Exemplo n.º 1
// GetRange fetches a range by ID. Returns an error if no range is found.
func (s *Store) GetRange(rangeID int64) (*Range, error) {
	defer s.mu.RUnlock()
	if rng, ok := s.ranges[rangeID]; ok {
		return rng, nil
	return nil, proto.NewRangeNotFoundError(rangeID)
Exemplo n.º 2
// addWriteCmd first consults the response cache to determine whether
// this command has already been sent to the range. If a response is
// found, it's returned immediately and not submitted to raft. Next,
// the timestamp cache is checked to determine if any newer accesses to
// this command's affected keys have been made. If so, this command's
// timestamp is moved forward. Finally the keys affected by this
// command are added as pending writes to the read queue and the
// command is submitted to Raft. Upon completion, the write is removed
// from the read queue and the reply is added to the response cache.
// If wait is true, will block until the command is complete.
func (r *Range) addWriteCmd(ctx context.Context, args proto.Request, reply proto.Response, wait bool) error {
	// Check the response cache in case this is a replay. This call
	// may block if the same command is already underway.
	header := args.Header()

	// Add the write to the command queue to gate subsequent overlapping
	// Commands until this command completes. Note that this must be
	// done before getting the max timestamp for the key(s), as
	// timestamp cache is only updated after preceding commands have
	// been run to successful completion.
	cmdKey := r.beginCmd(header, false)

	// This replica must have leader lease to process a write.
	if err := r.redirectOnOrAcquireLeaderLease(header.Timestamp); err != nil {
		r.endCmd(cmdKey, args, err, false /* !readOnly */)
		return err

	// Two important invariants of Cockroach: 1) encountering a more
	// recently written value means transaction restart. 2) values must
	// be written with a greater timestamp than the most recent read to
	// the same key. Check the timestamp cache for reads/writes which
	// are at least as recent as the timestamp of this write. For
	// writes, send WriteTooOldError; for reads, update the write's
	// timestamp. When the write returns, the updated timestamp will
	// inform the final commit timestamp.
	if usesTimestampCache(args) {
		rTS, wTS := r.tsCache.GetMax(header.Key, header.EndKey, header.Txn.GetID())

		// Always push the timestamp forward if there's been a read which
		// occurred after our txn timestamp.
		if !rTS.Less(header.Timestamp) {
			header.Timestamp = rTS.Next()
		// If there's a newer write timestamp...
		if !wTS.Less(header.Timestamp) {
			// If we're in a txn, set a write too old error in reply. We
			// still go ahead and try the write because we want to avoid
			// restarting the transaction in the event that there isn't an
			// intent or the intent can be pushed by us.
			if header.Txn != nil {
				err := &proto.WriteTooOldError{Timestamp: header.Timestamp, ExistingTimestamp: wTS}
			} else {
				// Otherwise, make sure we advance the request's timestamp.
				header.Timestamp = wTS.Next()

	errChan, pendingCmd := r.proposeRaftCommand(ctx, args, reply)

	// Create a completion func for mandatory cleanups which we either
	// run synchronously if we're waiting or in a goroutine otherwise.
	completionFunc := func() error {
		// First wait for raft to commit or abort the command.
		var err error
		if err = <-errChan; err == nil {
			// Next if the command was committed, wait for the range to apply it.
			err = <-pendingCmd.done
		} else if err == multiraft.ErrGroupDeleted {
			// This error needs to be converted appropriately so that
			// clients will retry.
			err = proto.NewRangeNotFoundError(r.Desc().RaftID)
		// As for reads, update timestamp cache with the timestamp
		// of this write on success. This ensures a strictly higher
		// timestamp for successive writes to the same key or key range.
		r.endCmd(cmdKey, args, err, false /* !readOnly */)
		return err

	if wait {
		return completionFunc()
	go func() {
		// If the original client didn't wait (e.g. resolve write intent),
		// log execution errors so they're surfaced somewhere.
		if err := completionFunc(); err != nil {
			// TODO(tschottdorf): possible security risk to log args.
			log.Warningc(ctx, "async execution of %v failed: %s", args, err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// addWriteCmd first adds the keys affected by this command as pending writes
// to the command queue. Next, the timestamp cache is checked to determine if
// any newer accesses to this command's affected keys have been made. If so,
// the command's timestamp is moved forward. Finally, the command is submitted
// to Raft. Upon completion, the write is removed from the read queue and any
// error returned. If a WaitGroup is supplied, it is signaled when the command
// enters Raft or the function returns with a preprocessing error, whichever
// happens earlier.
func (r *Range) addWriteCmd(ctx context.Context, args proto.Request, wg *sync.WaitGroup) (proto.Response, error) {
	signal := func() {
		if wg != nil {
			wg = nil

	// This happens more eagerly below, but it's important to guarantee that
	// early returns do not skip this.
	defer signal()

	header := args.Header()

	if err := r.checkCmdHeader(args.Header()); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	trace := tracer.FromCtx(ctx)

	// Add the write to the command queue to gate subsequent overlapping
	// Commands until this command completes. Note that this must be
	// done before getting the max timestamp for the key(s), as
	// timestamp cache is only updated after preceding commands have
	// been run to successful completion.
	qDone := trace.Epoch("command queue")
	cmdKey := r.beginCmd(header, false)

	// This replica must have leader lease to process a write.
	if err := r.redirectOnOrAcquireLeaderLease(trace, header.Timestamp); err != nil {
		r.endCmd(cmdKey, args, err, false /* !readOnly */)
		return nil, err

	// Two important invariants of Cockroach: 1) encountering a more
	// recently written value means transaction restart. 2) values must
	// be written with a greater timestamp than the most recent read to
	// the same key. Check the timestamp cache for reads/writes which
	// are at least as recent as the timestamp of this write. For
	// writes, send WriteTooOldError; for reads, update the write's
	// timestamp. When the write returns, the updated timestamp will
	// inform the final commit timestamp.
	if usesTimestampCache(args) {
		rTS, wTS := r.tsCache.GetMax(header.Key, header.EndKey, header.Txn.GetID())

		// Always push the timestamp forward if there's been a read which
		// occurred after our txn timestamp.
		if !rTS.Less(header.Timestamp) {
			header.Timestamp = rTS.Next()
		// If there's a newer write timestamp...
		if !wTS.Less(header.Timestamp) {
			// If we're in a txn, we still go ahead and try the write since
			// we want to avoid restarting the transaction in the event that
			// there isn't an intent or the intent can be pushed by us.
			// If we're not in a txn, it's trivial to just advance our timestamp.
			if header.Txn == nil {
				header.Timestamp = wTS.Next()

	defer trace.Epoch("raft")()

	errChan, pendingCmd := r.proposeRaftCommand(ctx, args)


	// First wait for raft to commit or abort the command.
	var err error
	var reply proto.Response
	if err = <-errChan; err == nil {
		// Next if the command was committed, wait for the range to apply it.
		respWithErr := <-pendingCmd.done
		reply, err = respWithErr.reply, respWithErr.err
	} else if err == multiraft.ErrGroupDeleted {
		// This error needs to be converted appropriately so that
		// clients will retry.
		err = proto.NewRangeNotFoundError(r.Desc().RaftID)
	// As for reads, update timestamp cache with the timestamp
	// of this write on success. This ensures a strictly higher
	// timestamp for successive writes to the same key or key range.
	r.endCmd(cmdKey, args, err, false /* !readOnly */)
	return reply, err