Exemplo n.º 1
// #line processing.
func (in *Input) line() {
	// Only need to handle Plan 9 format: #line 337 "filename"
	tok := in.Stack.Next()
	if tok != scanner.Int {
		in.expectText("expected line number after #line")
	line, err := strconv.Atoi(in.Stack.Text())
	if err != nil {
		in.Error("error parsing #line (cannot happen):", err)
	tok = in.Stack.Next()
	if tok != scanner.String {
		in.expectText("expected file name in #line")
	file, err := strconv.Unquote(in.Stack.Text())
	if err != nil {
		in.Error("unquoting #line file name: ", err)
	tok = in.Stack.Next()
	if tok != '\n' {
		in.Error("unexpected token at end of #line: ", tok)
	obj.Linklinehist(linkCtxt, histLine, file, line)
	in.Stack.SetPos(line, file)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (t *Tokenizer) Close() {
	if t.file != nil {
		// It's an open file, so pop the line history.
		obj.Linklinehist(linkCtxt, histLine, "<pop>", 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
func newfile(s string, f *os.File) {
	i := ionext
	i.Link = iostack
	iostack = i
	i.F = f
	if f == nil {
		var err error
		i.F, err = os.Open(s)
		if err != nil {
			Yyerror("%ca: %v", Thechar, err)

	fi.P = nil
	obj.Linklinehist(Ctxt, int(Lineno), s, 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
func filbuf() int {
	var n int

	i := iostack
	if i == nil {
		return EOF
	if i.F == nil {
		goto pop
	n, _ = i.F.Read(i.B[:])
	if n == 0 {
		obj.Linklinehist(Ctxt, int(Lineno), "<pop>", 0)
		goto pop
	fi.P = i.B[1:n]
	return int(i.B[0]) & 0xff

	iostack = i.Link
	i.Link = iofree
	iofree = i
	i = iostack
	if i == nil {
		return EOF
	fi.P = i.P
	if len(fi.P) == 0 {
		goto loop
	tmp8 := fi.P
	fi.P = fi.P[1:]
	return int(tmp8[0]) & 0xff
Exemplo n.º 5
func NewTokenizer(name string, r io.Reader, file *os.File) *Tokenizer {
	var s scanner.Scanner
	// Newline is like a semicolon; other space characters are fine.
	s.Whitespace = 1<<'\t' | 1<<'\r' | 1<<' '
	// Don't skip comments: we need to count newlines.
	s.Mode = scanner.ScanChars |
		scanner.ScanFloats |
		scanner.ScanIdents |
		scanner.ScanInts |
		scanner.ScanStrings |
	s.Position.Filename = name
	s.IsIdentRune = isIdentRune
	if file != nil {
		obj.Linklinehist(linkCtxt, histLine, name, 0)
	return &Tokenizer{
		s:        &s,
		line:     1,
		fileName: name,
		file:     file,