Exemplo n.º 1
// When comparing certificates created at different times for equality, we do
// not want to worry about fields which are dependent on the time of creation.
// Thus we nullify these fields before comparing the certificates.
func nullifyTimeDependency(cert *x509.Certificate) *x509.Certificate {
	cert.Raw = nil
	cert.RawTBSCertificate = nil
	cert.RawSubject = nil
	cert.RawIssuer = nil
	cert.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = nil
	cert.Signature = nil
	cert.PublicKey = nil
	cert.SerialNumber = nil
	cert.NotBefore = time.Time{}
	cert.NotAfter = time.Time{}
	cert.Extensions = nil
	cert.SubjectKeyId = nil
	cert.AuthorityKeyId = nil

	cert.Subject.Names = nil
	cert.Subject.ExtraNames = nil
	cert.Issuer.Names = nil
	cert.Issuer.ExtraNames = nil

	return cert