Exemplo n.º 1
// Create creates a new work item in the repository
// returns BadParameterError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, typeID string, fields map[string]interface{}, creator string) (*app.WorkItem, error) {
	wiType, err := r.wir.LoadTypeFromDB(ctx, typeID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("type", typeID)
	wi := WorkItem{
		Type:   typeID,
		Fields: Fields{},
	fields[SystemCreator] = creator
	for fieldName, fieldDef := range wiType.Fields {
		if fieldName == SystemCreatedAt {
		fieldValue := fields[fieldName]
		var err error
		wi.Fields[fieldName], err = fieldDef.ConvertToModel(fieldName, fieldValue)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError(fieldName, fieldValue)
		if fieldName == SystemDescription && wi.Fields[fieldName] != nil {
			description := rendering.NewMarkupContentFromMap(wi.Fields[fieldName].(map[string]interface{}))
			if !rendering.IsMarkupSupported(description.Markup) {
				return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError(fieldName, fieldValue)
	tx := r.db
	if err = tx.Create(&wi).Error; err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
	return convertWorkItemModelToApp(wiType, &wi)
Exemplo n.º 2
// Refresh obtain a new access token using the refresh token.
func (c *LoginController) Refresh(ctx *app.RefreshLoginContext) error {
	refreshToken := ctx.Payload.RefreshToken
	if refreshToken == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("refresh_token", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	client := &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
	res, err := client.PostForm(configuration.GetKeycloakEndpointToken(), url.Values{
		"client_id":     {configuration.GetKeycloakClientID()},
		"client_secret": {configuration.GetKeycloakSecret()},
		"refresh_token": {*refreshToken},
		"grant_type":    {"refresh_token"},
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewInternalError("Error when obtaining token "+err.Error()))
	switch res.StatusCode {
	case 200:
		// OK
	case 401:
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewUnauthorizedError(res.Status+" "+readBody(res.Body)))
	case 400:
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError(readBody(res.Body), nil))
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewInternalError(res.Status+" "+readBody(res.Body)))

	token, err := readToken(res, ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return ctx.OK(&app.AuthToken{Token: token})
Exemplo n.º 3
// ValidateCorrectSourceAndTargetType returns an error if the Path of
// the source WIT as defined by the work item link type is not part of
// the actual source's WIT; the same applies for the target.
func (r *GormWorkItemLinkRepository) ValidateCorrectSourceAndTargetType(ctx context.Context, sourceID, targetID uint64, linkTypeID satoriuuid.UUID) error {
	linkType, err := r.workItemLinkTypeRepo.LoadTypeFromDBByID(ctx, linkTypeID)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Fetch the source work item
	source, err := r.workItemRepo.LoadFromDB(ctx, strconv.FormatUint(sourceID, 10))
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Fetch the target work item
	target, err := r.workItemRepo.LoadFromDB(ctx, strconv.FormatUint(targetID, 10))
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Fetch the concrete work item types of the target and the source.
	sourceWorkItemType, err := r.workItemTypeRepo.LoadTypeFromDB(ctx, source.Type)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	targetWorkItemType, err := r.workItemTypeRepo.LoadTypeFromDB(ctx, target.Type)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Check type paths
	if !sourceWorkItemType.IsTypeOrSubtypeOf(linkType.SourceTypeName) {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("source work item type", source.Type)
	if !targetWorkItemType.IsTypeOrSubtypeOf(linkType.TargetTypeName) {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("target work item type", target.Type)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// Save updates the given space in the db. Version must be the same as the one in the stored version
// returns NotFoundError, BadParameterError, VersionConflictError or InternalError
func (r *GormRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, p *Space) (*Space, error) {
	pr := Space{}
	tx := r.db.Where("id=?", p.ID).First(&pr)
	oldVersion := p.Version
	if tx.RecordNotFound() {
		// treating this as a not found error: the fact that we're using number internal is implementation detail
		return nil, errors.NewNotFoundError("space", p.ID.String())
	if err := tx.Error; err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
	tx = tx.Where("Version = ?", oldVersion).Save(p)
	if err := tx.Error; err != nil {
		if gormsupport.IsCheckViolation(tx.Error, "spaces_name_check") {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("Name", p.Name).Expected("not empty")
		if gormsupport.IsUniqueViolation(tx.Error, "spaces_name_idx") {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("Name", p.Name).Expected("unique")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
	if tx.RowsAffected == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewVersionConflictError("version conflict")

	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":     "space",
		"spaceID": p.ID,
	}, "space updated successfully")
	return p, nil
// Create creates a new work item in the repository
// returns BadParameterError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemTypeRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, extendedTypeName *string, name string, fields map[string]app.FieldDefinition) (*app.WorkItemType, error) {
	existing, _ := r.LoadTypeFromDB(ctx, name)
	if existing != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{"witName": name}, "unable to create new work item type")
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("name", name)
	allFields := map[string]FieldDefinition{}
	path := name
	if extendedTypeName != nil {
		extendedType := WorkItemType{}
		db := r.db.First(&extendedType, "name = ?", extendedTypeName)
		if db.RecordNotFound() {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("extendedTypeName", *extendedTypeName)
		if err := db.Error; err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
		// copy fields from extended type
		for key, value := range extendedType.Fields {
			allFields[key] = value
		path = extendedType.Path + pathSep + name

	// now process new fields, checking whether they are ok to add.
	for field, definition := range fields {
		existing, exists := allFields[field]
		ct, err := convertFieldTypeToModels(*definition.Type)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.WithStack(err)
		converted := FieldDefinition{
			Required: definition.Required,
			Type:     ct,
		if exists && !compatibleFields(existing, converted) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("incompatible change for field %s", field)
		allFields[field] = converted

	created := WorkItemType{
		Version: 0,
		Name:    name,
		Path:    path,
		Fields:  allFields,

	if err := r.db.Save(&created).Error; err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())

	result := convertTypeFromModels(&created)
	return &result, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func TestNewBadParameterError(t *testing.T) {
	resource.Require(t, resource.UnitTest)
	param := "assigness"
	value := 10
	expectedValue := 11
	err := errors.NewBadParameterError(param, value)
	assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("Bad value for parameter '%s': '%v'", param, value), err.Error())
	err = errors.NewBadParameterError(param, value).Expected(expectedValue)
	assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("Bad value for parameter '%s': '%v' (expected: '%v')", param, value, expectedValue), err.Error())
Exemplo n.º 7
func validateCreateSpace(ctx *app.CreateSpaceContext) error {
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil")
	if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes == nil {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes", nil).Expected("not nil")
	if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
// Update does PATCH workitem
func (c *WorkitemController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateWorkitemContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		if ctx.Payload == nil || ctx.Payload.Data == nil || ctx.Payload.Data.ID == nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("missing data.ID element in request", nil))
		wi, err := appl.WorkItems().Load(ctx, *ctx.Payload.Data.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load work item with id %v", *ctx.Payload.Data.ID)))
		// Type changes of WI are not allowed which is why we overwrite it the
		// type with the old one after the WI has been converted.
		oldType := wi.Type
		err = ConvertJSONAPIToWorkItem(appl, *ctx.Payload.Data, wi)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		wi.Type = oldType
		wi, err = appl.WorkItems().Save(ctx, *wi)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, "Error updating work item"))
		wi2 := ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, wi)
		resp := &app.WorkItem2Single{
			Data: wi2,
			Links: &app.WorkItemLinks{
				Self: buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData),
		return ctx.OK(resp)
Exemplo n.º 9
// Create creates a new work item link type in the repository.
// Returns BadParameterError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemLinkTypeRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, name string, description *string, sourceTypeName, targetTypeName, forwardName, reverseName, topology string, linkCategoryID satoriuuid.UUID) (*app.WorkItemLinkTypeSingle, error) {
	linkType := &WorkItemLinkType{
		Name:           name,
		Description:    description,
		SourceTypeName: sourceTypeName,
		TargetTypeName: targetTypeName,
		ForwardName:    forwardName,
		ReverseName:    reverseName,
		Topology:       topology,
		LinkCategoryID: linkCategoryID,
	if err := linkType.CheckValidForCreation(); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithStack(err)

	// Check link category exists
	linkCategory := WorkItemLinkCategory{}
	db := r.db.Where("id=?", linkType.LinkCategoryID).Find(&linkCategory)
	if db.RecordNotFound() {
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("work item link category", linkType.LinkCategoryID)
	if db.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find work item link category: %s", db.Error.Error()))
	db = r.db.Create(linkType)
	if db.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(db.Error.Error())
	// Convert the created link type entry into a JSONAPI response
	result := ConvertLinkTypeFromModel(*linkType)
	return &result, nil
Exemplo n.º 10
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceIterationsController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceIterationsContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	// Validate Request
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil"))
	reqIter := ctx.Payload.Data
	if reqIter.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		newItr := iteration.Iteration{
			SpaceID: spaceID,
			Name:    *reqIter.Attributes.Name,
			StartAt: reqIter.Attributes.StartAt,
			EndAt:   reqIter.Attributes.EndAt,
		if reqIter.Attributes.Description != nil {
			newItr.Description = reqIter.Attributes.Description
		err = appl.Iterations().Create(ctx, &newItr)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.IterationSingle{
			Data: ConvertIteration(ctx.RequestData, &newItr),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.IterationHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Exemplo n.º 11
func getVersion(version interface{}) (int, error) {
	if version != nil {
		v, err := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", version))
		if err != nil {
			return -1, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.version", version)
		return v, nil
	return -1, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceAreasController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceAreasContext) error {

	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	// Validate Request
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil"))
	reqIter := ctx.Payload.Data
	if reqIter.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		newArea := area.Area{
			SpaceID: spaceID,
			Name:    *reqIter.Attributes.Name,

		err = appl.Areas().Create(ctx, &newArea)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{
			Data: ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, &newArea, addResolvedPath),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.AreaHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Exemplo n.º 13
// Create creates a new Space in the db
// returns BadParameterError or InternalError
func (r *GormRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, space *Space) (*Space, error) {
	space.ID = satoriuuid.NewV4()

	tx := r.db.Create(space)
	if err := tx.Error; err != nil {
		if gormsupport.IsCheckViolation(tx.Error, "spaces_name_check") {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("Name", space.Name).Expected("not empty")
		if gormsupport.IsUniqueViolation(tx.Error, "spaces_name_idx") {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("Name", space.Name).Expected("unique")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())

	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":     "space",
		"spaceID": space.ID,
	}, "Space created successfully")
	return space, nil
Exemplo n.º 14
// CanStartIteration checks the rule - Only one iteration from a space can have state=start at a time.
// More rules can be added as needed in this function
func (m *GormIterationRepository) CanStartIteration(ctx context.Context, i *Iteration) (bool, error) {
	var count int64
	m.db.Model(&Iteration{}).Where("space_id=? and state=?", i.SpaceID, IterationStateStart).Count(&count)
	if count != 0 {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"iterationID": i.ID,
			"spaceID":     i.SpaceID,
		}, "one iteration from given space is already running!")
		return false, errors.NewBadParameterError("state", "One iteration from given space is already running")
	return true, nil
Exemplo n.º 15
// Render runs the render action.
func (c *RenderController) Render(ctx *app.RenderRenderContext) error {
	content := ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Content
	markup := ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Markup
	if !rendering.IsMarkupSupported(markup) {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("Unsupported markup type", markup))
	htmlResult := rendering.RenderMarkupToHTML(content, markup)
	res := &app.MarkupRenderingSingle{Data: &app.MarkupRenderingData{
		ID:   uuid.NewV4().String(),
		Type: RenderingType,
		Attributes: &app.MarkupRenderingDataAttributes{
			RenderedContent: htmlResult,
	return ctx.OK(res)
Exemplo n.º 16
// Create creates a new work item link category in the repository.
// Returns BadParameterError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemLinkCategoryRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, name *string, description *string) (*app.WorkItemLinkCategorySingle, error) {
	if name == nil || *name == "" {
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("name", name)
	created := WorkItemLinkCategory{
		// Omit "lifecycle" and "ID" fields as they will be filled by the DB
		Name:        *name,
		Description: description,
	db := r.db.Create(&created)
	if db.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(db.Error.Error())
	// Convert the created link category entry into a JSONAPI response
	result := ConvertLinkCategoryFromModel(created)
	return &result, nil
Exemplo n.º 17
// Save updates the given work item link in storage. Version must be the same as the one int the stored version.
// returns NotFoundError, VersionConflictError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemLinkRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, lt app.WorkItemLinkSingle) (*app.WorkItemLinkSingle, error) {
	res := WorkItemLink{}
	if lt.Data.ID == nil {
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("work item link", nil)
	db := r.db.Model(&res).Where("id=?", *lt.Data.ID).First(&res)
	if db.RecordNotFound() {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"wilID": *lt.Data.ID,
		}, "work item link not found")
		return nil, errors.NewNotFoundError("work item link", *lt.Data.ID)
	if db.Error != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"wilID": *lt.Data.ID,
			"err":   db.Error,
		}, "unable to find work item link")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(db.Error.Error())
	if lt.Data.Attributes.Version == nil || res.Version != *lt.Data.Attributes.Version {
		return nil, errors.NewVersionConflictError("version conflict")
	if err := ConvertLinkToModel(lt, &res); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithStack(err)
	res.Version = res.Version + 1
	if err := r.ValidateCorrectSourceAndTargetType(ctx, res.SourceID, res.TargetID, res.LinkTypeID); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithStack(err)
	db = r.db.Save(&res)
	if db.Error != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"wilID": res.ID,
			"err":   db.Error,
		}, "unable to save work item link")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(db.Error.Error())

	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":   "link",
		"wilID": res.ID,
	}, "Work item link updated")
	result := ConvertLinkFromModel(res)
	return &result, nil
Exemplo n.º 18
// CreateChild runs the create-child action.
func (c *AreaController) CreateChild(ctx *app.CreateChildAreaContext) error {

	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	parentID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		parent, err := appl.Areas().Load(ctx, parentID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		reqArea := ctx.Payload.Data
		if reqArea.Attributes.Name == nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

		childPath := area.ConvertToLtreeFormat(parentID.String())
		if parent.Path != "" {
			childPath = parent.Path + pathSepInDatabase + childPath
		newArea := area.Area{
			SpaceID: parent.SpaceID,
			Path:    childPath,
			Name:    *reqArea.Attributes.Name,

		err = appl.Areas().Create(ctx, &newArea)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{
			Data: ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, &newArea, addResolvedPath),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.AreaHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Exemplo n.º 19
// List runs the list action.
// Prev and Next links will be present only when there actually IS a next or previous page.
// Last will always be present. Total Item count needs to be computed from the "Last" link.
func (c *WorkitemController) List(ctx *app.ListWorkitemContext) error {
	var additionalQuery []string
	exp, err := query.Parse(ctx.Filter)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("could not parse filter", err))
	if ctx.FilterAssignee != nil {
		assignee := ctx.FilterAssignee
		exp = criteria.And(exp, criteria.Equals(criteria.Field("system.assignees"), criteria.Literal([]string{*assignee})))
		additionalQuery = append(additionalQuery, "filter[assignee]="+*assignee)
	if ctx.FilterIteration != nil {
		iteration := ctx.FilterIteration
		exp = criteria.And(exp, criteria.Equals(criteria.Field(workitem.SystemIteration), criteria.Literal(string(*iteration))))
		additionalQuery = append(additionalQuery, "filter[iteration]="+*iteration)
	if ctx.FilterWorkitemtype != nil {
		wit := ctx.FilterWorkitemtype
		exp = criteria.And(exp, criteria.Equals(criteria.Field("Type"), criteria.Literal([]string{*wit})))
		additionalQuery = append(additionalQuery, "filter[workitemtype]="+*wit)
	if ctx.FilterArea != nil {
		area := ctx.FilterArea
		exp = criteria.And(exp, criteria.Equals(criteria.Field(workitem.SystemArea), criteria.Literal(string(*area))))
		additionalQuery = append(additionalQuery, "filter[area]="+*area)
	offset, limit := computePagingLimts(ctx.PageOffset, ctx.PageLimit)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(tx application.Application) error {
		result, tc, err := tx.WorkItems().List(ctx.Context, exp, &offset, &limit)
		count := int(tc)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, "Error listing work items"))
		response := app.WorkItem2List{
			Links: &app.PagingLinks{},
			Meta:  &app.WorkItemListResponseMeta{TotalCount: count},
			Data:  ConvertWorkItems(ctx.RequestData, result),
		setPagingLinks(response.Links, buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData), len(result), offset, limit, count, additionalQuery...)
		return ctx.OK(&response)
Exemplo n.º 20
// parseSearchString accepts a raw string and generates a searchKeyword object
func parseSearchString(rawSearchString string) (searchKeyword, error) {
	// TODO remove special characters and exclaimations if any
	rawSearchString = strings.Trim(rawSearchString, "/") // get rid of trailing slashes
	rawSearchString = strings.Trim(rawSearchString, "\"")
	parts := strings.Fields(rawSearchString)
	var res searchKeyword
	for _, part := range parts {
		// QueryUnescape is required in case of encoded url strings.
		// And does not harm regular search strings
		// but this processing is required because at this moment, we do not know if
		// search input is a regular string or a URL

		part, err := url.QueryUnescape(part)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn(nil, map[string]interface{}{
				"pkg":  "search",
				"part": part,
			}, "unable to escape url!")
		// IF part is for search with id:1234
		// TODO: need to find out the way to use ID fields.
		if strings.HasPrefix(part, "id:") {
			res.id = append(res.id, strings.TrimPrefix(part, "id:")+":*A")
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(part, "type:") {
			typeName := strings.TrimPrefix(part, "type:")
			if len(typeName) == 0 {
				return res, errors.NewBadParameterError("Type name must not be empty", part)
			res.workItemTypes = append(res.workItemTypes, typeName)
		} else if govalidator.IsURL(part) {
			part := strings.ToLower(part)
			part = trimProtocolFromURLString(part)
			searchQueryFromURL := getSearchQueryFromURLString(part)
			res.words = append(res.words, searchQueryFromURL)
		} else {
			part := strings.ToLower(part)
			part = sanitizeURL(part)
			res.words = append(res.words, part+":*")
	return res, nil
Exemplo n.º 21
// Create does POST workitem
func (c *WorkitemController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkitemContext) error {
	currentUser, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
		return ctx.Unauthorized(jerrors)
	var wit *string
	if ctx.Payload.Data != nil && ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships != nil &&
		ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.BaseType != nil && ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.BaseType.Data != nil {
		wit = &ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.BaseType.Data.ID
	if wit == nil { // TODO Figure out path source etc. Should be a required relation
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("Data.Relationships.BaseType.Data.ID", err))
	wi := app.WorkItem{
		Fields: make(map[string]interface{}),
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		err := ConvertJSONAPIToWorkItem(appl, *ctx.Payload.Data, &wi)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error creating work item")))

		wi, err := appl.WorkItems().Create(ctx, *wit, wi.Fields, currentUser)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error creating work item")))
		wi2 := ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, wi)
		resp := &app.WorkItem2Single{
			Data: wi2,
			Links: &app.WorkItemLinks{
				Self: buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkitemHref(wi2.ID))
		return ctx.Created(resp)
Exemplo n.º 22
// Create creates a new work item link in the repository.
// Returns BadParameterError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemLinkRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, sourceID, targetID uint64, linkTypeID satoriuuid.UUID) (*app.WorkItemLinkSingle, error) {
	link := &WorkItemLink{
		SourceID:   sourceID,
		TargetID:   targetID,
		LinkTypeID: linkTypeID,
	if err := link.CheckValidForCreation(); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithStack(err)
	if err := r.ValidateCorrectSourceAndTargetType(ctx, sourceID, targetID, linkTypeID); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithStack(err)
	db := r.db.Create(link)
	if db.Error != nil {
		if gormsupport.IsUniqueViolation(db.Error, "work_item_links_unique_idx") {
			// TODO(kwk): Make NewBadParameterError a variadic function to avoid this ugliness ;)
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.source_id + data.relationships.target_id + data.relationships.link_type_id", sourceID).Expected("unique")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(db.Error.Error())
	// Convert the created link type entry into a JSONAPI response
	result := ConvertLinkFromModel(*link)
	return &result, nil
Exemplo n.º 23
// CheckValidForCreation returns an error if the work item link type
// cannot be used for the creation of a new work item link type.
func (t *WorkItemLinkType) CheckValidForCreation() error {
	if t.Name == "" {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("name", t.Name)
	if t.SourceTypeName == "" {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("source_type_name", t.SourceTypeName)
	if t.TargetTypeName == "" {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("target_type_name", t.TargetTypeName)
	if t.ForwardName == "" {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("forward_name", t.ForwardName)
	if t.ReverseName == "" {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("reverse_name", t.ReverseName)
	if err := CheckValidTopology(t.Topology); err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	if t.LinkCategoryID == satoriuuid.Nil {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("link_category_id", t.LinkCategoryID)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 24
// ConvertJSONAPIToWorkItem is responsible for converting given WorkItem model object into a
// response resource object by jsonapi.org specifications
func ConvertJSONAPIToWorkItem(appl application.Application, source app.WorkItem2, target *app.WorkItem) error {
	// construct default values from input WI
	version, err := getVersion(source.Attributes["version"])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	target.Version = version

	if source.Relationships != nil && source.Relationships.Assignees != nil {
		if source.Relationships.Assignees.Data == nil {
			delete(target.Fields, workitem.SystemAssignees)
		} else {
			var ids []string
			for _, d := range source.Relationships.Assignees.Data {
				assigneeUUID, err := uuid.FromString(*d.ID)
				if err != nil {
					return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.assignees.data.id", *d.ID)
				if ok := appl.Identities().IsValid(context.Background(), assigneeUUID); !ok {
					return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.assignees.data.id", *d.ID)
				ids = append(ids, assigneeUUID.String())
			target.Fields[workitem.SystemAssignees] = ids
	if source.Relationships != nil && source.Relationships.Iteration != nil {
		if source.Relationships.Iteration.Data == nil {
			delete(target.Fields, workitem.SystemIteration)
		} else {
			d := source.Relationships.Iteration.Data
			iterationUUID, err := uuid.FromString(*d.ID)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.iteration.data.id", *d.ID)
			if _, err = appl.Iterations().Load(context.Background(), iterationUUID); err != nil {
				return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.iteration.data.id", *d.ID)
			target.Fields[workitem.SystemIteration] = iterationUUID.String()
	if source.Relationships != nil && source.Relationships.Area != nil {
		if source.Relationships.Area.Data == nil {
			delete(target.Fields, workitem.SystemArea)
		} else {
			d := source.Relationships.Area.Data
			areaUUID, err := uuid.FromString(*d.ID)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.area.data.id", *d.ID)
			if _, err = appl.Areas().Load(context.Background(), areaUUID); err != nil {
				return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.area.data.id", *d.ID)
			target.Fields[workitem.SystemArea] = areaUUID.String()
	if source.Relationships != nil && source.Relationships.BaseType != nil {
		if source.Relationships.BaseType.Data != nil {
			target.Type = source.Relationships.BaseType.Data.ID

	for key, val := range source.Attributes {
		// convert legacy description to markup content
		if key == workitem.SystemDescription {
			if m := rendering.NewMarkupContentFromValue(val); m != nil {
				target.Fields[key] = *m
		} else {
			target.Fields[key] = val
	if description, ok := target.Fields[workitem.SystemDescription].(rendering.MarkupContent); ok {
		// verify the description markup
		if !rendering.IsMarkupSupported(description.Markup) {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.attributes[system.description].markup", description.Markup)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 25
// List all comments related to a single item
func (m *GormCommentRepository) List(ctx context.Context, parent string, start *int, limit *int) ([]*Comment, uint64, error) {
	defer goa.MeasureSince([]string{"goa", "db", "comment", "query"}, time.Now())

	db := m.db.Model(&Comment{}).Where("parent_id = ?", parent)
	orgDB := db
	if start != nil {
		if *start < 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("start", *start)
		db = db.Offset(*start)
	if limit != nil {
		if *limit <= 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("limit", *limit)
		db = db.Limit(*limit)
	db = db.Select("count(*) over () as cnt2 , *").Order("created_at desc")

	rows, err := db.Rows()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	defer rows.Close()

	result := []*Comment{}
	columns, err := rows.Columns()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())

	// need to set up a result for Scan() in order to extract total count.
	var count uint64
	var ignore interface{}
	columnValues := make([]interface{}, len(columns))

	for index := range columnValues {
		columnValues[index] = &ignore
	columnValues[0] = &count
	first := true

	for rows.Next() {
		value := &Comment{}
		db.ScanRows(rows, value)
		if first {
			first = false
			if err = rows.Scan(columnValues...); err != nil {
				return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
		result = append(result, value)

	if first {
		// means 0 rows were returned from the first query (maybe becaus of offset outside of total count),
		// need to do a count(*) to find out total
		orgDB := orgDB.Select("count(*)")
		rows2, err := orgDB.Rows()
		defer rows2.Close()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, err
		rows2.Next() // count(*) will always return a row
	return result, count, nil
Exemplo n.º 26
// extracted this function from List() in order to close the rows object with "defer" for more readability
// workaround for https://github.com/lib/pq/issues/81
func (r *GormRepository) listSpaceFromDB(ctx context.Context, q *string, start *int, limit *int) ([]*Space, uint64, error) {

	db := r.db.Model(&Space{})
	orgDB := db
	if start != nil {
		if *start < 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("start", *start)
		db = db.Offset(*start)
	if limit != nil {
		if *limit <= 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("limit", *limit)
		db = db.Limit(*limit)
	db = db.Select("count(*) over () as cnt2 , *")
	if q != nil {
		db = db.Where("LOWER(name) LIKE ?", "%"+strings.ToLower(*q)+"%")
		db = db.Or("LOWER(description) LIKE ?", "%"+strings.ToLower(*q)+"%")

	rows, err := db.Rows()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, errs.WithStack(err)
	defer rows.Close()

	result := []*Space{}
	columns, err := rows.Columns()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())

	// need to set up a result for Scan() in order to extract total count.
	var count uint64
	var ignore interface{}
	columnValues := make([]interface{}, len(columns))

	for index := range columnValues {
		columnValues[index] = &ignore
	columnValues[0] = &count
	first := true

	for rows.Next() {
		value := Space{}
		db.ScanRows(rows, &value)
		if first {
			first = false
			if err = rows.Scan(columnValues...); err != nil {
				return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
		result = append(result, &value)
	if first {
		if q != nil {
			// If 0 rows were returned from first query during search, then total is 0
			count = 0
		} else {
			// means 0 rows were returned from the first query (maybe becaus of offset outside of total count),
			// need to do a count(*) to find out total
			orgDB := orgDB.Select("count(*)")
			rows2, err := orgDB.Rows()
			defer rows2.Close()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, 0, errs.WithStack(err)
			rows2.Next() // count(*) will always return a row
	return result, count, nil
Exemplo n.º 27
// Save updates the given work item in storage. Version must be the same as the one int the stored version
// returns NotFoundError, VersionConflictError, ConversionError or InternalError
func (r *GormWorkItemRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, wi app.WorkItem) (*app.WorkItem, error) {
	res := WorkItem{}
	id, err := strconv.ParseUint(wi.ID, 10, 64)
	if err != nil || id == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewNotFoundError("work item", wi.ID)

	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":  "workitem",
		"wiID": wi.ID,
	}, "Looking for id for the work item repository")
	tx := r.db.First(&res, id)
	if tx.RecordNotFound() {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"wiID": wi.ID,
		}, "work item repository not found")
		return nil, errors.NewNotFoundError("work item", wi.ID)
	if tx.Error != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
	if res.Version != wi.Version {
		return nil, errors.NewVersionConflictError("version conflict")

	wiType, err := r.wir.LoadTypeFromDB(ctx, wi.Type)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError("Type", wi.Type)

	res.Version = res.Version + 1
	res.Type = wi.Type
	res.Fields = Fields{}

	for fieldName, fieldDef := range wiType.Fields {
		if fieldName == SystemCreatedAt {
		fieldValue := wi.Fields[fieldName]
		var err error
		res.Fields[fieldName], err = fieldDef.ConvertToModel(fieldName, fieldValue)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewBadParameterError(fieldName, fieldValue)

	tx = tx.Where("Version = ?", wi.Version).Save(&res)
	if err := tx.Error; err != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
			"wiID": wi.ID,
			"err":  err,
		}, "unable to save the work item repository")
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
	if tx.RowsAffected == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewVersionConflictError("version conflict")
	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":  "workitem",
		"wiID": wi.ID,
	}, "Updated work item repository")
	return convertWorkItemModelToApp(wiType, &res)
Exemplo n.º 28
// extracted this function from List() in order to close the rows object with "defer" for more readability
// workaround for https://github.com/lib/pq/issues/81
func (r *GormWorkItemRepository) listItemsFromDB(ctx context.Context, criteria criteria.Expression, start *int, limit *int) ([]WorkItem, uint64, error) {
	where, parameters, compileError := Compile(criteria)
	if compileError != nil {
		return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("expression", criteria)

	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":        "workitem",
		"where":      where,
		"parameters": parameters,
	}, "Executing query : '%s' with params %v", where, parameters)

	db := r.db.Model(&WorkItem{}).Where(where, parameters...)
	orgDB := db
	if start != nil {
		if *start < 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("start", *start)
		db = db.Offset(*start)
	if limit != nil {
		if *limit <= 0 {
			return nil, 0, errors.NewBadParameterError("limit", *limit)
		db = db.Limit(*limit)
	db = db.Select("count(*) over () as cnt2 , *")

	rows, err := db.Rows()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, errs.WithStack(err)
	defer rows.Close()

	result := []WorkItem{}
	columns, err := rows.Columns()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())

	// need to set up a result for Scan() in order to extract total count.
	var count uint64
	var ignore interface{}
	columnValues := make([]interface{}, len(columns))

	for index := range columnValues {
		columnValues[index] = &ignore
	columnValues[0] = &count
	first := true

	for rows.Next() {
		value := WorkItem{}
		db.ScanRows(rows, &value)
		if first {
			first = false
			if err = rows.Scan(columnValues...); err != nil {
				return nil, 0, errors.NewInternalError(err.Error())
		result = append(result, value)

	if first {
		// means 0 rows were returned from the first query (maybe becaus of offset outside of total count),
		// need to do a count(*) to find out total
		orgDB := orgDB.Select("count(*)")
		rows2, err := orgDB.Rows()
		defer rows2.Close()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, errs.WithStack(err)
		rows2.Next() // count(*) will always return a row
	return result, count, nil
Exemplo n.º 29
// ConvertLinkToModel converts the incoming app representation of a work item link to the model layout.
// Values are only overwrriten if they are set in "in", otherwise the values in "out" remain.
// NOTE: Only the LinkTypeID, SourceID, and TargetID fields will be set.
//       You need to preload the elements after calling this function.
func ConvertLinkToModel(in app.WorkItemLinkSingle, out *WorkItemLink) error {
	attrs := in.Data.Attributes
	rel := in.Data.Relationships
	var err error

	if in.Data.ID != nil {
		id, err := satoriuuid.FromString(*in.Data.ID)
		if err != nil {
			//log.Printf("Error when converting %s to UUID: %s", *in.Data.ID, err.Error())
			// treat as not found: clients don't know it must be a UUID
			return errors.NewNotFoundError("work item link", id.String())
		out.ID = id

	if in.Data.Type != EndpointWorkItemLinks {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.type", in.Data.Type).Expected(EndpointWorkItemLinks)

	if attrs != nil {
		if attrs.Version != nil {
			out.Version = *attrs.Version

	if rel != nil && rel.LinkType != nil && rel.LinkType.Data != nil {
		d := rel.LinkType.Data
		// If the the link category is not nil, it MUST be "workitemlinktypes"
		if d.Type != EndpointWorkItemLinkTypes {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.link_type.data.type", d.Type).Expected(EndpointWorkItemLinkTypes)
		// The the link type id MUST NOT be empty
		if d.ID == "" {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.link_type.data.id", d.ID)
		if out.LinkTypeID, err = satoriuuid.FromString(d.ID); err != nil {
			//log.Printf("Error when converting %s to UUID: %s", in.Data.ID, err.Error())
			// treat as not found: clients don't know it must be a UUID
			return errors.NewNotFoundError("work item link type", d.ID)

	if rel != nil && rel.Source != nil && rel.Source.Data != nil {
		d := rel.Source.Data
		// If the the source type is not nil, it MUST be "workitems"
		if d.Type != EndpointWorkItems {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.source.data.type", d.Type).Expected(EndpointWorkItems)
		// The the work item id MUST NOT be empty
		if d.ID == "" {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.source.data.id", d.ID)
		if out.SourceID, err = strconv.ParseUint(d.ID, 10, 64); err != nil {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.source.data.id", d.ID)

	if rel != nil && rel.Target != nil && rel.Target.Data != nil {
		d := rel.Target.Data
		// If the the target type is not nil, it MUST be "workitems"
		if d.Type != EndpointWorkItems {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.target.data.type", d.Type).Expected(EndpointWorkItems)
		// The the work item id MUST NOT be empty
		if d.ID == "" {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.target.data.id", d.ID)
		if out.TargetID, err = strconv.ParseUint(d.ID, 10, 64); err != nil {
			return errors.NewBadParameterError("data.relationships.target.data.id", d.ID)

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 30
// CheckValidForCreation returns an error if the work item link
// cannot be used for the creation of a new work item link.
func (l *WorkItemLink) CheckValidForCreation() error {
	if satoriuuid.Equal(l.LinkTypeID, satoriuuid.Nil) {
		return errors.NewBadParameterError("link_type_id", l.LinkTypeID)
	return nil