Exemplo n.º 1
// This function gets the interface and configuration parameters from the core process
// and starts handling packets that are captured with gopacket.pcap
func (g *GPCapture) CaptureInterface(snapLen int32, promiscMode bool, bpfFilterString string,
                                     threadTerminationChan chan string,
                                     iwg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    go func() {
        defer g.CaptureDefer(threadTerminationChan)

        var (
            err                       error
            packetSource              *gopacket.PacketSource

        SysLog.Info(g.iface+": setting up capture")

        // loopback does not support in/out-bound filters, thus ignore it
        if g.iface == "lo" {
            SysLog.Err(g.iface+": interface not supported")

        // open packet stream from an interface
        if g.pcapHandle, err = pcap.OpenLive(g.iface, snapLen, promiscMode, 250*time.Millisecond); err != nil {
            SysLog.Err(g.iface+": could not open capture: "+err.Error())

        // set the BPF filter. This has to be done in order to ensure that the link
        // type is identified correctly
        if e := g.pcapHandle.SetBPFFilter(bpfFilterString); e != nil {
            SysLog.Err(g.iface+": error setting BPF filter: " + e.Error())
        SysLog.Debug(g.iface+": bpf set")

        // return from function in case the link type is zero (which can happen if the
        // specified interface does not exist (anymore))
        if g.pcapHandle.LinkType() == layers.LinkTypeNull {
            SysLog.Err(g.iface+": link type is null")

        SysLog.Debug(g.iface+": link type: "+g.pcapHandle.LinkType().String())

        // specify the pcap as the source from which the packets will be read
        packetSource = gopacket.NewPacketSource(g.pcapHandle, g.pcapHandle.LinkType())

        // set the decoding options to lazy decoding in order to ensure that the packet
        // layers are only decoded once they are needed. Additionally, this is imperative
        // when GRE-encapsulated packets are decoded because otherwise the layers cannot
        // be detected correctly. Additionally set the link type for this interface
        packetSource.DecodeOptions = gopacket.Lazy
        g.linkType                 = int(g.pcapHandle.LinkType())

        SysLog.Debug(g.iface+": set packet source")


        // perform the actual packet capturing:

