Exemplo n.º 1
func (r *renamer) checkInLocalScope(from types.Object) {
	info := r.packages[from.Pkg()]

	// Is this object an implicit local var for a type switch?
	// Each case has its own var, whose position is the decl of y,
	// but Ident in that decl does not appear in the Uses map.
	//   switch y := x.(type) {	 // Defs[Ident(y)] is undefined
	//   case int:    print(y)       // Implicits[CaseClause(int)]    = Var(y_int)
	//   case string: print(y)       // Implicits[CaseClause(string)] = Var(y_string)
	//   }
	var isCaseVar bool
	for syntax, obj := range info.Implicits {
		if _, ok := syntax.(*ast.CaseClause); ok && obj.Pos() == from.Pos() {
			isCaseVar = true

	r.checkInLexicalScope(from, info)

	// Finally, if this was a type switch, change the variable y.
	if isCaseVar {
		_, path, _ := r.iprog.PathEnclosingInterval(from.Pos(), from.Pos())
		path[0].(*ast.Ident).Name = r.to // path is [Ident AssignStmt TypeSwitchStmt...]
Exemplo n.º 2
// checkSelection checks that all uses and selections that resolve to
// the specified object would continue to do so after the renaming.
func (r *renamer) checkSelections(from types.Object) {
	for pkg, info := range r.packages {
		if id := someUse(info, from); id != nil {
			if !r.checkExport(id, pkg, from) {

		for syntax, sel := range info.Selections {
			// There may be extant selections of only the old
			// name or only the new name, so we must check both.
			// (If neither, the renaming is sound.)
			// In both cases, we wish to compare the lengths
			// of the implicit field path (Selection.Index)
			// to see if the renaming would change it.
			// If a selection that resolves to 'from', when renamed,
			// would yield a path of the same or shorter length,
			// this indicates ambiguity or a changed referent,
			// analogous to same- or sub-block lexical conflict.
			// If a selection using the name 'to' would
			// yield a path of the same or shorter length,
			// this indicates ambiguity or shadowing,
			// analogous to same- or super-block lexical conflict.

			// TODO(adonovan): fix: derive from Types[syntax.X].Mode
			// TODO(adonovan): test with pointer, value, addressable value.
			isAddressable := true

			if sel.Obj() == from {
				if obj, indices, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(sel.Recv(), isAddressable, from.Pkg(), r.to); obj != nil {
					// Renaming this existing selection of
					// 'from' may block access to an existing
					// type member named 'to'.
					delta := len(indices) - len(sel.Index())
					if delta > 0 {
						continue // no ambiguity
					r.selectionConflict(from, delta, syntax, obj)

			} else if sel.Obj().Name() == r.to {
				if obj, indices, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(sel.Recv(), isAddressable, from.Pkg(), from.Name()); obj == from {
					// Renaming 'from' may cause this existing
					// selection of the name 'to' to change
					// its meaning.
					delta := len(indices) - len(sel.Index())
					if delta > 0 {
						continue //  no ambiguity
					r.selectionConflict(from, -delta, syntax, sel.Obj())
Exemplo n.º 3
// isPackageLevel reports whether obj is a package-level object.
func isPackageLevel(obj types.Object) bool {
	// TODO(adonovan): fix go/types bug:
	//   obj.Parent().Parent() == obj.Pkg().Scope()
	// doesn't work because obj.Parent() gets mutated during
	// dot-imports.
	return obj.Pkg().Scope().Lookup(obj.Name()) == obj
Exemplo n.º 4
// same reports whether x and y are identical, or both are PkgNames
// referring to the same Package.
func sameObj(x, y types.Object) bool {
	if x == y {
		return true
	if _, ok := x.(*types.PkgName); ok {
		if _, ok := y.(*types.PkgName); ok {
			return x.Pkg() == y.Pkg()
	return false
Exemplo n.º 5
func formatMember(obj types.Object, maxname int) string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%-5s %-*s", tokenOf(obj), maxname, obj.Name())
	switch obj := obj.(type) {
	case *types.Const:
		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s = %s", types.TypeString(obj.Pkg(), obj.Type()), obj.Val().String())

	case *types.Func:
		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", types.TypeString(obj.Pkg(), obj.Type()))

	case *types.TypeName:
		// Abbreviate long aggregate type names.
		var abbrev string
		switch t := obj.Type().Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Interface:
			if t.NumMethods() > 1 {
				abbrev = "interface{...}"
		case *types.Struct:
			if t.NumFields() > 1 {
				abbrev = "struct{...}"
		if abbrev == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", types.TypeString(obj.Pkg(), obj.Type().Underlying()))
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", abbrev)

	case *types.Var:
		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", types.TypeString(obj.Pkg(), obj.Type()))
	return buf.String()
Exemplo n.º 6
func (r *renamer) checkExport(id *ast.Ident, pkg *types.Package, from types.Object) bool {
	// Reject cross-package references if r.to is unexported.
	// (Such references may be qualified identifiers or field/method
	// selections.)
	if !ast.IsExported(r.to) && pkg != from.Pkg() {
			"renaming this %s %q to %q would make it unexported",
			objectKind(from), from.Name(), r.to)
		r.errorf(id.Pos(), "\tbreaking references from packages such as %q",
		return false
	return true
Exemplo n.º 7
func (c *funcContext) objectName(o types.Object) string {
	if o.Pkg() != c.p.pkg || o.Parent() == c.p.pkg.Scope() {
		c.p.dependencies[o] = true

	if o.Pkg() != c.p.pkg {
		pkgVar, found := c.p.pkgVars[o.Pkg().Path()]
		if !found {
			pkgVar = fmt.Sprintf(`$packages["%s"]`, o.Pkg().Path())
		return pkgVar + "." + o.Name()

	switch o.(type) {
	case *types.Var, *types.Const:
		if o.Exported() && o.Parent() == c.p.pkg.Scope() {
			return "$pkg." + o.Name()

	name, found := c.p.objectVars[o]
	if !found {
		name = c.newVariableWithLevel(o.Name(), o.Parent() == c.p.pkg.Scope(), "")
		c.p.objectVars[o] = name

	if c.p.escapingVars[o] {
		return name + "[0]"
	return name
Exemplo n.º 8
func (cdd *CDD) Name(w *bytes.Buffer, obj types.Object, direct bool) {
	if obj == nil {
	switch o := obj.(type) {
	case *types.PkgName:
		// Imported package name in SelectorExpr: pkgname.Name

	case *types.Func:
		s := o.Type().(*types.Signature)
		if r := s.Recv(); r != nil {
			t := r.Type()
			if p, ok := t.(*types.Pointer); ok {
				t = p.Elem()
				direct = false
			cdd.Type(w, t)
			if !cdd.gtc.isLocal(t.(*types.Named).Obj()) {
				cdd.addObject(o, direct)

	if p := obj.Pkg(); p != nil && !cdd.gtc.isLocal(obj) {
		cdd.addObject(obj, direct)
	name := obj.Name()
	switch name {
	case "init":
		w.WriteString(cdd.gtc.uniqueId() + name)

		if cdd.gtc.isLocal(obj) {
Exemplo n.º 9
func (e *exporter) makeName(o types.Object) string {
	if o.Name() == "" || o.Name() == "_" {
		return "?"
	if o.Pkg() == nil || o.Pkg() == e.pkg {
		return `@"".` + o.Name()
	return `@"` + o.Pkg().Path() + `".` + o.Name()
Exemplo n.º 10
func typeObjectToJson(o *types.Object) interface{} {
	switch o := (*o).(type) {
	case *types.Package:
		return typePackageToJson(o)
	case *types.Const:
		return struct {
			Isa  string
			Pkg  interface{}
			Name string
			Type interface{}
			Val  interface{}
			"Const", typePackageToJson(o.Pkg()), o.Name(), typeTypeToJson(o.Type()), o.Val(),
	case *types.TypeName:
		return struct {
			Isa  string
			Pkg  interface{}
			Name string
			Type interface{}
			"TypeName", typePackageToJson(o.Pkg()), o.Name(), typeTypeToJson(o.Type()),
	case *types.Var:
		return struct {
			Isa  string
			Pkg  interface{}
			Name string
			Type interface{}
			"Var", typePackageToJson(o.Pkg()), o.Name(), typeTypeToJson(o.Type()),
	case *types.Func:
		return struct {
			Isa  string
			Pkg  interface{}
			Name string
			Type interface{}
			"Func", typePackageToJson(o.Pkg()), o.Name(), typeTypeToJson(o.Type()),
		if o != nil {
			return nil
		} else {
			return "UNKNOWN"
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 11
func (e *exporter) makeName(o types.Object) string {
	switch o.Name() {
	case "":
		return "?"
	case "_":
		return "_"
		pkgPath := ""
		if o.Pkg() != nil && o.Pkg() != e.pkg {
			pkgPath = o.Pkg().Path()
		return `@"` + pkgPath + `".` + o.Name()
Exemplo n.º 12
// checkInPackageBlock performs safety checks for renames of
// func/var/const/type objects in the package block.
func (r *renamer) checkInPackageBlock(from types.Object) {
	// Check that there are no references to the name from another
	// package if the renaming would make it unexported.
	if ast.IsExported(from.Name()) && !ast.IsExported(r.to) {
		for pkg, info := range r.packages {
			if pkg == from.Pkg() {
			if id := someUse(info, from); id != nil &&
				!r.checkExport(id, pkg, from) {

	info := r.packages[from.Pkg()]
	lexinfo := lexical.Structure(r.iprog.Fset, from.Pkg(), &info.Info, info.Files)

	// Check that in the package block, "init" is a function, and never referenced.
	if r.to == "init" {
		kind := objectKind(from)
		if kind == "func" {
			// Reject if intra-package references to it exist.
			if refs := lexinfo.Refs[from]; len(refs) > 0 {
					"renaming this func %q to %q would make it a package initializer",
					from.Name(), r.to)
				r.errorf(refs[0].Id.Pos(), "\tbut references to it exist")
		} else {
			r.errorf(from.Pos(), "you cannot have a %s at package level named %q",
				kind, r.to)

	// Check for conflicts between package block and all file blocks.
	for _, f := range info.Files {
		if prev, b := lexinfo.Blocks[f].Lookup(r.to); b == lexinfo.Blocks[f] {
			r.errorf(from.Pos(), "renaming this %s %q to %q would conflict",
				objectKind(from), from.Name(), r.to)
			r.errorf(prev.Pos(), "\twith this %s",
			return // since checkInPackageBlock would report redundant errors

	// Check for conflicts in lexical scope.
	if from.Exported() {
		for _, info := range r.packages {
			r.checkInLexicalScope(from, info)
	} else {
		r.checkInLexicalScope(from, info)
Exemplo n.º 13
func (c *PkgContext) objectName(o types.Object) string {
	if o.Pkg() != nil && o.Pkg() != c.pkg {
		pkgVar, found := c.pkgVars[o.Pkg().Path()]
		if !found {
			pkgVar = fmt.Sprintf(`Go$packages["%s"]`, o.Pkg().Path())
		return pkgVar + "." + o.Name()

	name, found := c.objectVars[o]
	if !found {
		name = c.newVariable(o.Name())
		c.objectVars[o] = name

	switch o.(type) {
	case *types.Var, *types.Const:
		if o.Parent() == c.pkg.Scope() {
			return "Go$pkg." + name
	return name
Exemplo n.º 14
// packageLevelValue returns the package-level value corresponding to
// the specified named object, which may be a package-level const
// (*Const), var (*Global) or func (*Function) of some package in
// prog.  It returns nil if the object is not found.
func (prog *Program) packageLevelValue(obj types.Object) Value {
	if pkg, ok := prog.packages[obj.Pkg()]; ok {
		return pkg.values[obj]
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 15
func isGlobalObject(obj types.Object) bool {
	pkg := obj.Pkg()
	return pkg == nil || obj.Parent() == pkg.Scope()
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: gtc.go Projeto: rjammala/emgo
func (gtc *GTC) isImported(o types.Object) bool {
	return o.Pkg() != gtc.pkg
Exemplo n.º 17
// isPackageLevel reports whether obj is a package-level object.
func isPackageLevel(obj types.Object) bool {
	return obj.Pkg().Scope().Lookup(obj.Name()) == obj
Exemplo n.º 18
func isAccessibleFrom(obj types.Object, pkg *types.Package) bool {
	return ast.IsExported(obj.Name()) || obj.Pkg() == pkg
Exemplo n.º 19
func (w *PkgWalker) LookupObjects(pkg *types.Package, pkgInfo *types.Info, cursor *FileCursor) {
	var cursorObj types.Object
	var cursorSelection *types.Selection
	var cursorObjIsDef bool
	//lookup defs

	_ = cursorObjIsDef
	if cursorObj == nil {
		for sel, obj := range pkgInfo.Selections {
			if cursor.pos >= sel.Sel.Pos() && cursor.pos <= sel.Sel.End() {
				cursorObj = obj.Obj()
				cursorSelection = obj
	if cursorObj == nil {
		for id, obj := range pkgInfo.Defs {
			if cursor.pos >= id.Pos() && cursor.pos <= id.End() {
				cursorObj = obj
				cursorObjIsDef = true
	_ = cursorSelection
	if cursorObj == nil {
		for id, obj := range pkgInfo.Uses {
			if cursor.pos >= id.Pos() && cursor.pos <= id.End() {
				cursorObj = obj
	if cursorObj == nil {
	kind, err := parserObjKind(cursorObj)
	if err != nil {
	if kind == ObjField {
		if cursorObj.(*types.Var).Anonymous() {
			if named, ok := cursorObj.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
				cursorObj = named.Obj()
	cursorPkg := cursorObj.Pkg()
	cursorPos := cursorObj.Pos()
	var fieldTypeInfo *types.Info
	var fieldTypeObj types.Object
	if cursorPkg == pkg {
		fieldTypeInfo = pkgInfo
	cursorIsInterfaceMethod := false
	var cursorInterfaceTypeName string
	if kind == ObjMethod && cursorSelection != nil && cursorSelection.Recv() != nil {
		sig := cursorObj.(*types.Func).Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature)
		if _, ok := sig.Recv().Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
			named := cursorSelection.Recv().(*types.Named)
			obj, typ := w.lookupNamedMethod(named, cursorObj.Name())
			if obj != nil {
				cursorObj = obj
			if typ != nil {
				cursorPkg = typ.Obj().Pkg()
				cursorInterfaceTypeName = typ.Obj().Name()
			cursorIsInterfaceMethod = true

	if cursorPkg != nil && cursorPkg != pkg &&
		kind != ObjPkgName && w.isBinaryPkg(cursorPkg.Path()) {
		conf := &PkgConfig{
			IgnoreFuncBodies: true,
			AllowBinary:      true,
			Info: &types.Info{
				Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
		pkg, _ := w.Import("", cursorPkg.Path(), conf)
		if pkg != nil {
			if cursorIsInterfaceMethod {
				for _, obj := range conf.Info.Defs {
					if obj == nil {
					if fn, ok := obj.(*types.Func); ok {
						if fn.Name() == cursorObj.Name() {
							if sig, ok := fn.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok {
								if named, ok := sig.Recv().Type().(*types.Named); ok {
									if named.Obj() != nil && named.Obj().Name() == cursorInterfaceTypeName {
										cursorPos = obj.Pos()
			} else {
				for _, obj := range conf.Info.Defs {
					if obj != nil && obj.String() == cursorObj.String() {
						cursorPos = obj.Pos()
		if kind == ObjField || cursorIsInterfaceMethod {
			fieldTypeInfo = conf.Info
	if kind == ObjField {
		fieldTypeObj = w.LookupStructFromField(fieldTypeInfo, cursorPkg, cursorObj, cursorPos)
	if typeFindDef {
	if typeFindInfo {
		if kind == ObjField && fieldTypeObj != nil {
			typeName := fieldTypeObj.Name()
			if fieldTypeObj.Pkg() != nil && fieldTypeObj.Pkg() != pkg {
				typeName = fieldTypeObj.Pkg().Name() + "." + fieldTypeObj.Name()
			fmt.Println(typeName, simpleType(cursorObj.String()))
		} else if kind == ObjBuiltin {
		} else if cursorIsInterfaceMethod {
			fmt.Println(strings.Replace(simpleType(cursorObj.String()), "(interface)", cursorPkg.Name()+"."+cursorInterfaceTypeName, 1))
		} else {
	//if f, ok := w.parsedFileCache[w.fset.Position(cursorPos).Filename]; ok {
	//	for _, d := range f.Decls {
	//		if inRange(d, cursorPos) {
	//			if fd, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
	//				fd.Body = nil
	//			}
	//			commentMap := ast.NewCommentMap(w.fset, f, f.Comments)
	//			commentedNode := printer.CommentedNode{Node: d}
	//			if comments := commentMap.Filter(d).Comments(); comments != nil {
	//				commentedNode.Comments = comments
	//			}
	//			var b bytes.Buffer
	//			printer.Fprint(&b, w.fset, &commentedNode)
	//			b.Write([]byte("\n\n")) // Add a blank line between entries if we print documentation.
	//			log.Println(w.nodeString(d))
	//		}
	//	}
	if !typeFindUse {
	var usages []int
	if kind == ObjPkgName {
		for id, obj := range pkgInfo.Uses {
			if obj != nil && obj.Id() == cursorObj.Id() { //!= nil && cursorObj.Pos() == obj.Pos() {
				usages = append(usages, int(id.Pos()))
	} else {
		for id, obj := range pkgInfo.Defs {
			if obj == cursorObj { //!= nil && cursorObj.Pos() == obj.Pos() {
				usages = append(usages, int(id.Pos()))
		for id, obj := range pkgInfo.Uses {
			if obj == cursorObj { //!= nil && cursorObj.Pos() == obj.Pos() {
				usages = append(usages, int(id.Pos()))
	for _, pos := range usages {