Exemplo n.º 1
func generateCapRevokeIsolator(t *testing.T, caps ...string) appctypes.Isolator {
	revoke, err := appctypes.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSet(caps...)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error generating cap revoke isolator", err)
	return revoke.AsIsolator()
Exemplo n.º 2
func (au *appCapsRemove) Set(s string) error {
	app := (*apps.Apps)(au).Last()
	if app == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("--caps-retain must follow an image")
	capsRemove, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSet(strings.Split(s, ",")...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	app.CapsRemove = capsRemove
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// setIsolators sets the apps' isolators according to the security context and resource spec.
func setIsolators(app *appctypes.App, c *api.Container, ctx *api.SecurityContext) error {
	var isolators []appctypes.Isolator

	// Capabilities isolators.
	if ctx != nil {
		var addCaps, dropCaps []string

		if ctx.Capabilities != nil {
			addCaps, dropCaps = securitycontext.MakeCapabilities(ctx.Capabilities.Add, ctx.Capabilities.Drop)
		if ctx.Privileged != nil && *ctx.Privileged {
			addCaps, dropCaps = allCapabilities(), []string{}
		if len(addCaps) > 0 {
			set, err := appctypes.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRetainSet(addCaps...)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			isolators = append(isolators, set.AsIsolator())
		if len(dropCaps) > 0 {
			set, err := appctypes.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSet(dropCaps...)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			isolators = append(isolators, set.AsIsolator())

	// Resources isolators.
	type resource struct {
		limit   string
		request string

	resources := make(map[api.ResourceName]resource)
	for name, quantity := range c.Resources.Limits {
		resources[name] = resource{limit: quantity.String()}
	for name, quantity := range c.Resources.Requests {
		r, ok := resources[name]
		if !ok {
			r = resource{}
		r.request = quantity.String()
		resources[name] = r

	for name, res := range resources {
		switch name {
		case api.ResourceCPU:
			cpu, err := appctypes.NewResourceCPUIsolator(res.request, res.limit)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			isolators = append(isolators, cpu.AsIsolator())
		case api.ResourceMemory:
			memory, err := appctypes.NewResourceMemoryIsolator(res.request, res.limit)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			isolators = append(isolators, memory.AsIsolator())
			return fmt.Errorf("resource type not supported: %v", name)

	mergeIsolators(app, isolators)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func patchManifest(im *schema.ImageManifest) error {

	if patchName != "" {
		name, err := types.NewACIdentifier(patchName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		im.Name = *name

	var app *types.App = im.App
	if patchExec != "" {
		if app == nil {
			// if the original manifest was missing an app and
			// patchExec is set let's assume the user is trying to
			// inject one...
			im.App = &types.App{}
			app = im.App
		app.Exec = strings.Split(patchExec, " ")

	if patchUser != "" ||
		patchGroup != "" ||
		patchSupplementaryGIDs != "" ||
		patchCaps != "" ||
		patchRevokeCaps != "" ||
		patchMounts != "" ||
		patchPorts != "" ||
		patchIsolators != "" {
		// ...but if we still don't have an app and the user is trying
		// to patch one of its other parameters, it's an error
		if app == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("no app in the supplied manifest and no exec command provided")

	if patchUser != "" {
		app.User = patchUser

	if patchGroup != "" {
		app.Group = patchGroup

	if patchSupplementaryGIDs != "" {
		app.SupplementaryGIDs = []int{}
		gids := strings.Split(patchSupplementaryGIDs, ",")
		for _, g := range gids {
			gid, err := strconv.Atoi(g)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid supplementary group %q: %v", g, err)
			app.SupplementaryGIDs = append(app.SupplementaryGIDs, gid)

	if patchCaps != "" {
		isolator := app.Isolators.GetByName(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRetainSetName)
		if isolator != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("isolator already exists (os/linux/capabilities-retain-set)")

		// Instantiate a Isolator with the content specified by the --capability
		// parameter.
		caps, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRetainSet(strings.Split(patchCaps, ",")...)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse capability %q: %v", patchCaps, err)
		app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, caps.AsIsolator())
	if patchRevokeCaps != "" {
		isolator := app.Isolators.GetByName(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSetName)
		if isolator != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("isolator already exists (os/linux/capabilities-remove-set)")

		// Instantiate a Isolator with the content specified by the --revoke-capability
		// parameter.
		caps, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSet(strings.Split(patchRevokeCaps, ",")...)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse capability %q: %v", patchRevokeCaps, err)
		app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, caps.AsIsolator())

	if patchMounts != "" {
		mounts := strings.Split(patchMounts, ":")
		for _, m := range mounts {
			mountPoint, err := types.MountPointFromString(m)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse mount point %q: %v", m, err)
			app.MountPoints = append(app.MountPoints, *mountPoint)

	if patchPorts != "" {
		ports := strings.Split(patchPorts, ":")
		for _, p := range ports {
			port, err := types.PortFromString(p)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse port %q: %v", p, err)
			app.Ports = append(app.Ports, *port)

	if patchIsolators != "" {
		isolators := strings.Split(patchIsolators, ":")
		for _, is := range isolators {
			name, isolatorStr, err := isolatorStrFromString(is)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse isolator %q: %v", is, err)

			if _, ok := types.ResourceIsolatorNames[name]; !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("isolator %s is not supported for patching", name)

			isolator := &types.Isolator{}
			if err := isolator.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(isolatorStr)); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal isolator %v: %v", isolatorStr, err)
			app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: manifest.go Projeto: nak3/rkt
func patchManifest(im *schema.ImageManifest) error {

	if patchName != "" {
		name, err := types.NewACIdentifier(patchName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		im.Name = *name

	var app *types.App = im.App
	if patchExec != "" {
		if app == nil {
			// if the original manifest was missing an app and
			// patchExec is set let's assume the user is trying to
			// inject one...
			im.App = &types.App{}
			app = im.App
		app.Exec = strings.Split(patchExec, " ")

	if patchUser != "" ||
		patchGroup != "" ||
		patchSupplementaryGIDs != "" ||
		patchCaps != "" ||
		patchRevokeCaps != "" ||
		patchMounts != "" ||
		patchPorts != "" ||
		patchIsolators != "" {
		// ...but if we still don't have an app and the user is trying
		// to patch one of its other parameters, it's an error
		if app == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("no app in the supplied manifest and no exec command provided")

	if patchUser != "" {
		app.User = patchUser

	if patchGroup != "" {
		app.Group = patchGroup

	if patchSupplementaryGIDs != "" {
		app.SupplementaryGIDs = []int{}
		gids := strings.Split(patchSupplementaryGIDs, ",")
		for _, g := range gids {
			gid, err := strconv.Atoi(g)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid supplementary group %q: %v", g, err)
			app.SupplementaryGIDs = append(app.SupplementaryGIDs, gid)

	if patchCaps != "" {
		isolator := app.Isolators.GetByName(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRetainSetName)
		if isolator != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("isolator already exists (os/linux/capabilities-retain-set)")

		// Instantiate a Isolator with the content specified by the --capability
		// parameter.
		caps, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRetainSet(strings.Split(patchCaps, ",")...)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse capability %q: %v", patchCaps, err)
		isolator, err = caps.AsIsolator()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)
	if patchRevokeCaps != "" {
		isolator := app.Isolators.GetByName(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSetName)
		if isolator != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("isolator already exists (os/linux/capabilities-remove-set)")

		// Instantiate a Isolator with the content specified by the --revoke-capability
		// parameter.
		caps, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRevokeSet(strings.Split(patchRevokeCaps, ",")...)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse capability %q: %v", patchRevokeCaps, err)
		isolator, err = caps.AsIsolator()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)

	if patchMounts != "" {
		mounts := strings.Split(patchMounts, ":")
		for _, m := range mounts {
			mountPoint, err := types.MountPointFromString(m)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse mount point %q: %v", m, err)
			app.MountPoints = append(app.MountPoints, *mountPoint)

	if patchPorts != "" {
		ports := strings.Split(patchPorts, ":")
		for _, p := range ports {
			port, err := types.PortFromString(p)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse port %q: %v", p, err)
			app.Ports = append(app.Ports, *port)

	// Parse seccomp args and override existing seccomp isolators
	if patchSeccompMode != "" {
		seccompIsolator, err := parseSeccompArgs(patchSeccompMode, patchSeccompSet)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		seccompReps := []types.ACIdentifier{types.LinuxSeccompRemoveSetName, types.LinuxSeccompRetainSetName}
		app.Isolators.ReplaceIsolatorsByName(*seccompIsolator, seccompReps)
	} else if patchSeccompSet != "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("--seccomp-set specified without --seccomp-mode")

	if patchIsolators != "" {
		isolators := strings.Split(patchIsolators, ":")
		for _, is := range isolators {
			name, isolatorStr, err := isolatorStrFromString(is)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse isolator %q: %v", is, err)

			_, ok := types.ResourceIsolatorNames[name]

			switch name {
			case types.LinuxNoNewPrivilegesName:
				ok = true
				kv := strings.Split(is, ",")
				if len(kv) != 2 {
					return fmt.Errorf("isolator %s: invalid format", name)
				isolatorStr = fmt.Sprintf(`{ "name": "%s", "value": %s }`, name, kv[1])
			case types.LinuxSeccompRemoveSetName, types.LinuxSeccompRetainSetName:
				ok = false

			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("isolator %s is not supported for patching", name)

			isolator := &types.Isolator{}
			if err := isolator.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(isolatorStr)); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal isolator %v: %v", isolatorStr, err)
			app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)
	return nil