Exemplo n.º 1
func mergeManifests(manifests []schema.ImageManifest) schema.ImageManifest {
	// FIXME(iaguis) we take app layer's manifest as the final manifest for now
	manifest := manifests[0]

	manifest.Dependencies = nil

	layerIndex := -1
	for i, l := range manifest.Labels {
		if l.Name.String() == "layer" {
			layerIndex = i

	if layerIndex != -1 {
		manifest.Labels = append(manifest.Labels[:layerIndex], manifest.Labels[layerIndex+1:]...)

	nameWithoutLayerID := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(stripLayerID(manifest.Name.String()))

	manifest.Name = *nameWithoutLayerID

	// once the image is squashed, we don't need a pathWhitelist
	manifest.PathWhitelist = nil

	return manifest
Exemplo n.º 2
func NewTestVolumeMount(volumeMountTestCases [][]volumeMountTestCase) testutils.Test {
	return testutils.TestFunc(func(t *testing.T) {
		ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
		defer ctx.Cleanup()

		deferredFuncs := prepareTmpDirWithRecursiveMountsAndFiles(t)
		defer executeFuncsReverse(deferredFuncs)

		for _, testCases := range volumeMountTestCases {
			for i, tt := range testCases {
				var hashesToRemove []string
				for j, v := range tt.images {
					hash, err := patchImportAndFetchHash(v.name, v.patches, t, ctx)
					if err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("error running patchImportAndFetchHash: %v", err)

					hashesToRemove = append(hashesToRemove, hash)
					if tt.podManifest != nil {
						imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(v.name)
						imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
						if err != nil {
							t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)
						tt.podManifest.Apps[j].Image.Name = imgName
						tt.podManifest.Apps[j].Image.ID = *imgID

				manifestFile := ""
				if tt.podManifest != nil {
					tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
					tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

					manifestFile = generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
					defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

				// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
				runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false", ctx.Cmd())
				if manifestFile != "" {
					runCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --pod-manifest=%s", manifestFile)
				} else {
					// TODO: run the tests for more than just the first image
					runCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", tt.cmdArgs, hashesToRemove[0])
				t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v: %q", i, tt.description)
				child := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)

				if tt.expectedResult != "" {
					if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)
				verifyHostFile(t, volDir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

				// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
				prepareCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s prepare", ctx.Cmd())
				if manifestFile != "" {
					prepareCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --pod-manifest=%s", manifestFile)
				} else {
					// TODO: run the tests for more than just the first image
					prepareCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", tt.cmdArgs, hashesToRemove[0])
				uuid := runRktAndGetUUID(t, prepareCmd)

				runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), uuid)
				t.Logf("Running 'run-prepared' test #%v: %q", i, tt.description)
				child = spawnOrFail(t, runPreparedCmd)

				if tt.expectedResult != "" {
					if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)
				verifyHostFile(t, volDir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

				// we run the garbage collector and remove the imported images to save
				// space
				runGC(t, ctx)
				for _, h := range hashesToRemove {
					removeFromCas(t, ctx, h)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Test running pod manifests that contains just one app.
// TODO(yifan): Figure out a way to test port mapping on single host.
func TestPodManifest(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	tmpdir := createTempDirOrPanic("rkt-tests.")
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

	boolFalse, boolTrue := false, true

	tests := []struct {
		// [image name]:[image patches]
		images         []imagePatch
		podManifest    *schema.PodManifest
		expectedExit   int
		expectedResult string
		cgroup         string
			// Special characters
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-special-characters.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-msg=\n'\"$"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			// Working directory.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-working-directory.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:             []string{"/inspect", "--print-cwd"},
							User:             "******",
							Group:            "0",
							WorkingDirectory: "/dir1",
			"cwd: /dir1",
			// Simple read.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
			// Simple read from read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-read-only-rootfs-pod-manifest-read.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
			// Simple read after write with *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-empty-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "empty:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0755"),
						UID:  intP(0),
						GID:  intP(0),
			// Simple read from read-only rootfs after write with *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-empty-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "empty:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0755"),
						UID:  intP(0),
						GID:  intP(0),
			// Stat directory in a *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-empty-vol-stat.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--stat-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0123"),
						UID:  intP(9991),
						GID:  intP(9992),
			"(?s)/dir1: mode: d--x-w--wx.*" + "/dir1: user: 9991.*" + "/dir1: group: 9992",
			// Stat directory in a *empty* volume mounted using a read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-empty-vol-stat.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--stat-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0123"),
						UID:  intP(9991),
						GID:  intP(9992),
			"(?s)/dir1: mode: d--x-w--wx.*" + "/dir1: user: 9991.*" + "/dir1: group: 9992",
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point, should fail.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point in a read-only rootfs, should fail.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-ro.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: true,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir2",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir2",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baw",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs, no apps in pod manifest.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name:           baseAppName,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should succeed even the mount point in image manifest is readOnly,
			// because it is overridden by the volume's readOnly.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:zaz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolFalse,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write in read-only rootfs with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name:           baseAppName,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Print CPU quota, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cpu-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-cpuquota"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									"name":     "resource/cpu",
									"value":    { "request": "100m", "limit": "100m"}
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_SYS_PTRACE"] }
			`CPU Quota: 100`,
			// Print memory limit, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-memory-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-memorylimit"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
								// 4MB.
									"name":     "resource/memory",
									"value":    { "request": "4194304", "limit": "4194304"}
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_SYS_PTRACE"] }
			`Memory Limit: 4194304`,
			// Multiple apps (with same images) in the pod. The first app will read out the content
			// written by the second app.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci1"}},
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci2"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: "rkt-inspect-readapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--pre-sleep=10", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir",
									Path:     "/dir",
									ReadOnly: false,
						Name: "rkt-inspect-writeapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir",
									Path:     "/dir",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=disabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_NET_ADMIN"] }
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=enabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Set valid numerical app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-numerical-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "100",
			"User: uid=1000 euid=1000 gid=100 egid=100",
			// Set valid non-numerical app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "group1",
			"User: uid=1000 euid=1000 gid=100 egid=100",
			// Set "root", it should work without it being present in
			// /etc/{passwd,group}
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-root-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "root",
			"User: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0",
			// Set invalid non-numerical app user.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-user.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			`"user2" user not found`,
			// Set invalid non-numerical app group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "group2",
			`"group2" group not found`,
			// Set valid path-like app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-path-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "/etc/group",
			"User: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0",
			// Set invalid path-like app user.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-path-user.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			`no such file or directory`,
			// Set invalid path-like app group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-path-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "/etc/nofile",
			`no such file or directory`,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		if tt.cgroup != "" {
			ok, err := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported(tt.cgroup)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Error checking memory isolator support: %v", err)
			if !ok {
				t.Logf("Skip test #%v: cgroup %s not supported", i, tt.cgroup)

		var hashesToRemove []string
		for j, v := range tt.images {
			hash, err := patchImportAndFetchHash(v.name, v.patches, t, ctx)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v", err)
			hashesToRemove = append(hashesToRemove, hash)
			imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(v.name)
			imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)

			ra := &tt.podManifest.Apps[j]
			ra.Image.Name = imgName
			ra.Image.ID = *imgID

		tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
		tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

		manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
		defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

		// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
		runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v", i)
		child := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)
		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
		rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image prepare --pod-manifest=%s",
			ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		uuid := runRktAndGetUUID(t, rktCmd)

		runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), uuid)
		t.Logf("Running 'run-prepared' test #%v", i)
		child = spawnOrFail(t, runPreparedCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)

		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// we run the garbage collector and remove the imported images to save
		// space
		runGC(t, ctx)
		for _, h := range hashesToRemove {
			removeFromCas(t, ctx, h)
Exemplo n.º 4
func NewAPIServiceListInspectPodsTest() testutils.Test {
	return testutils.TestFunc(func(t *testing.T) {
		ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
		defer ctx.Cleanup()

		svc := startAPIService(t, ctx)
		defer stopAPIService(t, svc)

		c, conn := newAPIClientOrFail(t, "localhost:15441")
		defer conn.Close()

		resp, err := c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

		if len(resp.Pods) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see zero pods", resp.Pods)

		patches := []string{"--exec=/inspect --print-msg=HELLO_API --exit-code=0"}
		imageHash, err := patchImportAndFetchHash("rkt-inspect-print.aci", patches, t, ctx)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		imgID, err := types.NewHash(imageHash)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", imageHash, err)

		podManifests := []struct {
			mfst             schema.PodManifest
			net              string
			expectedExitCode int
				// 1, Good pod.
					ACKind:    schema.PodManifestKind,
					ACVersion: schema.AppContainerVersion,
					Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
							Name: types.ACName("rkt-inspect"),
							Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
								Name: types.MustACIdentifier("coreos.com/rkt-inspect"),
								ID:   *imgID,
							Annotations: []types.Annotation{{Name: types.ACIdentifier("app-test"), Value: "app-test"}},
					Annotations: []types.Annotation{
						{Name: types.ACIdentifier("test"), Value: "test"},
				// 2, Bad pod, won't be launched correctly.
					ACKind:    schema.PodManifestKind,
					ACVersion: schema.AppContainerVersion,
					Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
							Name: types.ACName("rkt-inspect"),
							Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
								Name: types.MustACIdentifier("coreos.com/rkt-inspect"),
								ID:   *imgID,

		// Launch the pods.
		for _, entry := range podManifests {
			manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, &entry.mfst)
			defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

			runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --net=%s --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), entry.net, manifestFile)
			waitOrFail(t, spawnOrFail(t, runCmd), entry.expectedExitCode)


		gcCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s gc --mark-only=true", ctx.Cmd())
		waitOrFail(t, spawnOrFail(t, gcCmd), 0)

		gcTime := time.Now()

		// ListPods(detail=false).
		resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

		if len(resp.Pods) != len(podManifests) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see %v pods", len(resp.Pods), len(podManifests))

		for _, p := range resp.Pods {
			checkPodBasicsWithGCTime(t, ctx, p, gcTime)

			// Test InspectPod().
			inspectResp, err := c.InspectPod(context.Background(), &v1alpha.InspectPodRequest{Id: p.Id})
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
			checkPodDetails(t, ctx, inspectResp.Pod)

		// ListPods(detail=true).
		resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{Detail: true})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

		if len(resp.Pods) != len(podManifests) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see %v pods", len(resp.Pods), len(podManifests))

		for _, p := range resp.Pods {
			checkPodDetails(t, ctx, p)

		// ListPods with corrupt pod directory
		// Note that we don't checkPodDetails here, the failure this is testing is
		// the api server panicing, which results in a list call hanging for ages
		// and then failing.
		// TODO: do further validation on the partial pods returned
		for _, p := range resp.Pods {
			numRemoved := 0
			podDir := getPodDir(t, ctx, p.Id)
			filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(podDir, "appsinfo"), filepath.WalkFunc(func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if info.Name() == "manifest" {
				return nil
			if numRemoved == 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Expected to remove at least one app manifest for pod %v", p)

		// ListPods(detail=true).
		resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{Detail: true})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
		if len(resp.Pods) != len(podManifests) {
			t.Fatalf("Expected %v pods, got %v pods", len(podManifests), len(resp.Pods))
Exemplo n.º 5
func GenerateManifest(layerData types.DockerImageData, dockerURL *types.ParsedDockerURL) (*schema.ImageManifest, error) {
	dockerConfig := layerData.Config
	genManifest := &schema.ImageManifest{}

	appURL := ""
	// omit docker hub index URL in app name
	if dockerURL.IndexURL != defaultIndex {
		appURL = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
	appURL += dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.ID
	appURL, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	name := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appURL)
	genManifest.Name = *name

	acVersion, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(schemaVersion)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid appc spec version")
	genManifest.ACVersion = *acVersion

	genManifest.ACKind = appctypes.ACKind(schema.ImageManifestKind)

	var (
		labels       appctypes.Labels
		parentLabels appctypes.Labels
		annotations  appctypes.Annotations

	layer := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("layer")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *layer, Value: layerData.ID})

	tag := dockerURL.Tag
	version := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("version")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *version, Value: tag})

	if layerData.OS != "" {
		os := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("os")
		labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})
		parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})

		if layerData.Architecture != "" {
			arch := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("arch")
			labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *arch, Value: layerData.Architecture})
			parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *arch, Value: layerData.Architecture})

	if layerData.Author != "" {
		authorsKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("authors")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *authorsKey, Value: layerData.Author})
	epoch := time.Unix(0, 0)
	if !layerData.Created.Equal(epoch) {
		createdKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("created")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *createdKey, Value: layerData.Created.Format(time.RFC3339)})
	if layerData.Comment != "" {
		commentKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("docker-comment")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *commentKey, Value: layerData.Comment})

	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1RegistryURL), Value: dockerURL.IndexURL})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1Repository), Value: dockerURL.ImageName})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1ImageID), Value: layerData.ID})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1ParentImageID), Value: layerData.Parent})

	genManifest.Labels = labels
	genManifest.Annotations = annotations

	if dockerConfig != nil {
		exec := getExecCommand(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
		if exec != nil {
			user, group := parseDockerUser(dockerConfig.User)
			var env appctypes.Environment
			for _, v := range dockerConfig.Env {
				parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
				env.Set(parts[0], parts[1])
			app := &appctypes.App{
				Exec:             exec,
				User:             user,
				Group:            group,
				Environment:      env,
				WorkingDirectory: dockerConfig.WorkingDir,

			app.MountPoints, err = convertVolumesToMPs(dockerConfig.Volumes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			app.Ports, err = convertPorts(dockerConfig.ExposedPorts, dockerConfig.PortSpecs)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			genManifest.App = app

	if layerData.Parent != "" {
		indexPrefix := ""
		// omit docker hub index URL in app name
		if dockerURL.IndexURL != defaultIndex {
			indexPrefix = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
		parentImageNameString := indexPrefix + dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.Parent
		parentImageNameString, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		parentImageName := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)

		genManifest.Dependencies = append(genManifest.Dependencies, appctypes.Dependency{ImageName: *parentImageName, Labels: parentLabels})

		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1Tag), Value: dockerURL.Tag})

	return genManifest, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func TestAPIServiceListInspectPods(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	svc := startAPIService(t, ctx)
	defer stopAPIService(t, svc)

	c, conn := newAPIClientOrFail(t, "localhost:15441")
	defer conn.Close()

	resp, err := c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see zero pods", resp.Pods)

	patches := []string{"--exec=/inspect --print-msg=HELLO_API --exit-code=0"}
	imageHash := patchImportAndFetchHash("rkt-inspect-print.aci", patches, t, ctx)
	imgID, err := types.NewHash(imageHash)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", imageHash, err)
	pm := schema.BlankPodManifest()
	pm.Apps = []schema.RuntimeApp{
			Name: types.ACName("rkt-inspect"),
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name: types.MustACIdentifier("coreos.com/rkt-inspect"),
				ID:   *imgID,
			Annotations: []types.Annotation{{Name: types.ACIdentifier("app-test"), Value: "app-test"}},
	pm.Annotations = []types.Annotation{{Name: types.ACIdentifier("test"), Value: "test"}}
	manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, pm)
	defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

	runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
	waitOrFail(t, spawnOrFail(t, runCmd), 0)

	gcCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s gc --mark-only=true", ctx.Cmd())
	waitOrFail(t, spawnOrFail(t, gcCmd), 0)

	gcTime := time.Now()

	// ListPods(detail=false).
	resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see non-zero pods", resp.Pods)

	for _, p := range resp.Pods {
		checkPodBasicsWithGCTime(t, ctx, p, gcTime)

		// Test InspectPod().
		inspectResp, err := c.InspectPod(context.Background(), &v1alpha.InspectPodRequest{Id: p.Id})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
		checkPodDetails(t, ctx, inspectResp.Pod)

		// Test Apps.
		for i, app := range p.Apps {
			checkAnnotations(t, pm.Apps[i].Annotations, app.Annotations)

	// ListPods(detail=true).
	resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{Detail: true})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see non-zero pods", resp.Pods)

	for _, p := range resp.Pods {
		checkPodDetails(t, ctx, p)
Exemplo n.º 7
// GenerateManifest converts the docker manifest format to an appc
// ImageManifest.
func GenerateManifest(layerData types.DockerImageData, dockerURL *types.ParsedDockerURL) (*schema.ImageManifest, error) {
	dockerConfig := layerData.Config
	genManifest := &schema.ImageManifest{}

	appURL := ""
	appURL = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
	appURL += dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.ID
	appURL, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	name := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appURL)
	genManifest.Name = *name

	acVersion, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(schema.AppContainerVersion.String())
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid appc spec version")
	genManifest.ACVersion = *acVersion

	genManifest.ACKind = appctypes.ACKind(schema.ImageManifestKind)

	var annotations appctypes.Annotations

	labels := make(map[appctypes.ACIdentifier]string)
	parentLabels := make(map[appctypes.ACIdentifier]string)

	addLabel := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			labels[*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key)] = val

	addParentLabel := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			parentLabels[*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key)] = val

	addAnno := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			annotations.Set(*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key), val)

	addLabel("layer", layerData.ID)
	addLabel("version", dockerURL.Tag)
	addLabel("os", layerData.OS)
	addParentLabel("os", layerData.OS)
	addLabel("arch", layerData.Architecture)
	addParentLabel("arch", layerData.OS)

	addAnno("authors", layerData.Author)
	epoch := time.Unix(0, 0)
	if !layerData.Created.Equal(epoch) {
		addAnno("created", layerData.Created.Format(time.RFC3339))
	addAnno("docker-comment", layerData.Comment)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerRegistryURL, dockerURL.IndexURL)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerRepository, dockerURL.ImageName)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerImageID, layerData.ID)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerParentImageID, layerData.Parent)

	if dockerConfig != nil {
		exec := getExecCommand(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
		if exec != nil {
			user, group := parseDockerUser(dockerConfig.User)
			var env appctypes.Environment
			for _, v := range dockerConfig.Env {
				parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
				env.Set(parts[0], parts[1])
			app := &appctypes.App{
				Exec:             exec,
				User:             user,
				Group:            group,
				Environment:      env,
				WorkingDirectory: dockerConfig.WorkingDir,

			app.MountPoints, err = convertVolumesToMPs(dockerConfig.Volumes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			app.Ports, err = convertPorts(dockerConfig.ExposedPorts, dockerConfig.PortSpecs)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			ep, cmd, err := generateEPCmdAnnotation(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if len(ep) > 0 {
				addAnno(common.AppcDockerEntrypoint, ep)
			if len(cmd) > 0 {
				addAnno(common.AppcDockerCmd, cmd)

			genManifest.App = app

	if layerData.Parent != "" {
		indexPrefix := ""
		// omit docker hub index URL in app name
		indexPrefix = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
		parentImageNameString := indexPrefix + dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.Parent
		parentImageNameString, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		parentImageName := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)

		plbl, err := appctypes.LabelsFromMap(labels)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		genManifest.Dependencies = append(genManifest.Dependencies, appctypes.Dependency{ImageName: *parentImageName, Labels: plbl})

		addAnno(common.AppcDockerTag, dockerURL.Tag)

	genManifest.Labels, err = appctypes.LabelsFromMap(labels)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	genManifest.Annotations = annotations

	return genManifest, nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func TestFlyMountPodManifest(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	tmpdir := createTempDirOrPanic("rkt-tests.")
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

	tests := []struct {
		// [image name]:[image patches]
		images         []imagePatch
		podManifest    *schema.PodManifest
		expectedExit   int
		expectedResult string
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", false},
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil, nil, nil, nil},

	for i, tt := range tests {
		var hashesToRemove []string
		for j, v := range tt.images {
			hash, err := patchImportAndFetchHash(v.name, v.patches, t, ctx)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v", err)
			hashesToRemove = append(hashesToRemove, hash)
			imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(v.name)
			imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)

			ra := &tt.podManifest.Apps[j]
			ra.Image.Name = imgName
			ra.Image.ID = *imgID

		tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
		tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

		manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
		defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

		// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
		runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v", i)
		child := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)
		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
		rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image prepare --pod-manifest=%s",
			ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		uuid := runRktAndGetUUID(t, rktCmd)

		runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), uuid)
		t.Logf("Running 'run-prepared' test #%v", i)
		child = spawnOrFail(t, runPreparedCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)

		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// we run the garbage collector and remove the imported images to save
		// space
		runGC(t, ctx)
		for _, h := range hashesToRemove {
			removeFromCas(t, ctx, h)