Exemplo n.º 1
func InitCommandLineFlags(config config.Config) {
	config.IntVar(&params.iterations, "iterations", 1, "number of pushes to attempt")
	config.IntVar(&params.concurrency, "concurrency", 1, "max number of pushes to attempt in parallel")
	config.BoolVar(&params.silent, "silent", false, "true to run the commands and print output the terminal")
	config.StringVar(&params.output, "output", "", "if specified, writes benchmark results to a CSV file")
	config.StringVar(&params.workload, "workload", "gcf:push", "a comma-separated list of operations a user should issue (use -list-workloads to see available workload options)")
	config.IntVar(&params.interval, "interval", 0, "repeat a workload at n second interval, to be used with -stop")
	config.IntVar(&params.stop, "stop", 0, "stop a repeating interval after n second, to be used with -interval")
	config.BoolVar(&params.listWorkloads, "list-workloads", false, "Lists the available workloads")
Exemplo n.º 2
func InitCommandLineFlags(config config.Config) {
	config.EnvVar(&params.port, "VCAP_APP_PORT", "8080", "The port to bind to")