Exemplo n.º 1
func removeExactEdges(n *coupling.Node, exact [][]bool) {
	n.Visited = true

	for _, row := range n.Adj {
		for _, edge := range row {
			// if the edge node adj matrix is nill, we do not have to recursivevly call it,
			// and just just delete n from its successor slice
			if edge.To.Adj == nil {
				coupling.DeleteNodeInSlice(n, &edge.To.Succ)

			// if the edge has already been visited, we do not have have to recursively call
			if edge.To.Visited {
				coupling.DeleteNodeInSlice(n, &edge.To.Succ)

			// recursively removes edges and successor node bottom up
			removeExactEdges(edge.To, exact)
			coupling.DeleteNodeInSlice(n, &edge.To.Succ)

	// here we do the actual removing of edges
	exact[n.S][n.T] = true
	exact[n.T][n.S] = true
	n.Adj = nil
	n.Visited = false

Exemplo n.º 2
func preparenode() coupling.Node {
	var n coupling.Node

	e1 := coupling.Edge{&coupling.Node{S: 0, T: 0}, 0.1, true}
	e2 := coupling.Edge{&coupling.Node{S: 0, T: 1}, 0.5, true}
	e3 := coupling.Edge{&coupling.Node{S: 1, T: 0}, 0, false}
	e4 := coupling.Edge{&coupling.Node{S: 1, T: 1}, 0.4, true}

	n.Adj = [][]*coupling.Edge{
		[]*coupling.Edge{&e1, &e2},
		[]*coupling.Edge{&e3, &e4}}

	return n
Exemplo n.º 3
func setUpCoupling() coupling.Coupling {
	c := coupling.New()
	n1 := coupling.Node{S: 0, T: 0}
	n2 := coupling.Node{S: 0, T: 1}
	n3 := coupling.Node{S: 1, T: 0}
	n4 := coupling.Node{S: 1, T: 1}
	e1 := coupling.Edge{&n1, 0.5, true}
	e2 := coupling.Edge{&n2, 0.2, true}
	e3 := coupling.Edge{&n3, 0, false}
	e4 := coupling.Edge{&n4, 0.3, true}
	n1.Succ = []*coupling.Node{&n1, &n2, &n4}
	n2.Succ = []*coupling.Node{&n2, &n4, &n1}
	n4.Succ = []*coupling.Node{&n2, &n1, &n4}
	n2.Adj = [][]*coupling.Edge{[]*coupling.Edge{&e1, &e2}, []*coupling.Edge{&e3, &e4}}
	c.Nodes = []*coupling.Node{&n1, &n2, &n3, &n4}

	return c