func DumpCallableInfo(info *C.GICallableInfo) { throwsError := C.g_callable_info_can_throw_gerror(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("can throws error %v\n", throwsError) nArgs := C.g_callable_info_get_n_args(info) for i := C.gint(0); i < nArgs; i++ { argInfo := C.g_callable_info_get_arg(info, i) DumpArgInfo(argInfo) } returnOwnership := C.g_callable_info_get_caller_owns(info) p("return value ownership %s\n", TransferGetName(returnOwnership)) returnType := C.g_callable_info_get_return_type(info) defer C.g_base_info_unref(asBaseInfo(returnType)) p("return type %v\n", returnType) DumpTypeInfo(returnType) isMethod := C.g_callable_info_is_method(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is method %v\n", isMethod) var iter C.GIAttributeIter var key, value *C.char for C.g_callable_info_iterate_return_attributes(info, &iter, &key, &value) == C.gboolean(1) { p("Attr %s = %s\n", C.GoString(key), C.GoString(value)) } mayReturnNull := C.g_callable_info_may_return_null(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("may return null %v\n", mayReturnNull) skipReturn := C.g_callable_info_skip_return(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("skip return %v\n", skipReturn) }
/* Modifies saturation and optionally pixelates @src, placing the result in @dest. @src and @dest may be the same pixbuf with no ill effects. If @saturation is 1.0 then saturation is not changed. If it's less than 1.0, saturation is reduced (the image turns toward grayscale); if greater than 1.0, saturation is increased (the image gets more vivid colors). If @pixelate is %TRUE, then pixels are faded in a checkerboard pattern to create a pixelated image. @src and @dest must have the same image format, size, and rowstride. */ func (self *TraitPixbuf) SaturateAndPixelate(dest IsPixbuf, saturation float32, pixelate bool) { __cgo__pixelate := C.gboolean(0) if pixelate { __cgo__pixelate = C.gboolean(1) } C.gdk_pixbuf_saturate_and_pixelate(self.CPointer, dest.GetPixbufPointer(), C.gfloat(saturation), __cgo__pixelate) return }
/* Accepts or rejects a drop. This function is called by the drag destination in response to a drop initiated by the drag source. */ func DropReply(context IsDragContext, accepted bool, time_ uint32) { __cgo__accepted := C.gboolean(0) if accepted { __cgo__accepted = C.gboolean(1) } C.gdk_drop_reply(context.GetDragContextPointer(), __cgo__accepted, C.guint32(time_)) return }
/* Ends the drag operation after a drop. This function is called by the drag destination. */ func DropFinish(context IsDragContext, success bool, time_ uint32) { __cgo__success := C.gboolean(0) if success { __cgo__success = C.gboolean(1) } C.gdk_drop_finish(context.GetDragContextPointer(), __cgo__success, C.guint32(time_)) return }
/* Sets whether @animation should loop indefinitely when it reaches the end. */ func (self *TraitPixbufSimpleAnim) SetLoop(loop bool) { __cgo__loop := C.gboolean(0) if loop { __cgo__loop = C.gboolean(1) } C.gdk_pixbuf_simple_anim_set_loop(self.CPointer, __cgo__loop) return }
/* Sets whether a trace of received events is output. Note that GTK+ must be compiled with debugging (that is, configured using the `--enable-debug` option) to use this option. */ func SetShowEvents(show_events bool) { __cgo__show_events := C.gboolean(0) if show_events { __cgo__show_events = C.gboolean(1) } C.gdk_set_show_events(__cgo__show_events) return }
func GBool(val interface{}) *GValue { b := val.(bool) var cb C.gboolean if b { cb = C.gboolean(1) } else { cb = C.gboolean(0) } return CreateCGValue(G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, unsafe.Pointer(&cb)) }
/* Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. */ func AtomIntern(atom_name string, only_if_exists bool) (return__ C.GdkAtom) { __cgo__atom_name := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(atom_name))) __cgo__only_if_exists := C.gboolean(0) if only_if_exists { __cgo__only_if_exists = C.gboolean(1) } return__ = C.gdk_atom_intern(__cgo__atom_name, __cgo__only_if_exists) return }
/* Flips a pixbuf horizontally or vertically and returns the result in a new pixbuf. */ func (self *TraitPixbuf) Flip(horizontal bool) (return__ *Pixbuf) { __cgo__horizontal := C.gboolean(0) if horizontal { __cgo__horizontal = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo__return__ *C.GdkPixbuf __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_flip(self.CPointer, __cgo__horizontal) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
/* Takes an existing pixbuf and adds an alpha channel to it. If the existing pixbuf already had an alpha channel, the channel values are copied from the original; otherwise, the alpha channel is initialized to 255 (full opacity). If @substitute_color is %TRUE, then the color specified by (@r, @g, @b) will be assigned zero opacity. That is, if you pass (255, 255, 255) for the substitute color, all white pixels will become fully transparent. */ func (self *TraitPixbuf) AddAlpha(substitute_color bool, r uint8, g uint8, b uint8) (return__ *Pixbuf) { __cgo__substitute_color := C.gboolean(0) if substitute_color { __cgo__substitute_color = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo__return__ *C.GdkPixbuf __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(self.CPointer, __cgo__substitute_color, C.guchar(r), C.guchar(g), C.guchar(b)) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
/* Creates a new #GdkPixbuf out of in-memory readonly image data. Currently only RGB images with 8 bits per sample are supported. This is the #GBytes variant of gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(). */ func PixbufNewFromBytes(data *C.GBytes, colorspace C.GdkColorspace, has_alpha bool, bits_per_sample int, width int, height int, rowstride int) (return__ *Pixbuf) { __cgo__has_alpha := C.gboolean(0) if has_alpha { __cgo__has_alpha = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_bytes(data, colorspace, __cgo__has_alpha,,,, if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
/* Creates a new #GdkPixbuf out of in-memory image data. Currently only RGB images with 8 bits per sample are supported. Since you are providing a pre-allocated pixel buffer, you must also specify a way to free that data. This is done with a function of type #GdkPixbufDestroyNotify. When a pixbuf created with is finalized, your destroy notification function will be called, and it is its responsibility to free the pixel array. See also gdk_pixbuf_new_from_bytes(). */ func PixbufNewFromData(data []byte, colorspace C.GdkColorspace, has_alpha bool, bits_per_sample int, width int, height int, rowstride int, destroy_fn C.GdkPixbufDestroyNotify, destroy_fn_data unsafe.Pointer) (return__ *Pixbuf) { __header__data := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) __cgo__has_alpha := C.gboolean(0) if has_alpha { __cgo__has_alpha = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data((*C.guchar)(unsafe.Pointer(__header__data.Data)), colorspace, __cgo__has_alpha,,,,, destroy_fn, (C.gpointer)(destroy_fn_data)) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
/* Sets the #GdkWindow @owner as the current owner of the selection @selection. */ func SelectionOwnerSetForDisplay(display IsDisplay, owner IsWindow, selection C.GdkAtom, time_ uint32, send_event bool) (return__ bool) { var __cgo__owner *C.GdkWindow if owner != nil { __cgo__owner = owner.GetWindowPointer() } __cgo__send_event := C.gboolean(0) if send_event { __cgo__send_event = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_selection_owner_set_for_display(display.GetDisplayPointer(), __cgo__owner, selection, C.guint32(time_), __cgo__send_event) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
/* Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The image will be scaled to fit in the requested size, optionally preserving the image's aspect ratio. When preserving the aspect ratio, a @width of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given height, and a @height of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given width. If both @width and @height are given, this function will behave as if the smaller of the two values is passed as -1. When not preserving aspect ratio, a @width or @height of -1 means to not scale the image at all in that dimension. The stream is not closed. */ func PixbufNewFromStreamAtScale(stream *C.GInputStream, width int, height int, preserve_aspect_ratio bool, cancellable *C.GCancellable) (return__ *Pixbuf, __err__ error) { __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio := C.gboolean(0) if preserve_aspect_ratio { __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale(stream, C.gint(width), C.gint(height), __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio, cancellable, &__cgo_error__) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
func DumpUnionInfo(info *C.GIUnionInfo) { nFields := C.g_union_info_get_n_fields(info) p("%d fields\n", nFields) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { field := C.g_union_info_get_field(info, i) DumpFieldInfo(field) } nMethods := C.g_union_info_get_n_methods(info) p("%d methods\n", nMethods) for i := C.gint(0); i < nMethods; i++ { method := C.g_union_info_get_method(info, i) DumpFunctionInfo(method) } isDiscriminated := C.g_union_info_is_discriminated(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is discriminated %v\n", isDiscriminated) if isDiscriminated { offset := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator_offset(info) p("discriminated offset %d\n", offset) discriminatedType := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator_type(info) p("discriminated type %d\n", discriminatedType) DumpTypeInfo(discriminatedType) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { discriminator := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator(info, i) DumpConstantInfo(discriminator) } } size := C.g_union_info_get_size(info) p("size %d bytes\n", size) align := C.g_union_info_get_alignment(info) p("alignment %d bytes\n", align) }
func (v *Value) Get() interface{} { t := Type(v.g().g_type) switch t { case TYPE_INVALID: return nil case TYPE_STRING: return C.GoString((*C.char)(C.g_value_get_string(v.g()))) case TYPE_GO_INT: return int(C.g_value_get_long(v.g())) case TYPE_GO_UINT: return uint(C.g_value_get_ulong(v.g())) case TYPE_CHAR: return int8(C.g_value_get_schar(v.g())) case TYPE_UCHAR: return uint8(C.g_value_get_uchar(v.g())) case TYPE_GO_INT32: return int32(C.g_value_get_int(v.g())) case TYPE_GO_UINT32: return uint32(C.g_value_get_uint(v.g())) case TYPE_INT64: return int64(C.g_value_get_int64(v.g())) case TYPE_UINT64: return uint64(C.g_value_get_uint64(v.g())) case TYPE_BOOLEAN: return (C.g_value_get_boolean(v.g()) != C.gboolean(0)) case TYPE_FLOAT: return float32(C.g_value_get_float(v.g())) case TYPE_DOUBLE: return float64(C.g_value_get_double(v.g())) case TYPE_POINTER: return Pointer(C.g_value_get_pointer(v.g())) case TYPE_GTYPE: return Type(C.g_value_get_gtype(v.g())) } if t.IsA(TYPE_OBJECT) { o := new(Object) o.SetPtr(Pointer(C.g_value_get_object(v.g()))) return o } if C.g_value_fits_pointer(v.g()) != 0 { return Pointer(C.g_value_peek_pointer(v.g())) } // Value of unknown type is returned as is return v }
/* If both events contain X/Y information, this function will return %TRUE and return in @angle the relative angle from @event1 to @event2. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis towards the positive Y axis. */ func EventsGetAngle(event1 *C.GdkEvent, event2 *C.GdkEvent) (angle float64, return__ bool) { var __cgo__angle C.gdouble var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_events_get_angle(event1, event2, &__cgo__angle) angle = float64(__cgo__angle) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
/* Obtains a desktop-wide setting, such as the double-click time, for the default screen. See gdk_screen_get_setting(). */ func SettingGet(name string, value *C.GValue) (return__ bool) { __cgo__name := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(name))) var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_setting_get(__cgo__name, value) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
/* If both events have X/Y information, the distance between both coordinates (as in a straight line going from @event1 to @event2) will be returned. */ func EventsGetDistance(event1 *C.GdkEvent, event2 *C.GdkEvent) (distance float64, return__ bool) { var __cgo__distance C.gdouble var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_events_get_distance(event1, event2, &__cgo__distance) distance = float64(__cgo__distance) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
/* Create a #GdkPixbuf from a flat representation that is suitable for storing as inline data in a program. This is useful if you want to ship a program with images, but don't want to depend on any external files. gdk-pixbuf ships with a program called [gdk-pixbuf-csource][gdk-pixbuf-csource], which allows for conversion of #GdkPixbufs into such a inline representation. In almost all cases, you should pass the `--raw` option to `gdk-pixbuf-csource`. A sample invocation would be: |[ gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw --name=myimage_inline myimage.png ]| For the typical case where the inline pixbuf is read-only static data, you don't need to copy the pixel data unless you intend to write to it, so you can pass %FALSE for @copy_pixels. (If you pass `--rle` to `gdk-pixbuf-csource`, a copy will be made even if @copy_pixels is %FALSE, so using this option is generally a bad idea.) If you create a pixbuf from const inline data compiled into your program, it's probably safe to ignore errors and disable length checks, since things will always succeed: |[ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, myimage_inline, FALSE, NULL); ]| For non-const inline data, you could get out of memory. For untrusted inline data located at runtime, you could have corrupt inline data in addition. */ func PixbufNewFromInline(data_length int, data []byte, copy_pixels bool) (return__ *Pixbuf, __err__ error) { __header__data := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) __cgo__copy_pixels := C.gboolean(0) if copy_pixels { __cgo__copy_pixels = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(C.gint(data_length), (*C.guint8)(unsafe.Pointer(__header__data.Data)), __cgo__copy_pixels, &__cgo_error__) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
/* Compares the user data for the key @key on @object with @oldval, and if they are the same, replaces @oldval with @newval. This is like a typical atomic compare-and-exchange operation, for user data on an object. If the previous value was replaced then ownership of the old value (@oldval) is passed to the caller, including the registered destroy notify for it (passed out in @old_destroy). Its up to the caller to free this as he wishes, which may or may not include using @old_destroy as sometimes replacement should not destroy the object in the normal way. */ func (self *TraitObject) ReplaceData(key string, oldval unsafe.Pointer, newval unsafe.Pointer, destroy C.GDestroyNotify, old_destroy *C.GDestroyNotify) (return__ bool) { __cgo__key := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(key))) var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.g_object_replace_data(self.CPointer, __cgo__key, (C.gpointer)(oldval), (C.gpointer)(newval), destroy, old_destroy) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
/* Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The image will be scaled to fit in the requested size, optionally preserving the image's aspect ratio. When preserving the aspect ratio, a @width of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given height, and a @height of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given width. When not preserving aspect ratio, a @width or @height of -1 means to not scale the image at all in that dimension. The stream is not closed. */ func PixbufNewFromResourceAtScale(resource_path string, width int, height int, preserve_aspect_ratio bool) (return__ *Pixbuf, __err__ error) { __cgo__resource_path := C.CString(resource_path) __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio := C.gboolean(0) if preserve_aspect_ratio { __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource_at_scale(__cgo__resource_path,,, __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio, &__cgo_error__) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
/* This will cause a pixbuf loader to parse a buffer inside a #GBytes for an image. It will return %TRUE if the data was loaded successfully, and %FALSE if an error occurred. In the latter case, the loader will be closed, and will not accept further writes. If %FALSE is returned, @error will be set to an error from the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR or #G_FILE_ERROR domains. See also: gdk_pixbuf_loader_write() */ func (self *TraitPixbufLoader) WriteBytes(buffer *C.GBytes) (return__ bool, __err__ error) { var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_loader_write_bytes(self.CPointer, buffer, &__cgo_error__) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
/* If both events contain X/Y information, the center of both coordinates will be returned in @x and @y. */ func EventsGetCenter(event1 *C.GdkEvent, event2 *C.GdkEvent) (x float64, y float64, return__ bool) { var __cgo__x C.gdouble var __cgo__y C.gdouble var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_events_get_center(event1, event2, &__cgo__x, &__cgo__y) x = float64(__cgo__x) y = float64(__cgo__y) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
func DumpObjectInfo(info *C.GIObjectInfo) { isAbstract := C.g_object_info_get_abstract(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is abstract %v\n", isAbstract) parent := C.g_object_info_get_parent(info) if parent != nil { parentName := fromGStr(C.g_base_info_get_name(asBaseInfo(parent))) p("parent %s\n", parentName) } typeName := fromGStr(C.g_object_info_get_type_name(info)) p("type name %s\n", typeName) typeInit := fromGStr(C.g_object_info_get_type_init(info)) p("type init %s\n", typeInit) nConsts := C.g_object_info_get_n_constants(info) p("%d consts\n", nConsts) for i := C.gint(0); i < nConsts; i++ { constInfo := C.g_object_info_get_constant(info, i) DumpConstantInfo(constInfo) } nFields := C.g_object_info_get_n_fields(info) p("%d fields\n", nFields) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { field := C.g_object_info_get_field(info, i) DumpFieldInfo(field) } nInterfaces := C.g_object_info_get_n_interfaces(info) p("%d interfaces\n", nInterfaces) for i := C.gint(0); i < nInterfaces; i++ { interf := C.g_object_info_get_interface(info, i) DumpInterfaceInfo(interf) } nMethods := C.g_object_info_get_n_methods(info) p("%d methods\n", nMethods) for i := C.gint(0); i < nMethods; i++ { f := C.g_object_info_get_method(info, i) DumpFunctionInfo(f) } nProperties := C.g_object_info_get_n_properties(info) p("%d properties\n", nProperties) for i := C.gint(0); i < nProperties; i++ { property := C.g_object_info_get_property(info, i) DumpPropertyInfo(property) } nSignals := C.g_object_info_get_n_signals(info) p("%d signals\n", nSignals) for i := C.gint(0); i < nSignals; i++ { signal := C.g_object_info_get_signal(info, i) DumpSignalInfo(signal) } nVFuncs := C.g_object_info_get_n_vfuncs(info) p("%d vfuncs\n", nVFuncs) for i := C.gint(0); i < nVFuncs; i++ { vfunc := C.g_object_info_get_vfunc(info, i) DumpVFuncInfo(vfunc) } }
/* This will cause a pixbuf loader to parse the next @count bytes of an image. It will return %TRUE if the data was loaded successfully, and %FALSE if an error occurred. In the latter case, the loader will be closed, and will not accept further writes. If %FALSE is returned, @error will be set to an error from the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR or #G_FILE_ERROR domains. */ func (self *TraitPixbufLoader) Write(buf []byte, count int64) (return__ bool, __err__ error) { __header__buf := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)) var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(self.CPointer, (*C.guchar)(unsafe.Pointer(__header__buf.Data)), C.gsize(count), &__cgo_error__) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
func Connect(obj unsafe.Pointer, signal string, cb interface{}) uint64 { cbp := &cb refHolderLock.Lock() refHolder = append(refHolder, cbp) //FIXME deref refHolderLock.Unlock() closure := C.new_closure(unsafe.Pointer(cbp)) cSignal := (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(signal))) defer id := C.g_signal_connect_closure(C.gpointer(obj), cSignal, closure, C.gboolean(0)) return uint64(id) }
func main() { var loop *C.GMainLoop var s0 byte mdir := "" flag.StringVar(&mdir, "mdir", "", "mp3文件目录") flag.BoolVar(&g_isOutOfOrder, "rand", false, "是否乱序播放") flag.Parse() if mdir == "" { flag.PrintDefaults() return } g_list = list.New() g_wg = new(sync.WaitGroup) C.gst_init((*, (***C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(nil))) loop = C.g_main_loop_new((*C.GMainContext)(unsafe.Pointer(nil)), C.gboolean(0)) // 创建主循环,在执行 g_main_loop_run后正式开始循环 if err := filepath.Walk(mdir, walkFunc); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) return } g_wg.Add(1) s := make(chan byte) defer close(s) go mp3_play_process(s, loop) LOOP0: for { fmt.Fscanf(os.Stdin, "%c\n", &s0) switch s0 { case 's': s <- s0 case 'r': s <- s0 case 'n': s <- s0 case 'p': s <- s0 case 'q': s <- s0 break LOOP0 case 'h': fmt.Print("'s' -> 暂停\n" + "'r' -> 继续\n" + "'n' -> 下一首\n" + "'p' -> 上一首\n" + "'q' -> 退出\n") } s0 = 0 } g_wg.Wait() }
/* Retrieves a portion of the contents of a property. If the property does not exist, then the function returns %FALSE, and %GDK_NONE will be stored in @actual_property_type. The XGetWindowProperty() function that gdk_property_get() uses has a very confusing and complicated set of semantics. Unfortunately, gdk_property_get() makes the situation worse instead of better (the semantics should be considered undefined), and also prints warnings to stderr in cases where it should return a useful error to the program. You are advised to use XGetWindowProperty() directly until a replacement function for gdk_property_get() is provided. */ func PropertyGet(window IsWindow, property C.GdkAtom, type_ C.GdkAtom, offset uint64, length uint64, pdelete int) (actual_property_type C.GdkAtom, actual_format int, actual_length int, data string, return__ bool) { var __cgo__actual_format C.gint var __cgo__actual_length C.gint var __cgo__data *C.guchar var __cgo__return__ C.gboolean __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_property_get(window.GetWindowPointer(), property, type_, C.gulong(offset), C.gulong(length), C.gint(pdelete), &actual_property_type, &__cgo__actual_format, &__cgo__actual_length, &__cgo__data) actual_format = int(__cgo__actual_format) actual_length = int(__cgo__actual_length) data = C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo__data))) return__ = __cgo__return__ == C.gboolean(1) return }
func DumpStructInfo(info *C.GIStructInfo) { align := C.g_struct_info_get_alignment(info) p("alignment %d bytes\n", align) size := C.g_struct_info_get_size(info) p("size %d bytes\n", size) isGtypeStruct := C.g_struct_info_is_gtype_struct(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is gtype struct %v\n", isGtypeStruct) isForeign := C.g_struct_info_is_foreign(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is foreign %v\n", isForeign) nFields := C.g_struct_info_get_n_fields(info) p("%d fields\n", nFields) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { field := C.g_struct_info_get_field(info, i) DumpFieldInfo(field) } nMethods := C.g_struct_info_get_n_methods(info) p("%d methods\n", nMethods) for i := C.gint(0); i < nMethods; i++ { f := C.g_struct_info_get_method(info, i) DumpFunctionInfo(f) } }