Exemplo n.º 1
// Convert a single FuObject (possibly a FuList) to a list of Nodes and
// add them to the DAG.
func (self *Runtime) nodify(values types.FuObject) []dag.Node {
	// Blecchh: specially handling every type here limits the
	// extensibility of the type system. But I don't want each type to
	// know how it becomes a node, because then the 'types' package
	// depends on 'dag', which seems backwards to me. Hmmmm.
	var result []dag.Node
	switch values := values.(type) {
	case types.FuString:
		result = []dag.Node{dag.MakeFileNode(self.dag, values.ValueString())}
	case types.FuList:
		result = make([]dag.Node, 0, len(values.List()))
		for _, val := range values.List() {
			result = append(result, self.nodify(val)...)
	case *dag.ListNode:
		result = values.Nodes()
		for i, node := range result {
			result[i] = self.dag.AddNode(node)
	case dag.Node:
		result = []dag.Node{self.dag.AddNode(values)}
	return result