Exemplo n.º 1
// makeBaseQueue returns a new instance of baseQueue with the
// specified shouldQueue function to determine which replicas to queue
// and maxSize to limit the growth of the queue. Note that
// maxSize doesn't prevent new replicas from being added, it just
// limits the total size. Higher priority replicas can still be
// added; their addition simply removes the lowest priority replica.
func makeBaseQueue(
	name string,
	impl queueImpl,
	store *Store,
	gossip *gossip.Gossip,
	cfg queueConfig,
) baseQueue {
	bq := baseQueue{
		name:        name,
		impl:        impl,
		store:       store,
		gossip:      gossip,
		queueConfig: cfg,
		incoming:    make(chan struct{}, 1),
	bq.mu.Locker = new(syncutil.Mutex)
	bq.mu.replicas = map[roachpb.RangeID]*replicaItem{}

	bq.ctx = context.TODO()
	// Prepend [name] to logs.
	bq.ctx = log.WithLogTag(bq.ctx, name, nil)
	bq.ctx = log.WithEventLog(bq.ctx, "queue", name)

	bq.processMu = new(syncutil.Mutex)
	return bq
Exemplo n.º 2
// New creates an instance of a gossip node.
func New(
	ctx context.Context,
	rpcContext *rpc.Context,
	grpcServer *grpc.Server,
	resolvers []resolver.Resolver,
	stopper *stop.Stopper,
	registry *metric.Registry,
) *Gossip {
	ctx = log.WithEventLog(ctx, "gossip", "gossip")
	g := &Gossip{
		ctx:               ctx,
		Connected:         make(chan struct{}),
		rpcContext:        rpcContext,
		server:            newServer(ctx, stopper, registry),
		outgoing:          makeNodeSet(minPeers, metric.NewGauge(MetaConnectionsOutgoingGauge)),
		bootstrapping:     map[string]struct{}{},
		disconnected:      make(chan *client, 10),
		stalledCh:         make(chan struct{}, 1),
		stallInterval:     defaultStallInterval,
		bootstrapInterval: defaultBootstrapInterval,
		cullInterval:      defaultCullInterval,
		nodeDescs:         map[roachpb.NodeID]*roachpb.NodeDescriptor{},
		resolverAddrs:     map[util.UnresolvedAddr]resolver.Resolver{},
		bootstrapAddrs:    map[util.UnresolvedAddr]struct{}{},
	stopper.AddCloser(stop.CloserFn(func() {

	g.clientsMu.breakers = map[string]*circuit.Breaker{}
	log.Infof(g.ctx, "initial resolvers: %s", resolvers)

	// Add ourselves as a SystemConfig watcher.
	g.mu.is.registerCallback(KeySystemConfig, g.updateSystemConfig)
	// Add ourselves as a node descriptor watcher.
	g.mu.is.registerCallback(MakePrefixPattern(KeyNodeIDPrefix), g.updateNodeAddress)

	RegisterGossipServer(grpcServer, g.server)
	return g