Exemplo n.º 1
func TestGetLargestID(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	testCases := []struct {
		values  []roachpb.KeyValue
		largest uint32
		maxID   uint32
		errStr  string
		// No data.
		{nil, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Some data, but not from the system span.
		{[]roachpb.KeyValue{plainKV("a", "b")}, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Some real data, but no descriptors.
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 2),
			sqlKV(keys.UsersTableID, 1, 3),
		}, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Single correct descriptor entry.
		{[]roachpb.KeyValue{sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1)}, 1, 0, ""},

		// Surrounded by other data.
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 20),
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 30),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.ZonesTableID, 1, 40),
		}, 8, 0, ""},

		// Descriptors with holes. Index ID does not matter.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 12, 0, ""},

		// Real SQL layout.
		{sqlbase.MakeMetadataSchema().GetInitialValues(), keys.MaxSystemConfigDescID + 4, 0, ""},

		// Test non-zero max.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 8, 8, ""},

		// Test non-zero max.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 5, 7, ""},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		ret, err := cfg.GetLargestObjectID(tc.maxID)
		if !testutils.IsError(err, tc.errStr) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected err=%q, got %v", tcNum, tc.errStr, err)
		if err != nil {
		if ret != tc.largest {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected largest=%d, got %d", tcNum, tc.largest, ret)