예제 #1
// PodsRequests returns sum of each resource request for each pod in list
// If a given pod in the list does not have a request for the named resource, we log the error
// but still attempt to get the most representative count
func PodsRequests(pods []*api.Pod, resourceName api.ResourceName) *resource.Quantity {
	var sum *resource.Quantity
	for i := range pods {
		pod := pods[i]
		podQuantity, err := PodRequests(pod, resourceName)
		if err != nil {
			// log the error, but try to keep the most accurate count possible in log
			// rationale here is that you may have had pods in a namespace that did not have
			// explicit requests prior to adding the quota
			glog.Infof("No explicit request for resource, pod %s/%s, %s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, resourceName)
		} else {
			if sum == nil {
				sum = podQuantity
			} else {
	// if list is empty
	if sum == nil {
		q := resource.MustParse("0")
		sum = &q
	return sum
예제 #2
// PodRequests returns sum of each resource request across all containers in pod
func PodRequests(pod *api.Pod, resourceName api.ResourceName) (*resource.Quantity, error) {
	if !PodHasRequests(pod, resourceName) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Each container in pod %s/%s does not have an explicit request for resource %s.", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, resourceName)
	var sum *resource.Quantity
	for j := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		value, _ := pod.Spec.Containers[j].Resources.Requests[resourceName]
		if sum == nil {
			sum = value.Copy()
		} else {
			err := sum.Add(value)
			if err != nil {
				return sum, err
	// if list is empty
	if sum == nil {
		q := resource.MustParse("0")
		sum = &q
	return sum, nil