Exemplo n.º 1
func TestJSONMarshal(t *testing.T) {

	// @todo these tests will fail once i18n has been fully implemented. so fix this.
	var prefix = `"` + string(i18n.DefaultCurrencySign) + " "
	tests := []struct {
		prec      int
		haveI     int64
		haveEnc   money.JSONMarshaller
		haveValid bool
		want      string
		wantErr   error
		{100, 123456, money.JSONNumber, true, `1234.56`, nil},
		{1000, 123456, money.JSONNumber, true, `123.456`, nil},
		{10000, 123456, money.JSONNumber, true, `12.3456`, nil},
		{10, 123456, money.JSONNumber, true, `12345.6`, nil},
		{100, 123456, money.JSONNumber, false, `null`, nil},
		{0, 123456, money.JSONNumber, true, `123456`, nil},

		{100, 123456, money.JSONLocale, true, prefix + `1,234.56"`, nil},
		{1000, 123456, money.JSONLocale, true, prefix + `123.46"`, nil},
		{10000, 123456, money.JSONLocale, true, prefix + `12.35"`, nil},
		{10, 123456, money.JSONLocale, true, prefix + `12,345.60"`, nil},
		{100, 123456, money.JSONLocale, false, `null`, nil},
		{0, 123456, money.JSONLocale, true, prefix + `123,456.00"`, nil},

		{100, 123456, money.JSONExtended, true, `[1234.56, "$", "$ 1,234.56"]`, nil},
		{1000, 123456, money.JSONExtended, true, `[123.456, "$", "$ 123.46"]`, nil},
		{10000, 123456, money.JSONExtended, true, `[12.3456, "$", "$ 12.35"]`, nil},
		{10, 123456, money.JSONExtended, true, `[12345.6, "$", "$ 12,345.60"]`, nil},
		{100, 123456, money.JSONExtended, false, `null`, nil},
		{0, 123456, money.JSONExtended, true, `[123456, "$", "$ 123,456.00"]`, nil},

	for _, test := range tests {
		c := money.New(
		c.Valid = test.haveValid

		have, err := c.MarshalJSON()
		if test.wantErr != nil {
			assert.Error(t, err, "%v", test)
			assert.Nil(t, have, "%v", test)
		} else {
			haveS := string(have)
			assert.NoError(t, err, "%v", test)
			if haveS != test.want {
				// assert.Equal... is not useful in this case
				t.Errorf("\nHave: %s\nWant: %s\n", haveS, test.want)
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestScan(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		src     interface{}
		want    string
		wantErr error
		{nil, `NaN`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x39, 0x39, 0x39, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30}, `999.0000`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x30, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x39, 0x33, 0x33}, `705.9933`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x30, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x39, 0x33, 0x33}, `705.9933`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x30, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x39, 0x33, 0x33}, `705.9933`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x30, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x39, 0x33, 0x33}, `705.9933`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x30, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x19, 0x39, 0x33, 0x13}, `0.0000`, strconv.ErrSyntax},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x33}, `73.0000`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x38}, `78.0000`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x34}, `74.0000`, nil},
		{[]byte{0x37, 0x37}, `77.0000`, nil},
		{[]byte{0xa7, 0x3e}, `0.0000`, strconv.ErrSyntax},
		{int(33), `0.0000`, errors.New("Unsupported Type int for value. Supported: []byte")},

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for _, test := range tests {
		var c money.Currency
		err := c.Scan(test.src)

		if test.wantErr != nil {
			assert.Error(t, err, "%v", test)
			assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), test.wantErr.Error())
		} else {
			assert.NoError(t, err, "%v", test)
			assert.EqualValues(t, test.want, string(c.Ftoa()), "%v", test)

			if _, err := c.NumberWriter(&buf); err != nil {
			buf.WriteString("; ")

	want := `NaN; 999.000; 705.993; 705.993; 705.993; 705.993; 73.000; 78.000; 74.000; 77.000; `
	have := buf.String()
	if want != have {
		t.Errorf("\nHave: %s\n\nWant: %s\n", have, want)
Exemplo n.º 3
func TestMulNumber(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		prec  int
		have1 int64
		have2 int64
		want  string
		{0, 1300, 1300, "1690000.000"},
		{100, 1300, 1300, "169.000"},
		{1000, 18100, 18100, "327.610"},
		{100, 1319, 1488, "196.270"},
		{1000, 1319, 1488, "1.963"},
		{100, 13, -13, "-0.020"},
		{100, 1300, -1300, "-169.000"},
		{1000, 1300, -1300, "-1.690"},
		{100, 13, 13, "0.020"},
		{100, 45628734653, -45628734653, "250065429529630.200"}, // overflow of int64 ?
		{100, 45628734653, -456287346, "-237307016244604.920"},
		{100, math.MaxInt64, 2, "0.000"},

	for _, test := range tests {
		c := money.New(

		c = c.Mul(money.New(money.Precision(test.prec)).Set(test.have2))

		haveB, err := c.Number()
		assert.NoError(t, err)
		have := string(haveB)
		if have != test.want {
			t.Errorf("\nWant: %s\nHave: %s\nSign %d\nIndex: %v\n", test.want, have, c.Sign(), test)
Exemplo n.º 4
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		prec int
		have int64
		want string
		{0, 13, "$ 13.00"},
		{10, 13, "$ 1.30"},
		{100, 13, "$ 0.13"},
		{1000, 13, "$ 0.01"},
		{100, -13, "$ -0.13"},
		{0, -45628734653, "$ -45,628,734,653.00"},
		{10, -45628734653, "$ -4,562,873,465.30"},
		{100, -45628734653, "$ -456,287,346.53"},
		{1000, -45628734653, "$ -45,628,734.65"},
		{100, 256, "$ 2.56"},
		10: {1234, -45628734653, "$ -4,562,873.47"},
		{100, -45628734655, "$ -456,287,346.55"},
		{100, -45628734611, "$ -456,287,346.11"},
		{100, -45628734699, "$ -456,287,346.99"},
		14: {10000000, 45628734699, "$ 4,562.87"},
		15: {10000000, 45628734655, "$ 4,562.87"},

	for i, test := range tests {
		c := money.New(
		have := c.String()
		if have != test.want {
			t.Errorf("\nWant: %s\nHave: %s\nIndex: %d\n", test.want, have, i)

Exemplo n.º 5
func TestSwedishNumber(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		prec int
		iv   money.Interval
		have int64
		want string
		{0, money.Interval005, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{100, money.Interval005, 25600, "256.000"},
		{10, money.Interval005, 25689, "2568.900"},
		{100, money.Interval005, 25689, "256.900"},
		{1000, money.Interval005, 25689, "25.700"},
		{100, money.Interval005, 25642, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval005, 25644, "256.450"},

		{0, money.Interval010, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{10, money.Interval010, 25689, "2568.900"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25689, "256.900"},
		{1000, money.Interval010, 25689, "25.700"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25642, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25644, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25639, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25635, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 25634, "256.300"},
		{100, money.Interval010, 256345, "2563.500"},

		{0, money.Interval015, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{10, money.Interval015, 25689, "2568.900"},
		{10, money.Interval015, 25685, "2568.400"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25689, "256.900"},
		{1000, money.Interval015, 25689, "25.700"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25642, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25644, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25639, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25635, "256.300"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25636, "256.400"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 25634, "256.300"},
		{100, money.Interval015, 256345, "2563.400"},

		{0, money.Interval025, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{10, money.Interval025, 25689, "2569.000"},
		{10, money.Interval025, 25685, "2568.500"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25689, "257.000"},
		{1000, money.Interval025, 25689, "25.750"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25642, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25644, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25639, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25624, "256.250"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25625, "256.250"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 25634, "256.250"},
		{100, money.Interval025, 256345, "2563.500"},

		{0, money.Interval050, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{10, money.Interval050, 25689, "2569.000"},
		{10, money.Interval050, 25685, "2568.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25689, "257.000"},
		{1000, money.Interval050, 25689, "25.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25642, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25644, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25639, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25624, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25625, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 25634, "256.500"},
		{100, money.Interval050, 256345, "2563.500"},

		{0, money.Interval100, 25689, "25689.000"},
		{10, money.Interval100, 25689, "2569.000"},
		{10, money.Interval100, 25685, "2569.000"},
		{10, money.Interval100, 25684, "2568.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25689, "257.000"},
		{1000, money.Interval100, 25689, "26.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25642, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25644, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25639, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25624, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25625, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 25634, "256.000"},
		{100, money.Interval100, 256345, "2563.000"},
	for _, test := range tests {
		c := money.New(

		haveB, err := c.Swedish(money.Swedish(test.iv)).Number()
		assert.NoError(t, err, "%v", test)
		have := string(haveB)
		if have != test.want {
			t.Errorf("\nWant: %s\nHave: %s\nIndex: %v\n", test.want, have, test)