/* Reshape changes shape of the matrix without copying data. A value of `0` means that channels or rows remain unchanged. */ func (m *Mat) Reshape(channels, rows int) *Mat { total := m.Cols() * m.Rows() n := CreateMat(rows, total/rows, m.Type()) C.cvReshape(unsafe.Pointer(m), (*C.CvMat)(n), C.int(channels), C.int(rows)) return n }
/* Reshape changes shape of the image without copying data. A value of `0` means that channels or rows remain unchanged. */ func (img *IplImage) Reshape(channels, rows, _type int) *Mat { total := img.Width() * img.Height() header := CreateMat(rows, total/rows, _type) n := C.cvReshape(unsafe.Pointer(img), (*C.CvMat)(header), C.int(channels), C.int(rows)) return (*Mat)(n) }