Exemplo n.º 1
// RoundTrip issues a single HTTP request and returns its response. Per the
// http.RoundTripper interface, RoundTrip only returns an error if there
// was a problem with the request being malformed
// (ErrInvalidFetchRequest) or the URL Fetch proxy fails (ErrFetch).
// Note that HTTP response codes such as 5xx, 403, 404, etc are not
// errors as far as the transport is concerned and will be returned
// with err set to nil.
func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err os.Error) {
	methNum, ok := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod_value[req.Method]
	if !ok {
		return nil, &ErrInvalidFetchRequest{"Unsupported method: " + req.Method, nil}

	method := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod(methNum)

	freq := &pb.URLFetchRequest{
		Method:                        &method,
		Url:                           proto.String(req.URL.String()),
		FollowRedirects:               proto.Bool(false), // http.Client's responsibility
		MustValidateServerCertificate: proto.Bool(!t.AllowInvalidServerCertificate),

	if t.DeadlineSeconds != 0 {
		freq.Deadline = proto.Float64(t.DeadlineSeconds)

	for k, vals := range req.Header {
		for _, val := range vals {
			freq.Header = append(freq.Header, &pb.URLFetchRequest_Header{
				Key:   proto.String(k),
				Value: proto.String(val),
	if methodAcceptsRequestBody[req.Method] {
		freq.Payload, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, &ErrInvalidFetchRequest{"Failed to read body", err}

	fres := &pb.URLFetchResponse{}
	if err := t.Context.Call("urlfetch", "Fetch", freq, fres); err != nil {
		return nil, &ErrFetch{err.String()}

	res = &http.Response{}
	res.StatusCode = int(*fres.StatusCode)
	res.Status = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", res.StatusCode, statusCodeToText(res.StatusCode))
	res.Header = http.Header(make(map[string][]string))
	res.RequestMethod = req.Method

	// Faked:
	res.ProtoMajor = 1
	res.ProtoMinor = 1
	res.Proto = "HTTP/1.1"
	res.Close = true

	for _, h := range fres.Header {
		hkey := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(*h.Key)
		hval := *h.Value
		if hkey == "Content-Length" {
			// Will get filled in below for all but HEAD requests.
			if req.Method == "HEAD" {
				res.ContentLength, _ = strconv.Atoi64(hval)
		res.Header.Add(hkey, hval)

	if req.Method != "HEAD" {
		res.ContentLength = int64(len(fres.Content))

	truncated := proto.GetBool(fres.ContentWasTruncated)
	res.Body = &bodyReader{content: fres.Content, truncated: truncated}
Exemplo n.º 2
// RoundTrip issues a single HTTP request and returns its response. Per the
// http.RoundTripper interface, RoundTrip only returns an error if there
// was an unsupported request or the URL Fetch proxy fails.
// Note that HTTP response codes such as 5xx, 403, 404, etc are not
// errors as far as the transport is concerned and will be returned
// with err set to nil.
func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
	methNum, ok := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod_value[req.Method]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("urlfetch: unsupported HTTP method %q", req.Method)

	method := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod(methNum)

	freq := &pb.URLFetchRequest{
		Method:                        &method,
		Url:                           proto.String(urlString(req.URL)),
		FollowRedirects:               proto.Bool(false), // http.Client's responsibility
		MustValidateServerCertificate: proto.Bool(!t.AllowInvalidServerCertificate),
	opts := &appengine_internal.CallOptions{}

	if t.Deadline != 0 {
		freq.Deadline = proto.Float64(t.Deadline.Seconds())
		opts.Timeout = t.Deadline

	for k, vals := range req.Header {
		for _, val := range vals {
			freq.Header = append(freq.Header, &pb.URLFetchRequest_Header{
				Key:   proto.String(k),
				Value: proto.String(val),
	if methodAcceptsRequestBody[req.Method] && req.Body != nil {
		freq.Payload, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	fres := &pb.URLFetchResponse{}
	if err := t.Context.Call("urlfetch", "Fetch", freq, fres, opts); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	res = &http.Response{}
	res.StatusCode = int(*fres.StatusCode)
	res.Status = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", res.StatusCode, statusCodeToText(res.StatusCode))
	res.Header = make(http.Header)
	res.Request = req

	// Faked:
	res.ProtoMajor = 1
	res.ProtoMinor = 1
	res.Proto = "HTTP/1.1"
	res.Close = true

	for _, h := range fres.Header {
		hkey := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(*h.Key)
		hval := *h.Value
		if hkey == "Content-Length" {
			// Will get filled in below for all but HEAD requests.
			if req.Method == "HEAD" {
				res.ContentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(hval, 10, 64)
		res.Header.Add(hkey, hval)

	if req.Method != "HEAD" {
		res.ContentLength = int64(len(fres.Content))

	truncated := fres.GetContentWasTruncated()
	res.Body = &bodyReader{content: fres.Content, truncated: truncated}