예제 #1
func main() {
	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
		fmt.Println("Usage: pingpong5 num_runs hideTrace")
	} else if flag.NArg() > 1 {
		showPingPong = false
	numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
	done := make(chan bool)
	connNow := make(chan bool)
	//start two goroutines to setup a unix sock connection
	//connect two routers thru unix sock
	//and then hook up Pinger and Ponger to the routers
	go func() { //setup Pinger sock conn
		//wait for ponger up
		//set up an io conn to ponger thru tcp sock
		conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", "", "[::]:9099")
		fmt.Println("ping conn up")

		//create router and connect it to io conn
		rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy)
		rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling)

		//hook up Pinger and Ponger
		newPinger(rot, done, numRuns)
	go func() { //setup Ponger sock conn
		//wait to set up an io conn thru tcp sock
		l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":9099")
		connNow <- true //notify pinger that ponger's ready to accept
		conn, _ := l.Accept()
		fmt.Println("pong conn up")

		//create router and connect it to io conn
		rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy)
		rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling)

		//hook up Ponger
		newPonger(rot, done)
	//wait for ping-pong to finish
예제 #2
func main() {
	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
		fmt.Println("Usage: pingpong3 num_runs hideTrace")
	} else if flag.NArg() > 1 {
		showPingPong = false
	numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
	//alloc two routers to connect them
	rot1 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy)
	rot2 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy)
	done := make(chan bool)
	//hook up Pinger and Ponger
	newPinger(rot1, done, numRuns)
	newPonger(rot2, done)
	//wait for ping-pong to finish
예제 #3
func NewServant(n string, role ServantRole, done chan bool) *Servant {
	s := new(Servant)
	s.Rot = router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, n, router.ScopeLocal*/)
	s.role = role
	s.name = n
	//start system tasks, ServiceTask will be created when clients connect
	NewSysMgrTask(s.Rot, n, role)
	NewDbTask(s.Rot, n, role)
	NewFaultMgrTask(s.Rot, n, role)
	//run Servant mainloop to wait for client connection
	go s.Run(done)
	return s
예제 #4
func main() {
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
	if err != nil {

	subjMap := make(map[string]*Subject)

	rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, "chatsrv", router.ScopeLocal*/)

	//start server mainloop in a separate goroutine, and recv client conn in main goroutine
	go func() {
		//subscribe to remote publications, so learn what subjects are created
		pubChan := make(chan *router.IdChanInfoMsg)
		//attach a recv chan with a "chan BindEvent"
		//this recv chan will not be closed when all senders detach
		bindChan := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1)
		rot.AttachRecvChan(rot.NewSysID(router.PubId, router.ScopeRemote), pubChan, bindChan)
		//stopChan to notify when all people leave a subject
		stopChan := make(chan string, 36)

		for {
			select {
			case idstr := <-stopChan:
				subjMap[idstr] = nil, false
			case pub := <-pubChan:
				//process recved client publication of subjects
				for _, v := range pub.Info {
					id := v.Id.(*router.StrId) //get the real id type
					subj, ok := subjMap[id.Val]
					if ok {
					fmt.Printf("add subject: %v\n", id.Val)
					//add a new subject with ScopeRemote, so that msgs are forwarded
					//to peers in connected routers
					id.ScopeVal = router.ScopeRemote
					id.MemberVal = router.MemberLocal
					subj = newSubject()
					subjMap[id.Val] = subj
					//subscribe to new subjects, forward recved msgs to other
					rot.AttachSendChan(id, subj.sendChan)
					rot.AttachRecvChan(id, subj.recvChan)
					//start forwarding
					go func(subjname string) {
						for val := range subj.recvChan {
							fmt.Printf("chatsrv forward: subject[%v], msg[%s]\n", subjname, val)
							subj.sendChan <- val
						stopChan <- subjname
						fmt.Printf("chatsrv stop forwarding for : %v\n", subjname)

	//keep accepting client conn and connect local router to it
	for {
		conn, err := l.Accept()
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("one client connect")

		_, err = rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling)
		if err != nil {

	//in fact never reach here