Exemplo n.º 1
// Send takes a message with parameters, adds a prompt and sends the message on
// it's way to the client. Send is modelled after the fmt.Sprintf function and
// takes a format string and parameters in the same way. In addition the current
// prompt is added to the end of the message.
// If the format string is empty we can take a shortcut and just redisplay the
// prompt. Otherwise we process the whole enchilada making sure the prompt is on
// a new line when displayed.
// NOTE: Send can be called by multiple goroutines.
func (c *Client) Send(format string, any ...interface{}) {
	if c.isBailing() {

	data := text.COLOR_WHITE + format + c.prompt

	if len(any) > 0 {
		data = fmt.Sprintf(data, any...)

	// NOTE: You need to colorize THEN fold so fold counts the length of color
	// codes and NOT color names ;)
	data = text.Fold(text.Colorize(data), TERM_WIDTH)
	data = strings.Replace(data, "\n", "\r\n", -1)

	c.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute))

	dat := []byte(data)
	for len(dat) > 0 {
		if w, err := c.conn.Write(dat); err != nil {
		} else {
			dat = dat[w:]

Exemplo n.º 2
// Broadcast implements the broadcaster interface and sends a message to all
// players currently on the server. The omit parameter specifies things not to
// send the message to. For example if we had a scream command we might send a
// message to everyone else:
//	You hear someone scream.
// The message you would see might be:
//	You scream!
// However you would not want the 'You hear someone scream.' message sent to
// yourself.
// Note: We are sending directly to players which is OK and needs no locking or
// synchronisation here apart from the playerList itself.
func (l *playerList) Broadcast(omit []thing.Interface, format string, any ...interface{}) {
	defer l.unlock()

	msg := text.Colorize(fmt.Sprintf("\n"+format, any...))

	for _, p := range l.nonLockingList(omit...) {
Exemplo n.º 3
// Broadcast sends a message to all responders at this location. This
// implements the broadcast.Interface - see that for more details.
func (b *Basic) Broadcast(omit []thing.Interface, format string, any ...interface{}) {
	msg := text.Colorize(fmt.Sprintf("\n"+format, any...))

	for _, item := range b.Inventory.List(omit...) {
		switch messenger := item.(type) {
		case messaging.Responder:
		case messaging.Broadcaster:
			messenger.Broadcast(omit, format, any...)