Exemplo n.º 1
// handleVerifyEmailResendFunc will resend an email-verification email given a valid JWT for the user and a redirect URL.
// This handler is meant to be wrapped in clientTokenMiddleware, so a valid
// bearer token for the client is expected to be present.
// The user's JWT should be in the "token" parameter and the redirect URL should
// be in the "redirect_uri" param. Note that this re
func handleVerifyEmailResendFunc(
	issuerURL url.URL,
	srvKeysFunc func() ([]key.PublicKey, error),
	emailer *useremail.UserEmailer,
	userRepo user.UserRepo,
	clientIdentityRepo client.ClientIdentityRepo) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
		var params struct {
			Token       string `json:"token"`
			RedirectURI string `json:"redirectURI"`
		err := decoder.Decode(&params)
		if err != nil {
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest,
				"unable to parse body as JSON"))

		token := params.Token
		if token == "" {
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "missing valid JWT"))

		clientID, err := getClientIDFromAuthorizedRequest(r)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to extract clientID: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusUnauthorized,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "cilent could not be extracted from bearer token."))

		cm, err := clientIdentityRepo.Metadata(clientID)
		if err == client.ErrorNotFound {
			log.Errorf("No such client: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "invalid client_id"))

		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error getting ClientMetadata: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
				newAPIError(errorServerError, "could not send email at this time"))

		noop := func() error { return nil }
		keysFunc := func() []key.PublicKey {
			keys, err := srvKeysFunc()
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error getting keys: %v", err)
			return keys

		jwt, err := jose.ParseJWT(token)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to Parse JWT: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "token could not be parsed"))

		verifier := oidc.NewJWTVerifier(issuerURL.String(), clientID, noop, keysFunc)
		if err := verifier.Verify(jwt); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to Verify JWT: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusUnauthorized,
				newAPIError(errorAccessDenied, "invalid token could not be verified"))

		claims, err := jwt.Claims()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to extract claims from JWT: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "invalid token could not be parsed"))

		sub, ok, err := claims.StringClaim("sub")
		if err != nil || !ok || sub == "" {
			log.Errorf("Failed to extract sub claim from JWT: err:%q ok:%v", err, ok)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "could not extract sub claim from token"))

		usr, err := userRepo.Get(nil, sub)
		if err != nil {
			if err == user.ErrorNotFound {
				log.Errorf("Failed to find user specified by token: %v", err)
				writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
					newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "could not find user"))
			log.Errorf("Failed to fetch user: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
				newAPIError(errorServerError, "could not send email at this time"))

		if usr.EmailVerified {
			log.Errorf("User's email already verified")
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "email already verified"))

		aud, _, _ := claims.StringClaim("aud")
		if aud != clientID {
			log.Errorf("aud of token and sub of bearer token must match: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusForbidden,
				newAPIError(errorAccessDenied, "JWT is from another client."))

		redirectURLStr := params.RedirectURI
		if redirectURLStr == "" {
			log.Errorf("No redirect URL: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "must provide a redirect_uri"))

		redirectURL, err := url.Parse(redirectURLStr)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Unparsable URL: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
				newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "invalid redirect_uri"))

		*redirectURL, err = client.ValidRedirectURL(redirectURL, cm.RedirectURLs)
		if err != nil {
			switch err {
			case (client.ErrorInvalidRedirectURL):
				log.Errorf("Request provided unregistered redirect URL: %s", redirectURLStr)
				writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
					newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "invalid redirect_uri"))
			case (client.ErrorNoValidRedirectURLs):
				log.Errorf("There are no registered URLs for the requested client: %s", redirectURL)
				writeAPIError(w, http.StatusBadRequest,
					newAPIError(errorInvalidRequest, "invalid redirect_uri"))

		_, err = emailer.SendEmailVerification(usr.ID, clientID, *redirectURL)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to send email verification email: %v", err)
			writeAPIError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
				newAPIError(errorServerError, "could not send email at this time"))
		writeResponseWithBody(w, http.StatusOK, struct{}{})