Exemplo n.º 1
func drawSquare(x, y, length float64) {

	x2 := x + length
	y2 := y + length

	gl.Color3d(0.75, 0.35, 0.35)
	gl.Vertex2d(x, y)
	gl.Vertex2d(x2, y)
	gl.Vertex2d(x2, y2)
	gl.Vertex2d(x, y2)
Exemplo n.º 2
// GlDraw draws the creature to the OpenGL screen.
func (me *Creature) GlDraw() {

	// Draw the creature's body, which is just a circle.
	gl.Color3d(me.Red(), me.Green(), me.Blue())
	drawCircle(me.X(), me.Y(), me.R())

	// Draw circles for the creature's eyes.
	// (This is so we can tell what direction the creature is facing.)
	// We'll make the eye size 7% of the total radius.
	// We'll also put the eyes
	rr := float64(0.07) * me.R()

	//@TODO: Should speed this up by pre-computing all these cos() and sin() calculations and storing in a lookup table.
	xx := me.X() + ((float64(0.8) * me.R()) * math.Cos(me.θ()-0.4))
	yy := me.Y() + ((float64(0.8) * me.R()) * math.Sin(me.θ()-0.4))

	gl.Color3d(0, 0, 0)
	drawCircle(xx, yy, rr)

	//@TODO: Should speed this up by pre-computing all these cos() and sin() calculations and storing in a lookup table.
	xx = me.X() + ((float64(0.8) * me.R()) * math.Cos(me.θ()+0.4))
	yy = me.Y() + ((float64(0.8) * me.R()) * math.Sin(me.θ()+0.4))

	gl.Color3d(0, 0, 0)
	drawCircle(xx, yy, rr)

	// Draw creature's thrusters.
	rr = float64(0.25) * me.R()

	//@TODO: Should speed this up by pre-computing all these cos() and sin() calculations and storing in a lookup table.
	xx = me.X() + ((float64(0.6) * me.R()) * math.Cos(me.θ()-2.4))
	yy = me.Y() + ((float64(0.6) * me.R()) * math.Sin(me.θ()-2.4))

	gl.Color3d(0, 0, 0)
	drawCircle(xx, yy, rr)

	//@TODO: Should speed this up by pre-computing all these cos() and sin() calculations and storing in a lookup table.
	xx = me.X() + ((float64(0.6) * me.R()) * math.Cos(me.θ()+2.4))
	yy = me.Y() + ((float64(0.6) * me.R()) * math.Sin(me.θ()+2.4))

	gl.Color3d(0, 0, 0)
	drawCircle(xx, yy, rr)

	// Draw the creature's name.
	xx = me.X() - me.R() - 10
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() - 10

	drawString(xx, yy, me.name)

	// Draw the creature's energy.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() - 10

	s := fmt.Sprintf("energy: %v", me.E())

	drawString(xx, yy, s)

	// Draw the creature's x position.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() + 30

	s = fmt.Sprintf("x: %v", me.X())

	drawString(xx, yy, s)

	// Draw the creature's y position.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() + 45

	s = fmt.Sprintf("y: %v", me.Y())

	drawString(xx, yy, s)

	// Draw the creature's x speed.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() + 60

	s = fmt.Sprintf("dx: %v", me.Dx())

	drawString(xx, yy, s)

	// Draw the creature's y speed.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() + 75

	s = fmt.Sprintf("dy: %v", me.Dy())

	drawString(xx, yy, s)

	// Draw the creature's orientation.
	xx = me.X() + me.R()
	yy = me.Y() - me.R() + 90

	s = fmt.Sprintf("θ: %v degrees", 360*me.θ()/(2*math.Pi))

	drawString(xx, yy, s)