Exemplo n.º 1
// PrintRunningStep ...
func PrintRunningStep(title, version string, idx int) {
	if len(version) > 25 {
		version = "..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(version, 22)
	content := fmt.Sprintf("| (%d) %s (%s) |", idx, title, version)
	charDiff := len(content) - stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars

	if charDiff < 0 {
		// shorter than desired - fill with space
		content = fmt.Sprintf("| (%d) %s (%s)%s |", idx, title, version, strings.Repeat(" ", -charDiff))
	} else if charDiff > 0 {
		// longer than desired - trim title
		trimmedTitleWidth := len(title) - charDiff - 3
		if trimmedTitleWidth < 0 {
			log.Errorf("Step Version too long, can't present title at all! : %s", version)
		} else {
			content = fmt.Sprintf("| (%d) %s... (%s) |", idx, title[0:trimmedTitleWidth], version)

	sep := strings.Repeat("-", len(content))
	log.Info("|" + strings.Repeat(" ", stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars-2) + "|")
Exemplo n.º 2
func getTrimmedStepName(stepRunResult models.StepRunResultsModel) string {
	iconBoxWidth := len("    ")
	timeBoxWidth := len(" time (s) ")
	titleBoxWidth := stepRunSummaryBoxWidthInChars - 4 - iconBoxWidth - timeBoxWidth - 1

	stepInfo := stepRunResult.StepInfo

	title := stepInfo.ID
	version := stepInfo.Version
	if len(version) > 25 {
		version = "..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(version, 22)
	titleBox := ""
	switch stepRunResult.Status {
	case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
		titleBox = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", title, version)
		if len(titleBox) > titleBoxWidth {
			dif := len(titleBox) - titleBoxWidth
			title = title[:len(title)-dif-3] + "..."
			titleBox = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", title, version)
	case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
		titleBox = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) (exit code: %d)", title, version, stepRunResult.ExitCode)
		if len(titleBox) > titleBoxWidth {
			dif := len(titleBox) - titleBoxWidth
			title = title[:len(title)-dif-3] + "..."
			titleBox = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) (exit code: %d)", title, version, stepRunResult.ExitCode)
		log.Error("Unkown result code")
		return ""
	return titleBox
Exemplo n.º 3
func activateAndRunSteps(workflow models.WorkflowModel, defaultStepLibSource string, buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel, environments *[]envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel, isLastWorkflow bool) models.BuildRunResultsModel {
	log.Debugln("[BITRISE_CLI] - Activating and running steps")

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function global variables - These are global for easy use in local register step run result methods.
	var stepStartTime time.Time

	// Holds pointer to current step info, for easy usage in local register step run result methods.
	// The value is filled with the current running step info.
	var stepInfoPtr models.StepInfoModel

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function method - Registration methods, for register step run results.
	registerStepRunResults := func(runIf string, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		stepInfoCopy := models.StepInfoModel{
			ID:      stepInfoPtr.ID,
			Version: stepInfoPtr.Version,
			Latest:  stepInfoPtr.Latest,

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepInfo: stepInfoCopy,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", stepInfoCopy.ID, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", stepInfoCopy.ID, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", stepInfoCopy.ID)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + stepInfoCopy.ID + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			if runIf != "" {
				log.Info("The Run-If expression was: ", colorstring.Blue(runIf))
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	// ------------------------------------------
	// Main - Preparing & running the steps
	for idx, stepListItm := range workflow.Steps {
		// Per step variables
		stepStartTime = time.Now()
		isLastStep := isLastWorkflow && (idx == len(workflow.Steps)-1)
		stepInfoPtr = models.StepInfoModel{}

		// Per step cleanup
		if err := bitrise.SetBuildFailedEnv(buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed()); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to set Build Status envs")

		if err := bitrise.CleanupStepWorkDir(); err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Preparing the step

		// Get step id & version data
		compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(stepListItm)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = compositeStepIDStr
		if workflowStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title != "" {
			stepInfoPtr.ID = *workflowStep.Title
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = stepIDData.IDorURI
		if workflowStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title != "" {
			stepInfoPtr.ID = *workflowStep.Title
		stepInfoPtr.Version = stepIDData.Version
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepDir := bitrise.BitriseWorkStepsDirPath
		stepYMLPth := path.Join(bitrise.BitriseWorkDirPath, "current_step.yml")

		// Activating the step
		if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Local step found: (path:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI)
			stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			log.Debugln("stepAbsLocalPth:", stepAbsLocalPth, "|stepDir:", stepDir)

			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(stepAbsLocalPth, stepDir, true); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if len(stepIDData.IDorURI) > 20 {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("path:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 17))
			} else {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("path:%s", stepIDData.IDorURI)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Remote step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepDir, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("git:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 10))
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib independent step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)

			// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
			stepYMLPth = ""
			if err := workflowStep.FillMissingDefaults(); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = "_"
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				if len(stepIDData.Version) > 20 {
					stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.Version, 17)
				} else {
					stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib (%s) step (id:%s) (version:%s) found, activating step", stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := bitrise.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfo, err := bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err != nil {
				if buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				// May StepLib should be updated
				log.Info("Step info not found in StepLib (%s) -- Updating ...")
				if err := bitrise.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				stepInfo, err = bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
				if err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfo.Version
			stepInfoPtr.Latest = stepInfo.Latest

			if err := bitrise.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, stepDir, stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Step activated: (ID:%s) (version:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
		} else {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid stepIDData: No SteplibSource or LocalPath defined (%v)", stepIDData), isLastStep)

		// Fill step info with default step info, if exist
		mergedStep := workflowStep
		if stepYMLPth != "" {
			specStep, err := bitrise.ReadSpecStep(stepYMLPth)
			log.Debugf("Spec read from YML: %#v\n", specStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			mergedStep, err = models.MergeStepWith(specStep, workflowStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Run step
		bitrise.PrintRunningStep(stepInfoPtr, idx)
		if mergedStep.RunIf != nil && *mergedStep.RunIf != "" {
			isRun, err := bitrise.EvaluateStepTemplateToBool(*mergedStep.RunIf, buildRunResults)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			if !isRun {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf, 0, err, isLastStep)
		outEnvironments := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}

		isAlwaysRun := stepmanModels.DefaultIsAlwaysRun
		if mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil {
			isAlwaysRun = *mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun
		} else {
			log.Warn("Step (%s) mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun is nil, should not!", stepIDData.IDorURI)

		if buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed() && !isAlwaysRun {
			registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, 0, err, isLastStep)
		} else {
			exit, out, err := runStep(mergedStep, stepIDData, stepDir, *environments)
			outEnvironments = out
			if err != nil {
				if *mergedStep.IsSkippable {
					registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable, exit, err, isLastStep)
				} else {
					registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, exit, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, 0, nil, isLastStep)
				*environments = append(*environments, outEnvironments...)

	return buildRunResults
Exemplo n.º 4
func activateAndRunSteps(workflow models.WorkflowModel, defaultStepLibSource string, buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel, environments *[]envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel, isLastWorkflow bool) models.BuildRunResultsModel {
	log.Debugln("[BITRISE_CLI] - Activating and running steps")

	var stepStartTime time.Time

	registerStepRunResults := func(step stepmanModels.StepModel, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		if step.Title == nil {
			log.Error("Step title is nil, should not happend!")
			step.Title = pointers.NewStringPtr("ERROR! Step title is nil!")

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepName: *step.Title,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", *step.Title, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", *step.Title, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", *step.Title)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + *step.Title + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			log.Info("The Run-If expression was: ", colorstring.Blue(*step.RunIf))
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	registerStepListItemRunResults := func(stepListItem models.StepListItemModel, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		name := ""
		for key := range stepListItem {
			name = key

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepName: name,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", name, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", name, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", name)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + name + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	for idx, stepListItm := range workflow.Steps {
		stepStartTime = time.Now()
		isLastStep := isLastWorkflow && (idx == len(workflow.Steps)-1)

		if err := bitrise.SetBuildFailedEnv(buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed()); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to set Build Status envs")

		compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(stepListItm)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
		stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
		stepVersionForInfoPrint := stepIDData.Version

		log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Running Step: %#v", workflowStep)

		if err := bitrise.CleanupStepWorkDir(); err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepDir := bitrise.BitriseWorkStepsDirPath
		stepYMLPth := path.Join(bitrise.BitriseWorkDirPath, "current_step.yml")

		if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Local step found: (path:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI)
			stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			log.Debugln("stepAbsLocalPth:", stepAbsLocalPth, "|stepDir:", stepDir)

			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(stepAbsLocalPth, stepDir, true); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if len(stepIDData.IDorURI) > 20 {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("path:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 17))
			} else {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("path:%s", stepIDData.IDorURI)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Remote step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepDir, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("git:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 10))
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib independent step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)

			// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
			stepYMLPth = ""
			if err := workflowStep.FillMissingDefaults(); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = "_"
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				if len(stepIDData.Version) > 20 {
					stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.Version, 17)
				} else {
					stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib (%s) step (id:%s) (version:%s) found, activating step", stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := bitrise.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfo, err := bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err != nil {
				if buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				// May StepLib should be updated
				log.Info("Step info not found in StepLib (%s) -- Updating ...")
				if err := bitrise.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				stepInfo, err = bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
				if err != nil {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepInfo.StepVersion

			if err := bitrise.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, stepDir, stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Step activated: (ID:%s) (version:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
		} else {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid stepIDData: No SteplibSource or LocalPath defined (%v)", stepIDData), isLastStep)

		mergedStep := workflowStep
		if stepYMLPth != "" {
			specStep, err := bitrise.ReadSpecStep(stepYMLPth)
			log.Debugf("Spec read from YML: %#v\n", specStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			mergedStep, err = models.MergeStepWith(specStep, workflowStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Run step
		bitrise.PrintRunningStep(*mergedStep.Title, stepVersionForInfoPrint, idx)
		if mergedStep.RunIf != nil && *mergedStep.RunIf != "" {
			isRun, err := bitrise.EvaluateStepTemplateToBool(*mergedStep.RunIf, buildRunResults)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			if !isRun {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf, 0, err, isLastStep)
		outEnvironments := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}

		isAlwaysRun := stepmanModels.DefaultIsAlwaysRun
		if mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil {
			isAlwaysRun = *mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun
		} else {
			log.Warn("Step (%s) mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun is nil, should not!", stepIDData.IDorURI)

		if buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed() && !isAlwaysRun {
			registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, 0, err, isLastStep)
		} else {
			exit, out, err := runStep(mergedStep, stepIDData, stepDir, *environments)
			outEnvironments = out
			if err != nil {
				if *mergedStep.IsSkippable {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable, exit, err, isLastStep)
				} else {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, exit, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, 0, nil, isLastStep)
				*environments = append(*environments, outEnvironments...)

	return buildRunResults