Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *scheduler) startRemote(cancel <-chan struct{}, remote, local client.Connection) <-chan interface{} {
	var (
		shutdown = make(chan interface{})
		done     = make(chan interface{})

	// wait to receieve a cancel channel or a done channel and shutdown
	go func() {
		defer close(shutdown)
		select {
		case <-cancel:
		case <-done:

	// start the listeners and wait for shutdown or for something to break
	go func() {
		defer close(done)
		glog.Infof("Remote connection established; synchronizing")
		zzk.Start(shutdown, remote, nil, s.getPoolSynchronizer(), s.getEndpointSynchronizer(local))
		glog.Warningf("Running in disconnected mode")

	// indicate when the listeners a finished
	return done
Exemplo n.º 2
// main loop of the HostAgent
func (a *HostAgent) Start(shutdown <-chan interface{}) {
	glog.Info("Starting HostAgent")

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	defer func() {
		glog.Info("Waiting for agent routines...")
		glog.Info("Agent routines ended")

	go func() {
		glog.Info("reapOldContainersLoop starting")
		a.reapOldContainersLoop(time.Minute, shutdown)
		glog.Info("reapOldContainersLoop Done")

	// Increase the number of maximal tracked connections for iptables
	maxConnections := "655360"
	if cnxns := strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv("SERVICED_IPTABLES_MAX_CONNECTIONS")); cnxns != "" {
		maxConnections = cnxns
	glog.Infof("Set sysctl maximum tracked connections for iptables to %s", maxConnections)
	utils.SetSysctl("net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max", maxConnections)

	// Clean up any extant iptables chain, just in case
	// Add our chain for assigned IP rules
	if err := a.servicedChain.Inject(); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error creating SERVICED iptables chain (%v)", err)
	// Clean up when we're done
	defer a.servicedChain.Remove()

	for {
		// handle shutdown if we are waiting for a zk connection
		var conn coordclient.Connection
		select {
		case conn = <-zzk.Connect(zzk.GeneratePoolPath(a.poolID), zzk.GetLocalConnection):
		case <-shutdown:
		if conn == nil {

		glog.Info("Got a connected client")

		// watch virtual IP zookeeper nodes
		virtualIPListener := virtualips.NewVirtualIPListener(a, a.hostID)

		// watch docker action nodes
		actionListener := zkdocker.NewActionListener(a, a.hostID)

		// watch the host state nodes
		// this blocks until
		// 1) has a connection
		// 2) its node is registered
		// 3) receieves signal to shutdown or breaks
		hsListener := zkservice.NewHostStateListener(a, a.hostID)

		glog.Infof("Host Agent successfully started")
		zzk.Start(shutdown, conn, hsListener, virtualIPListener, actionListener)

		select {
		case <-shutdown:
			glog.Infof("Host Agent shutting down")
			glog.Infof("Host Agent restarting")