Exemplo n.º 1
//This function creates variations on tokens without regards as to positions in the file.
func getTokenVariations(t xml.Token) []xml.Token {
	var result []xml.Token = make([]xml.Token, 0)
	switch t := t.(type) {
	case xml.CharData:
			//If the token is a number try some random number
			if _, err := strconv.Atoi(string(t)); err == nil {
				result = append(result, xml.CharData(randInt(rand.Intn(15))))

			result = append(result, xml.CharData(randString(rand.Intn(100))))
			return result
	case xml.StartElement:
			for k := range t.Attr {
				if _, err := strconv.Atoi(string(t.Attr[k].Value)); err == nil {
					start := xml.CopyToken(t).(xml.StartElement)
					start.Attr[k].Value = string(randInt(rand.Intn(15)))
					result = append(result, start)
				start := xml.CopyToken(t).(xml.StartElement)
				start.Attr[k].Value = string(randString(rand.Intn(100)))
				result = append(result, start)
			return result

			return make([]xml.Token, 0) // No variations on non char tokens yet
Exemplo n.º 2
//ParseXML creates an XMLTree structure from an io.Reader
func ParseXML(r io.Reader) (pathres.PathRes, error) {
	dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
	tree := &element.PathResElement{Value: xml.StartElement{}, Children: []pathres.PathRes{}, Parent: nil}
	tree.Parent = tree
	pos := tree
	done := false

	for !done {
		t, err := dec.Token()

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if t == nil {

		switch t.(type) {
		case xml.StartElement:
			ele := t.(xml.StartElement)
			attrs := make([]pathres.PathRes, len(ele.Attr))
			for i := range attrs {
				attrs[i] = &attribute.PathResAttribute{Value: &ele.Attr[i], Parent: pos}
			ch := &element.PathResElement{Value: xml.CopyToken(ele), Attrs: attrs, Children: []pathres.PathRes{}, Parent: pos}
			pos.Children = append(pos.Children, ch)
			pos = ch

		case xml.CharData:
			ch := &chardata.PathResCharData{Value: xml.CopyToken(t), Parent: pos}
			pos.Children = append(pos.Children, ch)
		case xml.Comment:
			ch := &comment.PathResComment{Value: xml.CopyToken(t), Parent: pos}
			pos.Children = append(pos.Children, ch)
		case xml.ProcInst:
			if pos.Parent != pos {
				ch := &procinst.PathResProcInst{Value: xml.CopyToken(t), Parent: pos}
				pos.Children = append(pos.Children, ch)
		case xml.EndElement:
			if pos.Parent == pos {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Malformed XML found.")

			pos = pos.Parent.(*element.PathResElement)

			if pos.Parent == pos {
				done = true

	return tree, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (d *Decode) parseXML(s string, pre *node) bool {
	tokenArray := make([]xmlToken, 0, 64)

	decoder := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(s))
	for t, err := decoder.RawToken(); err == nil; t, err = decoder.RawToken() {
		tokenArray = append(tokenArray, xmlToken{token: xml.CopyToken(t)})

	var isXML bool
	for i := 0; i < len(tokenArray); i++ {
		if token, ok := tokenArray[i].token.(xml.CharData); ok {
			if i > 0 && i+1 < len(tokenArray) {
				if start, ok := tokenArray[i-1].token.(xml.StartElement); ok {
					if _, ok := tokenArray[i+1].token.(xml.EndElement); ok {
						isXML = true
						tokenArray[i].isData = true
						d.decode(string(token), &node{XMLOBJ, pre,
							start.Name.Local, &xmlObj{tokenArray, i}})

	return isXML
Exemplo n.º 4
func (d *Decoder) decodeAny(start xml.StartElement) (xml.Token, error) {
	t, err := d.xd.Token()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("plist: error reading token: %s", err)

	end, ok := t.(xml.EndElement)
	if ok {
		if end.Name.Local != start.Name.Local {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("plist: unexpected end tag: %s", end.Name.Local)
		// empty
		return nil, nil

	tok := xml.CopyToken(t)

	next, err := d.nextElement()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("plist: error reading token: %s", err)
	end, ok = next.(xml.EndElement)
	if !ok || end.Name.Local != start.Name.Local {
		// empty
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("plist: unexpected end tag: %s", end.Name.Local)

	return tok, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func (d *Decoder) decodeAny(start xml.StartElement) (tok xml.Token, err error) {
	if tok, err = d.xd.Token(); err != nil {

	if end, ok := tok.(xml.EndElement); ok {
		if end.Name.Local != start.Name.Local {
			err = fmt.Errorf("plist: unexpected end tag: %s", end.Name.Local)
		// empty

	tok = xml.CopyToken(tok)

	var next xml.Token
	if next, err = d.nextElement(); err != nil {

	if end, ok := next.(xml.EndElement); !ok || end.Name.Local != start.Name.Local {
		// empty
		err = fmt.Errorf("plist: unexpected end tag: %s", end.Name.Local)

Exemplo n.º 6
// normalize writes the normalized XML content of r to w. It applies the
// following rules
//     * Rename namespace prefixes according to an internal heuristic.
//     * Remove unnecessary namespace declarations.
//     * Sort attributes in XML start elements in lexical order of their
//       fully qualified name.
//     * Remove XML directives and processing instructions.
//     * Remove CDATA between XML tags that only contains whitespace, if
//       instructed to do so.
//     * Remove comments, if instructed to do so.
func (n *xmlNormalizer) normalize(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error {
	d := xml.NewDecoder(r)
	e := xml.NewEncoder(w)
	for {
		t, err := d.Token()
		if err != nil {
			if t == nil && err == io.EOF {
			return err
		switch val := t.(type) {
		case xml.Directive, xml.ProcInst:
		case xml.Comment:
			if n.omitComments {
		case xml.CharData:
			if n.omitWhitespace && len(bytes.TrimSpace(val)) == 0 {
		case xml.StartElement:
			start, _ := xml.CopyToken(val).(xml.StartElement)
			attr := start.Attr[:0]
			for _, a := range start.Attr {
				if a.Name.Space == "xmlns" || a.Name.Local == "xmlns" {
				attr = append(attr, a)
			start.Attr = attr
			t = start
		err = e.EncodeToken(t)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return e.Flush()
Exemplo n.º 7
func (d *Decoder) consumeExtensions(se xml.StartElement) (tokens []xml.Token, err error) {
	lvl := 0

	for {
		tok, err := d.ts.Token()
		if err != nil {
			return tokens, err
		switch tok.(type) {
		case xml.StartElement:
		case xml.EndElement:
			if lvl == 0 {
				return tokens, nil
		tokens = append(tokens, xml.CopyToken(tok))
Exemplo n.º 8
func xmlTokens(c *gc.C, data []byte) []xml.Token {
	dec := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
	var toks []xml.Token
	for {
		tok, err := dec.Token()
		if err == io.EOF {
			return toks
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

		if cdata, ok := tok.(xml.CharData); ok {
			// It's char data - trim all white space and ignore it
			// if it's all blank.
			cdata = bytes.TrimSpace(cdata)
			if len(cdata) == 0 {
			tok = cdata
		toks = append(toks, xml.CopyToken(tok))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: xpp.go Projeto: mmcdole/goxpp
func (p *XMLPullParser) NextToken() (event XMLEventType, err error) {
	// Clear any state held for the previous token

	token, err := p.decoder.Token()
	if err != nil {
		if err == io.EOF {
			// XML decoder returns the EOF as an error
			// but we want to return it as a valid
			// EndDocument token instead
			p.token = nil
			p.Event = EndDocument
			return p.Event, nil
		return event, err

	p.token = xml.CopyToken(token)
	p.Event = p.EventType(p.token)

	return p.Event, nil
Exemplo n.º 10
func variationsXML(f *zip.File) chan tokenchange {
	result := make(chan tokenchange)
	r, _ := f.Open()
	xmlReader := xml.NewDecoder(r)
	var tokenList []xml.Token
	for {
		if t, err := xmlReader.Token(); err == nil {
			tokenList = append(tokenList, xml.CopyToken(t))
		} else {

	go func() {
		//Over every token we want to break
		for TokenToBreak, _ := range tokenList {
			//Get the ways we can break that token
			for _, brokenToken := range getTokenVariations(tokenList[TokenToBreak]) {
				var buf bytes.Buffer
				xmlWriter := xml.NewEncoder(&buf)
				//Now create an xml file where one token is broken
				for currentToken, t := range tokenList {
					if currentToken == TokenToBreak {
					} else {
				result <- tokenchange{buf, tokenList[TokenToBreak], brokenToken}
	return result
Exemplo n.º 11
// WIP approximation of first steps to be taken to encode manifest
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
	f, err := os.Open("testdata/bootstrap.xml")
	if err != nil {

	var attrs []xml.Attr

	dec := xml.NewDecoder(f)
	for {
		tkn, err := dec.Token()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			// t.Fatal(err)
		tkn = xml.CopyToken(tkn)

		switch tkn := tkn.(type) {
		case xml.StartElement:
			attrs = append(attrs, tkn.Attr...)
			// t.Error("unhandled token type", tkn)

	bvc := xml.Attr{
		Name: xml.Name{
			Space: "",
			Local: "platformBuildVersionCode",
		Value: "15",
	bvn := xml.Attr{
		Name: xml.Name{
			Space: "",
			Local: "platformBuildVersionName",
		Value: "4.0.3",
	attrs = append(attrs, bvc, bvn)

	var names, vals []string
	for _, attr := range attrs {
		if strings.HasSuffix(attr.Name.Space, "tools") {
		names = append(names, attr.Name.Local)
		vals = append(vals, attr.Value)

	var all []string
	all = append(all, names...)
	all = append(all, vals...)

	// do not eliminate duplicates until the entire slice has been composed.
	// consider <activity android:label="label" .../>
	// all attribute names come first followed by values; in such a case, the value "label"
	// would be a reference to the same "android:label" in the string pool which will occur
	// within the beginning of the pool where other attr names are located.
	pl := new(Pool)
	for _, x := range retset(all) {
		pl.strings = append(pl.strings, x)
		// t.Logf("Pool(%v) %q\n", i, x)
Exemplo n.º 12
func UnmarshalXML(r io.Reader) (*XML, error) {
	tbl, err := OpenTable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lr := &lineReader{r: r}
	dec := xml.NewDecoder(lr)
	bx := new(XML)

	// temporary pool to resolve real poolref later
	pool := new(Pool)

	for {
		line := lr.line(dec.InputOffset())
		tkn, err := dec.Token()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			return nil, err
		tkn = xml.CopyToken(tkn)

		switch tkn := tkn.(type) {
		case xml.StartElement:
			el := &Element{
				NodeHeader: NodeHeader{
					LineNumber: uint32(line),
					Comment:    0xFFFFFFFF,
				NS:   NoEntry,
				Name: pool.ref(tkn.Name.Local),
			if len(bx.stack) == 0 {
				bx.Children = append(bx.Children, el)
			} else {
				n := len(bx.stack)
				var p *Element
				p, bx.stack = bx.stack[n-1], bx.stack[:n-1]
				p.Children = append(p.Children, el)
				bx.stack = append(bx.stack, p)
			bx.stack = append(bx.stack, el)

			if tkn.Name.Local == "manifest" {
				tkn.Attr = append(tkn.Attr,
						Name: xml.Name{
							Space: "",
							Local: "platformBuildVersionCode",
						Value: "15",
						Name: xml.Name{
							Space: "",
							Local: "platformBuildVersionName",
						Value: "4.0.4-1406430",

			for _, attr := range tkn.Attr {
				if (attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" && attr.Name.Local == "tools") || attr.Name.Space == toolsSchema {
					continue // TODO can tbl be queried for schemas to determine validity instead?

				if attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" && attr.Name.Local == "android" {
					if bx.Namespace != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple declarations of xmlns:android encountered")
					bx.Namespace = &Namespace{
						NodeHeader: NodeHeader{
							LineNumber: uint32(line),
							Comment:    NoEntry,
						prefix: 0,
						uri:    0,

				nattr := &Attribute{
					NS:       pool.ref(attr.Name.Space),
					Name:     pool.ref(attr.Name.Local),
					RawValue: NoEntry,
				el.attrs = append(el.attrs, nattr)

				if attr.Name.Space == "" {
					nattr.NS = NoEntry
					// TODO it's unclear how to query these
					switch attr.Name.Local {
					case "platformBuildVersionCode":
						nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataIntDec
						i, err := strconv.Atoi(attr.Value)
						if err != nil {
							return nil, err
						nattr.TypedValue.Value = uint32(i)
					default: // "package", "platformBuildVersionName", and any invalid
						nattr.RawValue = pool.ref(attr.Value)
						nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataString
				} else {
					// get type spec and value data type
					ref, err := tbl.RefByName("attr/" + attr.Name.Local)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					nt, err := ref.Resolve(tbl)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					if len(nt.values) == 0 {
						panic("encountered empty values slice")

					if len(nt.values) == 1 {
						val := nt.values[0]
						if val.data.Type != DataIntDec {
							panic("TODO only know how to handle DataIntDec type here")

						t := DataType(val.data.Value)
						switch t {
						case DataString, DataAttribute, DataType(0x3e):
							// TODO identify 0x3e, in bootstrap.xml this is the native lib name
							nattr.RawValue = pool.ref(attr.Value)
							nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataString
							nattr.TypedValue.Value = uint32(nattr.RawValue)
						case DataIntBool, DataType(0x08):
							nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataIntBool
							switch attr.Value {
							case "true":
								nattr.TypedValue.Value = 0xFFFFFFFF
							case "false":
								nattr.TypedValue.Value = 0
								return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid bool value %q", attr.Value)
						case DataIntDec, DataFloat, DataFraction:
							// TODO DataFraction needs it's own case statement. minSdkVersion identifies as DataFraction
							// but has accepted input in the past such as android:minSdkVersion="L"
							// Other use-cases for DataFraction are currently unknown as applicable to manifest generation
							// but this provides minimum support for writing out minSdkVersion="15" correctly.
							nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataIntDec
							i, err := strconv.Atoi(attr.Value)
							if err != nil {
								return nil, err
							nattr.TypedValue.Value = uint32(i)
						case DataReference:
							nattr.TypedValue.Type = DataReference
							dref, err := tbl.RefByName(attr.Value)
							if err != nil {
								return nil, err
							nattr.TypedValue.Value = uint32(dref)
							return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled data type %0#2x: %s", uint8(t), t)
					} else {
						// 0x01000000 is an unknown ref that doesn't point to anything, typically
						// located at the start of entry value lists, peek at last value to determine type.
						t := nt.values[len(nt.values)-1].data.Type
						switch t {
						case DataIntDec:
							for _, val := range nt.values {
								if val.name == 0x01000000 {
								nr, err := val.name.Resolve(tbl)
								if err != nil {
									return nil, err
								if attr.Value == nr.key.Resolve(tbl.pkgs[0].keyPool) { // TODO hard-coded pkg ref
									nattr.TypedValue = *val.data
						case DataIntHex:
							nattr.TypedValue.Type = t
							for _, x := range strings.Split(attr.Value, "|") {
								for _, val := range nt.values {
									if val.name == 0x01000000 {
									nr, err := val.name.Resolve(tbl)
									if err != nil {
										return nil, err
									if x == nr.key.Resolve(tbl.pkgs[0].keyPool) { // TODO hard-coded pkg ref
										nattr.TypedValue.Value |= val.data.Value
							return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled data type for configuration %0#2x: %s", uint8(t), t)
		case xml.CharData:
			if s := poolTrim(string(tkn)); s != "" {
				cdt := &CharData{
					NodeHeader: NodeHeader{
						LineNumber: uint32(line),
						Comment:    NoEntry,
					RawData: pool.ref(s),
				el := bx.stack[len(bx.stack)-1]
				if el.head == nil {
					el.head = cdt
				} else if el.tail == nil {
					el.tail = cdt
				} else {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("element head and tail already contain chardata")
		case xml.EndElement:
			if tkn.Name.Local == "manifest" {
				bx.Namespace.end = &Namespace{
					NodeHeader: NodeHeader{
						LineNumber: uint32(line),
						Comment:    NoEntry,
					prefix: 0,
					uri:    0,
			n := len(bx.stack)
			var el *Element
			el, bx.stack = bx.stack[n-1], bx.stack[:n-1]
			if el.end != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("element end already exists")
			el.end = &ElementEnd{
				NodeHeader: NodeHeader{
					LineNumber: uint32(line),
					Comment:    NoEntry,
				NS:   el.NS,
				Name: el.Name,
		case xml.Comment, xml.ProcInst:
			// discard
			panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled token type: %T %+v", tkn, tkn))

	// pools appear to be sorted as follows:
	// * attribute names prefixed with android:
	// * "android", [schema-url], [empty-string]
	// * for each node:
	//   * attribute names with no prefix
	//   * node name
	//   * attribute value if data type of name is DataString, DataAttribute, or 0x3e (an unknown)
	bx.Pool = new(Pool)

	var arecurse func(*Element)
	arecurse = func(el *Element) {
		for _, attr := range el.attrs {
			if attr.NS == NoEntry {
			if attr.NS.Resolve(pool) == androidSchema {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Resolve(pool))
		for _, child := range el.Children {
	for _, el := range bx.Children {

	// TODO encoding/xml does not enforce namespace prefix and manifest encoding in aapt
	// appears to ignore all other prefixes. Inserting this manually is not strictly correct
	// for the general case, but the effort to do otherwise currently offers nothing.
	bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "android", androidSchema)

	// there always appears to be an empty string located after schema, even if one is
	// not present in manifest.
	bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "")

	var brecurse func(*Element)
	brecurse = func(el *Element) {
		for _, attr := range el.attrs {
			if attr.NS == NoEntry {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Resolve(pool))

		bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, el.Name.Resolve(pool))

		for _, attr := range el.attrs {
			if attr.RawValue != NoEntry {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.RawValue.Resolve(pool))
			} else if attr.NS == NoEntry {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", attr.TypedValue.Value))

		if el.head != nil {
			bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, el.head.RawData.Resolve(pool))
		if el.tail != nil {
			bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, el.tail.RawData.Resolve(pool))

		for _, child := range el.Children {
	for _, el := range bx.Children {

	// do not eliminate duplicates until the entire slice has been composed.
	// consider <activity android:label="label" .../>
	// all attribute names come first followed by values; in such a case, the value "label"
	// would be a reference to the same "android:label" in the string pool which will occur
	// within the beginning of the pool where other attr names are located.
	bx.Pool.strings = asSet(bx.Pool.strings)

	// TODO consider cases of multiple declarations of the same attr name that should return error
	// before ever reaching this point.
	bx.Map = new(Map)
	for _, s := range bx.Pool.strings {
		ref, err := tbl.RefByName("attr/" + s)
		if err != nil {
			break // break after first non-ref as all strings after are also non-refs.
		bx.Map.rs = append(bx.Map.rs, ref)

	// resolve tmp pool refs to final pool refs
	// TODO drop this in favor of sort directly on Table
	var resolve func(el *Element)
	resolve = func(el *Element) {
		if el.NS != NoEntry {
			el.NS = bx.Pool.ref(el.NS.Resolve(pool))
			el.end.NS = el.NS
		el.Name = bx.Pool.ref(el.Name.Resolve(pool))
		el.end.Name = el.Name
		for _, attr := range el.attrs {
			if attr.NS != NoEntry {
				attr.NS = bx.Pool.ref(attr.NS.Resolve(pool))
			attr.Name = bx.Pool.ref(attr.Name.Resolve(pool))
			if attr.RawValue != NoEntry {
				attr.RawValue = bx.Pool.ref(attr.RawValue.Resolve(pool))
				if attr.TypedValue.Type == DataString {
					attr.TypedValue.Value = uint32(attr.RawValue)
		for _, child := range el.Children {
	for _, el := range bx.Children {

	var asort func(*Element)
	asort = func(el *Element) {
		for _, child := range el.Children {
	for _, el := range bx.Children {

	for i, s := range bx.Pool.strings {
		switch s {
		case androidSchema:
			bx.Namespace.uri = PoolRef(i)
			bx.Namespace.end.uri = PoolRef(i)
		case "android":
			bx.Namespace.prefix = PoolRef(i)
			bx.Namespace.end.prefix = PoolRef(i)

	return bx, nil
Exemplo n.º 13
func UnmarshalXML(r io.Reader) (*XML, error) {
	tbl, err := OpenTable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var nodes []xnode

	dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
	bx := new(XML)

	for {
		tkn, err := dec.Token()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			return nil, err
		tkn = xml.CopyToken(tkn)

		switch tkn := tkn.(type) {
		case xml.StartElement:
			nodes = append(nodes, xnode{name: tkn.Name})

			for _, attr := range tkn.Attr {
				if attr.Name.Space == toolsSchema || (attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" && attr.Name.Local == "tools") {
					continue // TODO can tbl be queried for schemas to determine validity instead?

				att := xattr{attr, false}
				if attr.Name.Space == "" || attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" {
					att.bool = true
				} else if attr.Name.Space == androidSchema {
					// get type spec and value data type
					ref, err := tbl.RefByName("attr/" + attr.Name.Local)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					nt, err := ref.Resolve(tbl)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					if len(nt.values) == 0 {
						// TODO don't know if this can happen
						panic("TODO don't know how to handle empty values slice")

					if len(nt.values) == 1 {
						val := nt.values[0]
						if val.data.Type != DataIntDec {
							panic("TODO only know how to handle DataIntDec type here")
						t := DataType(val.data.Value)
						switch t {
						case DataString, DataAttribute, DataType(0x3e):
							// TODO identify 0x3e, in bootstrap.xml this is the native lib name
							// TODO why DataAttribute? confirm details of usage
							att.bool = true
							// TODO resolve other data types
							// fmt.Printf("unhandled data type %0#4x: %s\n", uint32(t), t)
					} else { // attribute value must resolve to one of the values here
						// TODO resolve reference values and assure they match list of values here
				nodes[len(nodes)-1].attrs = append(nodes[len(nodes)-1].attrs, att)
		case xml.CharData:
			if s := poolTrim(string(tkn)); s != "" {
				nodes[len(nodes)-1].cdata = append(nodes[len(nodes)-1].cdata, s)
		case xml.EndElement, xml.Comment, xml.ProcInst:
			// discard
			panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled token type: %T %+v", tkn, tkn))

	bvc := xml.Attr{
		Name: xml.Name{
			Space: "",
			Local: "platformBuildVersionCode",
		Value: "15",
	bvn := xml.Attr{
		Name: xml.Name{
			Space: "",
			Local: "platformBuildVersionName",
		Value: "4.0.3",
	nodes[0].attrs = append(nodes[0].attrs, xattr{bvc, true}, xattr{bvn, true})

	// pools appear to be sorted as follows:
	// * attribute names prefixed with android:
	// * "android", [schema-url], [empty-string]
	// * for each node:
	//   * attribute names with no prefix
	//   * node name
	//   * attribute value if data type of name is DataString, DataAttribute, or 0x3e (an unknown)
	bx.Pool = new(Pool)

	for _, node := range nodes {
		for _, attr := range node.attrs {
			if attr.Name.Space == androidSchema {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Local)

	// TODO encoding/xml does not enforce namespace prefix and manifest encoding in aapt
	// appears to ignore all other prefixes. Inserting this manually is not strictly correct
	// for the general case, but the effort to do otherwise currently offers nothing.
	bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "android", androidSchema)

	// there always appears to be an empty string located after schema, even if one is
	// not present in manifest.
	bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "")

	for _, node := range nodes {
		for _, attr := range node.attrs {
			if attr.Name.Space == "" {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Local)
		bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, node.name.Local)
		for _, attr := range node.attrs {
			if attr.bool {
				bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Value)
		for _, x := range node.cdata {
			bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, x)

	// do not eliminate duplicates until the entire slice has been composed.
	// consider <activity android:label="label" .../>
	// all attribute names come first followed by values; in such a case, the value "label"
	// would be a reference to the same "android:label" in the string pool which will occur
	// within the beginning of the pool where other attr names are located.
	bx.Pool.strings = asSet(bx.Pool.strings)

	return bx, nil
Exemplo n.º 14
func setNode(opts *xmlbuilder.BuilderOpts, xmlTree xmlbuilder.XMLBuilder, tok xml.Token, nt tree.NodeType, ordrPos *int) {
	opts.Tok = xml.CopyToken(tok)
	opts.NodeType = nt
	opts.NodePos = *ordrPos