Exemplo n.º 1
func TestIPLinear(*testing.T) {
	// get component library
	ctypes := factory.GetComponentList()

	// make components
	cmps := make(map[string]wunit.Volume)

	for _, cmpn := range ctypes {
		vf := rand.Float64() * 10000.0
		vol := wunit.NewVolume(vf, "ul")
		cmps[cmpn] = vol

	// get plate library
	plist := factory.GetPlateList()

	// no need to subselect just stick em all in

	plates := make([]*wtype.LHPlate, 0)

	for _, p := range plist {
		plates = append(plates, factory.GetPlateByType(p))

	// we need a map between components and volumes
	// an array of plates
	// and a map of weights and constraints

	wtc := make(map[string]float64, 3)
	wtc["MAX_N_PLATES"] = 2.0
	wtc["MAX_N_WELLS"] = 96.0
	ass := choose_plate_assignments(cmps, plates, wtc)
	ass = ass
		for component, cmap := range ass {
			for plt, nw := range cmap {
				volreq := cmps[component]
					fmt.Println("\t", nw, " wells of ", plt.Type, " total volume ", float64(nw)*(plt.Welltype.Vol-plt.Welltype.Rvol), " residual volume ", float64(nw)*plt.Welltype.Rvol, " volume required: ", volreq.RawValue())

Exemplo n.º 2
//  TASK: 	Map inputs to input plates
// INPUT: 	"input_platetype", "inputs"
//OUTPUT: 	"input_plates"      -- these each have components in wells
//		"input_assignments" -- map with arrays of assignment strings, i.e. {tea: [plate1:A:1, plate1:A:2...] }etc.
func input_plate_setup(request *LHRequest) *LHRequest {
	input_platetypes := (*request).Input_platetypes
	if input_platetypes == nil || len(input_platetypes) == 0 {
		// this configuration needs to happen outside but for now...
		list := factory.GetPlateList()
		input_platetypes = make([]*wtype.LHPlate, len(list))
		for i, platetype := range list {
			input_platetypes[i] = factory.GetPlateByType(platetype)
		(*request).Input_platetypes = input_platetypes
	input_plates := (*request).Input_plates

	if len(input_plates) == 0 {
		input_plates = make(map[string]*wtype.LHPlate, 3)

	// need to fill each plate type

	var curr_plate *wtype.LHPlate

	inputs := (*request).Input_solutions

	input_volumes := make(map[string]wunit.Volume, len(inputs))

	// aggregate the volumes for the inputs
	for k, v := range inputs {
		v2 := v[0].Volume()
		vol := &v2
		for i := 1; i < len(v); i++ {
			vv := v[i].Volume()
		input_volumes[k] = *vol
		//fmt.Println("TOTAL Volume for ", k, " : ", vol.ToString())

	weights_constraints := request.Input_Setup_Weights

	// get the assignments

	well_count_assignments := choose_plate_assignments(input_volumes, input_platetypes, weights_constraints)

	input_assignments := make(map[string][]string, len(well_count_assignments))

	plates_in_play := make(map[string]*wtype.LHPlate)

	curplaten := 1
	for cname, volume := range input_volumes {
		component := inputs[cname][0]
		//fmt.Println("Plate_setup - component", cname, ":")

		well_assignments := well_count_assignments[cname]

		//fmt.Println("Well assignments: ", well_assignments)

		var curr_well *wtype.LHWell
		var ok bool
		ass := make([]string, 0, 3)

		for platetype, nwells := range well_assignments {
			for i := 0; i < nwells; i++ {
				curr_plate = plates_in_play[platetype.Type]

				if curr_plate == nil {
					plates_in_play[platetype.Type] = factory.GetPlateByType(platetype.Type)
					curr_plate = plates_in_play[platetype.Type]
					platename := fmt.Sprintf("Input_plate_%d", curplaten)
					curr_plate.PlateName = platename
					curplaten += 1

				// find somewhere to put it
				curr_well, ok = wtype.Get_Next_Well(curr_plate, component, curr_well)

				if !ok {
					plates_in_play[platetype.Type] = factory.GetPlateByType(platetype.Type)
					curr_well, ok = wtype.Get_Next_Well(curr_plate, component, nil)

				// now put it there

				contents := curr_well.WContents
				if len(contents) == 0 {
					contents = make([]*wtype.LHComponent, 0, 4)

				location := curr_plate.ID + ":" + curr_well.Crds
				ass = append(ass, location)

				// make a duplicate of this component to stick in the well

				newcomponent := component.Dup()
				newcomponent.Vol = curr_well.Vol
				newcomponent.Loc = location

				contents = append(contents, newcomponent)

				curr_well.WContents = contents
				curr_well.Currvol = newcomponent.Vol
				input_plates[curr_plate.ID] = curr_plate
		input_assignments[cname] = ass
		//fmt.Println("ASSIGNMENT: ", cname, " ", ass)

	(*request).Input_plates = input_plates
	(*request).Input_assignments = input_assignments
	//return input_plates, input_assignments
	return request