Exemplo n.º 1
func TableFormat(state *lua.State) int {
	state.CheckType(1, lua.LUA_TTABLE)
	state.CheckType(2, lua.LUA_TTABLE) // ( ??? -- tbl tblFields )
	log.Println("Formatting a table by a table")

	numFields := int(state.ObjLen(-1))
	fields := make([]string, numFields)
	maxFieldLen := make(map[string]int)
	for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {
		state.RawGeti(-1, i+1) // ( tbl tblFields -- tbl tblFields strHeader )
		fieldName := state.ToString(-1)
		fields[i] = fieldName
		maxFieldLen[fieldName] = len(fieldName)
		state.Pop(1) // ( tbl tblFields strField -- tbl tblFields )
	state.Pop(1) // ( tbl tblFields -- tbl )
	log.Println("Slurped up the fields list (table #2)")

	numRows := int(state.ObjLen(-1))
	rows := make([]map[string]string, numRows)
	for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
		state.RawGeti(-1, i+1) // ( tbl -- tbl tblRow )
		row := make(map[string]string)
		for _, field := range fields {
			state.PushString(field) // ( tbl tblRow -- tbl tblRow strField )
			state.RawGet(-2)        // ( tbl tblRow strField -- tbl tblRow tblField )

			row[field] = state.ToString(-1)

			if maxFieldLen[field] < len(row[field]) {
				maxFieldLen[field] = len(row[field])

			state.Pop(1) // ( tbl tblRow tblField -- tbl tblRow )
		rows[i] = row
		state.Pop(1) // ( tbl tblRow -- tbl )
	state.Pop(1) // ( tbl -- )
	log.Println("Slurped up the data table (table #1)")

	// %5s  %10s  %13s
	fmtStrings := make([]string, numFields)
	for i, field := range fields {
		fmtStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxFieldLen[field])
	fmtString := strings.Join(fmtStrings, "  ")
	log.Println("Figured out the format string:", fmtString)

	rowStrings := make([]string, numRows+1)
	rowFields := make([]interface{}, numFields)
	for i, row := range rows {
		for j, field := range fields {
			rowFields[j] = row[field]
		rowStrings[i+1] = fmt.Sprintf(fmtString, rowFields...)
	for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {
		rowFields[i] = strings.Title(fields[i])
	rowStrings[0] = fmt.Sprintf(fmtString, rowFields...)
	log.Println("Yay formatted all the strings")

	formattedTable := strings.Join(rowStrings, "\n")
	state.PushString(formattedTable) // ( -- str )
	log.Println("All done formatting this table!")

	return 1