Exemplo n.º 1
func (w *Window) Connect(sig string, f interface{}) {
	csignal := _GString(sig)
	goclosure := C.gGoclosureNew(unsafe.Pointer(&f), nil)
		csignal, (*C.GClosure)(unsafe.Pointer(goclosure)), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
func Connect(obj unsafe.Pointer, signal string, cb interface{}) uint64 {
	cbp := &cb
	refHolder = append(refHolder, cbp) //FIXME deref
	closure := C.new_closure(unsafe.Pointer(cbp))
	cSignal := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(signal)))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cSignal))
	id := C.g_signal_connect_closure(C.gpointer(obj), cSignal, closure, C.gboolean(0))
	return uint64(id)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: gst.go Projeto: reusee/oplay
func ObjConnect(obj *C.GObject, signal string, cb interface{}) C.gulong {
	cbp := &cb
	refHolder = append(refHolder, cbp) //TODO deref
	closure := C.new_closure(unsafe.Pointer(cbp))
	cSignal := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(signal)))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cSignal))
	id := C.g_signal_connect_closure(asGPtr(obj), cSignal, closure, False())
	return id
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: glib.go Projeto: vvanpo/gotk3
// Connect is a wrapper around g_signal_connect_closure().  f must be
// a function with a signaure matching the callback signature for
// detailedSignal.  userData must either 0 or 1 elements which can
// be optionally passed to f.  If f takes less arguments than it is
// passed from the GLib runtime, the extra arguments are ignored.
// Arguments for f must be a matching Go equivalent type for the
// C callback, or an interface type which the value may be packed in.
// If the type is not suitable, a runtime panic will occur when the
// signal is emitted.
func (v *Object) Connect(detailedSignal string, f interface{}, userData ...interface{}) (SignalHandle, error) {
	if len(userData) > 1 {
		return 0, errors.New("userData len must be 0 or 1")

	cstr := C.CString(detailedSignal)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))

	closure, err := ClosureNew(f, userData...)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err


	c := C.g_signal_connect_closure(C.gpointer(v.native()),
		(*C.gchar)(cstr), closure, gbool(false))
	handle := SignalHandle(c)

	// Map the signal handle to the closure.
	signals[handle] = closure

	return handle, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Connect is a wrapper around g_signal_connect_closure().  f must be
// a function with a signaure matching the callback signature for
// detailedSignal.  userData must either 0 or 1 elements which can
// be optionally passed to f.  If f takes less arguments than it is
// passed from the GLib runtime, the extra arguments are ignored.
// Currently, the non userdata arguments to f must be a *Object if
// the callback calls for any GObject.  Trying to use other GObject
// types will cause a panic when the callback is run.  This is a bug.
// The type of the optional user data argument in f may be any type
// that Go can type convert userData[0] as.  Non-GObject types may
// always be used as their Go equivalent types (for example, *C.gchar
// as a Go string).
func (v *Object) Connect(detailedSignal string, f interface{},
	userData ...interface{}) (SignalHandle, error) {

	if len(userData) > 1 {
		return 0, errors.New("userData len must be 0 or 1")

	cstr := C.CString(detailedSignal)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))

	closure, err := ClosureNew(f, userData...)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	c := C.g_signal_connect_closure(C.gpointer(v.Native()),
		(*C.gchar)(cstr), closure, gbool(false))
	handle := SignalHandle(c)

	// Add closure to internally-maintained signals map.
	signals[handle] = closure

	return handle, nil