Exemplo n.º 1
func ExampleStack() {
	// Associate a session ID with each session
	var sessionID int64
	sessionid := styx.HandlerFunc(func(s *styx.Session) {
		id := atomic.AddInt64(&sessionID, 1)
		for s.Next() {
			req := s.Request()
			ctx := context.WithValue(req.Context(), "session", id)

	// echo requests to stdout
	echo := styx.HandlerFunc(func(s *styx.Session) {
		for s.Next() {
			req := s.Request()
			id := req.Context().Value("session")
			fmt.Printf("session %v user %q %q %T %s",
				id, s.User, s.Access, req, req.Path())

	// Disallow removal of any files
	blockops := styx.HandlerFunc(func(s *styx.Session) {
		for s.Next() {
			if t, ok := s.Request().(styx.Tremove); ok {
				t.Rerror("permission denied")

	handler := styx.Stack(sessionid, echo, blockops)
	styx.ListenAndServe(":564", handler)
Exemplo n.º 2
func Example() {
	// Run a file server that creates directories (and only directories)
	// on-demand, as a client walks to them.

	h := styx.HandlerFunc(func(s *styx.Session) {
		for s.Next() {
			switch t := s.Request().(type) {
			case styx.Tstat:
				t.Rstat(emptyDir{}, nil)
			case styx.Twalk:
				t.Rwalk(emptyDir{}, nil)
			case styx.Topen:
				t.Ropen(emptyDir{}, nil)
	log.Fatal(styx.ListenAndServe(":564", h))