// MovePrintf moves the cursor to coordinates and prints the message using // the specified format. See Printf and MovePrint for more information. func (w *Window) MovePrintf(y, x int, format string, args ...interface{}) { cstr := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr)) C.mvwaddstr(w.win, C.int(y), C.int(x), cstr) }
func (w *Window) Mvaddstr(y, x int, str string) { C.mvwaddstr((*C.WINDOW)(w), C.int(y), C.int(x), C.CString(str)) }
/* Like MovePrint, but clears the remainder of the line as well */ func (w *Window) MovePrintLine(x, y int, s string) { C.mvwaddstr((*C.WINDOW)(w), C.int(y), C.int(x), C.CString(s)) w.ClearToEOL() }
func (window *Window) Mvaddstr(y, x int, str ...interface{}) { res := (*C.char)(C.CString(fmt.Sprint(str...))) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(res)) C.mvwaddstr(window.cwin, C.int(y), C.int(x), res) }
/* Moves cursor to coordinates (x, y) and then prints string s */ func (w *Window) MovePrint(x, y int, s string) { C.mvwaddstr((*C.WINDOW)(w), C.int(y), C.int(x), C.CString(s)) }