ps = append(ps, tstampArrNew...)

					dip = append(dip, tstampArrNew...)
					sip = append(sip, tstampArrNew...)
					dport = append(dport, tstampArrNew...)
					l7proto = append(l7proto, tstampArrNew...)
					proto = append(proto, tstampArrNew...)
				} else {
					active_block_stamp = cur_block_stamp

					var tstampArr = []byte{uint8(active_block_stamp >> 56),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 48),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 40),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 32),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 24),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 16),
						uint8(active_block_stamp >> 8),
						uint8(active_block_stamp & 0xff)}

					// place the timestamp at the beginning of the arrays
					br = append(br, tstampArr...)
					bs = append(bs, tstampArr...)
					pr = append(pr, tstampArr...)
					ps = append(ps, tstampArr...)

					dip = append(dip, tstampArr...)
					sip = append(sip, tstampArr...)
					dport = append(dport, tstampArr...)
					l7proto = append(l7proto, tstampArr...)
					proto = append(proto, tstampArr...)

			// handle counters
			br_int, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64)
			br = append(br,
				uint8(br_int>>56), uint8(br_int>>48),
				uint8(br_int>>40), uint8(br_int>>32),
				uint8(br_int>>24), uint8(br_int>>16),
				uint8(br_int>>8), uint8(br_int&0xff))
			bs_int, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[1], 10, 64)
			bs = append(bs,
				uint8(bs_int>>56), uint8(bs_int>>48),
				uint8(bs_int>>40), uint8(bs_int>>32),
				uint8(bs_int>>24), uint8(bs_int>>16),
				uint8(bs_int>>8), uint8(bs_int&0xff))
			pr_int, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[5], 10, 64)
			pr = append(pr,
				uint8(pr_int>>56), uint8(pr_int>>48),
				uint8(pr_int>>40), uint8(pr_int>>32),
				uint8(pr_int>>24), uint8(pr_int>>16),
				uint8(pr_int>>8), uint8(pr_int&0xff))
			ps_int, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[6], 10, 64)
			ps = append(ps,
				uint8(ps_int>>56), uint8(ps_int>>48),
				uint8(ps_int>>40), uint8(ps_int>>32),
				uint8(ps_int>>24), uint8(ps_int>>16),
				uint8(ps_int>>8), uint8(ps_int&0xff))

			// handle ips
			dip_str := strings.Split(fields[2], ".")
			for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
				if i < 4 {
					octet, _ := strconv.Atoi(dip_str[i])
					dip = append(dip, uint8(octet))
				} else {
					dip = append(dip, 0x00)
			sip_str := strings.Split(fields[8], ".")
			for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
				if i < 4 {
					octet, _ := strconv.Atoi(sip_str[i])
					sip = append(sip, uint8(octet))
				} else {
					sip = append(sip, 0x00)

			// handle port and protos
			prot_num, _ := strconv.Atoi(fields[7])
			proto = append(proto, uint8(prot_num))

			dport_num, _ := strconv.Atoi(fields[3])
			dport = append(dport, uint8(dport_num>>8), uint8(dport_num&0xff))

			l7p_num, _ := strconv.Atoi(fields[4])
			l7proto = append(l7proto, uint8(l7p_num>>8), uint8(l7p_num&0xff))


			prev_block_stamp = cur_block_stamp

		// push empty DBData onto channel to signal that we are done
		dataChan <- goDB.DBData{}

		fmt.Print("| 100%")
	// return if the data write failed or exited
	if <-doneChan {
