예제 #1
func writeFileResponse(filename string, bytes []byte, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *model.AppError {
	w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000, public")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(bytes)))
	w.Header().Del("Content-Type") // Content-Type will be set automatically by the http writer

	// attach extra headers to trigger a download on IE, Edge, and Safari
	ua := user_agent.New(r.UserAgent())
	bname, _ := ua.Browser()

	parts := strings.Split(filename, "/")
	filePart := strings.Split(parts[len(parts)-1], "?")[0]
	w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\""+filePart+"\"")

	if bname == "Edge" || bname == "Internet Explorer" || bname == "Safari" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")

	// prevent file links from being embedded in iframes
	w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "DENY")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", "Frame-ancestors 'none'")


	return nil
예제 #2
파일: parser.go 프로젝트: cbess/stockfetch
// TextToCSV converts the specified text to an array of csv values
func TextToCSV(text string) [][]string {
	lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
	collection := [][]string{}

	// should we skip the header
	hasHeader := false
	if len(lines) > 1 {
		// first row should be the header
		hasHeader = true

	// parse each line
	for idx, line := range lines {
		// ignore the first row
		if hasHeader {
			if idx == 0 {

		// get data from each line
		parts := strings.Split(line, ",")
		if len(parts) < minCSVRowLen {
			// ignore lines that don't have enough columns
		collection = append(collection, parts)
	return collection
예제 #3
파일: Email.go 프로젝트: jianping11/leanote
func SendEmail(to, subject, title, body string) bool {
	hp := strings.Split(host, ":")
	auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", username, password, hp[0])

	var content_type string

	mailtype := "html"
	if mailtype == "html" {
		content_type = "Content-Type: text/" + mailtype + "; charset=UTF-8"
	} else {
		content_type = "Content-Type: text/plain" + "; charset=UTF-8"

	// 登录之
	body = strings.Replace(bodyTpl, "$body", body, 1)
	body = strings.Replace(body, "$title", title, 1)

	msg := []byte("To: " + to + "\r\nFrom: " + username + "<" + username + ">\r\nSubject: " + subject + "\r\n" + content_type + "\r\n\r\n" + body)
	send_to := strings.Split(to, ";")
	err := smtp.SendMail(host+":"+port, auth, username, send_to, msg)

	if err != nil {
		return false
	return true
예제 #4
파일: valid.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/fits
returns a zero length list if no sites are found.
func getSites(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) ([]siteQ, bool) {
	var sites = make([]siteQ, 0)

	for _, ns := range strings.Split(r.URL.Query().Get("sites"), ",") {
		nss := strings.Split(ns, ".")
		if len(nss) != 2 {
			web.BadRequest(w, r, "invalid sites query.")
			return sites, false
		sites = append(sites, siteQ{networkID: nss[0], siteID: nss[1]})

	for _, s := range sites {
		err := db.QueryRow("select name FROM fits.site join fits.network using (networkpk) where siteid = $2 and networkid = $1", s.networkID, s.siteID).Scan(&s.name)
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			web.NotFound(w, r, "invalid siteID and networkID combination: "+s.siteID+" "+s.networkID)
			return sites, false
		if err != nil {
			web.ServiceUnavailable(w, r, err)
			return sites, false

	return sites, true
예제 #5
파일: resolver.go 프로젝트: jwhonce/docker
func (r *resolver) handlePTRQuery(ptr string, query *dns.Msg) (*dns.Msg, error) {
	parts := []string{}

	if strings.HasSuffix(ptr, ptrIPv4domain) {
		parts = strings.Split(ptr, ptrIPv4domain)
	} else if strings.HasSuffix(ptr, ptrIPv6domain) {
		parts = strings.Split(ptr, ptrIPv6domain)
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid PTR query, %v", ptr)

	host := r.backend.ResolveIP(parts[0])

	if len(host) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	logrus.Debugf("Lookup for IP %s: name %s", parts[0], host)
	fqdn := dns.Fqdn(host)

	resp := new(dns.Msg)

	rr := new(dns.PTR)
	rr.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ptr, Rrtype: dns.TypePTR, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: respTTL}
	rr.Ptr = fqdn
	resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, rr)
	return resp, nil
* Function to format the reply of the PortFolio Stocks
* @params stocks: String which holds values like `GOOGL:0:$656.99,APPL:5:$96.11`
* @params stockdata: Stucture of the YAHOO API
* @return: Formatted string like 'GOOGL:0:+$656.99','APPL:5:+$96.11'
func format_reply_portfoliostocks(stocks string, stockdata *StockData) string {
	var value string
	stock := strings.Split(stocks, ",")
	for i := 0; i < len(stockdata.List.Resources); i++ {
		StockName := stockdata.List.Resources[i].Resource.Fields.Symbol
		for j := 0; j < len(stock); j++ {
			if !strings.EqualFold(StockName, strings.Split(stock[j], ":")[0]) {
			CurrentMarketValue, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(stockdata.List.Resources[i].Resource.Fields.Price, 64)
			StockPrice, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.Split(stock[j], ":")[2], 64)
			quantity := strings.Split(stock[j], ":")[1]
			value = value + ",'" + StockName + ":" + quantity
			if CurrentMarketValue > StockPrice {
				value = value + ":+$"
			} else if CurrentMarketValue < StockPrice {
				value = value + ":-$"
			} else {
				value = value + ":$"
			value = value + strconv.FormatFloat(CurrentMarketValue, 'f', 2, 64) + "'"
	return strings.Trim(value, ",")
예제 #7
func (d *Driver) GetIP() (string, error) {
	// DHCP is used to get the IP, so virtualbox hosts don't have IPs unless
	// they are running
	s, err := d.GetState()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if s != state.Running {
		return "", drivers.ErrHostIsNotRunning

	output, err := drivers.RunSSHCommandFromDriver(d, "ip addr show dev eth1")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	log.Debugf("SSH returned: %s\nEND SSH\n", output)

	// parse to find: inet brd scope global eth1
	lines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
	for _, line := range lines {
		vals := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ")
		if len(vals) >= 2 && vals[0] == "inet" {
			return vals[1][:strings.Index(vals[1], "/")], nil

	return "", fmt.Errorf("No IP address found %s", output)
예제 #8
// return true if data needs to be written here
func QueueRemoteWrite(req *gomemcached.MCRequest) {

	key := req.Key
	nodeList := getVbucketNode(int(findShard(string(key))))
	nodes := strings.Split(nodeList, ";")

	if len(nodes) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("Nodelist is empty. Cannot proceed")

	if len(nodes) < 2 {
		//no replica

	var remoteNode string
	// figure out which is the remote host and queue to the write to that node
	for _, node := range nodes {
		found := false
		hostname := strings.Split(node, ":")
		for _, ip := range ipList {
			if ip == hostname[0] {
				found = true
		if found == false {
			remoteNode = node

	ri := &repItem{host: remoteNode, req: req, opcode: OP_REP}
	repChan <- ri
예제 #9
파일: server.go 프로젝트: AaronO/lightwave
func decodeSecureCookie(value string) (user string, session string, err os.Error) {
	parts := strings.Split(value, "|", 3)
	if len(parts) != 3 {
		err = os.NewError("Malformed cookie value")
	val := parts[0]
	timestamp := parts[1]
	sig := parts[2]
	// Check signature
	if getCookieSig([]byte(val), timestamp) != sig {
		return "", "", os.NewError("Signature error, cookie is invalid")
	// Check time stamp
	ts, _ := strconv.Atoi64(timestamp)
	if ts+maxAge < time.UTC().Seconds() {
		return "", "", os.NewError("Cookie is outdated")

	buf := bytes.NewBufferString(val)
	encoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf)
	res, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(encoder)
	str := string(res)
	lst := strings.Split(str, "!", -1)
	if len(lst) != 2 {
		return "", "", os.NewError("Missing !")
	return lst[0], lst[1], nil
예제 #10
// TODO: This could use a unit test.
func parseSwarm(hostURL string, h *host.Host) (string, error) {
	swarmOptions := h.HostOptions.SwarmOptions

	if !swarmOptions.Master {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("%q is not a swarm master. The --swarm flag is intended for use with swarm masters", h.Name)

	u, err := url.Parse(swarmOptions.Host)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error parsing the url: %s", err)
	parts := strings.Split(u.Host, ":")
	swarmPort := parts[1]

	// get IP of machine to replace in case swarm host is
	mURL, err := url.Parse(hostURL)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error parsing the url: %s", err)

	mParts := strings.Split(mURL.Host, ":")
	machineIP := mParts[0]

	hostURL = fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%s", machineIP, swarmPort)

	return hostURL, nil
예제 #11
func IsOwner(req *gomemcached.MCRequest) bool {

	key := req.Key
	nodeList := getVbucketNode(int(findShard(string(key))))
	nodes := strings.Split(nodeList, ";")

	//log.Printf(" Nodes list %v key %s", nodes, string(key))
	if strings.Contains(nodes[0], "localhost") || strings.Contains(nodes[0], "") || nodes[0] == "" {
		return true

	if len(nodes) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("Nodelist is empty. Cannot proceed")

	for _, node := range nodes {
		hostname := strings.Split(node, ":")
		for _, ip := range ipList {
			if ip == hostname[0] {
				return true

	return false
예제 #12
func (s *initSystemSuite) TestNewServiceLogfile(c *gc.C) {
	s.conf.Logfile = "/var/log/juju/machine-0.log"
	service := s.newService(c)

	dirname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/init/%s", s.dataDir, s.name)
	script := `
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Set up logging.
touch '/var/log/juju/machine-0.log'
chown syslog:syslog '/var/log/juju/machine-0.log'
chmod 0600 '/var/log/juju/machine-0.log'
exec >> '/var/log/juju/machine-0.log'
exec 2>&1

# Run the script.
`[1:] + jujud + " machine-0"
	c.Check(service, jc.DeepEquals, &systemd.Service{
		Service: common.Service{
			Name: s.name,
			Conf: common.Conf{
				Desc:      s.conf.Desc,
				ExecStart: dirname + "/exec-start.sh",
				Logfile:   "/var/log/juju/machine-0.log",
		UnitName: s.name + ".service",
		ConfName: s.name + ".service",
		Dirname:  dirname,
		Script:   []byte(script),
	// This gives us a more readable output if they aren't equal.
	c.Check(string(service.Script), gc.Equals, script)
	c.Check(strings.Split(string(service.Script), "\n"), jc.DeepEquals, strings.Split(script, "\n"))
예제 #13
파일: api.go 프로젝트: peekeri/influxdb
func getUsernameAndPassword(r *libhttp.Request) (string, string, error) {
	q := r.URL.Query()
	username, password := q.Get("u"), q.Get("p")

	if username != "" && password != "" {
		return username, password, nil

	auth := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
	if auth == "" {
		return "", "", nil

	fields := strings.Split(auth, " ")
	if len(fields) != 2 {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Bad auth header")

	bs, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(fields[1])
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Bad encoding")

	fields = strings.Split(string(bs), ":")
	if len(fields) != 2 {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Bad auth value")

	return fields[0], fields[1], nil
예제 #14
func (me Version) compareTo(other Version) int {
	var (
		meTab    = strings.Split(string(me), ".")
		otherTab = strings.Split(string(other), ".")

	max := len(meTab)
	if len(otherTab) > max {
		max = len(otherTab)
	for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
		var meInt, otherInt int

		if len(meTab) > i {
			meInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(meTab[i])
		if len(otherTab) > i {
			otherInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(otherTab[i])
		if meInt > otherInt {
			return 1
		if otherInt > meInt {
			return -1
	return 0
예제 #15
파일: aws.go 프로젝트: arvindkandhare/goamz
// parseINI takes the contents of a credentials file and returns a map, whose keys
// are the various profiles, and whose values are maps of the settings for the
// profiles
func parseINI(fileContents string) map[string]map[string]string {
	profiles := make(map[string]map[string]string)

	lines := strings.Split(fileContents, "\n")

	var currentSection map[string]string
	for _, line := range lines {
		// remove comments, which start with a semi-colon
		if split := strings.Split(line, ";"); len(split) > 1 {
			line = split[0]

		// check if the line is the start of a profile.
		// for example:
		//     [default]
		// otherwise, check for the proper setting
		//     property=value
		if sectMatch := iniSectionRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(sectMatch) == 2 {
			currentSection = make(map[string]string)
			profiles[sectMatch[1]] = currentSection
		} else if setMatch := iniSettingRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(setMatch) == 3 && currentSection != nil {
			currentSection[setMatch[1]] = setMatch[2]

	return profiles
예제 #16
파일: build.go 프로젝트: untoldone/bloomapi
func (r *PerfResult) ParseData() map[string]map[string]*ParsedPerfResult {
	if r.parsedData != nil {
		return r.parsedData
	res := make(map[string]map[string]*ParsedPerfResult)
	for _, str := range r.Data {
		ss := strings.Split(str, "|")
		builder := ss[0]
		bench := ss[1]
		ok := ss[2]
		m := res[builder]
		if m == nil {
			m = make(map[string]*ParsedPerfResult)
			res[builder] = m
		var p ParsedPerfResult
		p.OK = ok == "ok"
		p.Metrics = make(map[string]uint64)
		p.Artifacts = make(map[string]string)
		for _, entry := range ss[3:] {
			if strings.HasPrefix(entry, "file:") {
				ss1 := strings.Split(entry[len("file:"):], "=")
				p.Artifacts[ss1[0]] = ss1[1]
			} else {
				ss1 := strings.Split(entry, "=")
				val, _ := strconv.ParseUint(ss1[1], 10, 64)
				p.Metrics[ss1[0]] = val
		m[bench] = &p
	r.parsedData = res
	return res
예제 #17
func (blp *BinlogPlayer) dmlTableMatch(sqlSlice []string) bool {
	if blp.tables == nil {
		return true
	if len(blp.tables) == 0 {
		return true
	var firstKw string
	for _, sql := range sqlSlice {
		firstKw = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(sql, BLPL_SPACE)[0])
		if firstKw != "insert" && firstKw != "update" && firstKw != "delete" {
		streamCommentIndex := strings.Index(sql, BLPL_STREAM_COMMENT_START)
		if streamCommentIndex == -1 {
			//log.Warningf("sql doesn't have stream comment '%v'", sql)
			//If sql doesn't have stream comment, don't match
			return false
		tableName := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(sql[(streamCommentIndex+len(BLPL_STREAM_COMMENT_START)):], BLPL_SPACE)[0])
		for _, table := range blp.tables {
			if tableName == table {
				return true

	return false
예제 #18
func build(lines []string, line string, index int, z int, f string) {
	current_indent := check_indent(lines[index])
	if current_indent == 0 {
		if len(line) > 0 {
			if s.Contains(line, ":") {
				add(`main["` + s.Split(line, ":")[0] + `"] = "` + s.Split(line, ":")[1] + `"`)
			} else {
				add(`main["` + line + `"] = ` + line)
	parent_indent := check_indent(lines[index-z])
	parent := lines[index-z]
	parent = clear(parent)
	line = clear(line)

	if current_indent > parent_indent {
		if f == "n" {
			add(parent + `["` + line + `"] = ` + line)
		if f == "k" {
			add(parent + `["` + s.Split(line, ":")[0] + `"] = "` + s.Split(line, ":")[1] + `"`)
	} else {
		build(lines, line, index, z+1, f)
예제 #19
func (t *outputConfig) Set(value string) error {
	for _, s := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
		tags := strings.Split(s, "=")
		t.tags[tags[0]] = tags[1]
	return nil
예제 #20
// Unpacks a container name, returning the pod full name and container name we would have used to
// construct the docker name. If we are unable to parse the name, an error is returned.
func ParseDockerName(name string) (dockerName *KubeletContainerName, hash uint64, err error) {
	// For some reason docker appears to be appending '/' to names.
	// If it's there, strip it.
	name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/")
	parts := strings.Split(name, "_")
	if len(parts) == 0 || parts[0] != containerNamePrefix {
		err = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Docker container name %q into parts", name)
		return nil, 0, err
	if len(parts) < 6 {
		// We have at least 5 fields.  We may have more in the future.
		// Anything with less fields than this is not something we can
		// manage.
		glog.Warningf("found a container with the %q prefix, but too few fields (%d): %q", containerNamePrefix, len(parts), name)
		err = fmt.Errorf("Docker container name %q has less parts than expected %v", name, parts)
		return nil, 0, err

	nameParts := strings.Split(parts[1], ".")
	containerName := nameParts[0]
	if len(nameParts) > 1 {
		hash, err = strconv.ParseUint(nameParts[1], 16, 32)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("invalid container hash %q in container %q", nameParts[1], name)

	podFullName := parts[2] + "_" + parts[3]
	podUID := types.UID(parts[4])

	return &KubeletContainerName{podFullName, podUID, containerName}, hash, nil
예제 #21
func doRow0(top *Top, line string) {

	rexp := regexp.MustCompile(`top[\s\-0-9:]+up([:0-9A-z,\s]+?)([0-9] user.*)`)
	matches := rexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
	if len(matches) != 3 {

	top.Uptime = strings.Trim(matches[1], " ,")

	ls := strings.Split(matches[2], ",")
	if len(ls) != 4 {
	// users
	ls[0] = strings.TrimSpace(ls[0])
	top.Users, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(ls[0], " ")[0])
	// load avgs
	// 5
	if i := strings.Index(ls[1], "load average:"); i > -1 {
		ls[1] = strings.TrimSpace(ls[1][i+13:])
		top.LoadAvg5, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(ls[1], 64)
	// 10
	top.LoadAvg10, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(ls[2]), 64)
	// 15
	top.LoadAvg15, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(ls[3]), 64)
예제 #22
func (k *kubernetes) tcFilterShow(bw string) error {
	if k.node.Name() == "k8master" {
		return nil
	qdiscShow, err := k.node.runCommand("tc qdisc show")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	qdiscoutput := strings.Split(qdiscShow, "ingress")
	vvport := strings.Split(qdiscoutput[1], "parent")
	vvPort := strings.Split(vvport[0], "dev ")
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("tc -s filter show dev %s parent ffff:", vvPort[1])
	str, err := k.node.runCommand(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	output := strings.Split(str, "rate ")
	rate := strings.Split(output[1], "burst")
	regex := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+")
	outputStr := regex.FindAllString(rate[0], -1)
	outputInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(outputStr[0], 10, 64)
	bwInt, err := BwConvertInt64(bw)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if bwInt == outputInt {
		logrus.Infof("Applied bandwidth: %dkbits equals tc qdisc rate: %dkbits", bwInt, outputInt)
	} else {
		logrus.Errorf("Applied bandwidth: %dkbits does not match the tc rate: %d ", bwInt, outputInt)
		return errors.New("Applied bandwidth doe sot match the tc qdisc rate")
	return nil
예제 #23
func runAddr2Line(t *testing.T, exepath, addr string) (funcname, path, lineno string) {
	cmd := exec.Command(exepath, os.Args[0])
	cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(addr)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("go tool addr2line %v: %v\n%s", os.Args[0], err, string(out))
	f := strings.Split(string(out), "\n")
	if len(f) < 3 && f[2] == "" {
		t.Fatal("addr2line output must have 2 lines")
	funcname = f[0]
	pathAndLineNo := f[1]
	f = strings.Split(pathAndLineNo, ":")
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		switch len(f) {
		case 2:
			return funcname, f[0], f[1]
		case 3:
			return funcname, f[0] + ":" + f[1], f[2]
			t.Fatalf("no line number found in %q", pathAndLineNo)
	if len(f) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("no line number found in %q", pathAndLineNo)
	return funcname, f[0], f[1]
func (t *StockMarketApp) HandleBuyStockRequest(args *Args, reply *Reply) error {
	stocks := strings.Split(args.StockData, ",")
	stockArray := make([]stock, len(stocks))
	for i := 0; i < len(stocks); i++ {
		stockDetails := strings.Split(stocks[i], ":")
		stockName := stockDetails[0]
		sharePercentage, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.Replace(stockDetails[1], "%", "", -1), 64)
		if err != nil {
		stockObj := stock{symbol: stockName, percentage: float32(sharePercentage)}
		stockArray[i] = stockObj
	var leftOverBalance float32 = 0.0
	for i := 0; i < len(stockArray); i++ {
		stockBalanceShare := ((stockArray[i].percentage / 100.0) * args.Balance)
		stockArray[i].quantity = int(stockBalanceShare / stockArray[i].newNetAmount)
		if reply.Stocks != "" {
			reply.Stocks = reply.Stocks + "," + stockArray[i].symbol + ":" + strconv.Itoa(stockArray[i].quantity) + ":$" + fmt.Sprintf("%f", stockArray[i].newNetAmount)
		} else {
			reply.Stocks = stockArray[i].symbol + ":" + strconv.Itoa(stockArray[i].quantity) + ":$" + fmt.Sprintf("%f", stockArray[i].newNetAmount)
		stockArray[i].leftOverBalance = stockBalanceShare - (float32(stockArray[i].quantity) * stockArray[i].newNetAmount)
		leftOverBalance = leftOverBalance + stockArray[i].leftOverBalance
	reply.UnvestedAmount = leftOverBalance
	reply.TradeId = rand.Int()
	stockMarket = make(map[int][]stock)
	stockMarket[reply.TradeId] = stockArray
	return nil
예제 #25
파일: common.go 프로젝트: yonglehou/weedfs
func parseURLPath(path string) (vid, fid, filename, ext string, isVolumeIdOnly bool) {
	switch strings.Count(path, "/") {
	case 3:
		parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
		vid, fid, filename = parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]
		ext = filepath.Ext(filename)
	case 2:
		parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
		vid, fid = parts[1], parts[2]
		dotIndex := strings.LastIndex(fid, ".")
		if dotIndex > 0 {
			ext = fid[dotIndex:]
			fid = fid[0:dotIndex]
		sepIndex := strings.LastIndex(path, "/")
		commaIndex := strings.LastIndex(path[sepIndex:], ",")
		if commaIndex <= 0 {
			vid, isVolumeIdOnly = path[sepIndex+1:], true
		dotIndex := strings.LastIndex(path[sepIndex:], ".")
		vid = path[sepIndex+1 : commaIndex]
		fid = path[commaIndex+1:]
		ext = ""
		if dotIndex > 0 {
			fid = path[commaIndex+1 : dotIndex]
			ext = path[dotIndex:]
func (this *DbDumperManager) getPlanFromService() ([]string, error) {
	command := []string{"m"}
	output, err := this.cliCommand(command...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(output, "\n"))
	if len(output) < 4 {
		return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(output, "\n"))
	datasUnparsed := output[4:]
	var service string = ""
	for _, dataUnparsed := range datasUnparsed {
		dataUnparsedSplitted := strings.Split(dataUnparsed, " ")
		if dataUnparsedSplitted[0] != this.serviceName {
		service = dataUnparsed
	if service == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("Cannot found service: " + this.serviceName)
	planString := strings.TrimPrefix(service, this.serviceName)
	planString = strings.TrimSpace(planString)
	plans := strings.Split(planString, ", ")

	lastPlanString := plans[len(plans)-1]
	lastPlan := strings.Split(lastPlanString, " ")
	plans[len(plans)-1] = lastPlan[0]

	return plans, nil
예제 #27
파일: fake.go 프로젝트: humblec/kubernetes
func getToken(line, seperator string) string {
	tokens := strings.Split(line, seperator)
	if len(tokens) == 2 {
		return strings.Split(tokens[1], " ")[0]
	return ""
예제 #28
파일: flags.go 프로젝트: extranjero/st
func verify() error {
	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
		return errors.New("No path was provided.")

	if c && s {
		return sterrors.MutuallyExclusiveParameters("c", "s")

	if Overwrite && Append {
		return sterrors.MutuallyExclusiveParameters("o", "a")

	if c {
		Case = Camel

	if s {
		Case = Snake
	sterrors.Verbose = Verbose

	if IgnoredFieldsString != "" {
		IgnoredFields = strings.Split(IgnoredFieldsString, ",")

	if IgnoredStructsString != "" {
		IgnoredStructs = strings.Split(IgnoredStructsString, ",")
	return nil
예제 #29
파일: id-csv.go 프로젝트: hiank/translate
func (obj *Idcsv) load(t *tool.TFile) {

	headStr := t.NextLine(0) //the first line
	headArr := strings.Split(*headStr, ",")

	num := len(headArr)
	if num < 2 {
		fmt.Println("error format for dict")

	for {
		lineStr := t.Next()
		if lineStr == nil {
			break L

		lineArr := strings.Split(*lineStr, ",")
		if len(lineArr) != num {
			fmt.Printf("error format string #%v#, bad num #%v#%v#\n", lineStr, len(lineArr), num)

		for idx, str := range headArr {

			if str != "" || lineArr[idx] == "" {

			obj.addItem(lineArr[idx-1], strings.Trim(lineArr[idx], " "))

예제 #30
// @WARNING: font to explode to must all have same height.
func expandText(toExpand string) string {
	// First filter out newlines from original string
	toExpand = strings.Replace(toExpand, "\n", " ", -1)
	// create a list of large letters to format
	// Using a list instead of []string b/c utf8.RuneCountInString mismatches
	// the length with range when seeing fancy runes
	largeLetters := list.New()
	for _, r := range toExpand {
		char := string(r)

	// Now combine characters in the same row
	// Get num rows from a character (janky, @TODO:search for max row height)
	dummyLetter := strings.Split(getLargeCharacter("a"), "\n")
	rows := make([]string, len(dummyLetter))
	for largeLetter := largeLetters.Front(); largeLetter != nil; largeLetter = largeLetter.Next() {
		splitStrings := strings.Split(largeLetter.Value.(string), "\n")
		for rowIndex, splitString := range splitStrings {
			rows[rowIndex] += "" + splitString

	// construct final string and add newlines at end of each row
	finalString := ""
	for _, row := range rows {
		finalString += row + " \n "
	return finalString