Exemplo n.º 1
func countRangeReplicas(db *client.DB) (int, error) {
	desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
	if err := db.GetProto(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.KeyMin), desc); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return len(desc.Replicas), nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// Snapshot implements the raft.Storage interface.
func (r *Replica) Snapshot() (raftpb.Snapshot, error) {
	// Copy all the data from a consistent RocksDB snapshot into a RaftSnapshotData.
	snap := r.rm.NewSnapshot()
	defer snap.Close()
	var snapData proto.RaftSnapshotData

	// Read the range metadata from the snapshot instead of the members
	// of the Range struct because they might be changed concurrently.
	appliedIndex, err := r.loadAppliedIndex(snap)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err
	var desc proto.RangeDescriptor
	// We ignore intents on the range descriptor (consistent=false) because we
	// know they cannot be committed yet; operations that modify range
	// descriptors resolve their own intents when they commit.
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(snap, keys.RangeDescriptorKey(r.Desc().StartKey),
		r.rm.Clock().Now(), false /* !consistent */, nil, &desc)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("failed to get desc: %s", err)
	if !ok {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("couldn't find range descriptor")

	// Store RangeDescriptor as metadata, it will be retrieved by ApplySnapshot()
	snapData.RangeDescriptor = desc

	// Iterate over all the data in the range, including local-only data like
	// the response cache.
	for iter := newRangeDataIterator(r.Desc(), snap); iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		snapData.KV = append(snapData.KV,
			&proto.RaftSnapshotData_KeyValue{Key: iter.Key(), Value: iter.Value()})

	data, err := gogoproto.Marshal(&snapData)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	// Synthesize our raftpb.ConfState from desc.
	var cs raftpb.ConfState
	for _, rep := range desc.Replicas {
		cs.Nodes = append(cs.Nodes, uint64(proto.MakeRaftNodeID(rep.NodeID, rep.StoreID)))

	term, err := r.Term(appliedIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("failed to fetch term of %d: %s", appliedIndex, err)

	return raftpb.Snapshot{
		Data: data,
		Metadata: raftpb.SnapshotMetadata{
			Index:     appliedIndex,
			Term:      term,
			ConfState: cs,
	}, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// TestReplicateRange verifies basic replication functionality by creating two stores
// and a range, replicating the range to the second store, and reading its data there.
func TestReplicateRange(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	mtc := multiTestContext{}
	mtc.Start(t, 2)
	defer mtc.Stop()

	// Issue a command on the first node before replicating.
	incArgs, incResp := incrementArgs([]byte("a"), 5, 1, mtc.stores[0].StoreID())
	if err := mtc.stores[0].ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: incArgs, Reply: incResp}); err != nil {

	rng, err := mtc.stores[0].GetRange(1)
	if err != nil {

	if err := rng.ChangeReplicas(proto.ADD_REPLICA,
			NodeID:  mtc.stores[1].Ident.NodeID,
			StoreID: mtc.stores[1].Ident.StoreID,
		}); err != nil {
	// Verify no intent remains on range descriptor key.
	key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(rng.Desc().StartKey)
	desc := proto.RangeDescriptor{}
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), key, mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &desc); !ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("fetching range descriptor yielded %t, %s", ok, err)
	// Verify that in time, no intents remain on meta addressing
	// keys, and that range descriptor on the meta records is correct.
	util.SucceedsWithin(t, 1*time.Second, func() error {
		meta2 := keys.RangeMetaKey(proto.KeyMax)
		meta1 := keys.RangeMetaKey(meta2)
		for _, key := range []proto.Key{meta2, meta1} {
			metaDesc := proto.RangeDescriptor{}
			if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), key, mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &metaDesc); !ok || err != nil {
				return util.Errorf("failed to resolve %s", key)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(metaDesc, desc) {
				return util.Errorf("descs not equal: %+v != %+v", metaDesc, desc)
		return nil

	// Verify that the same data is available on the replica.
	util.SucceedsWithin(t, 1*time.Second, func() error {
		getArgs, getResp := getArgs([]byte("a"), 1, mtc.stores[1].StoreID())
		getArgs.ReadConsistency = proto.INCONSISTENT
		if err := mtc.stores[1].ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: getArgs, Reply: getResp}); err != nil {
			return util.Errorf("failed to read data")
		if v := mustGetInteger(getResp.Value); v != 5 {
			return util.Errorf("failed to read correct data: %d", v)
		return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// TestRemoveRangeWithoutGC ensures that we do not panic when a
// replica has been removed but not yet GC'd (and therefore
// does not have an active raft group).
func TestRemoveRangeWithoutGC(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	mtc := startMultiTestContext(t, 2)
	defer mtc.Stop()
	// Disable the GC queue and move the range from store 0 to 1.
	const rangeID roachpb.RangeID = 1
	mtc.replicateRange(rangeID, 1)
	mtc.unreplicateRange(rangeID, 0)

	// Wait for store 0 to process the removal.
	util.SucceedsWithin(t, time.Second, func() error {
		rep, err := mtc.stores[0].GetReplica(rangeID)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		desc := rep.Desc()
		if len(desc.Replicas) != 1 {
			return util.Errorf("range has %d replicas", len(desc.Replicas))
		return nil

	// The replica's data is still on disk even though the Replica
	// object is removed.
	var desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
	descKey := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMin)
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), descKey,
		mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &desc); err != nil {
	} else if !ok {
		t.Fatal("expected range descriptor to be present")

	// Stop and restart the store to reset the replica's raftGroup
	// pointer to nil. As long as the store has not been restarted it
	// can continue to use its last known replica ID.
	// Turn off the GC queue to ensure that the replica is deleted at
	// startup instead of by the scanner. This is not 100% guaranteed
	// since the scanner could have already run at this point, but it
	// should be enough to prevent us from accidentally relying on the
	// scanner.

	// The Replica object is not recreated.
	if _, err := mtc.stores[0].GetReplica(rangeID); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected replica to be missing")

	// And the data is no longer on disk.
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), descKey,
		mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &desc); err != nil {
	} else if ok {
		t.Fatal("expected range descriptor to be absent")
Exemplo n.º 5
func (tc *TestCluster) changeReplicas(
	action roachpb.ReplicaChangeType,
	startKey roachpb.RKey,
	targets ...ReplicationTarget,
) (*roachpb.RangeDescriptor, error) {
	rangeDesc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}

	// TODO(andrei): the following code has been adapted from
	// multiTestContext.replicateRange(). Find a way to share.
	for _, target := range targets {
		// Perform a consistent read to get the updated range descriptor (as opposed
		// to just going to one of the stores), to make sure we have the effects of
		// the previous ChangeReplicas call. By the time ChangeReplicas returns the
		// raft leader is guaranteed to have the updated version, but followers are
		// not.
		if err := tc.Servers[0].DB().GetProto(
			keys.RangeDescriptorKey(startKey), rangeDesc); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Ask an arbitrary replica of the range to perform the change. Note that
		// the target for addition/removal is specified, this is about the choice
		// of which replica receives the ChangeReplicas operation.
		store, err := tc.findMemberStore(rangeDesc.Replicas[0].StoreID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		replica, err := store.GetReplica(rangeDesc.RangeID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = replica.ChangeReplicas(context.Background(),
				NodeID:  target.NodeID,
				StoreID: target.StoreID,
			}, rangeDesc)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	if err := tc.Servers[0].DB().GetProto(
		keys.RangeDescriptorKey(startKey), rangeDesc); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return rangeDesc, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
// TestReplicateRange verifies basic replication functionality by creating two stores
// and a range, replicating the range to the second store, and reading its data there.
func TestReplicateRange(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	mtc := startMultiTestContext(t, 2)
	defer mtc.Stop()

	// Issue a command on the first node before replicating.
	incArgs := incrementArgs([]byte("a"), 5)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(mtc.stores[0]), nil, &incArgs); err != nil {

	rng, err := mtc.stores[0].GetReplica(1)
	if err != nil {

	if err := rng.ChangeReplicas(roachpb.ADD_REPLICA,
			NodeID:  mtc.stores[1].Ident.NodeID,
			StoreID: mtc.stores[1].Ident.StoreID,
		}, rng.Desc()); err != nil {
	// Verify no intent remains on range descriptor key.
	key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(rng.Desc().StartKey)
	desc := roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), key, mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &desc); !ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("fetching range descriptor yielded %t, %s", ok, err)
	// Verify that in time, no intents remain on meta addressing
	// keys, and that range descriptor on the meta records is correct.
	util.SucceedsWithin(t, 1*time.Second, func() error {
		meta2 := keys.Addr(keys.RangeMetaKey(roachpb.RKeyMax))
		meta1 := keys.Addr(keys.RangeMetaKey(meta2))
		for _, key := range []roachpb.RKey{meta2, meta1} {
			metaDesc := roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
			if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(mtc.stores[0].Engine(), key.AsRawKey(), mtc.stores[0].Clock().Now(), true, nil, &metaDesc); !ok || err != nil {
				return util.Errorf("failed to resolve %s", key.AsRawKey())
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(metaDesc, desc) {
				return util.Errorf("descs not equal: %+v != %+v", metaDesc, desc)
		return nil

	// Verify that the same data is available on the replica.
	util.SucceedsWithin(t, replicaReadTimeout, func() error {
		getArgs := getArgs([]byte("a"))
		if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(mtc.stores[1]), nil, roachpb.Header{
			ReadConsistency: roachpb.INCONSISTENT,
		}, &getArgs); err != nil {
			return util.Errorf("failed to read data: %s", err)
		} else if e, v := int64(5), mustGetInt(reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value); v != e {
			return util.Errorf("failed to read correct data: expected %d, got %d", e, v)
		return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
// SplitRange splits the range containing splitKey.
// The right range created by the split starts at the split key and extends to the
// original range's end key.
// Returns the new descriptors of the left and right ranges.
// splitKey must correspond to a SQL table key (it must end with a family ID /
// col ID).
func (tc *TestCluster) SplitRange(
	splitKey roachpb.Key,
) (*roachpb.RangeDescriptor, *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, error) {
	splitRKey, err := keys.Addr(splitKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	origRangeDesc, err := tc.LookupRange(splitKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if origRangeDesc.StartKey.Equal(splitRKey) {
		return nil, nil, errors.Errorf(
			"cannot split range %+v at start key %q", origRangeDesc, splitKey)
	splitReq := roachpb.AdminSplitRequest{
		Span: roachpb.Span{
			Key: splitKey,
		SplitKey: splitKey,
	_, pErr := client.SendWrapped(tc.Servers[0].GetDistSender(), nil, &splitReq)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.Errorf(
			"%q: split unexpected error: %s", splitReq.SplitKey, pErr)

	leftRangeDesc := new(roachpb.RangeDescriptor)
	rightRangeDesc := new(roachpb.RangeDescriptor)
	if err := tc.Servers[0].DB().GetProto(
		keys.RangeDescriptorKey(origRangeDesc.StartKey), leftRangeDesc); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not look up left-hand side descriptor")
	// The split point might not be exactly the one we requested (it can be
	// adjusted slightly so we don't split in the middle of SQL rows). Update it
	// to the real point.
	splitRKey = leftRangeDesc.EndKey
	if err := tc.Servers[0].DB().GetProto(
		keys.RangeDescriptorKey(splitRKey), rightRangeDesc); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not look up right-hand side descriptor")
	return leftRangeDesc, rightRangeDesc, nil
Exemplo n.º 8
// TestBatchPrevNext tests batch.{Prev,Next}.
func TestBatchPrevNext(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	loc := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	span := func(strs ...string) []roachpb.Span {
		var r []roachpb.Span
		for i, str := range strs {
			if i%2 == 0 {
				r = append(r, roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(str)})
			} else {
				r[len(r)-1].EndKey = roachpb.Key(str)
		return r
	max, min := string(roachpb.RKeyMax), string(roachpb.RKeyMin)
	abc := span("a", "", "b", "", "c", "")
	testCases := []struct {
		spans             []roachpb.Span
		key, expFW, expBW string
		{spans: span("a", "c", "b", ""), key: "b", expFW: "b", expBW: "b"},
		{spans: span("a", "c", "b", ""), key: "a", expFW: "a", expBW: "a"},
		{spans: span("a", "c", "d", ""), key: "c", expFW: "d", expBW: "c"},
		{spans: span("a", "c\x00", "d", ""), key: "c", expFW: "c", expBW: "c"},
		{spans: abc, key: "b", expFW: "b", expBW: "b"},
		{spans: abc, key: "b\x00", expFW: "c", expBW: "b\x00"},
		{spans: abc, key: "bb", expFW: "c", expBW: "b"},
		{spans: span(), key: "whatevs", expFW: max, expBW: min},
		{spans: span(loc("a"), loc("c")), key: "c", expFW: "c", expBW: "c"},
		{spans: span(loc("a"), loc("c")), key: "c\x00", expFW: max, expBW: "c\x00"},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
		for _, span := range test.spans {
			args := &roachpb.ScanRequest{}
			args.Key, args.EndKey = span.Key, span.EndKey
		if next, err := next(ba, roachpb.RKey(test.key)); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: %v", i, err)
		} else if !bytes.Equal(next, roachpb.Key(test.expFW)) {
			t.Errorf("%d: next: expected %q, got %q", i, test.expFW, next)
		if prev, err := prev(ba, roachpb.RKey(test.key)); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: %v", i, err)
		} else if !bytes.Equal(prev, roachpb.Key(test.expBW)) {
			t.Errorf("%d: prev: expected %q, got %q", i, test.expBW, prev)
Exemplo n.º 9
// createRangeData creates sample range data in all possible areas of
// the key space. Returns a slice of the encoded keys of all created
// data.
func createRangeData(t *testing.T, r *Replica) []engine.MVCCKey {
	ts0 := hlc.ZeroTimestamp
	ts := hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: 1}
	desc := r.Desc()
	keyTSs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  hlc.Timestamp
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID), ts0},
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeFrozenStatusKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastGCKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftTruncatedStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.LeaseAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeStatsKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftHardStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLastIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 1), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastReplicaGCTimestampKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastVerificationTimestampKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(desc.StartKey), ts},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey.Next()), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(fakePrevKey(desc.EndKey), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		// TODO(bdarnell): KeyMin.Next() results in a key in the reserved system-local space.
		// Once we have resolved https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/437,
		// replace this with something that reliably generates the first valid key in the range.
		//{r.Desc().StartKey.Next(), ts},
		// The following line is similar to StartKey.Next() but adds more to the key to
		// avoid falling into the system-local space.
		{append(append([]byte{}, desc.StartKey...), '\x02'), ts},
		{fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), ts},

	keys := []engine.MVCCKey{}
	for _, keyTS := range keyTSs {
		if err := engine.MVCCPut(context.Background(), r.store.Engine(), nil, keyTS.key, keyTS.ts, roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value"), nil); err != nil {
		keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCKey{Key: keyTS.key, Timestamp: keyTS.ts})
	return keys
Exemplo n.º 10
// createRangeData creates sample range data in all possible areas of
// the key space. Returns a slice of the encoded keys of all created
// data.
func createRangeData(r *Replica, t *testing.T) []roachpb.EncodedKey {
	ts0 := roachpb.ZeroTimestamp
	ts := roachpb.Timestamp{WallTime: 1}
	keyTSs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  roachpb.Timestamp
		{keys.ResponseCacheKey(r.Desc().RangeID, &roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 1, Random: 1}), ts0},
		{keys.ResponseCacheKey(r.Desc().RangeID, &roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 2, Random: 2}), ts0},
		{keys.RaftHardStateKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.Desc().RangeID, 1), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.Desc().RangeID, 2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeGCMetadataKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastVerificationTimestampKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeStatsKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(r.Desc().StartKey), ts},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(r.Desc().StartKey), []byte("1234")), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(r.Desc().StartKey.Next()), []byte("5678")), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), []byte("2468")), ts0},
		// TODO(bdarnell): KeyMin.Next() results in a key in the reserved system-local space.
		// Once we have resolved https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/437,
		// replace this with something that reliably generates the first valid key in the range.
		//{r.Desc().StartKey.Next(), ts},
		// The following line is similar to StartKey.Next() but adds more to the key to
		// avoid falling into the system-local space.
		{append(append([]byte{}, r.Desc().StartKey...), '\x01'), ts},
		{fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), ts},

	keys := []roachpb.EncodedKey{}
	for _, keyTS := range keyTSs {
		if err := engine.MVCCPut(r.store.Engine(), nil, keyTS.key, keyTS.ts, roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value"), nil); err != nil {
		keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCEncodeKey(keyTS.key))
		if !keyTS.ts.Equal(ts0) {
			keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCEncodeVersionKey(keyTS.key, keyTS.ts))
	return keys
Exemplo n.º 11
func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	loc := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	testCases := []struct {
		keys     [][2]string
		expKeys  [][2]string
		from, to string
		desc     [2]string // optional, defaults to {from,to}
		err      string
			// Keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			from:    "a", to: "q\x00",
			// Keys outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a"}, {"a", "b"}, {"q"}, {"q", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}, {}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
			// Range-local keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local key outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			from:    "b", to: "e\x00",

			// Range-local range not contained in active range.
			keys: [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			from: "b", to: "e",
			err: "local key range must not span ranges",
			// Mixed range-local vs global key range.
			keys: [][2]string{{loc("c"), "d\x00"}},
			from: "b", to: "e",
			err: "local key mixed with global key",
			// Key range touching and intersecting active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "b"}, {"a", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "r"}, {"a", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {"b", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "q"}, {"b", "q"}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
		// Active key range is intersection of descriptor and [from,to).
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "a", to: "z",
			desc: [2]string{"d", "p"},
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "d", to: "p",
			desc: [2]string{"a", "z"},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		ba := &roachpb.BatchRequest{}
		for _, ks := range test.keys {
			if len(ks[1]) > 0 {
					Span: roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0]), EndKey: roachpb.Key(ks[1])},
			} else {
					Span: roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0])},
		original := proto.Clone(ba).(*roachpb.BatchRequest)

		desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[0]), EndKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[1]),
		if len(desc.StartKey) == 0 {
			desc.StartKey = roachpb.RKey(test.from)
		if len(desc.EndKey) == 0 {
			desc.EndKey = roachpb.RKey(test.to)
		rs := rSpan{key: roachpb.RKey(test.from), endKey: roachpb.RKey(test.to)}
		undo, num, err := truncate(ba, desc, rs)
		if err != nil || test.err != "" {
			if test.err == "" || !testutils.IsError(err, test.err) {
				t.Errorf("%d: %v (expected: %s)", i, err, test.err)
		var reqs int
		for j, arg := range ba.Requests {
			req := arg.GetInner()
			if h := req.Header(); !bytes.Equal(h.Key, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][0])) || !bytes.Equal(h.EndKey, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][1])) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: range mismatch: actual [%q,%q), wanted [%q,%q)", i, j,
					h.Key, h.EndKey, test.expKeys[j][0], test.expKeys[j][1])
			} else if _, ok := req.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok != (len(h.Key) == 0) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: expected NoopRequest, got %T", i, j, req)
			} else if len(h.Key) != 0 {
		if reqs != num {
			t.Errorf("%d: counted %d requests, but truncation indicated %d", i, reqs, num)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(ba, original) {
			t.Errorf("%d: undoing truncation failed:\nexpected: %s\nactual: %s",
				i, original, ba)
Exemplo n.º 12
// TestStoreRangeSplit executes a split of a range and verifies that the
// resulting ranges respond to the right key ranges and that their stats
// and response caches have been properly accounted for.
func TestStoreRangeSplit(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	rangeID := roachpb.RangeID(1)
	splitKey := roachpb.RKey("m")
	content := roachpb.Key("asdvb")

	// First, write some values left and right of the proposed split key.
	pArgs := putArgs([]byte("c"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("x"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Increments are a good way of testing the response cache. Up here, we
	// address them to the original range, then later to the one that contains
	// the key.
	lCmdID := roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 123, Random: 423}
	lIncArgs := incrementArgs([]byte("apoptosis"), 100)
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		CmdID: lCmdID,
	}, &lIncArgs); err != nil {
	rIncArgs := incrementArgs([]byte("wobble"), 10)
	rCmdID := roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 12, Random: 42}
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		CmdID: rCmdID,
	}, &rIncArgs); err != nil {

	// Get the original stats for key and value bytes.
	var ms engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), rangeID, &ms); err != nil {
	keyBytes, valBytes := ms.KeyBytes, ms.ValBytes

	// Split the range.
	args := adminSplitArgs(roachpb.RKeyMin, splitKey)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &args); err != nil {

	// Verify no intents remains on range descriptor keys.
	for _, key := range []roachpb.Key{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMin), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(splitKey)} {
		if _, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(store.Engine(), key, store.Clock().Now(), true, nil); err != nil {

	rng := store.LookupReplica(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil)
	newRng := store.LookupReplica([]byte("m"), nil)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey) || !bytes.Equal(splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey) {
		t.Errorf("ranges mismatched, wanted %q=%q=%q", newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().EndKey, roachpb.RKeyMax) || !bytes.Equal(rng.Desc().StartKey, roachpb.RKeyMin) {
		t.Errorf("new ranges do not cover KeyMin-KeyMax, but only %q-%q", rng.Desc().StartKey, newRng.Desc().EndKey)

	// Try to get values from both left and right of where the split happened.
	gArgs := getArgs([]byte("c"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.GetRawBytes(), content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.GetRawBytes(), content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("x"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: newRng.Desc().RangeID,
	}, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.GetRawBytes(), content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.GetRawBytes(), content)

	// Send out an increment request copied from above (same ClientCmdID) which
	// remains in the old range.
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		CmdID: lCmdID,
	}, &lIncArgs); err != nil {
	} else if lIncReply := reply.(*roachpb.IncrementResponse); lIncReply.NewValue != 100 {
		t.Errorf("response cache broken in old range, expected %d but got %d", lIncArgs.Increment, lIncReply.NewValue)

	// Send out the same increment copied from above (same ClientCmdID), but
	// now to the newly created range (which should hold that key).
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: newRng.Desc().RangeID,
		CmdID:   rCmdID,
	}, &rIncArgs); err != nil {
	} else if rIncReply := reply.(*roachpb.IncrementResponse); rIncReply.NewValue != 10 {
		t.Errorf("response cache not copied correctly to new range, expected %d but got %d", rIncArgs.Increment, rIncReply.NewValue)

	// Compare stats of split ranges to ensure they are non zero and
	// exceed the original range when summed.
	var left, right engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), rangeID, &left); err != nil {
	lKeyBytes, lValBytes := left.KeyBytes, left.ValBytes
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), newRng.Desc().RangeID, &right); err != nil {
	rKeyBytes, rValBytes := right.KeyBytes, right.ValBytes

	if lKeyBytes == 0 || rKeyBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero key bytes; got %d, %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes)
	if lValBytes == 0 || rValBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero val bytes; got %d, %d", lValBytes, rValBytes)
	if lKeyBytes+rKeyBytes <= keyBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right key bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes, keyBytes)
	if lValBytes+rValBytes <= valBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right val bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lValBytes, rValBytes, valBytes)
Exemplo n.º 13
// TestStoreVerifyKeys checks that key length is enforced and
// that end keys must sort >= start.
func TestStoreVerifyKeys(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	tooLongKey := proto.Key(strings.Repeat("x", proto.KeyMaxLength+1))

	// Start with a too-long key on a get.
	gArgs := getArgs(tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for key too long")
	// Try a start key == KeyMax.
	gArgs.Key = proto.KeyMax
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for start key == KeyMax")
	// Try a get with an end key specified (get requires only a start key and should fail).
	gArgs.EndKey = proto.KeyMax
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key specified on a non-range-based operation")
	// Try a scan with too-long EndKey.
	sArgs := scanArgs(proto.KeyMin, tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key too long")
	// Try a scan with end key < start key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("b")
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("a")
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key < start")
	// Try a scan with start key == end key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("a")
	sArgs.EndKey = sArgs.Key
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for start == end key")
	// Try a put to meta2 key which would otherwise exceed maximum key
	// length, but is accepted because of the meta prefix.
	meta2KeyMax := keys.MakeKey(keys.Meta2Prefix, proto.KeyMax)
	pArgs := putArgs(meta2KeyMax, []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to meta2 value: %s", err)
	// Try to put a range descriptor record for a start key which is
	// maximum length.
	key := append([]byte{}, proto.KeyMax...)
	key[len(key)-1] = 0x01
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(key), []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to range descriptor for KeyMax value: %s", err)
	// Try a put to txn record for a meta2 key (note that this doesn't
	// actually happen in practice, as txn records are not put directly,
	// but are instead manipulated only through txn methods).
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.TransactionKey(meta2KeyMax, []byte(uuid.NewUUID4())),
		[]byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to txn meta2 value: %s", err)
Exemplo n.º 14
func TestLogRebalances(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s := server.StartTestServer(t)
	defer s.Stop()

	// Use a client to get the RangeDescriptor for the first range. We will use
	// this range's information to log fake rebalance events.
	db := s.DB()
	desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
	if pErr := db.GetProto(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMin), desc); pErr != nil {

	// This code assumes that there is only one TestServer, and thus that
	// StoreID 1 is present on the testserver. If this assumption changes in the
	// future, *any* store will work, but a new method will need to be added to
	// Stores (or a creative usage of VisitStores could suffice).
	store, pErr := s.Stores().GetStore(roachpb.StoreID(1))
	if pErr != nil {

	// Log several fake events using the store.
	logEvent := func(changeType roachpb.ReplicaChangeType) {
		if pErr := db.Txn(func(txn *client.Txn) *roachpb.Error {
			return store.LogReplicaChangeTest(txn, changeType, desc.Replicas[0], *desc)
		}); pErr != nil {
	reg := store.Registry()
	checkMetrics := func(expAdds, expRemoves int64) {
		if a, e := reg.GetCounter("range.adds").Count(), expAdds; a != e {
			t.Errorf("range adds %d != expected %d", a, e)
		if a, e := reg.GetCounter("range.removes").Count(), expRemoves; a != e {
			t.Errorf("range removes %d != expected %d", a, e)
	checkMetrics(1 /*add*/, 0 /*remove*/)
	checkMetrics(2 /*adds*/, 0 /*remove*/)
	checkMetrics(2 /*adds*/, 1 /*remove*/)

	// Open a SQL connection to verify that the events have been logged.
	pgURL, cleanupFn := sqlutils.PGUrl(t, s, security.RootUser, "TestLogRebalances")
	defer cleanupFn()

	sqlDB, err := sql.Open("postgres", pgURL.String())
	if err != nil {
	defer sqlDB.Close()

	// verify that two add replica events have been logged.
	// TODO(mrtracy): placeholders still appear to be broken, this query should
	// be using a string placeholder for the eventType value.
	rows, err := sqlDB.Query(`SELECT rangeID, info FROM system.rangelog WHERE eventType = 'add'`)
	if err != nil {
	var count int
	for rows.Next() {
		var rangeID int64
		var infoStr sql.NullString
		if err := rows.Scan(&rangeID, &infoStr); err != nil {

		if a, e := roachpb.RangeID(rangeID), desc.RangeID; a != e {
			t.Errorf("wrong rangeID %d recorded for add event, expected %d", a, e)
		// Verify that info returns a json struct.
		if !infoStr.Valid {
			t.Errorf("info not recorded for add replica of range %d", rangeID)
		var info struct {
			AddReplica  roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
			UpdatedDesc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(infoStr.String), &info); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("error unmarshalling info string for add replica %d: %s", rangeID, err)
		if int64(info.UpdatedDesc.RangeID) != rangeID {
			t.Errorf("recorded wrong updated descriptor %s for add replica of range %d", info.UpdatedDesc, rangeID)
		if a, e := info.AddReplica, desc.Replicas[0]; a != e {
			t.Errorf("recorded wrong updated replica %s for add replica of range %d, expected %s",
				a, rangeID, e)
	if rows.Err() != nil {
	if a, e := count, 2; a != e {
		t.Errorf("expected %d AddReplica events logged, found %d", e, a)

	// verify that one remove replica event was logged.
	rows, err = sqlDB.Query(`SELECT rangeID, info FROM system.rangelog WHERE eventType = 'remove'`)
	if err != nil {
	count = 0
	for rows.Next() {
		var rangeID int64
		var infoStr sql.NullString
		if err := rows.Scan(&rangeID, &infoStr); err != nil {

		if a, e := roachpb.RangeID(rangeID), desc.RangeID; a != e {
			t.Errorf("wrong rangeID %d recorded for remove event, expected %d", a, e)
		// Verify that info returns a json struct.
		if !infoStr.Valid {
			t.Errorf("info not recorded for remove replica of range %d", rangeID)
		var info struct {
			RemovedReplica roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
			UpdatedDesc    roachpb.RangeDescriptor
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(infoStr.String), &info); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("error unmarshalling info string for remove replica %d: %s", rangeID, err)
		if int64(info.UpdatedDesc.RangeID) != rangeID {
			t.Errorf("recorded wrong updated descriptor %s for remove replica of range %d", info.UpdatedDesc, rangeID)
		if a, e := info.RemovedReplica, desc.Replicas[0]; a != e {
			t.Errorf("recorded wrong updated replica %s for remove replica of range %d, expected %s",
				a, rangeID, e)
	if rows.Err() != nil {
	if a, e := count, 1; a != e {
		t.Errorf("expected %d RemoveReplica events logged, found %d", e, a)
Exemplo n.º 15
func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	loc := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	locPrefix := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	testCases := []struct {
		keys     [][2]string
		expKeys  [][2]string
		from, to string
		desc     [2]string // optional, defaults to {from,to}
		err      string
			// Keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			from:    "a", to: "q\x00",
			// Keys outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a"}, {"a", "b"}, {"q"}, {"q", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}, {}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
			// Range-local keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local key outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			from:    "b", to: "e\x00",
			// Range-local range not contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}},
			from:    "c", to: "e",
			// Range-local range not contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), locPrefix("b")}, {loc("e"), loc("f")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range partially contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("a"), locPrefix("b")}},
			from:    "a", to: "b",
			// Range-local range partially contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			from:    "b", to: "c",
			// Mixed range-local vs global key range.
			keys: [][2]string{{loc("c"), "d\x00"}},
			from: "b", to: "e",
			err: "local key mixed with global key",
			// Key range touching and intersecting active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "b"}, {"a", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "r"}, {"a", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {"b", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "q"}, {"b", "q"}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
		// Active key range is intersection of descriptor and [from,to).
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "a", to: "z",
			desc: [2]string{"d", "p"},
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "d", to: "p",
			desc: [2]string{"a", "z"},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		goldenOriginal := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
		for _, ks := range test.keys {
			if len(ks[1]) > 0 {
					Span:      roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0]), EndKey: roachpb.Key(ks[1])},
					IntentTxn: roachpb.TxnMeta{ID: uuid.NewV4()},
			} else {
					Span: roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0])},

		original := roachpb.BatchRequest{Requests: make([]roachpb.RequestUnion, len(goldenOriginal.Requests))}
		for i, request := range goldenOriginal.Requests {

		desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[0]), EndKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[1]),
		if len(desc.StartKey) == 0 {
			desc.StartKey = roachpb.RKey(test.from)
		if len(desc.EndKey) == 0 {
			desc.EndKey = roachpb.RKey(test.to)
		rs := roachpb.RSpan{Key: roachpb.RKey(test.from), EndKey: roachpb.RKey(test.to)}
		rs, err := rs.Intersect(desc)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: intersection failure: %v", i, err)
		ba, num, err := truncate(original, rs)
		if err != nil || test.err != "" {
			if test.err == "" || !testutils.IsError(err, test.err) {
				t.Errorf("%d: %v (expected: %s)", i, err, test.err)
		var reqs int
		for j, arg := range ba.Requests {
			req := arg.GetInner()
			if h := req.Header(); !bytes.Equal(h.Key, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][0])) || !bytes.Equal(h.EndKey, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][1])) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: range mismatch: actual [%q,%q), wanted [%q,%q)", i, j,
					h.Key, h.EndKey, test.expKeys[j][0], test.expKeys[j][1])
			} else if _, ok := req.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok != (len(h.Key) == 0) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: expected NoopRequest, got %T", i, j, req)
			} else if len(h.Key) != 0 {
		if reqs != num {
			t.Errorf("%d: counted %d requests, but truncation indicated %d", i, reqs, num)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(original, goldenOriginal) {
			t.Errorf("%d: truncation mutated original:\nexpected: %s\nactual: %s",
				i, goldenOriginal, original)
Exemplo n.º 16
// TestStoreVerifyKeys checks that key length is enforced and
// that end keys must sort >= start.
func TestStoreVerifyKeys(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	tooLongKey := roachpb.Key(strings.Repeat("x", roachpb.KeyMaxLength+1))

	// Start with a too-long key on a get.
	gArgs := getArgs(tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "exceeded") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for key too long: %v", err)
	// Try a start key == KeyMax.
	gArgs.Key = roachpb.KeyMax
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be less than KeyMax") {
		t.Fatalf("expected error for start key == KeyMax: %v", err)
	// Try a get with an end key specified (get requires only a start key and should fail).
	gArgs.EndKey = roachpb.KeyMax
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be less than KeyMax") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key specified on a non-range-based operation: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with too-long EndKey.
	sArgs := scanArgs(roachpb.KeyMin, tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "length exceeded") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key too long: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with end key < start key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("b")
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("a")
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be greater than") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key < start: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with start key == end key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("a")
	sArgs.EndKey = sArgs.Key
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be greater than") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for start == end key: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with range-local start key, but "regular" end key.
	sArgs.Key = keys.MakeRangeKey([]byte("test"), []byte("sffx"), nil)
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("z")
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "range-local") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for local start, non-local end key: %v", err)

	// Try a put to meta2 key which would otherwise exceed maximum key
	// length, but is accepted because of the meta prefix.
	meta2KeyMax := keys.MakeKey(keys.Meta2Prefix, roachpb.KeyMax)
	pArgs := putArgs(meta2KeyMax, []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to meta2 value: %s", err)
	// Try to put a range descriptor record for a start key which is
	// maximum length.
	key := append([]byte{}, roachpb.KeyMax...)
	key[len(key)-1] = 0x01
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(key), []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to range descriptor for KeyMax value: %s", err)
	// Try a put to txn record for a meta2 key (note that this doesn't
	// actually happen in practice, as txn records are not put directly,
	// but are instead manipulated only through txn methods).
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.TransactionKey(meta2KeyMax, []byte(uuid.NewUUID4())),
		[]byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to txn meta2 value: %s", err)
Exemplo n.º 17
// AdminMerge extends the range to subsume the range that comes next in
// the key space. The range being subsumed is provided in args.SubsumedRange.
// The EndKey of the subsuming range must equal the start key of the
// range being subsumed. The merge is performed inside of a distributed
// transaction which writes the updated range descriptor for the subsuming range
// and deletes the range descriptor for the subsumed one. It also updates the
// range addressing metadata. The handover of responsibility for
// the reassigned key range is carried out seamlessly through a merge trigger
// carried out as part of the commit of that transaction.
// A merge requires that the two ranges are collocate on the same set of replicas.
func (r *Range) AdminMerge(args *proto.AdminMergeRequest, reply *proto.AdminMergeResponse) {
	// Only allow a single split/merge per range at a time.
	defer r.metaLock.Unlock()

	// Lookup subsumed range.
	desc := r.Desc()
	if desc.EndKey.Equal(proto.KeyMax) {
		// Noop.
	subsumedRng := r.rm.LookupRange(desc.EndKey, nil)
	if subsumedRng == nil {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("ranges not collocated; migration of ranges in anticipation of merge not yet implemented"))
	subsumedDesc := subsumedRng.Desc()

	// Make sure the range being subsumed follows this one.
	if !bytes.Equal(desc.EndKey, subsumedDesc.StartKey) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("Ranges that are not adjacent cannot be merged, %s != %s",
			desc.EndKey, subsumedDesc.StartKey))

	// Ensure that both ranges are collocate by intersecting the store ids from
	// their replicas.
	if !replicaSetsEqual(subsumedDesc.GetReplicas(), desc.GetReplicas()) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Error("The two ranges replicas are not collocate"))

	// Init updated version of existing range descriptor.
	updatedDesc := *desc
	updatedDesc.EndKey = subsumedDesc.EndKey

	log.Infof("initiating a merge of %s into %s", subsumedRng, r)

	if err := r.rm.DB().Txn(func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		// Update the range descriptor for the receiving range.
		b := &client.Batch{}
		desc1Key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(updatedDesc.StartKey)
		if err := updateRangeDescriptor(b, desc1Key, desc, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err

		// Remove the range descriptor for the deleted range.
		// TODO(bdarnell): need a conditional delete?
		desc2Key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(subsumedDesc.StartKey)

		if err := mergeRangeAddressing(b, desc, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err

		// End the transaction manually instead of letting RunTransaction
		// loop do it, in order to provide a merge trigger.
			Args: &proto.EndTransactionRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{Key: args.Key},
				Commit:        true,
				InternalCommitTrigger: &proto.InternalCommitTrigger{
					MergeTrigger: &proto.MergeTrigger{
						UpdatedDesc:    updatedDesc,
						SubsumedRaftID: subsumedDesc.RaftID,
					Intents: []proto.Key{desc1Key, desc2Key},
			Reply: &proto.EndTransactionResponse{},
		return txn.Run(b)
	}); err != nil {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("merge of range %d into %d failed: %s",
			subsumedDesc.RaftID, desc.RaftID, err))
Exemplo n.º 18
// AdminSplit divides the range into into two ranges, using either
// args.SplitKey (if provided) or an internally computed key that aims to
// roughly equipartition the range by size. The split is done inside of
// a distributed txn which writes updated and new range descriptors, and
// updates the range addressing metadata. The handover of responsibility for
// the reassigned key range is carried out seamlessly through a split trigger
// carried out as part of the commit of that transaction.
func (r *Range) AdminSplit(args *proto.AdminSplitRequest, reply *proto.AdminSplitResponse) {
	// Only allow a single split per range at a time.
	defer r.metaLock.Unlock()

	// Determine split key if not provided with args. This scan is
	// allowed to be relatively slow because admin commands don't block
	// other commands.
	desc := r.Desc()
	splitKey := proto.Key(args.SplitKey)
	if len(splitKey) == 0 {
		snap := r.rm.NewSnapshot()
		defer snap.Close()
		var err error
		if splitKey, err = engine.MVCCFindSplitKey(snap, desc.RaftID, desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey); err != nil {
			reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("unable to determine split key: %s", err))
	// First verify this condition so that it will not return
	// proto.NewRangeKeyMismatchError if splitKey equals to desc.EndKey,
	// otherwise it will cause infinite retry loop.
	if splitKey.Equal(desc.StartKey) || splitKey.Equal(desc.EndKey) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("range is already split at key %s", splitKey))
	// Verify some properties of split key.
	if !r.ContainsKey(splitKey) {
		reply.SetGoError(proto.NewRangeKeyMismatchError(splitKey, splitKey, desc))
	if !engine.IsValidSplitKey(splitKey) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("cannot split range at key %s", splitKey))

	// Create new range descriptor with newly-allocated replica IDs and Raft IDs.
	newDesc, err := r.rm.NewRangeDescriptor(splitKey, desc.EndKey, desc.Replicas)
	if err != nil {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("unable to allocate new range descriptor: %s", err))

	// Init updated version of existing range descriptor.
	updatedDesc := *desc
	updatedDesc.EndKey = splitKey

	log.Infof("initiating a split of %s at key %s", r, splitKey)

	if err = r.rm.DB().Txn(func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		// Create range descriptor for second half of split.
		// Note that this put must go first in order to locate the
		// transaction record on the correct range.
		b := &client.Batch{}
		desc1Key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(newDesc.StartKey)
		if err := updateRangeDescriptor(b, desc1Key, nil, newDesc); err != nil {
			return err
		// Update existing range descriptor for first half of split.
		desc2Key := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(updatedDesc.StartKey)
		if err := updateRangeDescriptor(b, desc2Key, desc, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err
		// Update range descriptor addressing record(s).
		if err := splitRangeAddressing(b, newDesc, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := txn.Run(b); err != nil {
			return err
		// Update the RangeTree.
		b = &client.Batch{}
		if err := InsertRange(txn, b, newDesc.StartKey); err != nil {
			return err
		// End the transaction manually, instead of letting RunTransaction
		// loop do it, in order to provide a split trigger.
			Args: &proto.EndTransactionRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{Key: args.Key},
				Commit:        true,
				InternalCommitTrigger: &proto.InternalCommitTrigger{
					SplitTrigger: &proto.SplitTrigger{
						UpdatedDesc: updatedDesc,
						NewDesc:     *newDesc,
					Intents: []proto.Key{desc1Key, desc2Key},
			Reply: &proto.EndTransactionResponse{},
		return txn.Run(b)
	}); err != nil {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("split at key %s failed: %s", splitKey, err))
Exemplo n.º 19
// ChangeReplicas adds or removes a replica of a range. The change is performed
// in a distributed transaction and takes effect when that transaction is committed.
// When removing a replica, only the NodeID and StoreID fields of the Replica are used.
func (r *Range) ChangeReplicas(changeType proto.ReplicaChangeType, replica proto.Replica) error {
	// Only allow a single change per range at a time.
	defer r.metaLock.Unlock()

	// Validate the request and prepare the new descriptor.
	desc := r.Desc()
	updatedDesc := *desc
	updatedDesc.Replicas = append([]proto.Replica{}, desc.Replicas...)
	found := -1       // tracks NodeID && StoreID
	nodeUsed := false // tracks NodeID only
	for i, existingRep := range desc.Replicas {
		nodeUsed = nodeUsed || existingRep.NodeID == replica.NodeID
		if existingRep.NodeID == replica.NodeID &&
			existingRep.StoreID == replica.StoreID {
			found = i
	if changeType == proto.ADD_REPLICA {
		// If the replica exists on the remote node, no matter in which store,
		// abort the replica add.
		if nodeUsed {
			return util.Errorf("adding replica %v which is already present in range %d",
				replica, desc.RaftID)
		updatedDesc.Replicas = append(updatedDesc.Replicas, replica)
	} else if changeType == proto.REMOVE_REPLICA {
		// If that exact node-store combination does not have the replica,
		// abort the removal.
		if found == -1 {
			return util.Errorf("removing replica %v which is not present in range %d",
				replica, desc.RaftID)
		updatedDesc.Replicas[found] = updatedDesc.Replicas[len(updatedDesc.Replicas)-1]
		updatedDesc.Replicas = updatedDesc.Replicas[:len(updatedDesc.Replicas)-1]

	err := r.rm.DB().Txn(func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		// Important: the range descriptor must be the first thing touched in the transaction
		// so the transaction record is co-located with the range being modified.
		b := &client.Batch{}
		descKey := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(updatedDesc.StartKey)

		if err := updateRangeDescriptor(b, descKey, desc, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err

		// Update range descriptor addressing record(s).
		if err := updateRangeAddressing(b, &updatedDesc); err != nil {
			return err

		// End the transaction manually instead of letting RunTransaction
		// loop do it, in order to provide a commit trigger.
			Args: &proto.EndTransactionRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{Key: updatedDesc.StartKey},
				Commit:        true,
				InternalCommitTrigger: &proto.InternalCommitTrigger{
					ChangeReplicasTrigger: &proto.ChangeReplicasTrigger{
						NodeID:          replica.NodeID,
						StoreID:         replica.StoreID,
						ChangeType:      changeType,
						UpdatedReplicas: updatedDesc.Replicas,
					Intents: []proto.Key{descKey},
			Reply: &proto.EndTransactionResponse{},
		return txn.Run(b)
	if err != nil {
		return util.Errorf("change replicas of %d failed: %s", desc.RaftID, err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 20
// TestStoreRangeMergeWithData attempts to merge two collocate ranges
// each containing data.
func TestStoreRangeMergeWithData(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	content := proto.Key("testing!")

	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	aDesc, bDesc, err := createSplitRanges(store)
	if err != nil {

	// Write some values left and right of the proposed split key.
	pArgs := putArgs([]byte("aaa"), content, aDesc.RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("ccc"), content, bDesc.RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Confirm the values are there.
	gArgs := getArgs([]byte("aaa"), aDesc.RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("ccc"), bDesc.RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)

	// Merge the b range back into the a range.
	args := adminMergeArgs(proto.KeyMin, 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &args); err != nil {

	// Verify no intents remains on range descriptor keys.
	for _, key := range []proto.Key{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(aDesc.StartKey), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(bDesc.StartKey)} {
		if _, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(store.Engine(), key, store.Clock().Now(), true, nil); err != nil {

	// Verify the merge by looking up keys from both ranges.
	rangeA := store.LookupRange([]byte("a"), nil)
	rangeB := store.LookupRange([]byte("c"), nil)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(rangeA, rangeB) {
		t.Fatalf("ranges were not merged %+v=%+v", rangeA.Desc(), rangeB.Desc())
	if !bytes.Equal(rangeA.Desc().StartKey, proto.KeyMin) {
		t.Fatalf("The start key is not equal to KeyMin %q=%q", rangeA.Desc().StartKey, proto.KeyMin)
	if !bytes.Equal(rangeA.Desc().EndKey, proto.KeyMax) {
		t.Fatalf("The end key is not equal to KeyMax %q=%q", rangeA.Desc().EndKey, proto.KeyMax)

	// Try to get values from after the merge.
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("aaa"), rangeA.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("ccc"), rangeB.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)

	// Put new values after the merge on both sides.
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("aaaa"), content, rangeA.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if _, err = store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("cccc"), content, rangeB.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if _, err = store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Try to get the newly placed values.
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("aaaa"), rangeA.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("cccc"), rangeA.Desc().RangeID, store.StoreID())
	if reply, err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if gReply := reply.(*proto.GetResponse); !bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", gReply.Value.Bytes, content)
Exemplo n.º 21
// TestStoreRangeSplit executes a split of a range and verifies that the
// resulting ranges respond to the right key ranges and that their stats
// and sequence cache have been properly accounted for.
func TestStoreRangeSplitIdempotency(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	rangeID := roachpb.RangeID(1)
	splitKey := roachpb.Key("m")
	content := roachpb.Key("asdvb")

	// First, write some values left and right of the proposed split key.
	pArgs := putArgs([]byte("c"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("x"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Increments are a good way of testing the sequence cache. Up here, we
	// address them to the original range, then later to the one that contains
	// the key.
	txn := roachpb.NewTransaction("test", []byte("c"), 10, roachpb.SERIALIZABLE,
		store.Clock().Now(), 0)
	lIncArgs := incrementArgs([]byte("apoptosis"), 100)
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		Txn: txn,
	}, &lIncArgs); err != nil {
	rIncArgs := incrementArgs([]byte("wobble"), 10)
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		Txn: txn,
	}, &rIncArgs); err != nil {

	// Get the original stats for key and value bytes.
	var ms engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), rangeID, &ms); err != nil {
	keyBytes, valBytes := ms.KeyBytes, ms.ValBytes

	// Split the range.
	args := adminSplitArgs(roachpb.KeyMin, splitKey)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &args); err != nil {

	// Verify no intents remains on range descriptor keys.
	for _, key := range []roachpb.Key{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMin), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(keys.Addr(splitKey))} {
		if _, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(store.Engine(), key, store.Clock().Now(), true, nil); err != nil {

	rng := store.LookupReplica(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil)
	newRng := store.LookupReplica([]byte("m"), nil)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey) || !bytes.Equal(splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey) {
		t.Errorf("ranges mismatched, wanted %q=%q=%q", newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().EndKey, roachpb.RKeyMax) || !bytes.Equal(rng.Desc().StartKey, roachpb.RKeyMin) {
		t.Errorf("new ranges do not cover KeyMin-KeyMax, but only %q-%q", rng.Desc().StartKey, newRng.Desc().EndKey)

	// Try to get values from both left and right of where the split happened.
	gArgs := getArgs([]byte("c"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("x"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: newRng.Desc().RangeID,
	}, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)

	// Send out an increment request copied from above (same txn/sequence)
	// which remains in the old range.
	_, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		Txn: txn,
	}, &lIncArgs)
	if _, ok := err.(*roachpb.TransactionRetryError); !ok {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected sequence cache miss: %v", err)

	// Send out the same increment copied from above (same txn/sequence), but
	// now to the newly created range (which should hold that key).
	_, err = client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: newRng.Desc().RangeID,
		Txn:     txn,
	}, &rIncArgs)
	if _, ok := err.(*roachpb.TransactionRetryError); !ok {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected sequence cache miss: %v", err)

	// Compare stats of split ranges to ensure they are non zero and
	// exceed the original range when summed.
	var left, right engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), rangeID, &left); err != nil {
	lKeyBytes, lValBytes := left.KeyBytes, left.ValBytes
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), newRng.Desc().RangeID, &right); err != nil {
	rKeyBytes, rValBytes := right.KeyBytes, right.ValBytes

	if lKeyBytes == 0 || rKeyBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero key bytes; got %d, %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes)
	if lValBytes == 0 || rValBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero val bytes; got %d, %d", lValBytes, rValBytes)
	if lKeyBytes+rKeyBytes <= keyBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right key bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes, keyBytes)
	if lValBytes+rValBytes <= valBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right val bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lValBytes, rValBytes, valBytes)
Exemplo n.º 22
// TestTruncateWithLocalSpanAndDescriptor verifies that a batch request with local keys
// is truncated with a range span and the range of a descriptor found in cache.
func TestTruncateWithLocalSpanAndDescriptor(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	g, s := makeTestGossip(t)
	defer s()

	if err := g.SetNodeDescriptor(&roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: 1}); err != nil {
	nd := &roachpb.NodeDescriptor{
		NodeID:  roachpb.NodeID(1),
		Address: util.MakeUnresolvedAddr(testAddress.Network(), testAddress.String()),
	if err := g.AddInfoProto(gossip.MakeNodeIDKey(roachpb.NodeID(1)), nd, time.Hour); err != nil {

	// Fill mockRangeDescriptorDB with two descriptors.
	var descriptor1 = roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
		RangeID:  1,
		StartKey: roachpb.RKeyMin,
		EndKey:   roachpb.RKey("b"),
		Replicas: []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
				NodeID:  1,
				StoreID: 1,
	var descriptor2 = roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
		RangeID:  2,
		StartKey: roachpb.RKey("b"),
		EndKey:   roachpb.RKey("c"),
		Replicas: []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
				NodeID:  1,
				StoreID: 1,
	var descriptor3 = roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
		RangeID:  3,
		StartKey: roachpb.RKey("c"),
		EndKey:   roachpb.RKeyMax,
		Replicas: []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
				NodeID:  1,
				StoreID: 1,

	descDB := mockRangeDescriptorDB(func(key roachpb.RKey, _, _ bool) ([]roachpb.RangeDescriptor, *roachpb.Error) {
		switch {
		case !key.Less(roachpb.RKey("c")):
			return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{descriptor3}, nil
		case !key.Less(roachpb.RKey("b")):
			return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{descriptor2}, nil
			return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{descriptor1}, nil

	// Define our rpcSend stub which checks the span of the batch
	// requests.
	requests := 0
	sendStub := func(_ SendOptions, _ ReplicaSlice, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, _ *rpc.Context) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {
		h := ba.Requests[0].GetInner().Header()
		switch requests {
		case 0:
			wantStart := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey("a"))
			wantEnd := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey("b"))
			if !(h.Key.Equal(wantStart) && h.EndKey.Equal(wantEnd)) {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected span [%s,%s), want [%s,%s)", h.Key, h.EndKey, wantStart, wantEnd)
		case 1:
			wantStart := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey("b"))
			wantEnd := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey("c"))
			if !(h.Key.Equal(wantStart) && h.EndKey.Equal(wantEnd)) {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected span [%s,%s), want [%s,%s)", h.Key, h.EndKey, wantStart, wantEnd)
		case 2:
			wantStart := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey("c"))
			wantEnd := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey("c"))
			if !(h.Key.Equal(wantStart) && h.EndKey.Equal(wantEnd)) {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected span [%s,%s), want [%s,%s)", h.Key, h.EndKey, wantStart, wantEnd)

		batchReply := &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
		reply := &roachpb.ScanResponse{}
		return batchReply, nil

	ctx := &DistSenderContext{
		RPCSend:           sendStub,
		RangeDescriptorDB: descDB,
	ds := NewDistSender(ctx, g)

	// Send a batch request contains two scans. In the first
	// attempt, the range of the descriptor found in the cache is
	// ["", "b"). The request is truncated to contain only the scan
	// on local keys that address up to "b".
	// In the second attempt, The range of the descriptor found in
	// the cache is ["b", "d"), The request is truncated to contain
	// only the scan on local keys that address from "b" to "d".
	ba := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
	ba.Txn = &roachpb.Transaction{Name: "test"}
	ba.Add(roachpb.NewScan(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey("a")), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey("c")), 0))

	if _, pErr := ds.Send(context.Background(), ba); pErr != nil {
	if want := 3; requests != want {
		t.Errorf("expected request to be split into %d parts, found %d", want, requests)
Exemplo n.º 23
func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	loc := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(proto.Key(s)))
	testCases := []struct {
		keys     [][2]string
		expKeys  [][2]string
		from, to string
		desc     [2]string // optional, defaults to {from,to}
			// Keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			from:    "a", to: "q\x00",
			// Keys outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a"}, {"a", "b"}, {"q"}, {"q", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}, {}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
			// Range-local Keys outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("e")}, {loc("a"), loc("b")}, {loc("e"), loc("z")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local Keys overlapping active range in various ways.
			// TODO(tschottdorf): those aren't handled nicely but I'll address
			// it in #2198. Right now local ranges can wind up going all over
			// the place.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("a"), loc("b\x00")}, {loc("c"), loc("f")}, {loc("a"), loc("z")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {"b", loc("b\x00")}, {loc("c"), "e"}, {"b", "e"}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Key range touching and intersecting active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "b"}, {"a", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "r"}, {"a", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {"b", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "q"}, {"b", "q"}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
		// Active key range is intersection of descriptor and [from,to).
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "a", to: "z",
			desc: [2]string{"d", "p"},
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "d", to: "p",
			desc: [2]string{"a", "z"},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		ba := &proto.BatchRequest{}
		for _, ks := range test.keys {
			if len(ks[1]) > 0 {
					RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{Key: proto.Key(ks[0]), EndKey: proto.Key(ks[1])},
			} else {
					RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{Key: proto.Key(ks[0])},
		original := gogoproto.Clone(ba).(*proto.BatchRequest)

		desc := &proto.RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: proto.Key(test.desc[0]), EndKey: proto.Key(test.desc[1]),
		if len(desc.StartKey) == 0 {
			desc.StartKey = proto.Key(test.from)
		if len(desc.EndKey) == 0 {
			desc.EndKey = proto.Key(test.to)
		undo, num, err := truncate(ba, desc, proto.Key(test.from), proto.Key(test.to))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: %s", i, err)
		var reqs int
		for j, arg := range ba.Requests {
			req := arg.GetInner()
			if h := req.Header(); !bytes.Equal(h.Key, proto.Key(test.expKeys[j][0])) || !bytes.Equal(h.EndKey, proto.Key(test.expKeys[j][1])) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: range mismatch: actual [%q,%q), wanted [%q,%q)", i, j,
					h.Key, h.EndKey, test.expKeys[j][0], test.expKeys[j][1])
			} else if _, ok := req.(*proto.NoopRequest); ok != (len(h.Key) == 0) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: expected NoopRequest, got %T", i, j, req)
			} else if len(h.Key) != 0 {
		if reqs != num {
			t.Errorf("%d: counted %d requests, but truncation indicated %d", i, reqs, num)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(ba, original) {
			t.Errorf("%d: undoing truncation failed:\nexpected: %s\nactual: %s",
				i, original, ba)
Exemplo n.º 24
func snapshot(
	ctx context.Context,
	snap engine.Reader,
	rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
	eCache *raftEntryCache,
	startKey roachpb.RKey,
) (raftpb.Snapshot, error) {
	start := timeutil.Now()
	var snapData roachpb.RaftSnapshotData

	truncState, err := loadTruncatedState(ctx, snap, rangeID)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err
	firstIndex := truncState.Index + 1

	// Read the range metadata from the snapshot instead of the members
	// of the Range struct because they might be changed concurrently.
	appliedIndex, _, err := loadAppliedIndex(ctx, snap, rangeID)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	var desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
	// We ignore intents on the range descriptor (consistent=false) because we
	// know they cannot be committed yet; operations that modify range
	// descriptors resolve their own intents when they commit.
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(ctx, snap, keys.RangeDescriptorKey(startKey),
		hlc.MaxTimestamp, false /* !consistent */, nil, &desc)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, errors.Errorf("failed to get desc: %s", err)
	if !ok {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, errors.Errorf("couldn't find range descriptor")

	// Store RangeDescriptor as metadata, it will be retrieved by ApplySnapshot()
	snapData.RangeDescriptor = desc

	// Iterate over all the data in the range, including local-only data like
	// the sequence cache.
	iter := NewReplicaDataIterator(&desc, snap, true /* replicatedOnly */)
	defer iter.Close()
	var alloc bufalloc.ByteAllocator
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		var key engine.MVCCKey
		var value []byte
		alloc, key, value = iter.allocIterKeyValue(alloc)
		snapData.KV = append(snapData.KV,
				Key:       key.Key,
				Value:     value,
				Timestamp: key.Timestamp,

	endIndex := appliedIndex + 1
	snapData.LogEntries = make([][]byte, 0, endIndex-firstIndex)

	scanFunc := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
		bytes, err := kv.Value.GetBytes()
		if err == nil {
			snapData.LogEntries = append(snapData.LogEntries, bytes)
		return false, err

	if err := iterateEntries(ctx, snap, rangeID, firstIndex, endIndex, scanFunc); err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	data, err := protoutil.Marshal(&snapData)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	// Synthesize our raftpb.ConfState from desc.
	var cs raftpb.ConfState
	for _, rep := range desc.Replicas {
		cs.Nodes = append(cs.Nodes, uint64(rep.ReplicaID))

	term, err := term(ctx, snap, rangeID, eCache, appliedIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, errors.Errorf("failed to fetch term of %d: %s", appliedIndex, err)

	log.Infof(ctx, "generated snapshot for range %s at index %d in %s. encoded size=%d, %d KV pairs, %d log entries",
		rangeID, appliedIndex, timeutil.Since(start), len(data), len(snapData.KV), len(snapData.LogEntries))

	return raftpb.Snapshot{
		Data: data,
		Metadata: raftpb.SnapshotMetadata{
			Index:     appliedIndex,
			Term:      term,
			ConfState: cs,
	}, nil
Exemplo n.º 25
// Snapshot implements the raft.Storage interface.
// Snapshot requires that the replica lock is held.
func (r *Replica) Snapshot() (raftpb.Snapshot, error) {
	// Copy all the data from a consistent RocksDB snapshot into a RaftSnapshotData.
	snap := r.store.NewSnapshot()
	defer snap.Close()
	var snapData roachpb.RaftSnapshotData

	firstIndex, err := r.FirstIndex()
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	// Read the range metadata from the snapshot instead of the members
	// of the Range struct because they might be changed concurrently.
	appliedIndex, err := r.loadAppliedIndexLocked(snap)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	var desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
	// We ignore intents on the range descriptor (consistent=false) because we
	// know they cannot be committed yet; operations that modify range
	// descriptors resolve their own intents when they commit.
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(snap, keys.RangeDescriptorKey(r.mu.desc.StartKey),
		r.store.Clock().Now(), false /* !consistent */, nil, &desc)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("failed to get desc: %s", err)
	if !ok {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("couldn't find range descriptor")

	// Store RangeDescriptor as metadata, it will be retrieved by ApplySnapshot()
	snapData.RangeDescriptor = desc

	// Iterate over all the data in the range, including local-only data like
	// the sequence cache.
	iter := newReplicaDataIterator(&desc, snap, true /* !replicatedOnly */)
	defer iter.Close()
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		key := iter.Key()
		snapData.KV = append(snapData.KV,
				Key:       key.Key,
				Value:     iter.Value(),
				Timestamp: key.Timestamp,

	entries, err := r.entries(snap, firstIndex, appliedIndex+1, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err
	snapData.LogEntries = entries

	data, err := proto.Marshal(&snapData)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, err

	// Synthesize our raftpb.ConfState from desc.
	var cs raftpb.ConfState
	for _, rep := range desc.Replicas {
		cs.Nodes = append(cs.Nodes, uint64(rep.ReplicaID))

	term, err := r.Term(appliedIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return raftpb.Snapshot{}, util.Errorf("failed to fetch term of %d: %s", appliedIndex, err)

	return raftpb.Snapshot{
		Data: data,
		Metadata: raftpb.SnapshotMetadata{
			Index:     appliedIndex,
			Term:      term,
			ConfState: cs,
	}, nil
Exemplo n.º 26
// TestStoreRangeSplit executes a split of a range and verifies that the
// resulting ranges respond to the right key ranges and that their stats
// and response caches have been properly accounted for.
func TestStoreRangeSplit(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	raftID := proto.RaftID(1)
	splitKey := proto.Key("m")
	content := proto.Key("asdvb")

	// First, write some values left and right of the proposed split key.
	pArgs, pReply := putArgs([]byte("c"), content, raftID, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: pArgs, Reply: pReply}); err != nil {
	pArgs, pReply = putArgs([]byte("x"), content, raftID, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: pArgs, Reply: pReply}); err != nil {

	// Increments are a good way of testing the response cache. Up here, we
	// address them to the original range, then later to the one that contains
	// the key.
	lIncArgs, lIncReply := incrementArgs([]byte("apoptosis"), 100, raftID, store.StoreID())
	lIncArgs.CmdID = proto.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 123, Random: 423}
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: lIncArgs, Reply: lIncReply}); err != nil {
	rIncArgs, rIncReply := incrementArgs([]byte("wobble"), 10, raftID, store.StoreID())
	rIncArgs.CmdID = proto.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 12, Random: 42}
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: rIncArgs, Reply: rIncReply}); err != nil {

	// Get the original stats for key and value bytes.
	var ms engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), raftID, &ms); err != nil {
	keyBytes, valBytes := ms.KeyBytes, ms.ValBytes

	// Split the range.
	args, reply := adminSplitArgs(proto.KeyMin, splitKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: args, Reply: reply}); err != nil {

	// Verify no intents remains on range descriptor keys.
	for _, key := range []proto.Key{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(proto.KeyMin), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(splitKey)} {
		if _, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(store.Engine(), key, store.Clock().Now(), true, nil); err != nil {

	rng := store.LookupRange(proto.KeyMin, nil)
	newRng := store.LookupRange([]byte("m"), nil)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey) || !bytes.Equal(splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey) {
		t.Errorf("ranges mismatched, wanted %q=%q=%q", newRng.Desc().StartKey, splitKey, rng.Desc().EndKey)
	if !bytes.Equal(newRng.Desc().EndKey, proto.KeyMax) || !bytes.Equal(rng.Desc().StartKey, proto.KeyMin) {
		t.Errorf("new ranges do not cover KeyMin-KeyMax, but only %q-%q", rng.Desc().StartKey, newRng.Desc().EndKey)

	// Try to get values from both left and right of where the split happened.
	gArgs, gReply := getArgs([]byte("c"), raftID, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: gArgs, Reply: gReply}); err != nil ||
		!bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {
	gArgs, gReply = getArgs([]byte("x"), newRng.Desc().RaftID, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: gArgs, Reply: gReply}); err != nil ||
		!bytes.Equal(gReply.Value.Bytes, content) {

	// Send out an increment request copied from above (same ClientCmdID) which
	// remains in the old range.
	lIncReply = &proto.IncrementResponse{}
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: lIncArgs, Reply: lIncReply}); err != nil {
	if lIncReply.NewValue != 100 {
		t.Errorf("response cache broken in old range, expected %d but got %d", lIncArgs.Increment, lIncReply.NewValue)

	// Send out the same increment copied from above (same ClientCmdID), but
	// now to the newly created range (which should hold that key).
	rIncArgs.RequestHeader.RaftID = newRng.Desc().RaftID
	rIncReply = &proto.IncrementResponse{}
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: rIncArgs, Reply: rIncReply}); err != nil {
	if rIncReply.NewValue != 10 {
		t.Errorf("response cache not copied correctly to new range, expected %d but got %d", rIncArgs.Increment, rIncReply.NewValue)

	// Compare stats of split ranges to ensure they are non ero and
	// exceed the original range when summed.
	var left, right engine.MVCCStats
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), raftID, &left); err != nil {
	lKeyBytes, lValBytes := left.KeyBytes, left.ValBytes
	if err := engine.MVCCGetRangeStats(store.Engine(), newRng.Desc().RaftID, &right); err != nil {
	rKeyBytes, rValBytes := right.KeyBytes, right.ValBytes

	if lKeyBytes == 0 || rKeyBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero key bytes; got %d, %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes)
	if lValBytes == 0 || rValBytes == 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected non-zero val bytes; got %d, %d", lValBytes, rValBytes)
	if lKeyBytes+rKeyBytes <= keyBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right key bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lKeyBytes, rKeyBytes, keyBytes)
	if lValBytes+rValBytes <= valBytes {
		t.Errorf("left + right val bytes don't match; %d + %d <= %d", lValBytes, rValBytes, valBytes)
Exemplo n.º 27
// TestStoreRangeMergeWithData attempts to merge two collocate ranges
// each containing data.
func TestStoreRangeMergeWithData(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	content := roachpb.Key("testing!")

	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	aDesc, bDesc, err := createSplitRanges(store)
	if err != nil {

	// Write some values left and right of the proposed split key.
	pArgs := putArgs([]byte("aaa"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("ccc"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: bDesc.RangeID,
	}, &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Confirm the values are there.
	gArgs := getArgs([]byte("aaa"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("ccc"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: bDesc.RangeID,
	}, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)

	// Merge the b range back into the a range.
	args := adminMergeArgs(roachpb.KeyMin)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &args); err != nil {

	// Verify no intents remains on range descriptor keys.
	for _, key := range []roachpb.Key{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(aDesc.StartKey), keys.RangeDescriptorKey(bDesc.StartKey)} {
		if _, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(store.Engine(), key, store.Clock().Now(), true, nil); err != nil {

	// Verify the merge by looking up keys from both ranges.
	rangeA := store.LookupReplica([]byte("a"), nil)
	rangeB := store.LookupReplica([]byte("c"), nil)
	rangeADesc := rangeA.Desc()
	rangeBDesc := rangeB.Desc()

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(rangeA, rangeB) {
		t.Fatalf("ranges were not merged %+v=%+v", rangeADesc, rangeBDesc)
	if !bytes.Equal(rangeADesc.StartKey, roachpb.RKeyMin) {
		t.Fatalf("The start key is not equal to KeyMin %q=%q", rangeADesc.StartKey, roachpb.RKeyMin)
	if !bytes.Equal(rangeADesc.EndKey, roachpb.RKeyMax) {
		t.Fatalf("The end key is not equal to KeyMax %q=%q", rangeADesc.EndKey, roachpb.RKeyMax)

	// Try to get values from after the merge.
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("aaa"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("ccc"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: rangeB.RangeID,
	}, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)

	// Put new values after the merge on both sides.
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("aaaa"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
	pArgs = putArgs([]byte("cccc"), content)
	if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(rg1(store), nil, roachpb.Header{
		RangeID: rangeB.RangeID,
	}, &pArgs); err != nil {

	// Try to get the newly placed values.
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("aaaa"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)
	gArgs = getArgs([]byte("cccc"))
	if reply, err := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &gArgs); err != nil {
	} else if replyBytes, err := reply.(*roachpb.GetResponse).Value.GetBytes(); err != nil {
	} else if !bytes.Equal(replyBytes, content) {
		t.Fatalf("actual value %q did not match expected value %q", replyBytes, content)
Exemplo n.º 28
func runDebugGCCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()

	if len(args) != 1 {
		return errors.New("required arguments: dir")

	var rangeID roachpb.RangeID
	if len(args) == 2 {
		var err error
		if rangeID, err = parseRangeID(args[1]); err != nil {
			return err

	db, err := openStore(cmd, args[0], stopper)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	start := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMin)
	end := keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKeyMax)

	var descs []roachpb.RangeDescriptor

	if _, err := engine.MVCCIterate(context.Background(), db, start, end, hlc.MaxTimestamp,
		false /* !consistent */, nil, /* txn */
		false /* !reverse */, func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
			var desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
			_, suffix, _, err := keys.DecodeRangeKey(kv.Key)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			if !bytes.Equal(suffix, keys.LocalRangeDescriptorSuffix) {
				return false, nil
			if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&desc); err != nil {
				return false, err
			if desc.RangeID == rangeID || rangeID == 0 {
				descs = append(descs, desc)
			return desc.RangeID == rangeID, nil
		}); err != nil {
		return err

	if len(descs) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no range matching the criteria found")

	for _, desc := range descs {
		snap := db.NewSnapshot()
		defer snap.Close()
		_, info, err := storage.RunGC(context.Background(), &desc, snap, hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: timeutil.Now().UnixNano()},
			config.GCPolicy{TTLSeconds: 24 * 60 * 60 /* 1 day */}, func(_ hlc.Timestamp, _ *roachpb.Transaction, _ roachpb.PushTxnType) {
			}, func(_ []roachpb.Intent, _, _ bool) error { return nil })
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("RangeID: %d [%s, %s):\n", desc.RangeID, desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)
		_, _ = pretty.Println(info)
	return nil