Exemplo n.º 1
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
	etcd, err := clustertest.StartEtcd()
	if err != nil {
	if etcd == nil {
		t.Fatal("can't test euphoria.io/heim/cluster/etcd: etcd not available in PATH")
	defer etcd.Shutdown()

		t, func(heim *proto.Heim) (proto.Backend, error) {
			heim.Cluster = etcd.Join("/test", "testcase", "era")
			return &mock.TestBackend{}, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestEtcdCluster(t *testing.T) {
	s, err := clustertest.StartEtcd()
	if err != nil {
	if s == nil {
		t.Skipf("etcd not in PATH, skipping tests")
	defer s.Shutdown()

	Convey("Observe peer departure", t, func() {
		a := s.Join("/departure", "a", "0")
		// no defer a.Part() because we'll do that explicitly
		b := s.Join("/departure", "b", "0")
		defer b.Part()

		So(<-a.Watch(), ShouldResemble, &cluster.PeerJoinedEvent{cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "0"}})
		So(<-b.Watch(), ShouldResemble, &cluster.PeerLostEvent{cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "a"}})

	Convey("Observe initial peers upon joining", t, func() {
		a := s.Join("/initial", "a", "0")
		defer a.Part()
		So(a.Peers(), ShouldResemble,
				{ID: "a", Era: "0"},

		b := s.Join("/initial", "b", "0")
		defer b.Part()
		So(b.Peers(), ShouldResemble,
				{ID: "a", Era: "0"},
				{ID: "b", Era: "0"},

	Convey("Updates are seen", t, func() {
		a := s.Join("/updates", "a", "0")
		defer a.Part()
		b := s.Join("/updates", "b", "0")
		defer b.Part()

		b.Update(&cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "1"})
		b.Update(&cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "2"})
		So(<-a.Watch(), ShouldResemble, &cluster.PeerJoinedEvent{cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "0"}})
		So(<-a.Watch(), ShouldResemble, &cluster.PeerAliveEvent{cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "1"}})
		So(<-a.Watch(), ShouldResemble, &cluster.PeerAliveEvent{cluster.PeerDesc{ID: "b", Era: "2"}})

	Convey("Secrets are created if necessary", t, func() {
		kms := security.LocalKMS()
		a := s.Join("/secrets1", "a", "0")
		defer a.Part()

		secret, err := a.GetSecret(kms, "test1", 16)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		So(len(secret), ShouldEqual, 16)

		secretCopy, err := a.GetSecret(kms, "test1", 16)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		So(string(secretCopy), ShouldEqual, string(secret))

	Convey("Race to create secret is conceded gracefully", t, func() {
		kms := &syncKMS{
			KMS: security.LocalKMS(),
			c:   make(chan struct{}),

		a := s.Join("/secrets1", "a", "0")
		defer a.Part()

		sc := make(chan []byte)
		errc := make(chan error)
		go func() {
			s, err := a.GetSecret(kms, "test2", 16)
			errc <- err
			sc <- s

		// Synchronize with secret generation.

		// Set the secret before releasing the goroutine.
		secret, err := a.GetSecret(kms.KMS, "test2", 16)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		// Release the goroutine and verify it gets the secret that was set.
		kms.c <- struct{}{}
		So(<-errc, ShouldBeNil)
		So(string(<-sc), ShouldEqual, string(secret))