예제 #1
파일: attempt.go 프로젝트: devick/flynn
func (a *Attempt) nextSleep(now time.Time) time.Duration {
	sleep := a.strategy.Delay - now.Sub(a.last)
	if sleep < 0 {
		return 0
	return sleep
예제 #2
// loopFetchOnly is a version of loop that includes only the logic
// that calls Fetch.
func (s *sub) loopFetchOnly() {
	var pending []Item // appended by fetch; consumed by send
	var next time.Time // initially January 1, year 0
	var err error
	for {
		var fetchDelay time.Duration // initally 0 (no delay)
		if now := time.Now(); next.After(now) {
			fetchDelay = next.Sub(now)
		startFetch := time.After(fetchDelay)

		select {
		case <-startFetch:
			var fetched []Item
			fetched, next, err = s.fetcher.Fetch()
			if err != nil {
				next = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
			pending = append(pending, fetched...)
예제 #3
// compareTime checks if a and b are roughly equal
func compareTime(a time.Time, b time.Time) bool {
	diff := a.Sub(b)
	if diff < 0 {
		diff = -diff
	return diff < precision
예제 #4
파일: lessor.go 프로젝트: jnan77/etcd
// minExpiry returns a minimal expiry. A minimal expiry is the larger on
// between now + minLeaseTerm and the given expectedExpiry.
func minExpiry(now time.Time, expectedExpiry time.Time) time.Time {
	minExpiry := time.Now().Add(minLeaseTerm)
	if expectedExpiry.Sub(minExpiry) < 0 {
		expectedExpiry = minExpiry
	return expectedExpiry
예제 #5
파일: trace.go 프로젝트: lrita/etcd
// delta returns the elapsed time since the last event or the trace start,
// and whether it spans midnight.
// L >= tr.mu
func (tr *trace) delta(t time.Time) (time.Duration, bool) {
	if len(tr.events) == 0 {
		return t.Sub(tr.Start), false
	prev := tr.events[len(tr.events)-1].When
	return t.Sub(prev), prev.Day() != t.Day()
예제 #6
func TestAccuracy(t *testing.T) {
	var count int64
	var i int64
	count = 100
	var tstart time.Time
	var tend time.Time
	var td int64
	var tsum int64
	tdarr := make([]int64, count)
	for i = 0; i < count; i++ {
		tstart = time.Now()
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		tend = time.Now()
		td = tend.Sub(tstart).Nanoseconds()
		//fmt.Printf("%d ", td)
		tdarr[i] = td
		tsum += td
	var mean float64 = float64(tsum) / float64(count)
	vari := float64(0)
	for i = 0; i < count; i++ {
		x := float64(tdarr[i]) - float64(mean)
		vari += x * x
	vari = vari / float64(count-1)
	fmt.Printf("mean: %v\n", mean)
	fmt.Printf("variance: %v\n", vari)
	fmt.Printf("stddev: %v\n", math.Sqrt(float64(vari)))
예제 #7
// PrintSummary ...
func PrintSummary(buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel) {
	iconBoxWidth := len("    ")
	timeBoxWidth := len(" time (s) ")
	titleBoxWidth := stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars - 4 - iconBoxWidth - timeBoxWidth

	log.Infof("+%s+", strings.Repeat("-", stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars-2))
	whitespaceWidth := (stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars - 2 - len("bitrise summary")) / 2
	log.Infof("|%sbitrise summary%s|", strings.Repeat(" ", whitespaceWidth), strings.Repeat(" ", whitespaceWidth))
	log.Infof("+%s+%s+%s+", strings.Repeat("-", iconBoxWidth), strings.Repeat("-", titleBoxWidth), strings.Repeat("-", timeBoxWidth))

	whitespaceWidth = stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars - len("|    | title") - len("| time (s) |")
	log.Infof("|    | title%s| time (s) |", strings.Repeat(" ", whitespaceWidth))
	log.Infof("+%s+%s+%s+", strings.Repeat("-", iconBoxWidth), strings.Repeat("-", titleBoxWidth), strings.Repeat("-", timeBoxWidth))

	orderedResults := buildRunResults.OrderedResults()
	tmpTime := time.Time{}
	for _, stepRunResult := range orderedResults {
		tmpTime = tmpTime.Add(stepRunResult.RunTime)
	runtime := tmpTime.Sub(time.Time{})

	log.Infof("+%s+", strings.Repeat("-", stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars-2))

	runtimeStr := TimeToFormattedSeconds(runtime, " sec")
	whitespaceWidth = stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars - len(fmt.Sprintf("| Total runtime: %s|", runtimeStr))
	log.Infof("| Total runtime: %s%s|", runtimeStr, strings.Repeat(" ", whitespaceWidth))
	log.Infof("+%s+", strings.Repeat("-", stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars-2))

예제 #8
파일: xsrf.go 프로젝트: Rudloff/platform
// validTokenAtTime reports whether a token is valid at the given time.
func validTokenAtTime(token, key, userID, actionID string, now time.Time) bool {
	// Extract the issue time of the token.
	sep := strings.LastIndex(token, ":")
	if sep < 0 {
		return false
	millis, err := strconv.ParseInt(token[sep+1:], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	issueTime := time.Unix(0, millis*1e6)

	// Check that the token is not expired.
	if now.Sub(issueTime) >= Timeout {
		return false

	// Check that the token is not from the future.
	// Allow 1 minute grace period in case the token is being verified on a
	// machine whose clock is behind the machine that issued the token.
	if issueTime.After(now.Add(1 * time.Minute)) {
		return false

	expected := generateTokenAtTime(key, userID, actionID, issueTime)

	// Check that the token matches the expected value.
	// Use constant time comparison to avoid timing attacks.
	return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(token), []byte(expected)) == 1
예제 #9
파일: lookup.go 프로젝트: RajibTheKing/gcc
// lookupIPDeadline looks up a hostname with a deadline.
func lookupIPDeadline(host string, deadline time.Time) (addrs []IPAddr, err error) {
	if deadline.IsZero() {
		return lookupIPMerge(host)

	// We could push the deadline down into the name resolution
	// functions.  However, the most commonly used implementation
	// calls getaddrinfo, which has no timeout.

	timeout := deadline.Sub(time.Now())
	if timeout <= 0 {
		return nil, errTimeout
	t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
	defer t.Stop()

	ch := lookupGroup.DoChan(host, func() (interface{}, error) {
		return testHookLookupIP(lookupIP, host)

	select {
	case <-t.C:
		// The DNS lookup timed out for some reason.  Force
		// future requests to start the DNS lookup again
		// rather than waiting for the current lookup to
		// complete.  See issue 8602.

		return nil, errTimeout

	case r := <-ch:
		return lookupIPReturn(r.Val, r.Err, r.Shared)
예제 #10
// toNtpTime converts the time value t into an ntpTime representation.
func toNtpTime(t time.Time) ntpTime {
	nsec := uint64(t.Sub(ntpEpoch))
	return ntpTime{
		Seconds:  uint32(nsec / nanoPerSec),
		Fraction: uint32((nsec % nanoPerSec) << 32 / nanoPerSec),
예제 #11
파일: skew.go 프로젝트: howbazaar/juju
// Latest returns the latest local time after which we can be confident that
// the remote writer will agree the supplied time is in the past.
func (skew Skew) Latest(remote time.Time) (local time.Time) {
	if skew.isZero() {
		return remote
	delta := remote.Sub(skew.LastWrite)
	return skew.End.Add(delta)
예제 #12
파일: skew.go 프로젝트: howbazaar/juju
// Earliest returns the earliest local time after which we can be confident
// that the remote writer will agree the supplied time is in the past.
func (skew Skew) Earliest(remote time.Time) (local time.Time) {
	if skew.isZero() {
		return remote
	delta := remote.Sub(skew.LastWrite)
	return skew.Beginning.Add(delta)
예제 #13
// NextExpected returns duration (relative to now) until the next expected event
// given the state of a, the fact that no new event happened until
// now, and assuming the event source is a Poisson process with a mean
// interval time much smaller than our Tau.
func (a Counter) NextExpected(now time.Time) time.Duration {
	if a.Value <= 0 {
		return time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
	delta := float64(now.Sub(a.Timestamp)) / float64(a.Tau)          // discount activity till now
	return time.Duration(math.Exp(delta) * float64(a.Tau) / a.Value) // tau/(value * exp(-d))
예제 #14
// Writer reads rows from ch and writes them to
// the underlying Collection
func (b *Benchmark) Writer(ch chan []*Row) {
	n := int64(0)        // row set counter
	ns := int64(0)       // elapsed time in nanoseconds
	var t0, t1 time.Time // time between arrivals
	for rows := range ch {
		n, t1 = n+1, time.Now()
		if n > 1 {
			ns += t1.Sub(t0).Nanoseconds()
		t0 = t1

		if b.mu != nil {
		err := b.c.Set(rows)
		if b.mu != nil {

		if err != nil {

	b.done <- true
	if n > 0 {
		log.Printf("%d row sets arrived at an average inter-arrival rate of %s",
			n, time.Duration(ns/n))
예제 #15
파일: comm.go 프로젝트: stormasm/btcsim1020
// estimateTps estimates the average transactions per second of
// the simulation.
func (com *Communication) estimateTps(tpsChan chan<- float64, txCurve map[int32]*Row) {
	defer com.wg.Done()

	var first, last time.Time
	var diff, curveDiff time.Duration
	var txnCount, curveCount, block int
	firstTx := true

	for {
		select {
		case last = <-com.timeReceived:
			if firstTx {
				first = last
				firstTx = false
			diff = last.Sub(first)

			if c, ok := txCurve[int32(block)]; ok && curveCount == c.txCount {
				// A block has been mined; reset necessary variables
				curveCount = 0
				firstTx = true
				curveDiff += diff
				diff = curveDiff
				// Use next block's desired transaction count
		case <-com.exit:
			tpsChan <- float64(txnCount) / diff.Seconds()
예제 #16
// compareTime checks if a and b are roughly equal (1s precision)
func compareTime(a time.Time, b time.Time) bool {
	diff := a.Sub(b)
	if diff < 0 {
		diff = -diff
	return diff < time.Second
예제 #17
파일: main.go 프로젝트: orangemi/heka
func timerLoop(count, bytes *uint64, ticker *time.Ticker) {
	lastTime := time.Now().UTC()
	lastCount := *count
	lastBytes := *bytes
	zeroes := int8(0)
	var (
		msgsSent, newCount, bytesSent, newBytes uint64
		elapsedTime                             time.Duration
		now                                     time.Time
		msgRate, bitRate                        float64
	for {
		_ = <-ticker.C
		newCount = *count
		newBytes = *bytes
		now = time.Now()
		msgsSent = newCount - lastCount
		lastCount = newCount
		bytesSent = newBytes - lastBytes
		lastBytes = newBytes
		elapsedTime = now.Sub(lastTime)
		lastTime = now
		msgRate = float64(msgsSent) / elapsedTime.Seconds()
		bitRate = float64(bytesSent*8.0) / 1e6 / elapsedTime.Seconds()
		if msgsSent == 0 {
			if newCount == 0 || zeroes == 3 {
		} else {
			zeroes = 0
		client.LogInfo.Printf("Sent %d messages. %0.2f msg/sec %0.2f Mbit/sec\n", newCount, msgRate, bitRate)
예제 #18
파일: xsrf.go 프로젝트: shishkander/luci-go
// checkTokenWithTime checks token using the given time.
func checkTokenWithTime(c context.Context, token, user, action string, now time.Time) error {
	if token == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("token is not given")
	d, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(token)
	sig := &sigData{}
	if err = json.Unmarshal(d, sig); err != nil {
		return err

	issueTime := time.Unix(0, sig.IssueTime)
	if now.Sub(issueTime) >= Timeout {
		return fmt.Errorf("signature has already expired")
	if issueTime.After(now.Add(validFuture)) {
		return fmt.Errorf("token come from future")

	toVerify := toData(user, action, sig.IssueTime)

	certs, err := signature.PublicCerts(c)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cert := signature.X509CertByName(certs, sig.Key)
	if cert == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot find cert")

	return signature.Check(toVerify, cert, sig.Signature)
예제 #19
파일: fstest.go 프로젝트: yut148/rclone
// CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision checks the times are equal within the
// precision, returns the delta and a flag
func CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision(t0, t1 time.Time, precision time.Duration) (time.Duration, bool) {
	dt := t0.Sub(t1)
	if dt >= precision || dt <= -precision {
		return dt, false
	return dt, true
예제 #20
// dialChannel is the simple pure-Go implementation of dial, still
// used on operating systems where the deadline hasn't been pushed
// down into the pollserver. (Plan 9 and some old versions of Windows)
func dialChannel(net string, ra Addr, dialer func(time.Time) (Conn, error), deadline time.Time) (Conn, error) {
	var timeout time.Duration
	if !deadline.IsZero() {
		timeout = deadline.Sub(time.Now())
	if timeout <= 0 {
		return dialer(noDeadline)
	t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
	defer t.Stop()
	type racer struct {
	ch := make(chan racer, 1)
	go func() {
		if testingIssue5349 {
		c, err := dialer(noDeadline)
		ch <- racer{c, err}
	select {
	case <-t.C:
		return nil, &OpError{Op: "dial", Net: net, Addr: ra, Err: errTimeout}
	case racer := <-ch:
		return racer.Conn, racer.error
예제 #21
func TestResolution(t *testing.T) {
	var count int64
	var i int64
	count = 10000
	var tstart time.Time
	var tend time.Time
	var td int64
	var tsum int64
	var sumsqr int64
	tdarr := make([]int64, count)
	for i = 0; i < count; i++ {
		tstart = time.Now()
		tend = time.Now()
		td = tend.Sub(tstart).Nanoseconds()
		//fmt.Printf("%d ", td)
		tdarr[i] = td
		tsum += td
		sumsqr += td * td
	mean := tsum / count
	variance := (sumsqr/(count) - mean*mean)
	vari := float64(0)
	for i = 0; i < count; i++ {
		x := float64(tdarr[i]) - float64(mean)
		vari += x * x
	fmt.Printf("mean: %v\n", mean)
	fmt.Printf("variance: %v\n", variance)
	fmt.Printf("stddev: %v\n", math.Sqrt(float64(variance)))
예제 #22
파일: purge.go 프로젝트: littleyang/vitess
// purgeLogsOnce removes logfiles for program for dir, if their age
// relative to now is greater than keep.
func purgeLogsOnce(now time.Time, dir, program string, keep time.Duration) {
	current := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, level := range levels {
		c, err := os.Readlink(path.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", program, level)))
		if err != nil {
		current[c] = true

	files, err := filepath.Glob(path.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.*", program)))
	if err != nil {
	for _, file := range files {
		if current[file] {
		created, err := parseTimestamp(file)
		if err != nil {
		if now.Sub(created) > keep {
예제 #23
//newWakeSignal create a wakeSignal that sends wakeTime on dst when wakeTime passes.
//this function should be used to create wakeSignals.
//the zero value wakeSignal is not valid.
func newWakeSignal(dst chan time.Time, wakeTime time.Time) *wakeSignal {
	return &wakeSignal{
		dst:  dst,
		src:  time.After(wakeTime.Sub(time.Now())),
		stop: make(chan struct{}),
예제 #24
// completeRequest looks at iodata to see if a request is pending. If so, it waits for it to either complete or to
// abort due to hitting the specified deadline. Deadline may be set to nil to wait forever. If no request is pending,
// the content of iodata is returned.
func (c *PipeConn) completeRequest(data iodata, deadline *time.Time, overlapped *syscall.Overlapped) (int, error) {
	if data.err == error_io_incomplete || data.err == syscall.ERROR_IO_PENDING {
		var timer <-chan time.Time
		if deadline != nil {
			if timeDiff := deadline.Sub(time.Now()); timeDiff > 0 {
				timer = time.After(timeDiff)
		done := make(chan iodata)
		go func() {
			n, err := waitForCompletion(c.handle, overlapped)
			done <- iodata{n, err}
		select {
		case data = <-done:
		case <-timer:
			syscall.CancelIoEx(c.handle, overlapped)
			data = iodata{0, timeout(c.addr.String())}
	// Windows will produce ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE upon closing
	// a handle on the other end of a connection. Go RPC
	// expects an io.EOF error in this case.
	if data.err == syscall.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE {
		data.err = io.EOF
	return int(data.n), data.err
예제 #25
func showSince(writer io.Writer, now time.Time, since time.Time) {
	if now.IsZero() || since.IsZero() {
		fmt.Fprintln(writer, "    <td></td>")
	} else {
		showDuration(writer, now.Sub(since), false)
예제 #26
파일: dial_test.go 프로젝트: RBEGamer/go
// In some environments, the slow IPs may be explicitly unreachable, and fail
// more quickly than expected. This test hook prevents dialTCP from returning
// before the deadline.
func slowDialTCP(net string, laddr, raddr *TCPAddr, deadline time.Time) (*TCPConn, error) {
	c, err := dialTCP(net, laddr, raddr, deadline)
	if ParseIP(slowDst4).Equal(raddr.IP) || ParseIP(slowDst6).Equal(raddr.IP) {
	return c, err
예제 #27
파일: main.go 프로젝트: pombredanne/heka
func timerLoop(count *uint64, ticker *time.Ticker) {
	lastTime := time.Now().UTC()
	lastCount := *count
	zeroes := int8(0)
	var (
		msgsSent, newCount uint64
		elapsedTime        time.Duration
		now                time.Time
		rate               float64
	for {
		_ = <-ticker.C
		newCount = *count
		now = time.Now()
		msgsSent = newCount - lastCount
		lastCount = newCount
		elapsedTime = now.Sub(lastTime)
		lastTime = now
		rate = float64(msgsSent) / elapsedTime.Seconds()
		if msgsSent == 0 {
			if newCount == 0 || zeroes == 3 {
		} else {
			zeroes = 0
		log.Printf("Sent %d messages. %0.2f msg/sec\n", newCount, rate)
예제 #28
func (f *ReplayFilter) compactFilter(now time.Time) {
	e := f.fifo.Front()
	for e != nil {
		ent, _ := e.Value.(*entry)

		// If the filter is not full, only purge entries that exceed the TTL,
		// otherwise purge at least one entry, then revert to TTL based
		// compaction.
		if f.fifo.Len() < maxFilterSize && f.ttl > 0 {
			deltaT := now.Sub(ent.firstSeen)
			if deltaT < 0 {
				// Aeeeeeee, the system time jumped backwards, potentially by
				// a lot.  This will eventually self-correct, but "eventually"
				// could be a long time.  As much as this sucks, jettison the
				// entire filter.
			} else if deltaT < f.ttl {

		// Remove the eldest entry.
		eNext := e.Next()
		delete(f.filter, ent.digest)
		ent.element = nil
		e = eNext
예제 #29
// Valid returns true if token is a valid, unexpired token returned by Generate.
func validAtTime(token, key, userID string, now time.Time) bool {
	// Decode the token.
	data, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(token)
	if err != nil {
		return false

	// Extract the issue time of the token.
	sep := bytes.LastIndex(data, []byte{':'})
	if sep < 0 {
		return false
	nanos, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(data[sep+1:]), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	issueTime := time.Unix(0, nanos)

	// Check that the token is not expired.
	if now.Sub(issueTime) >= timeout {
		return false

	// Check that the token is not from the future.
	// Allow 1 minute grace period in case the token is being verified on a
	// machine whose clock is behind the machine that issued the token.
	if issueTime.After(now.Add(1 * time.Minute)) {
		return false

	// Check that the token matches the expected value.
	expected := generateAtTime(key, userID, issueTime)
	return token == expected
예제 #30
파일: ec2.go 프로젝트: tychoish/evergreen
// CostForDuration returns the cost of running a host between the given start and end times
func (cloudManager *EC2Manager) CostForDuration(h *host.Host, start, end time.Time) (float64, error) {
	// sanity check
	if end.Before(start) || util.IsZeroTime(start) || util.IsZeroTime(end) {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("task timing data is malformed")
	// grab instance details from EC2
	ec2Handle := getUSEast(*cloudManager.awsCredentials)
	instance, err := getInstanceInfo(ec2Handle, h.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	os := osLinux
	if strings.Contains(h.Distro.Arch, "windows") {
		os = osWindows
	dur := end.Sub(start)
	region := azToRegion(instance.AvailabilityZone)
	iType := instance.InstanceType

	ebsCost, err := blockDeviceCosts(ec2Handle, instance.BlockDevices, dur)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating block device costs: %v", err)
	hostCost, err := onDemandCost(&pkgOnDemandPriceFetcher, os, iType, region, dur)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return hostCost + ebsCost, nil