Exemplo n.º 1
func Filter(d DictSlice, bag bag.Bag) DictSlice {
	result := make(DictSlice, 0)

	for _, entry := range d {
		_, ok := bag.Subtract(entry.Bag)
		// seems a shame to throw away the difference.
		if ok {
			result = append(result, entry)

	return result
Exemplo n.º 2
func Anagrams(d DictSlice, bag bag.Bag) [][]string {
	d = Filter(d, bag)

	result := make([][]string, 0)

	for index, entry := range d {
		// try to subtract our bag from this entry's bag; save result in "smaller bag".

		smaller_bag, ok := bag.Subtract(entry.Bag)
		switch {
		// if we cannot, just skip this entry.
		case !ok:

			// if smaller bag is empty, "listify" this entry's words,
			// and append that list to the result.
		case smaller_bag.Empty():
			for _, w := range entry.Words {
				new_list := make([]string, 1)
				new_list[0] = w
				result = append(result, new_list)

			// otherwise
			// recursively call ourselves with the smaller dict and
			// the smaller bag

			from_recursive_call := Anagrams(d[index:], smaller_bag)

			// make a "cross-product" of this entry's words with the
			// results of that recursive call.

			for _, more := range combine(entry.Words, from_recursive_call) {
				result = append(result, more)

	return result