Exemplo n.º 1
func (i CpiInstaller) installCpiRelease(installer biinstall.Installer, installationManifest biinstallmanifest.Manifest, target biinstall.Target, stage biui.Stage) (biinstall.Installation, error) {
	var installation biinstall.Installation
	var err error
	err = stage.PerformComplex("installing CPI", func(installStage biui.Stage) error {
		installation, err = installer.Install(installationManifest, installStage)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return installation, bosherr.WrapError(err, "Installing CPI")

	return installation, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func (c *deploymentDeleter) findCurrentDeploymentAndDelete(stage biui.Stage, deploymentManager bidepl.Manager) error {
	c.logger.Debug(c.logTag, "Finding current deployment...")
	deployment, found, err := deploymentManager.FindCurrent()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Finding current deployment")

	return stage.PerformComplex("deleting deployment", func(deleteStage biui.Stage) error {
		if !found {
			//TODO: skip? would require adding skip support to PerformComplex
			c.logger.Debug(c.logTag, "No current deployment found...")
			return nil

		return deployment.Delete(deleteStage)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (c *DeploymentPreparer) PrepareDeployment(stage biui.Stage) (err error) {
	c.ui.PrintLinef("Deployment state: '%s'", c.deploymentStateService.Path())

	if !c.deploymentStateService.Exists() {
		migrated, err := c.legacyDeploymentStateMigrator.MigrateIfExists(biconfig.LegacyDeploymentStatePath(c.deploymentManifestPath))
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Migrating legacy deployment state file")
		if migrated {
			c.ui.PrintLinef("Migrated legacy deployments file: '%s'", biconfig.LegacyDeploymentStatePath(c.deploymentManifestPath))

	deploymentState, err := c.deploymentStateService.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Loading deployment state")

	target, err := c.targetProvider.NewTarget()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Determining installation target")

	err = c.tempRootConfigurator.PrepareAndSetTempRoot(target.TmpPath(), c.logger)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Setting temp root")

	defer func() {
		err := c.releaseManager.DeleteAll()
		if err != nil {
			c.logger.Warn(c.logTag, "Deleting all extracted releases: %s", err.Error())

	var (
		extractedStemcell    bistemcell.ExtractedStemcell
		deploymentManifest   bideplmanifest.Manifest
		installationManifest biinstallmanifest.Manifest
	err = stage.PerformComplex("validating", func(stage biui.Stage) error {
		var releaseSetManifest birelsetmanifest.Manifest
		releaseSetManifest, installationManifest, err = c.releaseSetAndInstallationManifestParser.ReleaseSetAndInstallationManifest(c.deploymentManifestPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, releaseRef := range releaseSetManifest.Releases {
			err = c.releaseFetcher.DownloadAndExtract(releaseRef, stage)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		err := c.cpiInstaller.ValidateCpiRelease(installationManifest, stage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		deploymentManifest, err = c.deploymentManifestParser.GetDeploymentManifest(c.deploymentManifestPath, releaseSetManifest, stage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		extractedStemcell, err = c.stemcellFetcher.GetStemcell(deploymentManifest, stage)

		nonCpiReleasesMap, _ := deploymentManifest.GetListOfTemplateReleases()
		delete(nonCpiReleasesMap, installationManifest.Template.Release) // remove CPI release from nonCpiReleasesMap

		for _, release := range c.releaseManager.List() {
			if _, ok := nonCpiReleasesMap[release.Name()]; ok {
				if release.IsCompiled() {
					compilationOsAndVersion := release.Packages()[0].Stemcell
					if strings.ToLower(compilationOsAndVersion) != strings.ToLower(extractedStemcell.OsAndVersion()) {
						return bosherr.Errorf("OS/Version mismatch between deployment stemcell and compiled package stemcell for release '%s'", release.Name())
			} else {
				// It is a CPI release, check if it is compiled
				if release.IsCompiled() {
					return bosherr.Errorf("CPI is not allowed to be a compiled release. The provided CPI release '%s' is compiled", release.Name())

		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		deleteErr := extractedStemcell.Delete()
		if deleteErr != nil {
			c.logger.Warn(c.logTag, "Failed to delete extracted stemcell: %s", deleteErr.Error())

	isDeployed, err := c.deploymentRecord.IsDeployed(c.deploymentManifestPath, c.releaseManager.List(), extractedStemcell)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Checking if deployment has changed")

	if isDeployed {
		c.ui.PrintLinef("No deployment, stemcell or release changes. Skipping deploy.")
		return nil

	err = c.cpiInstaller.WithInstalledCpiRelease(installationManifest, target, stage, func(installation biinstall.Installation) error {
		return installation.WithRunningRegistry(c.logger, stage, func() error {
			return c.deploy(

	return err

Exemplo n.º 4
func (c *DeploymentPreparer) deploy(
	installation biinstall.Installation,
	deploymentState biconfig.DeploymentState,
	extractedStemcell bistemcell.ExtractedStemcell,
	installationManifest biinstallmanifest.Manifest,
	deploymentManifest bideplmanifest.Manifest,
	stage biui.Stage,
) (err error) {
	cloud, err := c.cloudFactory.NewCloud(installation, deploymentState.DirectorID)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating CPI client from CPI installation")

	stemcellManager := c.stemcellManagerFactory.NewManager(cloud)

	cloudStemcell, err := stemcellManager.Upload(extractedStemcell, stage)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	agentClient := c.agentClientFactory.NewAgentClient(deploymentState.DirectorID, installationManifest.Mbus)
	vmManager := c.vmManagerFactory.NewManager(cloud, agentClient)

	blobstore, err := c.blobstoreFactory.Create(installationManifest.Mbus)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Creating blobstore client")

	err = stage.PerformComplex("deploying", func(deployStage biui.Stage) error {
		err = c.deploymentRecord.Clear()
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Clearing deployment record")

		_, err = c.deployer.Deploy(
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Deploying")

		err = c.deploymentRecord.Update(c.deploymentManifestPath, c.releaseManager.List())
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Updating deployment record")

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: cleanup unused disks here?

	err = stemcellManager.DeleteUnused(stage)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func (c *deploymentDeleter) DeleteDeployment(stage biui.Stage) (err error) {
	c.ui.PrintLinef("Deployment state: '%s'", c.deploymentStateService.Path())

	if !c.deploymentStateService.Exists() {
		c.ui.PrintLinef("No deployment state file found.")
		return nil

	deploymentState, err := c.deploymentStateService.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Loading deployment state")

	target, err := c.targetProvider.NewTarget()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Determining installation target")

	err = c.tempRootConfigurator.PrepareAndSetTempRoot(target.TmpPath(), c.logger)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Setting temp root")

	defer func() {
		err := c.releaseManager.DeleteAll()
		if err != nil {
			c.logger.Warn(c.logTag, "Deleting all extracted releases: %s", err.Error())

	var installationManifest biinstallmanifest.Manifest
	err = stage.PerformComplex("validating", func(stage biui.Stage) error {
		var releaseSetManifest birelsetmanifest.Manifest
		releaseSetManifest, installationManifest, err = c.releaseSetAndInstallationManifestParser.ReleaseSetAndInstallationManifest(c.deploymentManifestPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		cpiReleaseName := installationManifest.Template.Release
		cpiReleaseRef, found := releaseSetManifest.FindByName(cpiReleaseName)
		if !found {
			return bosherr.Errorf("installation release '%s' must refer to a release in releases", cpiReleaseName)

		err = c.releaseFetcher.DownloadAndExtract(cpiReleaseRef, stage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = c.cpiInstaller.ValidateCpiRelease(installationManifest, stage)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = c.cpiInstaller.WithInstalledCpiRelease(installationManifest, target, stage, func(localCpiInstallation biinstall.Installation) error {
		return localCpiInstallation.WithRunningRegistry(c.logger, stage, func() error {
			err = c.findAndDeleteDeployment(stage, localCpiInstallation, deploymentState.DirectorID, installationManifest.Mbus)

			if err != nil {
				return err

			return stage.Perform("Uninstalling local artifacts for CPI and deployment", func() error {
				err := c.cpiUninstaller.Uninstall(localCpiInstallation.Target())
				if err != nil {
					return err

				return c.deploymentStateService.Cleanup()

	return err
Exemplo n.º 6
func (c *DeploymentPreparer) PrepareDeployment(stage biui.Stage) (err error) {
	c.ui.PrintLinef("Deployment state: '%s'", c.deploymentStateService.Path())

	if !c.deploymentStateService.Exists() {
		migrated, err := c.legacyDeploymentStateMigrator.MigrateIfExists(biconfig.LegacyDeploymentStatePath(c.deploymentManifestPath))
		if err != nil {
			return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Migrating legacy deployment state file")
		if migrated {
			c.ui.PrintLinef("Migrated legacy deployments file: '%s'", biconfig.LegacyDeploymentStatePath(c.deploymentManifestPath))

	deploymentState, err := c.deploymentStateService.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Loading deployment state")

	target, err := c.targetProvider.NewTarget()
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Determining installation target")

	err = c.tempRootConfigurator.PrepareAndSetTempRoot(target.TmpPath(), c.logger)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Setting temp root")

	defer func() {
		err := c.releaseManager.DeleteAll()
		if err != nil {
			c.logger.Warn(c.logTag, "Deleting all extracted releases: %s", err.Error())

	var (
		extractedStemcell    bistemcell.ExtractedStemcell
		deploymentManifest   bideplmanifest.Manifest
		installationManifest biinstallmanifest.Manifest
	err = stage.PerformComplex("validating", func(stage biui.Stage) error {
		var releaseSetManifest birelsetmanifest.Manifest
		releaseSetManifest, installationManifest, err = c.releaseSetAndInstallationManifestParser.ReleaseSetAndInstallationManifest(c.deploymentManifestPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, releaseRef := range releaseSetManifest.Releases {
			err = c.releaseFetcher.DownloadAndExtract(releaseRef, stage)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		err := c.cpiInstaller.ValidateCpiRelease(installationManifest, stage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		deploymentManifest, err = c.deploymentManifestParser.GetDeploymentManifest(c.deploymentManifestPath, releaseSetManifest, stage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		extractedStemcell, err = c.stemcellFetcher.GetStemcell(deploymentManifest, stage)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		deleteErr := extractedStemcell.Delete()
		if deleteErr != nil {
			c.logger.Warn(c.logTag, "Failed to delete extracted stemcell: %s", deleteErr.Error())

	isDeployed, err := c.deploymentRecord.IsDeployed(c.deploymentManifestPath, c.releaseManager.List(), extractedStemcell)
	if err != nil {
		return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Checking if deployment has changed")

	if isDeployed {
		c.ui.PrintLinef("No deployment, stemcell or release changes. Skipping deploy.")
		return nil

	err = c.cpiInstaller.WithInstalledCpiRelease(installationManifest, target, stage, func(installation biinstall.Installation) error {
		return installation.WithRunningRegistry(c.logger, stage, func() error {
			return c.deploy(

	return err
