Exemplo n.º 1
func main() {
	// Print a nice separator at the end of execution so that 'make fancyrun' looks good
	defer fmt.Println("-------------------")

	// Initialize globals
	processing = false
	complete = make(chan bool)

	// Begin listening on the port passed on the command line
	listener := easynet.HostWithAddress(os.Args[1])
	defer listener.Close()

	// Set up a TCP connection to the master
	connectionToMaster := easynet.Accept(listener)
	defer connectionToMaster.Close()

	// Read configuration from the connection to master
	config = new(ttypes.CoordConfig)
	easynet.ReceiveJson(connectionToMaster, config)

	respondingToRequestsFor = 0
	infoQueue = make([][]ttypes.BotInfo, 1, config.NumTurns)

	// Confirm configuration

	// Set up bots and connect to adjacent coordinators
	// Remember to terminate all child processes upon termination of this process
	defer killChildren()

	// Close all connections when program terminates
	for _, conn := range adjsServe {
		defer conn.Close()

	// Confirm setup
	connectionToMaster.Write([]uint8("setup complete"))

	fmt.Printf("%d sees data at start as: \n%v\n    grid: %v\n", config.Identifier, botInfosForNeighbor(0), config.Terrain)

	// Transition to both listening states
	go listenForMaster(connectionToMaster)
	go listenForPeer()

	// Wait for those loops to exit

	fmt.Printf("%d sees data at end as: \n%v\n    grid: %v\n", config.Identifier, botInfosForNeighbor(0), config.Terrain)

	// Confirm termination
	finalTally := new(ttypes.Finish)
	for _, s := range botStates {
		if !s.Dead() {
			finalTally.NumBots += 1
	easynet.SendJson(connectionToMaster, finalTally)
Exemplo n.º 2
func getAgentInfoFromNeighbors() []ttypes.BotInfo {
	otherInfos := make([]ttypes.BotInfo, len(botStates), len(botStates)*len(adjsServe))

	//Copy all infos from botStates into otherInfos
	for k, s := range botStates {
		otherInfos[k] = s.Info

	//Get updates from neighbors
	for j, conn := range adjsRequest {
		fmt.Printf("%d turn %d, request neighbor %d\n", config.Identifier, respondingToRequestsFor, j)
		r := new(Request)
		r.Identifier = config.Identifier
		r.Turn = respondingToRequestsFor
		r.Command = "GetNodes"

		easynet.SendJson(conn, r)

		info := new(RespondNodeInfo)
		easynet.ReceiveJson(conn, info)

		otherInfos = append(otherInfos, info.BotData...)
	return otherInfos