Exemplo n.º 1
func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("file", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(fileCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.makePermanode, "permanode", false, "Create an associate a new permanode for the uploaded file or directory.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.filePermanodes, "filenodes", false, "Create (if necessary) content-based permanodes for each uploaded file.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.vivify, "vivify", false,
			"If true, ask the server to create and sign permanode(s) associated with each uploaded"+
				" file. This permits the server to have your signing key. Used mostly with untrusted"+
				" or at-risk clients, such as phones.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.exifTime, "exiftime", false, "Try to use metadata (such as EXIF) to get a stable creation time. If found, used as the replacement for the modtime. Mainly useful with vivify or filenodes.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.title, "title", "", "Optional title attribute to set on permanode when using -permanode.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.tag, "tag", "", "Optional tag(s) to set on permanode when using -permanode or -filenodes. Single value or comma separated.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.diskUsage, "du", false, "Dry run mode: only show disk usage information, without upload or statting dest. Used for testing skipDirs configs, mostly.")

		if debug, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("CAMLI_DEBUG")); debug {
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.statcache, "statcache", true, "Use the stat cache, assuming unchanged files already uploaded in the past are still there. Fast, but potentially dangerous.")
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.havecache, "havecache", true, "Use the 'have cache', a cache keeping track of what blobs the remote server should already have from previous uploads.")
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.memstats, "debug-memstats", false, "Enter debug in-memory mode; collecting stats only. Doesn't upload anything.")
			flags.StringVar(&cmd.histo, "debug-histogram-file", "", "Optional file to create and write the blob size for each file uploaded.  For use with GNU R and hist(read.table(\"filename\")$V1). Requires debug-memstats.")
			flags.BoolVar(&flagUseSQLiteChildCache, "sqlitecache", false, "Use sqlite for the statcache and havecache instead of a flat cache.")
		} else {
			cmd.havecache = true
			cmd.statcache = true
		if client.AndroidOutput() {
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.argsFromInput, "stdinargs", false, "If true, filenames to upload are sent one-per-line on stdin. EOF means to quit the process with exit status 0.")
		flagCacheLog = flags.Bool("logcache", false, "log caching details")

		return cmd
Exemplo n.º 2
// statReceiver returns the StatReceiver used for checking for and uploading blobs.
// The optional provided node is only used for conditionally printing out status info to stdout.
func (up *Uploader) statReceiver(n *node) blobserver.StatReceiver {
	statReceiver := up.altStatReceiver
	if statReceiver == nil {
		// TODO(mpl): simplify the altStatReceiver situation as well,
		// see TODO in cmd/camput/uploader.go
		statReceiver = up.Client
	if client.AndroidOutput() && n != nil && n.fi.Mode()&os.ModeType == 0 {
		return client.AndroidStatusReceiver{Sr: statReceiver, Path: n.fullPath}
	return statReceiver
Exemplo n.º 3
func newUploader() *Uploader {
	cc := client.NewOrFail()
	if !*cmdmain.FlagVerbose {

	var transport http.RoundTripper
	proxy := http.ProxyFromEnvironment
	if flagProxyLocal {
		proxy = proxyFromEnvironment
	tlsConfig, err := cc.TLSConfig()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error while configuring TLS for client: %v", err)
	transport = &http.Transport{
		Dial:            cc.DialFunc(),
		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
		Proxy:           proxy,

	httpStats := &httputil.StatsTransport{
		VerboseLog: *flagHTTP,
		Transport:  transport,
	transport = httpStats

	if client.AndroidOutput() {
		transport = client.AndroidStatsTransport{transport}
	cc.SetHTTPClient(&http.Client{Transport: transport})

	pwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("os.Getwd: %v", err)

	return &Uploader{
		Client:    cc,
		transport: httpStats,
		pwd:       pwd,
		entityFetcher: &jsonsign.CachingEntityFetcher{
			Fetcher: &jsonsign.FileEntityFetcher{File: cc.SecretRingFile()},
Exemplo n.º 4
func (t *TreeUpload) run() {
	defer close(t.donec)

	// Kick off scanning all files, eventually learning the root
	// node (which references all its children).
	var root *node // nil until received and set in loop below.
	rootc := make(chan *node, 1)
	if !t.rootless {
		go func() {
			n, err := t.statPath(t.base, nil)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Error scanning files under %s: %v", t.base, err)
			rootc <- n

	var lastStat, lastUpload string
	dumpStats := func() {
		if client.AndroidOutput() {
		statStatus := ""
		if root == nil {
			statStatus = fmt.Sprintf("last stat: %s", lastStat)
		blobStats := t.up.Stats()
		log.Printf("FILES: Total: %+v Skipped: %+v Uploaded: %+v %s BLOBS: %s Digested: %d last upload: %s",
			t.total, t.skipped, t.uploaded,

	// Channels for stats & progress bars. These are never closed:
	uploadedc := make(chan *node) // at least tried to upload; server might have had blob
	skippedc := make(chan *node)  // didn't even hit blobserver; trusted our stat cache

	uploadsdonec := make(chan bool)
	var upload chan<- *node
	withPermanode := t.up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode()
	if t.DiskUsageMode {
		upload = NewNodeWorker(1, func(n *node, ok bool) {
			if !ok {
				uploadsdonec <- true
			if n.fi.IsDir() {
				fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n", n.SumBytes()>>10, n.fullPath)
	} else {
		upload = NewNodeWorker(uploadWorkers, func(n *node, ok bool) {
			if !ok {
				log.Printf("done with all uploads.")
				uploadsdonec <- true
			put, err := t.up.uploadNode(n)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Error uploading %s: %v", n.fullPath, err)
			n.SetPutResult(put, nil)
			if c := t.up.statCache; c != nil && !n.fi.IsDir() {
					t.up.pwd, n.fullPath, n.fi, put, withPermanode)
			uploadedc <- n

	checkStatCache := NewNodeWorker(10, func(n *node, ok bool) {
		if !ok {
			if t.up.statCache != nil {
				log.Printf("done checking stat cache")
		if t.DiskUsageMode || t.up.statCache == nil {
			upload <- n
		if !n.fi.IsDir() {
			cachedRes, err := t.up.statCache.CachedPutResult(
				t.up.pwd, n.fullPath, n.fi, withPermanode)
			if err == nil {
				n.SetPutResult(cachedRes, nil)
				cachelog.Printf("Cache HIT on %q -> %v", n.fullPath, cachedRes)
				client.NoteFileUploaded(n.fullPath, false)
				skippedc <- n
		upload <- n

	ticker := time.NewTicker(500 * time.Millisecond)
	defer ticker.Stop()

	stattedc := t.stattedc
	for {
		select {
		case <-uploadsdonec:
			break Loop
		case n := <-rootc:
			root = n
		case n := <-uploadedc:
			lastUpload = n.fullPath
		case n := <-skippedc:
		case n, ok := <-stattedc:
			if !ok {
				log.Printf("done stattting:")
				stattedc = nil
			lastStat = n.fullPath
			checkStatCache <- n
		case <-ticker.C:

	log.Printf("tree upload finished. final stats:")

	if root == nil {
		panic("unexpected nil root node")
	var err error
	log.Printf("Waiting on root node %q", root.fullPath)
	t.finalPutRes, err = root.PutResult()
	log.Printf("Waited on root node %q: %v", root.fullPath, t.finalPutRes)
	if err != nil {
		t.err = err