Exemplo n.º 1
func init() {
	// call this as early as possible to ensure we always have timestamps
	// on fleetctl logs

	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Help, "help", false, "Print usage information and exit")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Help, "h", false, "Print usage information and exit")

	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Debug, "debug", false, "Print out more debug information to stderr")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Version, "version", false, "Print the version and exit")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.ClientDriver, "driver", clientDriverAPI, fmt.Sprintf("Adapter used to execute fleetctl commands. Options include %q and %q.", clientDriverAPI, clientDriverEtcd))
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.Endpoint, "endpoint", defaultEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("Location of the fleet API if --driver=%s. Alternatively, if --driver=%s, location of the etcd API.", clientDriverAPI, clientDriverEtcd))
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.EtcdKeyPrefix, "etcd-key-prefix", registry.DefaultKeyPrefix, "Keyspace for fleet data in etcd (development use only!)")

	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.KeyFile, "key-file", "", "Location of TLS key file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.CertFile, "cert-file", "", "Location of TLS cert file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.CAFile, "ca-file", "", "Location of TLS CA file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd")

	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.KnownHostsFile, "known-hosts-file", ssh.DefaultKnownHostsFile, "File used to store remote machine fingerprints. Ignored if strict host key checking is disabled.")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.StrictHostKeyChecking, "strict-host-key-checking", true, "Verify host keys presented by remote machines before initiating SSH connections.")
	globalFlagset.Float64Var(&globalFlags.SSHTimeout, "ssh-timeout", 10.0, "Amount of time in seconds to allow for SSH connection initialization before failing.")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.Tunnel, "tunnel", "", "Establish an SSH tunnel through the provided address for communication with fleet and etcd.")
	globalFlagset.Float64Var(&globalFlags.RequestTimeout, "request-timeout", 3.0, "Amount of time in seconds to allow a single request before considering it failed.")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.SSHUserName, "ssh-username", "core", "Username to use when connecting to CoreOS instance.")

	// deprecated flags
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.ExperimentalAPI, "experimental-api", true, hidden)
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.KeyFile, "etcd-keyfile", "", hidden)
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.CertFile, "etcd-certfile", "", hidden)
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.CAFile, "etcd-cafile", "", hidden)
Exemplo n.º 2
func init() {
	// call this as early as possible to ensure we always have timestamps
	// on fleetctl logs

	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Debug, "debug", false, "Print out more debug information to stderr")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.Version, "version", false, "Print the version and exit")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.Endpoint, "endpoint", "", "etcd endpoint for fleet")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.EtcdKeyPrefix, "etcd-key-prefix", registry.DefaultKeyPrefix, "Keyspace for fleet data in etcd (development use only!)")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.EtcdKeyFile, "etcd-keyfile", "", "etcd key file authentication")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.EtcdCertFile, "etcd-certfile", "", "etcd cert file authentication")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.EtcdCAFile, "etcd-cafile", "", "etcd CA file authentication")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.UseAPI, "experimental-api", false, "Use the experimental HTTP API. This flag will be removed when the API is no longer considered experimental.")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.KnownHostsFile, "known-hosts-file", ssh.DefaultKnownHostsFile, "File used to store remote machine fingerprints. Ignored if strict host key checking is disabled.")
	globalFlagset.BoolVar(&globalFlags.StrictHostKeyChecking, "strict-host-key-checking", true, "Verify host keys presented by remote machines before initiating SSH connections.")
	globalFlagset.StringVar(&globalFlags.Tunnel, "tunnel", "", "Establish an SSH tunnel through the provided address for communication with fleet and etcd.")
	globalFlagset.Float64Var(&globalFlags.RequestTimeout, "request-timeout", 3.0, "Amount of time in seconds to allow a single request before considering it failed.")
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: fleetctl.go Projeto: pulcy/j2
func main() {
	if globalFlags.Debug {

	// call this as early as possible to ensure we always have timestamps
	// on fleetctl logs

	if len(os.Args) == 1 {

	if os.Args[1] == "--version" || os.Args[1] == "-v" {
		runVersion(cmdVersion, nil)

	// determine currentCommand. We only need this for --replace and its
	// functional tests, so just handle those for now in the switch...
	// "The rest" doesn't care about "currentCommand"
	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ {
			switch os.Args[i] {
			case "start":
				currentCommand = "start"
			case "load":
				currentCommand = "load"
			case "submit":
				currentCommand = "submit"

	if sharedFlags.Sign {
		stderr("WARNING: The signed/verified units feature is DEPRECATED and cannot be used.")

	// if --driver is not set, but --endpoint looks like an etcd
	// server, set the driver to etcd
	if globalFlags.Endpoint != "" && globalFlags.ClientDriver == "" {
		if u, err := url.Parse(strings.Split(globalFlags.Endpoint, ",")[0]); err == nil {
			if _, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host); err == nil && (port == "4001" || port == "2379") {
				log.Debugf("Defaulting to --driver=%s as --endpoint appears to be etcd", clientDriverEtcd)
				globalFlags.ClientDriver = clientDriverEtcd


	if err := cmdFleet.Execute(); err != nil {
		stderr("cannot execute cmdFleet: %v", err)