Exemplo n.º 1
func (p *MemoryPersistence) Delete(client string, direction dirFlag, uid uuid.UUID) bool {
	//only need to get a read lock on the persistence store, but lock the underlying
	//persistenceentry for the client we're working with.
	defer p.RUnlock()
	//checks that there is actually an entry for the message id we're being asked to
	//delete, if there isn't return false, otherwise delete the entry.
	id := uid.String()
	DEBUG.Println("Removing persisted message for", client)
	switch direction {
	case INBOUND:
		defer p.inbound[client].Unlock()
		//if there is already an entry for this message id return false
		if _, ok := p.inbound[client].messages[id]; !ok {
			return false
		delete(p.inbound[client].messages, id)
		defer p.outbound[client].Unlock()
		//if there is already an entry for this message id return false
		if _, ok := p.outbound[client].messages[id]; !ok {
			return false
		delete(p.outbound[client].messages, id)
	return true
Exemplo n.º 2
func (bs *BlockStore) LoadSuperblock(id uuid.UUID, generation uint64) *Superblock {
	var sb = fake_sblock{}
	if generation == LatestGeneration {
		//log.Info("loading superblock uuid=%v (lgen)", id.String())
		qry := bs.db.C("superblocks").Find(bson.M{"uuid": id.String()})
		if err := qry.Sort("-gen").One(&sb); err != nil {
			if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
				lg.Info("sb notfound!")
				return nil
			} else {
	} else {
		qry := bs.db.C("superblocks").Find(bson.M{"uuid": id.String(), "gen": generation})
		if err := qry.One(&sb); err != nil {
			if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
				return nil
			} else {
	rv := Superblock{
		uuid:     id,
		gen:      sb.Gen,
		root:     sb.Root,
		unlinked: sb.Unlinked,
	return &rv
Exemplo n.º 3
func (db *InMemDatabase) GetByUuid(id uuid.UUID) (contrail.IObject, error) {
	uid := makeUID(id)
	obj, ok := db.objByIdMap[uid]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: Not found", id.String())
	return obj, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func newPod(h *Host, id uuid.UUID) *Pod {
	if id == nil {
		id = uuid.NewRandom()
	return &Pod{
		Host: h,
		UUID: id,
		ui:   ui.NewUI("yellow", "pod", id.String()),
Exemplo n.º 5
func NewImage(h *Host, id uuid.UUID) *Image {
	if id == nil {
		id = uuid.NewRandom()
	return &Image{
		Host:     h,
		UUID:     id,
		Manifest: *schema.BlankImageManifest(),
		ui:       ui.NewUI("blue", "image", id.String()),
Exemplo n.º 6
func (bs *BlockStore) UnlinkGenerations(id uuid.UUID, sgen uint64, egen uint64) error {
	iter := bs.db.C("superblocks").Find(bson.M{"uuid": id.String(), "gen": bson.M{"$gte": sgen, "$lt": egen}, "unlinked": false}).Iter()
	rs := fake_sblock{}
	for iter.Next(&rs) {
		rs.Unlinked = true
		_, err := bs.db.C("superblocks").Upsert(bson.M{"uuid": id.String(), "gen": rs.Gen}, rs)
		if err != nil {
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
func (bs *BlockStore) DEBUG_DELETE_UUID(id uuid.UUID) {
	lg.Info("DEBUG removing uuid '%v' from database", id.String())
	_, err := bs.db.C("superblocks").RemoveAll(bson.M{"uuid": id.String()})
	if err != nil && err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
	if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
		lg.Info("Quey did not find supeblock to delete")
	} else {
		lg.Info("err was nik")
Exemplo n.º 8
 * This obtains a generation, blocking if necessary
func (bs *BlockStore) ObtainGeneration(id uuid.UUID) *Generation {
	//The first thing we do is obtain a write lock on the UUID, as a generation
	//represents a lock
	mk := UUIDToMapKey(id)
	mtx, ok := bs._wlocks[mk]
	if !ok {
		//Mutex doesn't exist so is unlocked
		mtx := new(sync.Mutex)
		bs._wlocks[mk] = mtx
	} else {

	gen := &Generation{
		cblocks: make([]*Coreblock, 0, 8192),
		vblocks: make([]*Vectorblock, 0, 8192),
	//We need a generation. Lets see if one is on disk
	qry := bs.db.C("superblocks").Find(bson.M{"uuid": id.String()})
	rs := fake_sblock{}
	qerr := qry.Sort("-gen").One(&rs)
	if qerr == mgo.ErrNotFound {
		lg.Info("no superblock found for %v", id.String())
		//Ok just create a new superblock/generation
		gen.Cur_SB = NewSuperblock(id)
	} else if qerr != nil {
		//Well thats more serious
		lg.Panic("Mongodb error: %v", qerr)
	} else {
		//Ok we have a superblock, pop the gen
		//log.Info("Found a superblock for %v", id.String())
		sb := Superblock{
			uuid: id,
			root: rs.Root,
			gen:  rs.Gen,
		gen.Cur_SB = &sb

	gen.New_SB = gen.Cur_SB.Clone()
	gen.New_SB.gen = gen.Cur_SB.gen + 1
	gen.blockstore = bs
	return gen
Exemplo n.º 9
func new_peer(uuid uuid.UUID) (peer *peer_t) {
	peer = &peer_t{
		uuid_bytes:  []byte(uuid),
		uuid_string: uuid.String(),
Exemplo n.º 10
// Get get build data
func (r *LocalFsRegistry) Get(id uuid.UUID) (schema.Build, error) {
	// TODO: add error handling.(Expired Data and Not Found File)
	file, err := os.Open(r.dir + id.String() + ".json")
	if err != nil {
		return schema.Build{}, err
	defer file.Close()

	var build schema.Build

	err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&build)
	if err != nil {
		return schema.Build{}, err

	return build, nil
Exemplo n.º 11
func (r *EtcdRegistry) Get(id uuid.UUID) (schema.Build, error) {
	key := path.Join(r.keyPrefix, id.String())
	res, err := r.etcd.Get(key, false, true)
	if err != nil {
		return schema.Build{}, err

	var build schema.Build
	err = unmarshal(res.Node.Value, &build)
	if err != nil {
		if isKeyNotFound(err) {
			// TODO (spesnova): return 404 error
			return schema.Build{}, err
		return schema.Build{}, err

	return build, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
//get time.Time form uuid code
func getTime(uucode uuid.UUID) time.Time {
	ut, _ := uucode.Time()
	s, n := ut.UnixTime()
	return time.Unix(s, n)