Exemplo n.º 1
// Perform cross validation. The instances in the problem are separated
// in the given number of folds. Each fold is sequentially evaluated
// using the model trained with the remaining folds. The slice that is
// returned contains the predicted instance classes.
func CrossValidation(problem *Problem, param Parameters, nFolds uint) ([]float64, error) {
	cParam := toCParameter(param)
	defer func() {

	r := C.check_parameter_wrap(problem.problem, cParam)
	if r != nil {
		msg := C.GoString(r)
		return nil, errors.New(msg)

	nInstances := uint(problem.problem.l)
	target := newDouble(C.size_t(nInstances))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(target))

	C.cross_validation_wrap(problem.problem, cParam, C.int(nFolds), target)

	classifications := make([]float64, nInstances)
	for idx, _ := range classifications {
		classifications[idx] = float64(C.get_double_idx(target, C.int(idx)))

	return classifications, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// TrainModel trains an SVM using the given parameters and problem.
func TrainModel(param Parameters, problem *Problem) (*Model, error) {
	cParam := toCParameter(param)
	defer func() {

	// Check validity of the parameters.
	r := C.check_parameter_wrap(problem.problem, cParam)
	if r != nil {
		msg := C.GoString(r)
		return nil, errors.New(msg)

	cmodel := C.train_wrap(problem.problem, cParam)
	model := &Model{cmodel, problem, nil}
	runtime.SetFinalizer(model, finalizeModel)
	return model, nil