Exemplo n.º 1
// Start animate driver new version
func StartDriver(renderer chan *framebuffer.FrameBuffer) {
	// Start the animator go routine
	go func() {
		// The animations in play from the UI (default all off)
		var animators []segNameAndAnimator = make([]segNameAndAnimator, 1)
		animators[0] = segNameAndAnimator{"All", newStaticColour(framebuffer.NewRgbFromInt(0))}
		var lastRenderedFrameBuffer *framebuffer.FrameBuffer
		frameCounter := 0
		for {
			select {
			// Request to render a frame buffer
			case fb := <-renderer:
				renderStartTime := time.Now()

				// Create / Copy frame buffer to be rendered
				if lastRenderedFrameBuffer == nil {
					fb = framebuffer.NewFrameBuffer()
				} else {
					fb = lastRenderedFrameBuffer.CloneFrameBuffer()

				// Animate and return updated frame buffer
				for _, v := range animators {
					// Resolve the segment to animate, based on string name
					if seg, err := framebuffer.GetNamedSegment(fb, v.namedSegment); err == nil {
						v.animator.animateNextFrame(frameCounter, seg)

				// Report render time and send buffer
				renderer <- fb
				lastRenderedFrameBuffer = fb

			// Request animation update
			case currentAnimations := <-animationChanged:
				animators = buildAnimatorList(currentAnimations)
				lastRenderedFrameBuffer = nil
				frameCounter = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
// High level request to light the first stripLength LEDs of a physical strip
func AnimateStripLength(stripIndex uint, stripLength uint) {
	// Create a new frame buffer as a model for physical strip lengths
	fb := framebuffer.NewFrameBuffer()

	// Check request is for a valid strip and length
	segments := make([]SegmentAction, 0)
	if stripIndex < uint(len(fb.Strips)) && stripLength <= uint(len(fb.Strips[stripIndex].Leds)) {
		// Clear all lights
		segments = append(segments, SegmentAction{"All", "Static", "0"})

		// Special pXX:YY segment id to address physical strip XX of length YY
		// NOTE: if a strip is reverse direction then this may not show up on
		// the virtual display which shows only the FIRST 20 LEDs

		segId := "p" + strconv.Itoa(int(stripIndex)) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(stripLength))
		segments = append(segments, SegmentAction{segId, "Static", "808080"})
	} else {
		// Invalid request, light all LEDS red
		segments = append(segments, SegmentAction{"All", "Static", "800000"})

	// Perform the animation
	animationChanged <- segments