Exemplo n.º 1
//void sws_printVec2 (SwsVector *a, AVClass *log_ctx, int log_level)
//Print with av_log() a textual representation of the vector a if log_level <= av_log_level.
func Sws_printVec2(a *SwsVector, lctx *AVClass, l int) {
	C.sws_printVec2((*C.struct_SwsVector)(a), (*C.struct_AVClass)(lctx), C.int(l))
Exemplo n.º 2
//void sws_printVec2 (SwsVector *a, AVClass *log_ctx, int log_level)
//Print with av_log() a textual representation of the vector a if log_level <= av_log_level.
func Sws_printVec2(a *C.struct_SwsVector, lctx *C.struct_AVClass, l int) {
	C.sws_printVec2(a, lctx, C.int(l))
Exemplo n.º 3
//Print with av_log() a textual representation of the vector a if log_level <= av_log_level.
func (a *Vector) SwsPrintvec2(lctx *Class, l int) {
	C.sws_printVec2((*C.struct_SwsVector)(a), (*C.struct_AVClass)(lctx), C.int(l))