Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: zk.go Projeto: snaury/gozk
// ExistsW works like Exists but also returns a channel that will
// receive an Event value when a node is created in case the returned
// stat is nil and the node didn't exist, or when the existing node
// is removed. It will also receive critical session events. See the
// documentation of the Event type for more details.
func (conn *Conn) ExistsW(path string) (stat *Stat, watch <-chan Event, err error) {
	defer conn.mutex.RUnlock()
	if conn.handle == nil {
		return nil, nil, closingError("existsw", path)

	cpath := C.CString(path)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))

	watchId, watchChannel := conn.createWatch(true)

	var cstat Stat
	rc, cerr := C.zoo_wexists(conn.handle, cpath, C.watch_handler, unsafe.Pointer(watchId), &cstat.c)

	// We diverge a bit from the usual here: a ZNONODE is not an error
	// for an exists call, otherwise every Exists call would have to check
	// for err != nil and err.Code() != ZNONODE.
	switch ErrorCode(rc) {
	case ZOK:
		stat = &cstat
		watch = watchChannel
	case ZNONODE:
		watch = watchChannel
		err = zkError(rc, cerr, "existsw", path)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: zk.go Projeto: snaury/gozk
// Exists checks if a node exists at the given path.  If it does,
// stat will contain meta information on the existing node, otherwise
// it will be nil.
func (conn *Conn) Exists(path string) (stat *Stat, err error) {
	defer conn.mutex.RUnlock()
	if conn.handle == nil {
		return nil, closingError("exists", path)

	cpath := C.CString(path)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))

	var cstat Stat
	rc, cerr := C.zoo_wexists(conn.handle, cpath, nil, nil, &cstat.c)

	// We diverge a bit from the usual here: a ZNONODE is not an error
	// for an exists call, otherwise every Exists call would have to check
	// for err != nil and err.Code() != ZNONODE.
	if rc == C.ZOK {
		stat = &cstat
	} else if rc != C.ZNONODE {
		err = zkError(rc, cerr, "exists", path)